We want your input on future Mobile Ed speakers

Miles Custis
Miles Custis Member, Logos Employee Posts: 411
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

We've filmed about 200 Mobile Ed courses from close to 100 different speakers. We're going to keep filming courses, and we want to get your feedback on who you'd like to see teach future Mobile Ed courses.

  • Who are some biblical scholars, theologians, or teachers you would like to see teach a Mobile Ed course?
  • Are there are any current Mobile Ed speakers who you would like to see more courses from?
  • What topics would you like to see covered in future courses?


  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Daniel Akin teaching Hermeneutics.
    New Testament by Ed Gravely
    Greek 1,2, etc by David Alan Black.
    Old Testament by Robert L. Cole.
    Nathan Finn - Baptist History (or any church history topic - Note his CV doesn't reflect his current Chair)
    Ethics by Mark Leiderbach.

    All of the above (except Finn) are/were professors at SEBTS, Finn is the theology chair at Union.

    I have a few more i could add to the list, but these are the professors who've made the biggest impacts on me. In 15 years of formal post highschool education - the list of professors that made me love more dearly both my Lord and the subject is relatively small - but these six are definitely at the top. 

    Akin is certainly at or near the top of my list. I've studied hermeneutics before, and other under excellent teachers. However there is something about his way of teaching that left an indelible mark upon me, drew me closer to the Lord and increased my love of God's word.

    You might also consider Dr. William Roach to teach a class on Carl F.H. Henry, or CSBI, or inerrancy in general. He co-authored a book on the latter with Norm Geisler (and J.I Packer), and recently authored a book on the inerrancy debate. His doctoral dissertation was on Carl F.H. Henry and his epistemology IIRC.

    Roach's books (would be good to pull into Logos btw)


    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    In no particular order:

    Bishop-Elect Robert Barron, STD, on evangelization and/or his topic(s) of choice

    Dr. Scott Hahn on anything to do with exegesis, covenant theology, apologetics, ...

    Dr. Edward Feser on philosophy and theology, St. Thomas Aquinas, and apologetics.

    Dr. Peter Kreeft on philosophy and theology, as well as apologetics.

    Dr. Taylor Marshall on St. Paul the Apostle.

    Dcn. James Keating, PhD, on spiritual and moral formation.

    Dr. Matthew Levering on connections between the OT and NT and select scriptural topics.

    Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, DPhil, on Christology.

    Dr. Robert P. George on Christian ethics.

    Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM Cap., PhD, on Christology and the Early Church Fathers.

    Dr. Christopher Kaczor on Christian ethics.

    Dr. Daniel G. Van Slyke on the history of aspects of Christian theology.

    Fr. Aidan Nichols, OP, PhD, on Catholic systematic and dogmatic theology.

    John Martignoni on apologetics and the Bible in the Catholic Church.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Mark Ziebold
    Mark Ziebold Member Posts: 124 ✭✭

    Tom Schreiner

    D.A. Carson

    G.K. Beale

    Wayne Grudem

    Ligon Duncan

    Carl Trueman

    Mark Dever

    Sinclair Ferguson

    Kevin DeYoung

    William Mounce (on other topics than basics of Biblical Greek)

  • Mark Ziebold
    Mark Ziebold Member Posts: 124 ✭✭

    Michael Kruger on anything having to do with the Canon.  

  • Stephen McCracken
    Stephen McCracken Member Posts: 495 ✭✭

    What topics would you like to see covered in future courses?

    I would love to see courses that explore the writings of certain individuals like

    • The Theology of John Calvin
    • The Theology of Karl Barth
    • The Theology of Jonathan Edwards
    • (and since its on Pre-Pub) The Theology of T F Torrance (as a UK theologian)

    Of course I cannot afford to buy their works AND but buy the Mobile Ed at current prices so it would be great to see some course discount offered for the course since their works are essential for the course.

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    Of course I cannot afford to buy their works AND but the Mobile Ed at current prices so it would be great to see some course discount offered for the course since their works are essential for the course.

    Packaging certain Mobile Ed courses with specific texts used with the course definitely has potential.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Jonathan Sine
    Jonathan Sine Member Posts: 453 ✭✭

    Tom Schreiner

    D.A. Carson

    G.K. Beale

    Wayne Grudem

    Ligon Duncan

    Carl Trueman

    Mark Dever

    Sinclair Ferguson

    Kevin DeYoung

    William Mounce (on other topics than basics of Biblical Greek)

    I'm good with this list. [:)]

    Jonathan Sine

    Pastor - Squamish Baptist Church

    2 Cor. 4.6

  • Keith Larson
    Keith Larson Member Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    Randall Buth or your very own John Schwandt to teach biblical Greek as a living language.

    Randall Buth for living biblical Hebrew.

  • Keith Larson
    Keith Larson Member Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    Might want to also consider Dr. T. Michael W. Halcomb of the Conversational Koine Institute. I think the time is right for Logos to do something truly revolutionary with the teaching of Greek and Hebrew. With someone like John Schwandt on your staff it would be an waste to miss this opportunity.

