1534 Tyndale Bible PBB



  • Mark E. Ryman
    Mark E. Ryman Member Posts: 154 ✭✭

    When I try to build the PB it says I need a license. When I go to the suggested link on Logos.com, it says it can't find the file. I have ordered and pre-ordered everything Tyndale I can from Logos. What am I missing here?

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,112


    When I try to build the PB it says I need a license. When I go to the suggested link on Logos.com, it says it can't find the file. I have ordered and pre-ordered everything Tyndale I can from Logos. What am I missing here?

    erm - the difference between PBs and Logos resources? Or telling us that you use two different machines?

    If the latter: PBs currently don't sync between machines, only their metadata do. So when you build it on your home PC and then want to open it on your office PC, it will display a message that says "you have no licence for this product". This message is not geared to the PB situation.  

    Obviously you can't buy a licence for your Personal Book on logos.com (the message is not helpful, following it to logos.com will not help you at all). In the current 5.3 beta you can "upload" your PB (from the machine you built it on to the Logos cloud) and Logos will download it to all your other desktop machines (not yet implememted: mobile devices). Alternatively you can build the PB on the second machine (use the same source file - you need to copy it over manually) or scan the Logos file (again: copy over manually) which both are not really smooth solutions.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    For what its worth, it compiles just fine on my computer.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • George Davis King, Jr.
    George Davis King, Jr. Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    All you have to do is make a collection with these rules "edition:user" then your personal books with show up on every pc or mac that has Logos 5 installed.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    All you have to do is make a collection with these rules "edition:user" then your personal books with show up on every pc or mac that has Logos 5 installed.

    well... its actually a little more complicated than that.

    With the new beta, once it is released, they will all automatically sync. Until then, they only sync the meta data. If you try and open a book on a computer where the book has not been compiled it will give you a license issue error, and if that is clicked, it will take you to a page that doesn't exist on the logos store with another awkward error.

    To get around that, you should compile all your PBBs on every computer you intend to use them on, or use a utility like drop box to sync files between computers, and then use the scan command to ensure they are all in the libraries of both pcs (or macs).

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Mark E. Ryman
    Mark E. Ryman Member Posts: 154 ✭✭

    Thanks, all, for your help.

    I deleted everything and started over. It works now. Third time really is a charm.

    I have it pulled in with my other Bibles and synced to view with the verses being studied in other translations. Very nice. 

    And very excited.

  • Peter Bongers
    Peter Bongers Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Much appreciated... thanks!

  • Dave L
    Dave L Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Thanks!! This is a great find.

  • RoseTheSeeker
    RoseTheSeeker Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Many thanks for all your time and effort!

    Really looking forward to reading something from one of the first English translators who suffered so much to make the Bible available to all.

    I wonder if he had any idea how many English speaking people there would be who benefited what he started.[Y]

  • Dean Edridge
    Dean Edridge Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Thank you very much for your efforts, Mark. Much appreciated.

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    Thank you very much for your efforts, Mark. Much appreciated.

    Welcome to the forums.  And you now know why searching the 'old' threads are a useful activity.

  • Evasive3083
    Evasive3083 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Hi Mark, thank you ! I'm very interested to know the coding part. I am making a personal book with a bible.

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭

    Hi Adrien:

    Mark is now on staff with Faithlife, so I doubt he'll be able to reply. I can tell you what I know, if that helps.

    First, here's a link to the Logos Wiki page for Personal Books, with general information you'll need for any type of personal book you make, bibles or otherwise:  https://wiki.logos.com/Personal_Books 

    Here are some notes specifically regarding bibles:

    1. You will want your personal book bible to behave as much as possible like a Logos-produced bible does. This will include, but isn't limited to, these functions:
      1. 'Bible' index. Your bible will need an index to enable it to be in a Link Set with other bible-index resources, to be in a Multi-view with thos, to be able to be navigated by typing in the Reference Box, and to be discovered in a Milestone search.
      2. The actual bible text will need to be tagged, so that Bible searches will find it, Text Comparison will work, Copy Bible verses will work, etc.
      3. You will want book names to have MS Word 'Heading 1' style applied, chapter names to be in 'Heading 2'. This will make your Table of Contents pane useful. If your bible has pericope (or section) headings, those will need 'Heading 3' applied.
    2. Here are examples of the tagging elements:
      1. Bible Milestone. This is in the form of   [[@Bible:John 3:3]]  When your PB is compiled, these tags will provide the Bible index.
      2. (Optional):  If you want to be able to mouse-over a verse number and see your Preferred Bible for that verse, use this tag as a replacement for the verse number:   [[3|bible:John 3:3]]
      3. Bible text will need to be marked-off like this:  {{field-on:Bible}}Text text text.{{field-off:Bible}}
    3. You'll need to use Type:Bible in the Personal Book Tool, and also denote the Language. The Language specification is only related to library metadata, so it isn't related to language-marking of the text itself (for purposes of dictionaries, etc.).

    I have done a couple of PB bibles, one of which I can share here as an example. But before I do that, let's try to save you a lot of work with some questions:

    • Are you sure the bible you want is not available in Logos? (probably $10-$30). Let us know what translation you're interested in. You might have missed it in a search and we can help.
    • Are you needing a non-English translation? If so, tell us what that is; someone might have already posted a PB for it and we can help you look for it.

    If you're certain you need to do a PB, post a three-chapter sample here and I, or someone smarter than I, can offer suggestions on how to proceed. If the technique I used on my PB bible would apply to your source document, I can post the files and provide another of my novellas (oh boy!) to explain it.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Evasive3083
    Evasive3083 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Hi Robert, thanks a lot for your message.

    The translation I want to transform is in French, from the free ebook: https://lmet.numilog.com/648243/Sagesse-vivante.ebook

    It covers only some of the Wisdom books, not yet on the Logos catalogue but I have requested it (https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-book-requests/posts/fr-livres-de-l-at-selon-alfred-kuen)

    I have already turned other books of the Bible into my own but wanted to know if I could have a code already done. I know a little bit about Regex, but don't know much about coding...

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭

    Ok, I understand now. I think you're way ahead of me. I don't know what 'Regex' is, but from your context, it is apparently some kind of text handler / parser. I assume it functions with codes that produce a desired arrangement or editing of the text based on detected patterns. In my work life I dealt with what I think is a similar product, 'Monarch', that helps the user to 'flatten' mainframe financial reports for desktop reporting in Access and Excel. When you mentioned 'coding', I assumed it was newbie-speak for 'tagging'.

    What I did to produce my PB bibles was much more primitive than what I think you're referring to.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
