NEW: Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos 6

We're happy to announce that the all new Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos 6 is now on pre-pub.
Whether you want to learn Greek and Hebrew for the first time or are simply looking for a refresher, Michael Heiser and Johnny Cisneros are excellent guides. With this tools-based approach, you’ll learn the terminology, tools, and methods needed to interpret words and passages of Scripture—without memorization.
could we see more videos to see what the course is like before pre-order it?
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What's the upgrade price for those who owned the BROKEN previous version?
When I bought the previous version 2 years ago, the teaching materials CANNOT BE FOLLOWED.
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Thank you Celeste - its great to see this new product arriving at prepublication. If you are able to advise whether a discount on the prepublication price would be available for those who purchased the earlier DVD based product that would be appreciated.
I'm sure there are people like myself who will still see the prepublication price as very expensive. Some foreign residents will also have to pay more because of currency exchange rates. As I purchase from Australia the cost increases by around 30 per cent for that reason. A further discount could make purchasing the product more attractive to people who would like to improve their use of Hebrew and Greek in Logos 6 by updating what they currently possess. Keep well Paul
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I am an owner of the prior DVD's as well. I would like to know whether I should order this now as a pre-pub or hold off and get it as an discounted update to my current set. Thanks
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[:O] I hardly recognize myself!
But yes, if you own the previous version, you will want to wait for the product to go live before placing your order.
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Celeste Chute said:
I hardly recognize myself!
But yes, if you own the previous version, you will want to wait for the product to go live before placing your order.
Just to be sure I'm clear on what going "Live" means- Does it mean that I should wait until after the product is shipped and no longer on pre-pub to see what the price will be? Thanks.
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Edited: I'm posting in my sleep folks. Good night.
Gerard Shanley said:Just to be sure I'm clear on what going "Live" means- Does it mean that I should wait until after the product is shipped and no longer on pre-pub to see what the price will be? Thanks.
Yes, you understand correctly. But we need Celeste or another Faithlife employee to explain what constitutes a previous ownership.
1) Someone who purchased the initial, flawed CDs off someone else who was dumping them.
2) Someone who owns the corrected videos that were downloaded after the initial CDs
You can be assured the upgrade price for previous owners will be cheaper than the Pre-Pub price. We just don't know how much cheaper.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Are these videos primarily of value to people without knowledge of the languages, or is their instruction in the software alone worth the price?
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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Any update on what the upgrade price is going to be?
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Super.Tramp said:
But we need Celeste or another Faithlife employee to explain what constitutes a previous ownership.
1) Someone who purchased the initial, flawed CDs off someone else who was dumping them.
2) Someone who owns the corrected videos that were downloaded after the initial CDs
Once the Mobile Ed bundle is released, we will be contacting the customers who purchased the original product with their special upgrade price. If you purchased the original product from somewhere other than Logos, you'll be able to call in after it's live to receive your discount. You can also email me to have your name added to the 'upgrade list'.
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Jesse Blevins said:
Any update on what the upgrade price is going to be?
Since their still not telling us, then expect it to be more than we like. I personally have no plans to update unless it's very reasonable. I still have a bad taste in my mouth because I bought them just before Logos 6 came out. I was not able to make use of them for the first few months due to time constraints. Then I started through them and a few weeks later 6 beta came out and I was invited to view it for review in CCMag. In other words I never really got any use out of them.
If it's more than 10% of the original price, I'll be unhappy. Plus, this will likley be very version specific like the 1st one and so once 7 comes out they'll be asking us for more money.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
I'm pretty optimistic that the price will be right for those who purchased the original DVDs. Logos seems to come through for their customers.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Kevin A. Purcell said:
Since their still not telling us, then expect it to be more than we like.
Funny, what I would infer from their "not telling us" is that it is a complex formula based partially on when you bought them. With different prices for different users, they can't announce "a price" because its a "well it depends" price.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Kevin A. Purcell said:
If it's more than 10% of the original price, I'll be unhappy.
