Theology/Denomination Tags



  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    I noticed that the Baptist denominations don't seem to be included in the Believers Baptism collection? Certainly the SBC should be, and if a baptist denomination holds to infant baptism I'm un-aware of it. That is a baptist distinctive.

    Thanks, abs.  I think you are looking at the old Theology: Believers' Baptism collection, which was superseded by Church Theology: Believers' Baptism some time ago.  The collection had hit the character limit for a cell in Excel, so I decided to do it by denomination instead.  Basically, all authors were categorised for this by denomination anyway.  I've now deleted Theology: Believers' Baptism and Theology: Infant Baptism, which had the same problems.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Roy Zuck doesn't seem to be categorized?
    He's dispensational, and attended a bible church that is now called firewheel - an interdenominational evangelical church.

    Thanks again. He'll be included in the next release. [:)]

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Jan Krohn said:

    Here's one more that's still missing:

    John D. Castelein - Restoration Movement / Churches of Christ (a denomination generally not well covered on the list yet...)

    Another thing - would it make sense to open a request on Logos user voice to integrate this project into the actual Logos application? It might be quite successful.

    I did create a User Voice request to include all marketing tags (denomination, language, hierarchy by topic) in the Logos app some time ago, but I think this list here is more precise for denominations than the Logos marketing tags.

    Thanks, Jan.  I've added John D. Castelein.  That will be in the next release.  I'm happy for you to provide as much information on Restoration Movement authors as you can, so long as you give adequate evidence.

    You're spot on with asking for this to be part of Logos.  I just wasn't sure I had the energy to promote it.  I asked Bob Pritchett to add a feature that incorporated this data back in May 2013.  He sounded positive, and I prompted him again back in September 2014.  He said they were working on it and apologised that it was taking so long.  I guess it's taking even longer than he had thought back then, though it's hard for those of us on the outside to see why.  I've been meaning to ask him again, so I'll do that in the next few days.

    In the meantime, I've given three votes to your User Voice suggestion [Y][Y][Y], and suggest that others do the same.  There are well over 1000 people using the collections directly through the Faithlife group (, so it should be popular.

    The full link for voting is here: 

    Please click and vote.

    Thanks again, Jan.

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,581


    Note that Central Bible Quarterly is listed as American Baptist, USA. It is published by Central Baptist Theological Seminary. There are two schools by that name in the US. The one in Kansas is affiliated with the American Baptist, USA. The other one is located in Minnesota and is very independent. I believe the journal in question is published by the school located in Plymouth, Minnesota. Thus, this journal probably does not belong in the American Baptist group.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Fred - while perhaps you expected someone much prettier, and less handsome to answer your question, the way I made a similar chart was to use the Denom Stream collections to get a count for their associated resources in my library. THEN put all the numbers into an excel graph - and viola.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Fred Robbins
    Fred Robbins Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    Thanks, but did you put each collection into excel? I am a bit foggy on this.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    The total of the products in each category you plan to track.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Perhaps this is a silly question, and no offense intended if I'm wrong here; aren't Catholics all infant baptizers? I only ask because a few of the people in the Catholic collection on my computer are not also in the Infant Baptism collection.

    Thanks in advance.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭

    Thanks, Jan.  I've added John D. Castelein.  That will be in the next release.  I'm happy for you to provide as much information on Restoration Movement authors as you can, so long as you give adequate evidence.

    The faculty staff listings on Logos Almanac should be a good source of information. I've not gone through the entire thread, so maybe that's been discussed before.

    For example:

    By publisher, for example Illumination Publishers... Logos doesn't distribute them, but if it's proof enough, I can go through the authors' list and see if any of them are on Logos or Vyrso as well.

    In the meantime, I've given three votes to your User Voice suggestion YesYesYes, and suggest that others do the same.  There are well over 1000 people using the collections directly through the Faithlife group (, so it should be popular.

    Awesome. It's a shame I can't edit the suggestion any more, so I can't refer to the project directly.

    I also think that the shops on and Vyrso should be using this database to do their denomination tagging. It's far more comprehensive than the marketing tags.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭


    Note that Central Bible Quarterly is listed as American Baptist, USA. It is published by Central Baptist Theological Seminary. There are two schools by that name in the US. The one in Kansas is affiliated with the American Baptist, USA. The other one is located in Minnesota and is very independent. I believe the journal in question is published by the school located in Plymouth, Minnesota. Thus, this journal probably does not belong in the American Baptist group.

    Thanks, Jack.  I think this was something I fixed some time ago.  Is it possible that you're using an out of date version of the collections?

    I was surprised that the collections needed to be updated by users as well as me.  This would no longer be true if we can get Logos to take over the project, as suggested here: 

    Please give it as many votes as you can.  It's currently the hottest trending suggestion on User Voice.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the question, abs.  It still sounds like you're using the wrong copy of the collection, as in my previous post.  Are you using Church Theology: Infant Baptism?  My version includes Denom. Stream: Catholic, along with many other Denomination Streams.  Does yours?

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Jan Krohn said:

    Thanks, Jan.  I've added John D. Castelein.  That will be in the next release.  I'm happy for you to provide as much information on Restoration Movement authors as you can, so long as you give adequate evidence.

    The faculty staff listings on Logos Almanac should be a good source of information. I've not gone through the entire thread, so maybe that's been discussed before.

    For example:

    By publisher, for example Illumination Publishers... Logos doesn't distribute them, but if it's proof enough, I can go through the authors' list and see if any of them are on Logos or Vyrso as well.

    Thanks, Jan.  Some seminaries only employ lecturers from a particular denomination.  Others don't.  If you know of a seminary that does, then that would be proof enough and if you were willing to list the ones in Logos that haven't yet been categorised, then I'd be happy to use that.  Similarly, most publishers publish books from authors of many denominations.  If you know of a publisher that publishes books by authors of just one denomination, then that would also be proof enough.  If you have a good source, then feel free to point me to it, rather than try to provide evidence for each author individually.  I'm all for saving time.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Jan Krohn said:

    In the meantime, I've given three votes to your User Voice suggestion YesYesYes, and suggest that others do the same.  There are well over 1000 people using the collections directly through the Faithlife group (, so it should be popular.

    Awesome. It's a shame I can't edit the suggestion any more, so I can't refer to the project directly.

    I also think that the shops on and Vyrso should be using this database to do their denomination tagging. It's far more comprehensive than the marketing tags.

    Thanks for the compliment, Jan.  The spreadsheet has many more denominations and more information than the collections available on the Faithlife page.  Thanks for the suggestion on User Voice as well.  It's currently the hottest suggestion, joint 39th and rising fast, out of over 1000 suggestions.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Given the flurry of interest, I'll post the latest copy of the spreadsheet. I've added most of the authors from the base packages and many new collections, such as It will take some time to categorise them all though. If your favourite authors aren't on the list, feel free to suggest them. If you have some time on your hands and would be willing to spend time on the authors that currently say 'No Info', then that would be greatly appreciated.  'No info' only means that a very quick search showed up no info.  There is probably info around for most of even these authors.

    The latest spreadsheet is: 7848.Denominations and Theology - 14 November

    The reference guide is: 0564.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the question, abs.  It still sounds like you're using the wrong copy of the collection, as in my previous post.  Are you using Church Theology: Infant Baptism?  My version includes Denom. Stream: Catholic, along with many other Denomination Streams.  Does yours?

    I deleted Church Theology: Infant Baptism, and re-downloaded it.

    Its only finding about 640 out of 14,000+ resources. My own personal collection (which includes mytags) picks up around 4600 (closer to what I'd expect considering the number of reformed and not baptist resources in my library).

    I have 1054 catholic resources in my library.

    Here are the rules I have for the Church Theology: Infant Baptism (4) collection.