  • Eddie Beal
    Eddie Beal Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Leland Ryken (Wheaton) on Reading the Bible as Literature

    Alan Jacobs (Baylor) on just about anything (though C.S. Lewis might be a good start)

    Someone (maybe Dr. Jarvis Williams - SBTS) on racial reconciliation and/or a history of race in American Christianity

    Dr. John Hannah (DTS) on some aspect of Church History (history of Charismatic movements)

    Daniel Wallace (DTS), C. Samuel Storms, Douglas Kelly (RTS)

    I'll second many of the others, particularly Dr. Akin and Dr. Trueman

  • Brandon Rappuhn
    Brandon Rappuhn Member Posts: 113 ✭✭

    In no particular order:

    Bishop-Elect Robert Barron, STD, on evangelization and/or his topic(s) of choice

    Dr. Scott Hahn on anything to do with exegesis, covenant theology, apologetics, ...

    Dr. Edward Feser on philosophy and theology, St. Thomas Aquinas, and apologetics.

    Dr. Peter Kreeft on philosophy and theology, as well as apologetics.

    Dr. Taylor Marshall on St. Paul the Apostle.

    Dcn. James Keating, PhD, on spiritual and moral formation.

    Dr. Matthew Levering on connections between the OT and NT and select scriptural topics.

    Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, DPhil, on Christology.

    Dr. Robert P. George on Christian ethics.

    Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM Cap., PhD, on Christology and the Early Church Fathers.

    Dr. Christopher Kaczor on Christian ethics.

    Dr. Daniel G. Van Slyke on the history of aspects of Christian theology.

    Fr. Aidan Nichols, OP, PhD, on Catholic systematic and dogmatic theology.

    John Martignoni on apologetics and the Bible in the Catholic Church.

    A+. This is my favorite list ever. I would double-up my votes on Dr. Edward Feser, Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Aiden Nichols, Dr. Matthew Levering, Fr. Thomas Joseph White. I might add Fr. Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis, OCSO, for spiritual formation, and Fr. Donald P. Senior, CP, for biblical interpretation, but good luck pulling them out of their respective Trappist monastery and all of the things Fr. Donald Senior is up to. Maybe Dr. Francis J. Moloney, too, to teach specific book studies from the New Testament.

  • Steve Farson
    Steve Farson Member Posts: 341 ✭✭
  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Tom Schreiner

    D.A. Carson

    G.K. Beale

    Wayne Grudem

    Ligon Duncan

    Carl Trueman

    Mark Dever

    Sinclair Ferguson

    Kevin DeYoung

    William Mounce (on other topics than basics of Biblical Greek)

    I go along with that list 100%. I'd add:

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 1,284 ✭✭✭

    I would love to see Sinclair Ferguson in Mobile Ed.

  • John Kight
    John Kight Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭

    Michael Kruger on anything having to do with the Canon.  

    [y] Especially if we could finally get some of his books on the matter in Logos format!!

    For book reviews and more visit sojotheo.com 

  • Kevin A Lewis
    Kevin A Lewis Member Posts: 758 ✭✭

    This will sound very "crass" - however!

    Can we prioritise any scholars by age. Those of a more mature age often have much insight and knowledge to share - and the clocks are counting.

    i.e. get them while you can.

    As I sounds bad - but there it is.


  • Mark Johnson
    Mark Johnson Member Posts: 280 ✭✭

    D.A. Carson

    G.K. Beale

    James Thompson - Hebrews, 2 Corinthians, The intersection of biblical theology and preaching

    Richard Oster - Acts, Revelation, Ephesians

    David Bland and David Fleer - Preaching

    John Mark Hicks - Theology in Ministry, Suffering and Lament

    Glen Pemberton - Lament

  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,186

    I saw Mark Dever listed generically earlier, but I think him teaching Ecclesiology would be awesome. A course on the 9 marks of a healthy church would also be great, but less in the stream of existing Mobile Ed.

  • Mark Johnson
    Mark Johnson Member Posts: 280 ✭✭

    Clinton Arnold - Ephesians, Colossians, and Spiritual Warfare

  • Christopher Engelsma
    Christopher Engelsma Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    I would like to teach a course in Introductory Greek based on the inductive method as is done here:  www.almartin.org

  • Stephen McCracken
    Stephen McCracken Member Posts: 495 ✭✭

    Of course I cannot afford to buy their works AND but buy the Mobile Ed at current prices so it would be great to see some course discount offered for the course since their works are essential for the course.

    Well what do we have on https://www.logos.com/mobile-ed/programs-of-study. Book bundles of titles included in the courses. And I think they are dynamically priced those it doesn't say nor have I purchased to know what book I would get. Still, this is the kind of thing I wanted to see.

    Since this is getting off topic I will start a new thread on this issue.