I very much doubt it will be that low. According to the product descriptions, the new resource has 24 hours of instruction, compared to 15 hours of the previous one. As it's $300 on pre-pub, I expect the upgrade price to be somewhere between $200-$250 — though perhaps people like you who bought very recently might be given a lower price.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Didn't it come out under Logos 4? If I recall correctly, there has been a call for Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew since Logos 5 came out. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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Kevin A. Purcell said:
Since their still not telling us, then expect it to be more than we like.
I expect only that the price for the upgrade, to be announced once the product is released, will be lower than the pre-pub and that if I decide to purchase the upgrade I will have 30 days within which to return it for a full refund.
MJ. Smith said:Funny, what I would infer from their "not telling us" is that it is a complex formula based partially on when you bought them. With different prices for different users, they can't announce "a price" because its a "well it depends" price.
MJ I have always tracked with your thinking as disclosed in the Community Forums but not this time. I can see from Mark's post that he is tracking with you on this. To me it seems unreasonable to base the upgrade price on purchase date. I'll consider it further and we'll all see in the end.
I do anticipate the release though there are more pressing concerns.
"The Christian mind is the prerequisite of Christian thinking. And Christian thinking is the prerequisite of Christian action." - Harry Blamires, 1963
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JAL said:
MJ I have always tracked with your thinking as disclosed in the Community Forums but not this time. I can see from Mark's post that he is tracking with you on this. To me it seems unreasonable to base the upgrade price on purchase date. I'll consider it further and we'll all see in the end.
Faithlife often makes special provisions for people who purchase 30 days (or up to 90 days) prior to a new release so that people don't hold off purchasing based on rumors of a new version just "around the corner".
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Faithlife often makes special provisions for people who purchase 30 days (or up to 90 days) prior to a new release so that people don't hold off purchasing based on rumors of a new version just "around the corner".
This is a reasonable practice with which I am familiar. I also think that the Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew product should be treated as any other.
It seems to me that anyone recently purchasing the product knew, or soon discovered, that the examples keyed to Andersen-Forbes morphology are an impediment to following the Hebrew component. I am confident Faithlife addressed any complaints reasonably.
Too bad an update couldn't be as simple as just providing replacement for the affected content. (To be clear I am explicitly stating that producing the replacement would not be trivial.)
With regard to the all new Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos 6, apart from redressing the devaluation caused by the change of morphology, Mark provided reason to think there will be new content imparting additional value."The Christian mind is the prerequisite of Christian thinking. And Christian thinking is the prerequisite of Christian action." - Harry Blamires, 1963
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Kevin A. Purcell said:
I still have a bad taste in my mouth ...
Kevin, did you know that the Hebrew component was broken when you purchased? Did you ever ask for a refund?
"The Christian mind is the prerequisite of Christian thinking. And Christian thinking is the prerequisite of Christian action." - Harry Blamires, 1963
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Any word as to when this product will be available?
Thank you
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As of today, any word yet?
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Thanks for your interest in the Learn to Use Mobile Ed course, Paul. The latest update is that we're currently recording some of the screencasts. We hope to have this course available soon.
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Any update?
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We are nearly done with Learn to Use Hebrew, but Learn to Use Greek is still being recorded. We anticipate wrapping up its recording soon. We don't have a specific ship yet because we still have to complete all the post-production work.
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update please
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Larry West said:
update please
Both courses have been recorded, and we're now doing the post-production work (adding on screen text, proofreading transcripts, writing quizzes, finalizing screencasts, etc.). It looks like we'll be able to release them in November.
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Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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We've set the ship date for these courses now. They'll be available November 19:
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Miles Custis said:
We've set the ship date for these courses now. They'll be available November 19:
Is there a price available yet for those who already own the DVDs as was discussed previously?
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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James Taylor said:
Is there a price available yet for those who already own the DVDs as was discussed previously?