    Publisher:("Benziger Brothers", "Concordia", "Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico", "Emmaus Road Publishing", "Herder", "Ignatius", "Libreria Editrice Vaticana", "Ligonier", "Liturgical Press", "Lutheran", "Northwestern Publishing House", "P&R Publishing", "Pauline Books & Media", "Pontifical Biblical Institute", "Presbyterian", "Presbyterian Board of Publication", "Reformation Trust", "SPCK", "St. Vladimir's Seminary Press", "The Catholic Publication Society", "The Encyclopedia Press", "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops")

    The next collection I have for this section finds about 3000 titles:

    Author:("Aageson, James W.", "Abbe, Paul", "Abbott, Edwin A.", "Abbott, T. K.", "Abraham, William J.", "Achtemeier, Elizabeth", "Achtemeier, Paul J.", "Acklin, Thomas", "Ackroyd, Peter R.", "Adam, Klaus-Peter", "Adams, David L.", "Adams, Jay E.", "Adamson, James B.", "Aden, LeRoy H.", "Adeney, Frances S.", "Agapius the Monk", "Aiken, Charles Augustus", "Ainsworth-Smith, Ian", "Albers, Robert H.", "Albrecht, G. Jerome", "Albrecht, Michael J.", "Albright, W. F.", "Alexander, Archibald", "Alexander, Eric J.", "Alexander, Joseph Addison", "Alexander, William", "Alfaro, Juan I.", "Alford, Henry", "Allain-Chapman, Justine", "Allen, O. Wesley", "Allen, R. Michael", "Allen, Willoughby C.", "Allnut, Richard Lea", "Allnutt, Richard Lea", "Althann, Robert", "Althaus, Paul", "Andersen, Francis I.", "Anderson, Robert A.", "Andrae, Eric R.", "Andrewes, Lancelot", "Angela of Foligno", "Arand, Charles P.", "Armstrong, Dave", "Arndt, Johann", "Arnold, Thomas", "Arnot, William", "Ash, Christopher", "Ashby, Godfrey", "Atherstone, Andrew", "Attridge, Harold W.", "Aus, Roger David", "Avis, Paul", "Bachiochi, Erika", "Bachofen, Charles Augustine", "Backus, Kevin M.", "Bahnsen, Greg L.", "Bailey, Kenneth E.", "Baird, Henry M.", "Baker, Robert C.", "Baldini, Ugo", "Baldwin, Joyce", "Balentine, Samuel E.", "Balfour, Robert G.", "Balge, Richard D.", "Ball, C. J.", "Bandinel, James", "Bannerman, James", "Barber, Michael", "Barclay, William", "Barker, William", "Barnes, Albert", "Barnes, Peter", "Barnett, Paul", "Barnhouse, Donald Grey", "Barrett, C. K.", "Barrett, Michael", "Barron, Robert", "Barry, Alfred", "Bartholomew, Craig G.", "Bartlett, John R.", "Barton, George Aaron", "Barton, J.", "Bartusch, Mark Walter", "Bassett, Francis Tilney", "Bassler, Jouette M.", "Bates, William", "Batten, Loring W.", "Bauckham, Richard J.", "Bauer, Walter", "Bavinck, Herman", "Baxter, Richard", "Beale, G. K.", "Bean, Danielle", "Bechtel, Carol M.", "Becker, Matthew L.", "Beckwith, Francis J.", "Beeby, H. D.", "Beecher, Lyman", "Begbie, Jeremy S.", "Bell, Daniel M.", "Bellarmine, Robert", "Benedict XV", "Benedict XVI", "Benedictine Monks", "Bengel, Johann Albrecht", "Benham, William", "Benne, Robert", "Bennett, Dennis", "Benson, Clarence H.", "Bergant, Dianne", "Bergmann, Sigurd", "Bernard, J. H.", "Bernard, Thomas Dehany", "Bernardakis, D. N.", "Best, Ernest", "Betz, Hans Dieter", "Bidwell, Duane R.", "Bigg, Charles", "Billerbeck, Paul", "Bird, Anthony E.", "Birgitta of Sweden", "Bischof, Jon C.", "Black, Matthew", "Blanchette, Oliva", "Blanke, Helmut", "Blenkinsopp, Joseph", "Bloomfield, Peter", "Bloomfield, S. T.", "Blount, Brian K.", "Blunt, Henry", "Blunt, John Henry", "Boettner, Loraine", "Bohlmann, Ralph A.", "Boice, James Montgomery", "Boling, Robert", "Bonar, Andrew A.", "Bonar, Horatius", "Bond, Douglas", "Bonhoeffer, Dietrich", "Booty, John", "Borg, Marcus J.", "Bornkamm, Heinrich", "Borsch, Frederick H.", "Bos, Johanna W. H.", "Bossis, Gabrielle", "Boston, Thomas", "Boutflower, Charles", "Boxall, Ian", "Boyce, Richard N.", "Bradford, John", "Bradshaw, Paul F.", "Bramhall, John", "Bransfield, J. Brian", "Braun, John A.", "Braun, Mark", "Bray, Gerald R.", "Brazeal, David", "Breckinridge, Robert J.", "Breen, A. E.", "Brenton, Lancelot Charles Lee", "Brianchaninov, Ignatius", "Bridges, Charles", "Briggs, Charles Augustus", "Briggs, Emilie Grace", "Brightman, F. E.", "Brighton, Louis", "Brock, Sebastian P.", "Brooks, Richard", "Brother Lawrence", "Brown, Christopher Boyd", "Brown, Colin", "Brown, John", "Brown, Michael Joseph", "Brown, Raymond Edward", "Brown, Teresa L. Fry", "Brown, William A.", "Brown, William P.", "Browne, E. Harold", "Bruce, Alexander Balmain", "Brug, John F.", "Brunette, Jan", "Bubbers, Susan I.", "Bucer, Martin", "Buchanan, James", "Buckley, Theodore Alois", "Bull, George", "Bullinger, Ethelbert W.", "Bullock, W. T.", "Bultmann, Rudolf K.", "Burge, Gary M.", "Burgland, Lane A.", "Burgon, John William", "Burke, Daniel", "Burns, Helena R.", "Burrell, Joseph Dunn", "Bush, George", "Bussell, F. W.", "Bustamante, Roberto E.", "Buswell, J. Oliver", "Butler, Alban", "Butler, Joseph", "Byassee, Jason", "Byles, R. D.", "Byrne, Brendan", "Cage, Peter C.", "Cairns, Alan", "Cairns, Ian", "Calderwood, Henry", "Cameron, D. B.", "Campbell, Antony", "Campbell, Colin", "Campbell, Iain D.", "Candlish, Robert S.", "Canisius, Peter", "Cannon, Katie Geneva", "Carlen, Claudia", "Carmichael, Liz", "Carpenter, Spencer Cecil", "Carr, Wesley", "Carr, William W.", "Carwithen, John Bayley Somers", "Cataneo, Pascal", "Catholic Biblical Association", "Catholic Church", "Cavins, Jeff", "Chacour, Elias", "Chadwick, Owen", "Chafer, Lewis Sperry", "Chalmers, Thomas", "Chandler, George", "Chantry, Walter J.", "Chapell, Bryan", "Chapman, Mark", "Charles, R. H.", "Chase, Frederic Henry", "Chemnitz, Martin", "Chesterton, Gilbert K.", "Cheyne, Thomas Kelly", "Childs, James M.", "Choi, Agnes", "Christmyer, Sarah", "Church of England", "Church Service Society", "Churton, Ralph", "Clark, Samuel", "Clausen, Marc", "Clayton, Philip", "Clendenin, Daniel B.", "Close, Francis", "Clowney, Edmund P.", "Cobb, John", "Cobb, John B.", "Cocke, A. R.", "Cocksworth, Christopher John", "Coffin, Patrick", "Coggins, Richard J.", "Colenso, John