Strange Mobile Ed Course

Today a new course showed up under my Mobile Ed Courses. Why is the DIY Bible Study showing up under Mobile Ed?
Are you referring to the "Courses" tool? This doesn't show just Mobile Ed, but includes all video courses we have produced, including DIY Bible Study.
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NO, I am not referring to the courses tool.
It appeared yesterday on the homepage of the desktop application of Logos 6, and in the courses section of the Ios app on the Ipad.
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I just checked the new "courses" tool and it appears there as well.
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Hi Kenneth,
We did change the resource type of the DIY Bible Study course so that it would show up in the new courses tool and benefit from its functionality. That is why you are seeing it in the different places previously reserved for Mobile Ed. As we continue to develop more "Courseware" type material, you may see additional non-Mobile Ed courses appear in these sections. Mobile Ed is still our flagship courseware, but we have other courses that benefit from the tools developed for Mobile Ed and may appear alongside your Mobile Ed content.
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My home page also lists AM Moody courses. I am happy to see the additions.
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