That price will be available once the courses ship. It will be less than the pre-pub price, so don't order the pre-pub if you own the previous version. The price should show up correctly for you on the product page [edit: the lower price will show up in your cart, not the on product page] once the product is live. If it doesn't, you can call sales and they will be able to help make sure you get the lower price.
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To quote myself from February in this thread where I was never answered: "Are these videos primarily of value to people without knowledge of the languages, or is their instruction in the software alone worth the price?"
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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Justin Gatlin said:
"Are these videos primarily of value to people without knowledge of the languages, or is their instruction in the software alone worth the price?"
As one who can read both Hebrew and Greek, I still benefited from the videos, particularly in their explanations of actually applying the knowledge in interpretation. The first several Greek videos, not so much. But the several near the end were great. Also Heiser's example word studies were certainly interesting and beneficial, and there were several visual filter ideas that I'd never thought of doing that were beneficial as well. All in all, there was some great content, in my opinion, even previously having language training. I think it's more of a class on Hermeneutics/Exegesis using Greek/Hebrew tools.
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Miles Custis said:
That price will be available once the courses ship
Why cant this price be available now? Will it be different for different people who previously owned the course? Will this course work in L7 and beyond? or is it a course that will work only in L6?
If we own the resource from L4, will we still be able to use it in L6 and beyond?
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Miles Custis said:
That price will be available once the courses ship
It's a little hard to plan for a purchase without knowing the cost in advance. Can we get a little notice even in an email or something, if it's not going public?
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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James Taylor said:
Can we get a little notice even in an email or something, if it's not going public?
We'll plan on emailing everyone who owns the previous version next week with the info.
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Miles Custis said:James Taylor said:
Can we get a little notice even in an email or something, if it's not going public?
We'll plan on emailing everyone who owns the previous version next week with the info.
That's great, thanks Miles
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Miles Custis said:
We'll plan on emailing everyone who owns the previous version next week with the info.
Looking forward to the email this week.
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My email has just arrived. It says the price for existing users will be $149.95, and available at that price after 19 November until the end of the year.
As I only paid $162.95 for the first course, that means the total I will pay for both versions will be only fractionally higher than people buying the second version on prepub. That's more than fair, I think (although if I paid $499 for the first version, I may not think that.)
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
My email has just arrived. It says the price for existing users will be $149.95, and available at that price after 19 November until the end of the year.
As I only paid $162.95 for the first course, that means the total I will pay for both versions will be only fractionally higher than people buying the second version on prepub. That's more than fair, I think (although if I paid $499 for the first version, I may not think that.)
Got my email. Found it in spam folder. I think upgrade price is fair. Thank, Logos.
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Mark Barnes said:
As I only paid $162.95 for the first course, that means the total I will pay for both versions will be only fractionally higher than people buying the second version on prepub. That's more than fair, I think
I'm in the identical situation but I was hoping that the cost would be a bit less. I have not yet determined if it is worth it for me to upgrade.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
I was hoping that the cost would be a bit less. I have not yet determined if it is worth it for me to upgrade.
I am in the same boat. Remember when I was young hearing the older folks speak of throwing good money after bad. Will need to consider whether that applies to this offer or not.
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Does someone know if this resource ever worked correctly? Did anyone find it useful in L4 and L5?
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Logos made corrections to the first release. I think the Mobile Ed format will be much better received.Mark said:Does someone know if this resource ever worked correctly? Did anyone find it useful in L4 and L5?
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Bruce Dunning said:
I'm in the identical situation but I was hoping that the cost would be a bit less. I have not yet determined if it is worth it for me to upgrade.
I will probably wait on some early adopters to report back on the value added for those who already own the older version. The upgrade price seems a bit steep to me.
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Mark said:
Does someone know if this resource ever worked correctly?
The Hebrew portion worked correctly when first released. Can't answer for the Greek section as I never got around to using it. With the release of Logos 5, FL changed the way Hebrew visual filters worked. This invalidated the examples in the Hebrew portion of Learn to use… It has now taken 3 years to release this new version.
NOTE: I could be wrong in how FL broke the Hebrew examples, but break them they did.