William", "Collins, Adela Yarbro", "Collins, John J.", "Collins, Raymond F.", "Collinson, John", "Comfort, Philip W.", "Congar, Yves", "Conybeare, W. D.", "Conybeare, W. J.", "Cook, David", "Cook, F. C.", "Cooke, G. A.", "Cooke, R. J.", "Cooper, Ted", "Cornelius a Lapide", "Cosin, John", "Cousar, Charles B.", "Coverdale, Myles", "Craddock, Fred B.", "Cranmer, Thomas", "Crawford, Thomas J.", "Creach, Jerome F. D.", "Crockett, William D.", "Croft, George", "Crosby, Howard", "Croy, N. Clayton", "Cumming, John", "Cunningham, Lawrence S.", "Cunningham, William", "Currey, G.", "Curteis, George Herbert", "Curtis, Edward Lewis", "Dabney, Robert Lewis", "Dahle, Lars Nielsen", "Dahood, Mitchell", "Dalton, William Joseph", "Danker, Frederick W.", "Daughters of St. Paul", "Davenant, James", "Davidson, Peter", "Davidson, Robert", "Davies, John", "Davis, Dale Ralph", "Davis, Ellen F.", "Davis, John D.", "Davis, Patricia H.", "de Caussade, Jean Pierre", "de Chantal, Jane Frances", "De Vogue, Adalbert", "Dearman, J. Andrew", "Dearmer, Percy", "Deferrari, Roy J.", "Delitzsch, Franz", "DeMarco, Donald", "Demarest, Gary W.", "Denney, James", "Dennison, James T.", "Denzinger, Henry", "Descartes, Rene", "DeSilva, David A.", "Desprez, Philip Charles Soulbien", "Deterding, Paul", "Deterding, Paul E.", "Dewey, Joanna", "DeYoung, Kevin", "Diamond, A. R.", "Dimech-Juchniewicz, Jean", "DiTommaso, Lorenzo", "Dix, Gregory", "Dods, Marcus", "Donahue, John R.", "Donelson, Lewis R.", "Donfried, Karl P.", "Donne, John", "Doran, Robert", "Doriani, Daniel M.", "Dorner, Isaak August", "Dosker, Henry Elias", "Dostoevsky, Fyodor", "Dozeman, Thomas B.", "Drake, W.", "Drane, John", "Driver, Samuel Rolles", "Drown, Edward Staples", "Drysdale, Alexander H.", "Dubay, Thomas", "Dubose, William P.", "Duguid, Iain M.", "Dumbrell, William J.", "Duncombe, Augustus", "Dungan, David Laird", "Dunker, Gary L.", "Dunnam, Maxie D.", "Duyckinck, George L.", "Dyer, Sidney D.", "Eadie, John", "Easton, Matthew George", "Eaton, E. L.", "Eby, David", "Eckman, George P.", "Edalji, S.", "Edersheim, Alfred", "Edersheim, Alfred", "Edersheim, Alfred", "Edgar, David", "Edghill, Ernest Arthur", "Edwards, Ruth", "Ehlke, Roland Cap", "Eickmann, Paul E.", "Eims, Randy", "Elass, Mateen", "Elert, Werner", "Ellicott, Charles J.", "Ellington, John E.", "Elliott, C. J.", "Elliott, John H.", "Elliott, Neil", "Ellis, J. Edward", "Ellison, Marvin M.", "Emmerich, Anne Catherine", "Emmet, Cyril W.", "Engelbrecht, Edward A.", "Engles, William L.", "Erasmus, Desiderius", "Erdman, Charles R.", "Erickson, Richard J.", "Eschelbach, Michael A.", "Espin, T. E.", "Espinosa, Alfonso O.", "Evans, Neil", "Eveleigh, John", "Faber, George Stanley", "Fape, M. Olusina", "Farmer, Kathleen A.", "Farrar, Frederic W.", "Farrer, John", "Farwell, James W.", "Fausset, A. R.", "Fenwick, John", "Ferguson, Sinclair B.", "Fergusson, David", "Fewell, Danna Nolan", "Field, Frederick", "Finch, William", "Finney, Charles G.", "Fiore, Benjamin", "Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler", "Fitzgerald, Allan D.", "Fitzmyer, Joseph A.", "Flaherty, Regis J.", "Flavel, John", "Flechsig, Lin", "Fleming, Caleb", "Floyd, Michael", "Fløysvik, Ingvar", "Foote, James", "Ford, J. Massyngberde", "Ford, James", "Foxe, John", "Frame, John M.", "France, R. T.", "Francis de Sales", "Francisco, Adam S.", "Franck, Augustus Hermannus", "Franklin, Carmela Vircillo", "Franzmann, Martin H.", "Freedman, David Noel", "Fremantle, W. H.", "Frisk, M. Jean", "Fry, Timothy", "Fryar, Jane L.", "Fuller, J. M.", "Furnish, Victor Paul", "Fynn, Paul Kofi", "Gaebelein, Arno", "Gaffin, Richard B.", "Gage, Warren A.", "Galli, Mark", "Galloway, Kathy", "Galvin, John P.", "Gan, Eugene", "Gandell, R.", "Garbett, James", "Gard, Daniel L.", "Gaventa, Beverly Roberts", "Gench, Frances Taylor", "Gentry, Kenneth L.", "Gerberding, George", "Gerhard, Johann", "Gerike, Henry V.", "Gibbs, Jeffrey A.", "Giblin, Charles Homer", "Giertz, Bo", "Gieschen, Charles A.", "Giese, Curtis P.", "Gifford, E. H.", "Gigot, Francis Ernest", "Gildersleeve, Basil L.", "Gilpin, William", "Girdlestone, Robert Baker", "Glavich, Mary Kathleen", "Goddard, Charles", "Goldingay, John", "Gooder, Paula", "Gordon, Geoffrey", "Gore, Charles", "Gosdeck, David M.", "Goulburn, Edward Meyrick", "Gould, Ezra P.", "Gowan, Donald E.", "Graff, Warren W.", "Graham, M. Patrick", "Graham, William", "Granados, Carlos", "Granados, Jose", "Grant, Anthony", "Grant, F. W.", "Grant, Maurice", "Gray, Philip C. L.", "Gray, Tim", "Grech, Prosper", "Green, Barbara", "Green, Joel B.", "Green, Michael", "Green, William Henry", "Gregg, David", "Gregory, Bryan R.", "Grenholm, Cristina", "Gritsch, Eric W.", "Grudem, Elliot", "Guarino, Thomas", "Gwynn, J.", "Hacking, Philip", "Hägglund, Bengt", "Hagner, Donald A.", "Hahn, Ernest", "Hahn, Scott", "Hahn-Hahn, Ida", "Hall, Charles Henry", "Hall, Francis", "Hals, Ronald", "Hamilton, James", "Hamlin, E. John", "Hanson, Paul D.", "Hardy, Daniel", "Hare, Douglas R. A.", "Harman, Allan M.", "Harmon, Matthew P.", "Harrington, Daniel J.", "Harrington, Wilfrid J.", "Harrison, Matthew C.", "Harrisville, Roy A.", "Harstad, Adolph L.", "Hartin, Patrick J.", "Hartman, Lars", "Hartwig, Raymond L.", "Hartzell, Eric S.", "Harvard, Joseph S.", "Harvey, John E.", "Harvey, Robert", "Hastings, James", "Hatch, Edwin", "Hawker, Robert", "Hawkins, William", "Haydock, George Leo", "Hayes, John H.", "Headlam, Arthur C.", "Healy, Mary", "Heath, Elaine A.", "Heber, Reginald", "Heck, Sebastian", "Hedahl, Susan K.", "Hegeman, David", "Heider, George C.", "Heil, John Paul", "Hein, David", "Hengel, Martin", "Hengstenberg, E. W.", "Henrichs, Michael W.", "Henry, Matthew", "Herbert, George", "Hermes, Kathryn J.", "Herron, Thomas", "Hervey, Arthur", "Heurtley, Charles A.", "Hilton, Walter", "Himes, Kenneth R.", "Hinlicky, Paul R.", "Hitchcock, James", "Hobhouse, Walter", "Hodge, Archibald