Mobile Ed: Studies in the Gospels Bundle (9 courses)

Will this bundle always be ONE bundle?
It is, although there is 40% discount, very expensive. But if it was sold in 9 different courses then I (and maybe many other) could afford it over time.
Faithlife probably won't answer you on this one, but they do typically unbundle bundles eventually. There are some which they are not allowed to by the publishers, but since the Mobile Ed courses are being created by them, they have full control over them. So I would predict we will see these as individual courses within a year or so. If you can wait that long... (And I can't guarantee how long it will take; they sometimes take several years to unbundle things; I guess if the sales are going strong already with the bundle intact they don't see any hurry in unbundling it.)
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It would be nice if you could buy this bundle with monthly pays. I know it is pre-pub, but I really would like to get my hands on this one - just too bad.
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I might be wrong, but I think they were planning on introducing payment plants for pre-pubs. You might need to set it up directly with a sales rep if they have the option available already, and I'm not sure they do. But certainly contacting Sales would be the starting point for finding out and then placing an order if it's possible to do it the way you'd like to.
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Rosie - that all sounds like a very logical assumption.
And Jack - there's a pay up front option with this bundle that would allow you to put it on a payment plan now. It also gives you the courses as they're ready instead of waiting for the pre-pub to be complete. At this point, it would give you 5/9 courses. It's a call-in offer only and Sales will be able to give you the details. Hope that helps!
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Thanks. It's not that easy when you live in Denmark. Phone calls to other countries are quite expensive, but I might take the chance though
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Let me know if you'd like me to have a Sales rep contact you by email. I'd be happy to do that for you if it would help!
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That would be nice. Thank you very much!
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So last Friday I got this salesman 'on the line', but after that I have not heard anything from him. So could I get another try?
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Yes! I'll email you and make sure this gets taken care of!