Alexander", "Hodge, Caspar W.", "Hodge, Charles", "Hodges, George", "Hoeck, Andreas", "Hoekema, Anthony", "Hoerber, Robert G.", "Holladay, Carl R.", "Holmes, Christopher R. J.", "Holmes, Robert", "Holstrom, Bryan", "Honsey, Rudolph E.", "Hooker, Paul K.", "Hooker, Richard", "Hopkins, Ezekiel", "Horn, Edward T.", "Horne, Mark", "Horne, Thomas", "Horpynchuk, Vyacheslav", "Horsley, Samuel", "Hort, Fenton John Anthony", "Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar", "Howson, J. S.", "Huffman, John A.", "Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe", "Hughes, Robert G.", "Hultgren, Arland J.", "Humann, Roger J.", "Hummel, Horace D.", "Hunter, Sylvester Joseph", "Hurd, R. Scott", "Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman", "Hutton, William Holden", "Huwiler, Elizabeth", "Huxtable, E.", "Hvalvik, Reidar", "Icenogle, Gareth Weldon", "Ignatius of Loyola", "Inge, William Ralph", "Jack, Alison", "Jackelén, Antje", "Jackson, L. Charles", "Jacobson, Rolf A.", "Jacobson, William", "Jacques, Xavier", "Jelf, Richard William", "Jenkins, D. Edwards", "Jensen, Richard A.", "Jenson, Robert W.", "Jeremias, Joachim", "Jeske, John C.", "Jeske, Mark A.", "Jessup, Henry", "Jewel, John", "Jewett, Robert", "Joersz, Jerald C.", "John of the Cross", "John Paul I", "John Paul II", "John XXIII", "Johnson, Douglas W.", "Johnson, G. H. S.", "Johnson, Lawrence J.", "Johnson, Luke Timothy", "Johnson, Thomas F.", "Johnstone, Robert", "Jones, James", "Jones, John", "Jones, Mark", "Jones, W. B.", "Jowett, Benjamin", "Juel, Donald H.", "Jungel, Eberhard", "Jurgens, William A.", "Just, Arthur A.", "Kalme, Guntis", "Kardong, Terrence G.", "Karris, Robert J.", "Kay, W.", "Keating, Daniel", "Keble, John", "Keddie, Gordon J.", "Keel, Othmar", "Keil, Karl Friedrich", "Keller, Timothy J.", "Kellerman, James A.", "Kellner, Maximilian Lindsay", "Kelly, Brian E.", "Kelly, Francis", "Kelly, J. N. D.", "Ker, Ian", "Kernaghan, Ronald J.", "Ketley, Joseph", "Kidner, Derek", "Kienker, Paul D.", "Kierkegaard, Soren", "Kim, Chul Hwan", "Kim, Hyo-Jong", "King, George W.", "Kingsbury, T. L.", "Kiraz, George A.", "Kirwan, William T.", "Kistler, Don", "Kittelson, James M.", "Klauck, Hans-Josef", "Klein, Ralph W.", "Kleinig, John W.", "Kleinig, Vernon P.", "Kloha, Jeffrey", "Knecht, Frederick Justus", "Knierim, Rolf P.", "Knight, George Angus Fulton", "Knight, George W.", "Knoppers, Gary N.", "Knowles, Andrew", "Knox, Ian S.", "Knox, John", "Koehler, Edward W. A.", "Koehler, John Philip", "Koenig, John", "Koester, Craig", "Kolb, Erwin J.", "Kolb, Robert", "Kosanke, Charles G.", "Koyra, Eshetu Abate", "Kreeft, Peter", "Krentz, Edgar", "Krodel, Gerhard A.", "Kruse, Colin G.", "Kurz, William S.", "Kuschel, Harlyn J.", "Kuschel, Kieth Bernard", "Kuske, David P.", "Kuske, Paul W.", "Kuyper, Abraham", "Kysar, Robert", "La Belle, James A.", "Labahn, Michael", "Lake, Kirsopp", "Lamb, James I.", "Lambrecht, Jan", "Lamdin, Keith", "Landon, Edward H.", "Lang, William Cosmo Gordon", "Larkin, William J.", "Lathrop, Gordon W.", "Lattke, Michael", "Laud, William", "Lauersdorf, Richard E.", "Launderville, Dale", "Laurence, Richard", "Laurie, Simon Somerville", "Law, William", "Lawlor, Hugh Jackson", "Lawrence of Brindisi", "Lawrenz, John C.", "Le Mesurier, Thomas", "Lee, William", "Lehmann, Helmut T.", "Leighton, Robert", "Leithart, Peter", "Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo", "Lenski, R. C. H.", "Lenz, Mark J.", "Leo XIII", "Lessing, R. Reed", "Leupold, H. C.", "Lewis, David I. M.", "Lewis, John G.", "Liddon, H. P.", "Liesen, Jan", "Lightfoot, John", "Lightfoot, Joseph Barber", "Ligonier Ministries", "Liguori, Alphonsus", "Likoudis, James", "Lillback, Peter A.", "Lillie, John", "Limburg, James", "Lindsay, Thomas M.", "Linman, Jonathan", "Littledale, Richard Frederick", "Lloyd, John", "Lloyd-Jones, Martyn", "Lochhaas, Philip H.", "Lock, Walter", "Lockwood, Gregory J.", "Lohfink, Gerhard", "Lohfink, Norbert", "Lohse, Eduard", "Long, Stephen", "Long, Thomas C.", "Long, Thomas G.", "Longman, Tremper", "Lord, Jennifer", "Love, Mark W.", "Lowrie, John M.", "Lowth, Robert", "Lucas, Dick", "Lucas, R. C.", "Ludemann, Gerd", "Lull, David J.", "Lumby, J. R.", "Lundbom, Jack R.", "Lupton, J. H.", "Luther, Martin", "Lutheran Church", "Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod", "Lutheran Synod", "Lyall, David", "Lytkin, Vsevolod", "Maas, A. J.", "Maas, Korey", "Macartney, Clarence E.", "Macdonald, Dennis R.", "MacDonald, Donald", "Macdonald, James M.", "MacDonald, Margaret Y.", "MacDougall, John", "Mace, Daniel", "MacEvilly, John", "Machen, J. Gresham", "MacIntosh, A. A.", "Mack, Burton L.", "MacKay, A. B.", "MacKay, John L.", "MacKnight, James", "MacLeod, Donald", "MacNutt, Francis", "MacPherson, John", "Macquarrie, John", "Maier, Paul L.", "Maier, Walter A.", "Maiers, Brian", "Malina, Bruce", "Mangina, Joseph L.", "Mann, Horace Kinder", "Mann, William Julius", "Manning, Brennan", "Mansel, H. L.", "Maria Maddelena de' Pazzi", "Marks, Frederick W.", "Marriage, Sophia", "Marriott, Charles", "Marshall, Walter", "Martin, Curtis", "Martin, Hugh", "Martin, Mary Peter", "Martin, Michaelann", "Martin, R. A.", "Martinez, Luis Maria", "Maschke, Timothy H.", "Matera, Frank J.", "Mather, George A.", "Mattison III, William C.", "Maturin, Basil William", "Maurice, Frederick Denison", "Maxey, James A.", "May, Alistair S.", "May, William E.", "Mayes, Benjamin T. G.", "Mays, James Luther", "Mbiti, John", "McCain, Paul T.", "McCarthy, David Matzko", "McCheyne, Robert Murray", "McDurmon, Joel", "McGee, J. Vernon", "McGovern, James J.", "McGrath, Alister", "McHugh, John F.", "McKane, William", "McKay, David", "McKenzie, John", "McNabb, Vincent", "McNamara, Martin", "McWilliams, David", "Mears, Henrietta C.", "Medd, Peter Goldsmith", "Meier, John P.", "Melancthon, Philip", "Melina, Livio", "Members of the University of Oxford", "Merrill, S. M.", "Merson, David", "Merton, Thomas", "Metzger, Bruce M.", "Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm", "Meyer, Joh P.", "Meyers, Jeffrey", "Meyrick, F.", "Michel, Walter L.", "Michell, R.", "Michie, Donald", "Middendorf, Michael P.", "Miles, Rebekah L.", "Miletic, Stephen Francis", "Millar, J. G.", "Miller II, Robert D.", "Miller, Charles", "Miller, Herbert G.", "Miller, Patrick D.", "Miller, Samuel", "Milne, Douglas J. W.", "Min, Kyung-jin", "Mitch, Curtis", "Mitch, Stacy", "Mitchell, A. W.", "Mitchell, Alan C.", "Mitchell, Christopher W.", "Mittelstaedt, John R.", "Moberly, George", "Moffatt, James", "Moloney, Francis J.", "Monro, Edward A.", "Montague, George T.", "Montgomery, James A.", "Moore, George F.", "Moore, T. V.", "Moran, William L.", "Morgan, James", "Morres, Robert", "Morris, Leon", "Morrow, Thomas G.", "Most Holy Governing Synod of Russia", "Motyer, J. Alec", "Moulaison, Jane Barter", "Moule, C. F. D.", "Moule, H. C. G.", "Moysey, C. A.", "Mozley, James Bowling", "Mueller, John Theodore", "Mueller, Steven P.", "Munden, Alan", "Murphy, Roland E.", "Murray, Andrew", "Murray, James O.", "Murray, Scott R.", "Myers, Jacob M.", "Nadasdy, Dean W.", "Neale, John Mason", "Neill, William", "Nelson, Richard D.", "Nestingen, James A.", "Neve, Timothy", "Nevin, John Williamson", "Newcome, William", "Newheiser, Jim", "Newitt, Mark", "Newman, Carey C.", "Newman, John Henry", "Newsom, Carol A.", "Newton, John", "Neyrey, Jerome H.", "Nichols, Aidan", "Nichols, Larry A.", "Nicodemus the Hagiorite", "Nicoll, W. Robertson", "Nielsen, Glenn A.", "Nieman, James R.", "Noble, Frederick A.", "Nolland, John", "Nordling, John", "Nordling, John G.", "Nutter, Charles S.", "O’Brien, John", "O’Brien, Peter T.", "O’Connor, James T.", "O’Connor, Kathleen M.", "O’Day, Gail R.", "O’Donnell, Kevin", "Oakley, Nigel", "Oakman, Douglas E.", "Ogilvie, Charles A.", "Okholm, Dennis L.", "Old, Hughes Oliphant", "Olden, Thomas", "Olson, Dennis T.", "O'Mahony, Kieran J.", "Omolo, Joseph Tom", "Omwanza, Walter Obare", "Orchard, Bernard", "Orchard, William E.", "Orr, James", "Ortberg, John", "Ortlund, Raymond C.", "Ott, Ludwig", "Owen, John J.", "Paavola, Daniel E.", "Packer, J. I.", "Paisley, Ian R. K.", "Paley, William", "Palmer, William", "Panikulam, George", "Pannenberg, Wolfhart", "Panning, Armin J.", "Papavassiliou, Vassilios", "Parsons, Burk", "Pascal, Blaise", "Pastor, Ludwig", "Patton, Francis L.", "Paul VI", "Pauw, Amy Plantinga", "Paxton, William M.", "Payne, Jon D.", "Peake, Arthur S.", "Pearce, Fraser A.", "Pearson, John", "Pecknold, C. C.", "Peile, James H. F.", "Percy, Anthony", "Percy, Martyn", "Perkins, Pheme", "Perrin, Nicholas", "Pervo, Richard I.", "Peters, Edward N.", "Petersen, David", "Peterson, Eugene H.", "Philip, William", "Phillips, Richard D.", "Pieper, Francis", "Pierson, Arthur T.", "Pietak, Stanislaus", "Pilch, John J.", "Pimentel, Stephen", "Pipa, Joseph A.", "Pius X", "Pius XI", "Pius XII", "Plummer, Alfred A.", "Plumptre, E. H.", "Pohle, Joseph", "Polkinghorne, John C.", "Ponessa, Joseph", "Popp, Kevin P.", "Porter, J. Scott", "Powell, Mark Allen", "Powys, David", "Poythress, Vern S.", "Prange, Victor H.", "Pratt, Richard L.", "Presbyterian Committee of Publication", "Pressler, Carolyn", "Preus, Robert D.", "Procter, John", "Protestant Episcopal Church", "Provan, Iain W.", "Pusey, E. B", "Quinn, Jerome", "Quirk, Reginald C.", "Quivik, Melinda A.", "Raabe, Paul", "Raabe, Paul R.", "Radner, Ephraim", "Rahner, Karl", "Raleigh, Alexander", "Ramsey, Michael", "Randolph, Berkeley William", "Rathmann, Rodney L.", "Ratzinger, Joseph", "Rawlinson, George", "Ray, Stephen K.", "Raymond, Miner", "Re’emi, S. Paul", "Reardon, Patrick Henry", "Reed, Harry Lathrop", "Reformed Episcopal Church", "Reid, Stephen", "Reitschel, William C.", "Remensnyder, Junius B.", "Reno, R. R.", "Retief, Frank", "Reumann, John H. P.", "Reymond, Robert", "Reynolds, Edward", "Rhoads, David", "Richard, Earl J.", "Richard, James W.", "Richey, Thomas", "Ridley, Nicholas", "Riggans, Walter", "Riggs, James S.", "Ritschl, Albrecht", "Ritter, Larry D.", "Robertson, C. K.", "Robertson, David A", "Robertson, O. Palmer", "Robinson, Gnana", "Robinson, James M.", "Robinson, Paschal", "Roehrs, Walter R.", "Roehrs, Walther R.", "Romaine, William", "Rose, H. J.", "Ross, Allen", "Ross, Michael", "Ross, Mike", "Rossetti, Christina", "Rottmann, Erik J.", "Row, Charles Adolphus", "Rowling, Cathy", "Ruge-Jones, Philip", "Rutherford, Samuel", "Ryan, Judith M.", "Ryken, Philip Graham", "Ryle, Herbert Edward", "Ryle, J. C.", "Saarinen, Risto", "Sadler, Rodney S.", "Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob", "Saleska, Timothy E.", "Salmon, George", "Salmon, Marilyn J.", "Salmond, Stewart Dingwall Fordyce", "Sanchez-Navarro, Luis", "Sanday, William", "Sanders, James A.", "Sanford, John", "Santmire, H. Paul", "Sawyer, J. Richard", "Scaer, David P.", "Scaer, Peter J.", "Schaeffer, Francis A.", "Schaller, John", "Schaum, Charles P.", "Schillebeeckx, Edward", "Schindler, David L.", "Schmidt, Andreas", "Schmit, Clayton J.", "Schmitt, Frederick A.", "Schmucker, Samuel", "Scholz, Vilson", "Schönborn, Christoph", "Schramm, Brooks", "Schreck, Alan", "Schroeder, H. J.", "Schuchard, Bruce G.", "Schuetze, Armin W.", "Schulz, Charles R.", "Schwabb, George M.", "Schweitzer, Albert", "Scott, J. Julius", "Scott, Melville", "Scott, Robert", "Scudder, Henry", "Searle, David", "Seiss, J. A.", "Seitz, Christopher R.", "Seltz, Gregory P.", "Selvaggio, Anthony", "Semeklis, Remigijus", "Senior, Donald", "Senn, Frank C.", "Seow, Choon-Leong", "Shanks, Andrew", "Shea, John Gilmary", "Shedd, William", "Shepard, Richard", "Shirley, Walter Augustus", "Short, Augustus", "Sibbes, Richard", "Siedell, Daniel A.", "Sievers, Joseph", "Silva, Moisés", "Simeon, Charles", "Simojoki, Anssi", "Sirois, Celia", "Skarsaune, Oskar", "Skinner, John", "Skrine, John Huntley", "Slenczka, Reinhard", "Sloyan, Gerard S.", "Small, Terry S.", "Smeaton, George", "Smith, D. Moody", "Smith, J. Ritchie", "Smith, Michael K.", "Smith, Morton", "Smith, R. Payne", "Smith, Ralph A.", "Smith, Robert E.", "Smith, Robert H.", "Smith, Susan Marie", "Smith, Sydney", "Smyth, Thomas", "Soards, Marion L.", "Sofie, J. Francis", "Solvang, Elna K.", "Somers, Gayle", "Sorensen, Robert A.", "Spaude, Cyril W.", "Speck, Peter", "Spence, H. D. M.", "Spener, Philip Jacob", "Spicq, Ceslas", "Spitz, Lewis W.", "Spring, Gardiner", "Sproul, R. C.", "Spruit, Leen", "Sri, Edward", "St. George’s Free Church", "Stainer, John", "Stalker, James", "Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn", "Stanley, David Michael", "Stanley, V. Indrenath", "Steenstra, P. H.", "Stegman, Thomas D.", "Steiner, Mark G.", "Steinmann, Andrew E.", "Stellman, Jason", "Stendahl, Krister", "Stephenson, John R.", "Stevens, Marty E.", "Stevens, William Bacon", "Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne", "Stewart, Andrew", "Stjerna, Kirsi I.", "Stock, Joseph", "Stolle, Volker", "Stonard, John", "Stone, Darwell", "Stortz, Rodney", "Stott, John", "Stravinskas, Peter M. J.", "Streufert, Mary J.", "Strong, Leonard", "Strong, Thomas B.", "Stuart, Alexander Moody", "Stubbs, David L.", "Stube, John C.", "Stuckwisch, D. Richard", "Stuhlmueller, Carroll", "Stulac, George M.", "Sullivan, John F.", "Sumner, John Bird", "Sunday, Billy", "Suprenant, Leon J.", "Surburg, Mark P.", "Suso, Henry", "Swain, Storm", "Swete, Henry Barclay", "Switzer, David K.", "Sykes, Stephen", "Symington, William", "Tait, Arthur J.", "Tappert, Theodore G.", "Tatham, Edward", "Taylor, Jeremy", "Taylor, L. Roy", "Taylor, Walter F.", "Taylor, William M.", "Tchividjian, Tullian", "Tellini, Gian", "Temple, Frederick", "Temple, William", "Teresa of Avila", "Terry, Justyn", "Terry, Milton Spenser", "The Episcopal Church", "Thein, John", "Thérèse of Lisieux", "Thielman, Frank", "Thiselton, Anthony C.", "Thomas, Derek", "Thomas, Griffith", "Thompson, Marianne Meye", "Thorndike, Herbert", "Thornwell, James Henley", "Thrall, Margaret E.", "Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda", "Throntveit, Mark A.", "Thrupp, J. F.", "Tickle, Phyllis", "Tiede, David L.", "Tinker, Melvin", "Tisdale, Leonora Tubbs", "Tisdall, William St. Clair", "Titley, Robert", "Tomlin, Graham", "Toplady, Augustus M.", "Toppe, Carleton", "Torrance, David W.", "Torrance, Thomas F.", "Torvend, Samuel", "Touloute, Paul", "Towner, Philip H.", "Towner, W. Sibley", "Travis, Stephen", "Trench, Richard Chenevix", "Tswaedi, David", "Tucker, Gene M.", "Tuell, Steven S.", "Turnbull, Ralph G.", "Turner, James", "Turner, Samuel H.", "Tylenda, Joseph N.", "Tyng, Stephen H.", "Ulrich, Dean R.", "Underhill, Evelyn", "University of Navarre", "Uprichard, Harry", "Ussher, James", "Valentine, Milton", "Valleskey, David J.", "Van Beek, Aart M.", "Van Til, Cornelius", "Van Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H.", "VanderKam, James C.", "VanDrunen, David", "Vanhoye, Albert", "Veith, Gene Edward", "Vibert, Simon", "Vincent, John Heyl", "Vincent, Marvin R.", "Vogan, Thomas S. L.", "Vogel, Larry M.", "von Balthasar, Hans Urs", "von Harnack, Adolf", "von Hefele, Karl Joseph", "von Hildebrand, Dietrich", "von Mosheim, John Laurence", "von Rad, Gerhard", "Vos, Geerhardus", "Wace, Henry", "Wacker, William", "Wagner, Roger", "Waite, Joseph", "Waldengrave, Samuel", "Waldenström, Paul P.", "Waldstein, Michael", "Walker, Paul", "Walther, C. F. W.", "Walther, Michael P.", "Walton, Kevin", "Walton, Steve", "Wansbrough, Henry", "Ward, Robin", "Wardlaw, Ralph", "Warfield, Benjamin B.", "Water, Mark", "Watkins, Henry Williams", "Watson, David F.", "Watts, James W.", "Webb, Barry G.", "Webber, Robert E.", "Weber, Karl A.", "Wehner, James A.", "Weinandy, Thomas G.", "Weiss, Benjamin", "Welborne, L. L.", "Wellhausen, Julius", "Wells, Jo Bailey", "Wendland, Ernst H.", "Wendland, Paul O.", "Wengert, Timothy J.", "Wenham, David", "Wenham, Gordon J.", "Wenthe, Dean O.", "Wesley, Charles", "Wesley, John", "West, Christopher", "Westcott, Brooke Foss", "Westendorf, James J.", "Westminster Theological Seminary", "Weston, Frank", "Wharton, James A.", "Whately, Richard", "Wheaton, N. S.", "Whitacre, Rodney A.", "White, R. Fowler", "Whitefield, George", "Whitehead, Kenneth D.", "Whitford, David M.", "Whybray, R. N.", "Whyte, Alexander", "Wicke, Harold E.", "Wikner, Benjamin K.", "Wilberforce, Samuel", "Wilberforce, William", "Wilch, John R.", "Wilcock, Michael", "Wilcox, Pete", "Wilkins, Steve", "Williams, H. Page", "Williamson, James", "Williamson, Lamar", "Williamson, Peter S.", "Willimon, William H.", "Willson, James R.", "Wilson, Alistair", "Wilson, Henry Bristow", "Wilson, Neil S.", "Winger, Thomas M.", "Wingren, Gustaf", "Wink, Walter", "Winter, Bruce", "Wintle, Thomas", "Witherington, Ben", "Wolfgramm, Arno J.", "Woodgate, Henry Arthur", "Woodhouse, John", "Woodward, James", "Wordsworth, John", "Woywod, Stanislaus", "Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton", "Wright, Christopher J. H.", "Wright, G. Ernest", "Wright, J. Robert", "Wright, N. T.", "Wright, Thomas", "Wylie, J. A.", "Yarbrough, Robert W.", "Yates, Timothy", "Yee, Gale A.", "Yocum, John P.", "Young, Loyal", "Yow, Jesse L.", "Zahl, Paul F. M.", "Zenger, Erich", "Zeno, Katrina J.", "Zwemer, Samuel M.") OR Publisher:("Benziger Brothers", "Concordia", "Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico", "Emmaus Road Publishing", "Herder", "Ignatius", "Libreria Editrice Vaticana", "Ligonier", "Liturgical Press", "Lutheran", "Northwestern Publishing House", "P&R Publishing", "Pauline Books & Media", "Pontifical Biblical Institute", "Presbyterian", "Presbyterian Board of Publication", "Reformation Trust", "SPCK", "St. Vladimir's Seminary Press", "The Catholic Publication Society", "The Encyclopedia Press", "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops")

    Finally my personal collection which picks up about 4600:

    Mytag:"Infant Baptism" OR Author:("Aageson, James W.", "Abbe, Paul", "Abbott, Edwin A.", "Abbott, T. K.", "Abraham, William J.", "Achtemeier, Elizabeth", "Achtemeier, Paul J.", "Acklin, Thomas", "Ackroyd, Peter R.", "Adam, Klaus-Peter", "Adams, David L.", "Adams, H. C.", "Adams, Jay E.", "Adamson, James", "Aden, LeRoy H.", "Adeney, Frances S.", "Agapius the Monk", "Aiken, Charles Augustus", "Ainsworth-Smith, Ian", "Airay, Henry", "Albers, Robert H.", "Albrecht, G. Jerome", "Albrecht, Michael J.", "Albright, W. F.", "Alexander, Archibald", "Alexander, Eric J.", "Alexander, Joseph Addison", "Alexander, T. Desmond", "Alexander, William Henry", "Alfaro, Juan I.", "Alford, Henry", "Allain-Chapman, Justine", "Allen, O. Wesley", "Allen, R. Michael", "Allen, Willoughby C.", "Allnutt, Richard Lea", "Althann, Robert", "Althaus, Paul", "Andersen, Francis I.", "Anderson, Robert A.", "Andover Seminary", "Andrae, Eric R.", "Andrewes, Lancelot", "Angela of Foligno", "Arand, Charles P.", "Arichea, Daniel C.", "Armstrong, Dave", "Arndt, Johann", "Arnold, Thomas", "Arnot, William", "Ash, Christopher", "Ashby, Godfrey", "Askwith, E. H.", "Atherstone, Andrew", "Attridge, Harold W.", "Aus, Roger David", "Avis, Paul", "Bachiochi, Erika", "Bachofen, Charles Augustine", "Backus, Kevin M.", "Bagot, Daniel", "Bahnsen, Greg L.", "Bailey, Kenneth E.", "Baird, Henry M.", "Baker, Robert C.", "Baldini, Ugo", "Baldwin, Joyce", "Balentine, Samuel E.", "Balfour, Robert G.", "Balge, Richard D.", "Ball, C. J.", "Balleine, G. R.", "Bandinel, James", "Bannerman, James", "Barber, Michael", "Barclay, William", "Barker, William", "Barlow, George", "Barnes, Albert", "Barnes, Peter", "Barnes, William Emery", "Barnett, Paul", "Barnhouse, Donald Grey", "Barrett, C. K.", "Barrett, Michael P. V.", "Barron, Robert", "Barry, Alfred", "Bartholomew, Craig G.", "Bartlett, John R.", "Barton, George Aaron", "Barton, John", "Bartusch, Mark Walter", "Bassett, Francis Tilney", "Bassler, Jouette M.", "Bates, William", "Batten, Loring W.", "Bauckham, Richard J.", "Bauer, Walter", "Bavinck, Herman", "Baxter, Richard", "Bayley, Emilius", "Beale, G. K.", "Bean, Danielle", "Bechtel, Carol M.", "Becker, Matthew L.", "Beckwith, Francis J.", "Bedell, G. T.", "Beeby, H. D.", "Beecher, Lyman", "Begbie, Jeremy S.", "Bell, Daniel M.", "Bellarmine, Robert", "Benedict XV", "Benedict XVI", "Benedictine Monks", "Bengel, Johann Albrecht", "Benham, William", "Benne, Robert", "Bennett, Dennis", "Benson, Clarence H.", "Bergant, Dianne", "Bergmann, Sigurd", "Bernard, J. H.", "Bernard, Thomas Dehany", "Bernardakis, D. N.", "Best, Ernest", "Betz, Hans Dieter", "Bidwell, Duane R.", "Bigg, Charles", "Billerbeck, Paul", "Bird, Anthony E.", "Birgitta of Sweden", "Bischof, Jon C.", "Black, Matthew", "Blanchette, Oliva", "Blanke, Helmut", "Blenkinsopp, Joseph", "Bloomfield, Peter", "Bloomfield, S. T.", "Blount, Brian K.", "Blunt, Henry", "Blunt, John Henry", "Boettner, Loraine", "Bohlmann, Ralph A.", "Boice, James Montgomery", "Boling, Robert", "Bonar, Andrew A.", "Bonar, Horatius", "Bond, Douglas", "Bonhoeffer, Dietrich", "Booty, John", "Borg, Marcus J.", "Bornkamm, Heinrich", "Borsch, Frederick H.", "Bos, Johanna W. H.", "Bossis, Gabrielle", "Boston, Thomas", "Boutflower, Charles", "Bowen, W. E.", "Box, G. H.", "Boxall, Ian", "Boyce, Richard N.", "Bradford, John", "Bradshaw, Paul F.", "Bramhall, John", "Bransfield, J. Brian", "Braun, John A.", "Braun, Mark", "Bray, Gerald", "Brazeal, David", "Breckinridge, Robert J.", "Breen, A. E.", "Brenton, Lancelot Charles Lee", "Brianchaninov, Ignatius", "Bridges, Charles", "Briggs, Charles Augustus", "Briggs, Emilie Grace", "Brightman, F. E.", "Brighton, Louis", "Brock, Sebastian P.", "Brooks, Richard", "Brother Lawrence", "Brown, Christopher Boyd", "Brown, Colin", "Brown, John", "Brown, Michael Joseph", "Brown, Raymond Edward", "Brown, Teresa L. Fry", "Brown, William Adams", "Brown, William P.", "Browne, E. Harold", "Bruce, Alexander Balmain", "Bruce, John", "Brug, John F.", "Brunette, Jan", "Bubbers, Susan I.", "Bucer, Martin", "Buchanan, James", "Buckley, Theodore Alois", "Bull, George", "Bullinger, Ethelbert W.", "Bullock, W. T.", "Bultmann, Rudolf K.", "Burge, Gary M.", "Burgland, Lane A.", "Burgon, John W.", "Burke, Daniel", "Burney, C. F.", "Burns, Helena R.", "Burnside, W. F.", "Burrell, Joseph Dunn", "Bush, George", "Bussell, F. W.", "Bustamante, Roberto E.", "Buswell, J. Oliver", "Butler, Alban", "Butler, Joseph", "Byassee, Jason", "Byles, R. D.", "Byrne, Brendan", "Cage, Peter C.", "Cairns, Alan", "Cairns, Ian", "Calderwood, Henry", "Cameron, D. B.", "Campbell, Antony", "Campbell, Colin", "Campbell, Iain D.", "Candlish, Robert S.", "Canisius, Peter", "Cannon, Katie Geneva", "Carlen, Claudia", "Carmichael, Liz", "Carpenter, Spencer Cecil", "Carr, Arthur", "Carr, Wesley", "Carr, William W.", "Carwithen, John Bayley Somers", "Cataneo, Pascal", "Catholic Biblical Association", "Catholic Church", "Cavins, Jeff", "Chacour, Elias", "Chadwick, Owen", "Chafer, Lewis Sperry", "Chalmers, Thomas", "Chandler, George", "Chantry, Walter J.", "Chapell, Bryan", "Chapman, Mark", "Charles, R. H.", "Chase, Frederic Henry", "Chemnitz, Martin", "Chesterton, Gilbert K.", "Cheyne, Thomas Kelly", "Childs, James M.", "Choi, Agnes", "Christmyer, Sarah", "Church of England", "Church Service Society", "Churton, W. R.", "Clark, Samuel", "Clausen, Marc", "Clayton, Philip", "Clendenin, Daniel B.", "Close, Francis", "Clowney, Edmund", "Cobb, John", "Cobb, John B.", "Cocke, A. R.", "Cocksworth, Christopher John", "Coffin, Patrick", "Coggins, Richard J.", "Colenso, John William", "Collins, Adela Yarbro", "Collins, John J.", "Collins, Raymond F.", "Collinson, John", "Comfort, Philip W.", "Congar, Yves", "Conybeare, W. D.", "Conybeare, W. J.", "Cook, David", "Cook, F. C.", "Cooke, G. A.", "Cooke, R. J.", "Cooper, Ted", "Cornelius à Lapide", "Cosin, John", "Cousar, Charles B.", "Coverdale, Myles", "Craddock, Fred B.", "Cranmer, Thomas", "Crawford, Thomas J.", "Creach, Jerome F. D.", "Crockett, William D.", "Croft, George", "Crosby, Howard", "Crossan, John Dominic", "Croy, N. Clayton", "Cullen, John", "Cumming, John", "Cunningham, Lawrence S.", "Cunningham, William", "Currey, G.", "Curteis, George Herbert", "Curtis, Edward Lewis", "Dabney, Robert Lewis", "Dahle, Lars Nielsen", "Dahood, Mitchell", "Dalton, William Joseph", "Danker, Frederick William", "Daubney, William Heaford", "Daughters of Saint Paul", "Davenant, James", "Davidson, Peter", "Davidson, Robert", "Davies, John", "Davis, Dale Ralph", "Davis, Ellen F.", "Davis, John D.", "Davis, Patricia H.", "de Caussade, Jean Pierre", "de Chantal, Jane Frances", "De Vogue, Adalbert", "Deane, William J.", "Dearman, J. Andrew", "Dearmer, Percy", "Deering, Edward", "Deferrari, Roy J.", "Delitzsch, Franz", "DeMarco, Donald", "Demarest, Gary W.", "Denney, James", "Dennison, James T.", "Denzinger, Henry", "Descartes,  René", "DeSilva, David A.", "Desprez, P. S.", "Deterding, Paul", "Deterding, Paul E.", "Dewey, Joanna", "DeYoung, Kevin", "Diamond, A. R.", "Dickson, David", "Dillard, Raymond B.", "Dimech-Juchniewicz, Jean", "DiTommaso, Lorenzo", "Dix, Gregory", "Dods, Marcus", "Donahue, John R.", "Donelson, Lewis R.", "Donfried, Karl P.", "Donne, John", "Doran, Robert", "Doriani, Daniel M.", "Dorner, Isaak August", "Dosker, Henry Elias", "Dostoevsky, Fyodor", "Douglas, George C. M.", "Dozeman, Thomas B.", "Drake, William", "Drane, John", "Driver, Samuel Rolles", "Drown, Edward S.", "Drysdale, A. H.", "Dubay, Thomas", "DuBose, William Porcher", "Duguid, Iain M.", "Dumbrell, William J.", "Duncombe, Augustus", "Dungan, David Laird", "Dunker, Gary L.", "Dunlop, R. V.", "Dunnam, Maxie", "Duyckinck, George L.", "Dyer, Sidney D.", "Eadie, John", "Eastburn, Manton", "Easton, Matthew George", "Eaton, E. L.", "Eby, David", "Eckman, George P.", "Edalji, S.", "Edersheim, Alfred", "Edersheim, Alfred", "Edersheim, Alfred", "Edgar, David", "Edghill, Ernest Arthur", "Edwards, Ruth", "Ehlke, Roland Cap", "Eickmann, Paul E.", "Eims, Randy", "Elass, Mateen", "Elert, Werner", "Ellicott, Charles J.", "Ellington, John E.", "Elliott, C. J.", "Elliott, E. B.", "Elliott, John H.", "Elliott, Neil", "Ellis, J. Edward", "Ellison, Marvin M.", "Emmerich, Anne Catherine", "Emmet, Cyril W.", "Engelbrecht, Edward A.", "Engles, William L.", "Erasmus, Desiderius", "Erdman, Charles R.", "Erickson, Richard J.", "Eschelbach, Michael A.", "Espin, T. E.", "Espinosa, Alfonso O.", "Evans, Louis H.", "Evans, Neil", "Eveleigh, John", "Faber, George Stanley", "Fairbairn, Patrick", "Fape, M. Olusina", "Farmer, Kathleen A.", "Farrar, Frederic William", "Farrer, John", "Farwell, James", "Fausset, A. R.", "Fenwick, John", "Ferguson, Sinclair B.", "Fergusson, David", "Fewell, Danna Nolan", "Field, Frederick", "Field, John Edward", "Finch, William", "Finney, Charles G.", "Fiore, Benjamin", "Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler", "Fitzgerald, Allan D.", "Fitzmyer, Joseph A.", "Flaherty, Regis J.", "Flavel, John", "Flechsig, Lin", "Fleming, Caleb", "Floyd, Michael", "Fløysvik, Ingvar", "Foote, James", "Ford, J. Massyngberde", "Ford, James", "Foxe, John", "Frame, John M.", "France, R. T.", "Francis de Sales", "Francisco, Adam S.", "Franck, Augustus Hermannus", "Franklin, Carmela Vircillo", "Franzmann, Martin H.", "Freedman, David Noel", "Fremantle, W. H.", "Frisk, M. Jean", "Fry, Timothy", "Fryar, Jane L.", "Fuller, J. M.", "Furnish, Victor Paul", "Fynn, Paul Kofi", "Gaebelein, Arno", "Gaffin, Richard B.", "Gage, Warren A.", "Galli, Mark", "Galloway, Kathy", "Galvin, John P.", "Gan, Eugene", "Gandell, R.", "Garbett, James", "Gard, Daniel L.", "Garrod, G. W.", "Gaventa, Beverly Roberts", "Geldenhuys, Norval", "Gench, Frances Taylor", "Gentry, Kenneth L.", "Gerberding, George", "Gerhard, Johann", "Gerike, Henry V.", "Gibbs, Jeffrey A.", "Giblin, Charles H.", "Giertz, Bo", "Gieschen, Charles A.", "Giese, Curtis P.", "Gifford, E. H.", "Gigot, Francis Ernest", "Gildersleeve, Basil L.", "Gilpin, William", "Girdlestone, Robert Baker", "Glavich, Mary Kathleen", "Glazebrook, M. G.", "Goddard, Charles", "Goldingay, John", "Gooder, Paula", "Gordon, Geoffrey", "Gore, Charles", "Gosdeck, David M.", "Goulburn, Edward Meyrick", "Gould, Ezra P.", "Gowan, Donald E.", "Graff, Warren W.", "Graham, M. Patrick", "Graham, William", "Granados, Carlos", "Granados, Jose", "Grant, Anthony", "Grant, F. W.", "Grant, Frederick C.", "Grant, Maurice", "Gray, Philip C. L.", "Gray, Tim", "Grech, Prosper", "Green, Barbara", "Green, Joel B.", "Green, Michael P.", "Green, William Henry", "Gregg, David", "Gregory, Bryan R.", "Grenholm, Cristina", "Griffiths, J. S.", "Gritsch, Eric W.", "Grudem, Elliot", "Guarino, Thomas", "Guthrie, Thomas", "Gwynn, J.", "Hacking, Philip", "Hägglund, Bengt", "Hagner, Donald A.", "Hahn, Ernest", "Hahn, Scott", "Hahn-Hahn, Ida", "Hall, Charles Henry", "Hall, Francis J.", "Hals, Ronald", "Hamilton, James", "Hamlin, E. John", "Hannan, E. C. W.", "Hanson, Paul D.", "Hardy, Daniel", "Hare, Douglas R. A.", "Harman, Allan M.", "Harmon, Matthew P.", "Harrington, Daniel J.", "Harrington, Wilfrid J.", "Harrison, Everett F.", "Harrison, Matthew C.", "Harrisville, Roy A.", "Harstad, Adolph L.", "Hartin, Patrick J.", "Hartman, Lars", "Hartwig, Raymond L.", "Hartzell, Eric S.", "Harvard, Joseph S.", "Harvey, John E.", "Harvey, Robert", "Hastings, James", "Hatch, Edwin", "Hawker, Robert", "Hawkins, William", "Haydock, George Leo", "Hayes, John H.", "Headlam, Arthur C.", "Healy, Mary", "Heath, D. I.", "Heath, Elaine A.", "Heber, Reginald", "Heck, Sebastian", "Hedahl, Susan K.", "Hegeman, David", "Heider, George C.", "Heil, John Paul", "Hein, David", "Hendriksen, William", "Hengel, Martin", "Hengstenberg, E. W.", "Henrichs, Michael W.", "Henry, Matthew", "Herbert, George", "Hermes, Kathryn J.", "Herron, Thomas", "Hervey, A. C.", "Heurtley, Charles A.", "Hewson, William", "Hillard, A. E.", "Hilton, Walter", "Himes, Kenneth R.", "Hinlicky, Paul R.", "Hitchcock, James", "Hobhouse, Walter", "Hodge, Archibald Alexander", "Hodge, Caspar W.", "Hodge, Charles", "Hodges, George", "Hoeck, Andreas", "Hoekema, Anthony", "Hoerber, Robert G.", "Holladay, Carl R.", "Holmes, Christopher R. J.", "Holmes, Robert", "Holstrom, Bryan", "Honsey, Rudolph E.", "Hooker, Paul K.", "Hooker, Richard", "Hopkins, Ezekiel", "Horn, Edward T.", "Horne, Mark", "Horne, Thomas", "Horpynchuk, Vyacheslav", "Horsley, Samuel", "Hort, Fenton John Anthony", "Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar", "Howson, John S.", "Huffman, John A.", "Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe", "Hughes, Robert G.", "Hughes-Games, A.", "Hultgren, Arland J.", "Humann, Roger J.", "Hummel, Horace D.", "Hunt, Alfred Leedes", "Hunter, Sylvester Joseph", "Hurd, R. Scott", "Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman", "Hutchison, John", "Hutton, William Holden", "Huwiler, Elizabeth", "Huxtable, E.", "Hvalvik, Reidar", "Icenogle, Gareth Weldon", "Ignatius of Loyola", "Inge, William Ralph", "Jack, Alison", "Jackelén, Antje", "Jackson, L. Charles", "Jacobson, Rolf A.", "Jacobson, William", "Jacobus, Melancthon W.", "Jacques, Xavier", "James, Montague Rhodes", "Jelf, Richard William", "Jenkins, D. Edwards", "Jensen, Richard A.", "Jenson, Robert W.", "Jeremias, Joachim", "Jeske, John C.", "Jeske, Mark A.", "Jessup, Henry Harris", "Jewel, John", "Jewett, Robert", "Joersz, Jerald C.", "John of the Cross", "John Paul I", "John Paul II", "John XXIII", "Johnson, Dennis E.", "Johnson, Douglas W.", "Johnson, G. H. S.", "Johnson, Lawrence J.", "Johnson, Luke Timothy", "Johnson, Thomas F.", "Johnstone, Robert", "Jones, James", "Jones, John", "Jones, Mark", "Jones, Maurice", "Jones, W. B.", "Jowett, Benjamin", "Juel, Donald H.", "Jukes, Andrew J.", "Jungel, Eberhard", "Jurgens, William A.", "Just, Arthur A.", "Kalme, Guntis", "Kardong, Terrence G.", "Karris, Robert J.", "Kay, W.", "Keating, Daniel A.", "Keble, John", "Keddie, Gordon J.", "Keel, Othmar", "Keil, Carl Friedrich", "Keller, Timothy J.", "Kellerman, James A.", "Kellner, Maximilian Lindsay", "Kelly, Brian E.", "Kelly, Francis", "Kelly, J. N. D.", "Ker, Ian", "Kernaghan, Ronald J.", "Ketley, Joseph", "Kidner, Derek", "Kienker, Paul D.", "Kierkegaard, Soren", "Kim, Chul Hwan", "Kim, Hyo-Jong", "King, George W.", "Kingsbury, T. L.", "Kiraz, George A.", "Kirwan, William T.", "Kistler, Don", "Kittelson, James M.", "Klauck, Hans-Josef", "Klein, Ralph W.", "Kleinig, John W.", "Kleinig, Vernon P.", "Kloha, Jeffrey", "Knecht, Frederick Justus", "Knierim, Rolf P.", "Knight, George Angus Fulton", "Knight, George W.", "Knoppers, Gary N.", "Knowles, Andrew", "Knox, Ian S.", "Knox, John", "Koehler, Edward W. A.", "Koehler, John Philip", "Koenig, John", "Koester, Craig R.", "Kolb, Erwin J.", "Kolb, Robert", "Kosanke, Charles G.", "Koyra, Eshetu Abate", "Kreeft, Peter", "Krentz, Edgar", "Krodel, Gerhard A.", "Kruse, Colin G.", "Kurtz, Johann Heinrich", "Kurz, William S.", "Kuschel, Harlyn J.", "Kuschel, Kieth Bernard", "Kuske, David P.", "Kuske, Paul W.", "Kuyper, Abraham", "Kysar, Robert", "La Belle, James A.", "Labahn, Michael", "Lake, Kirsopp", "Lamb, James I.", "Lambrecht, Jan", "Lamdin, Keith", "Lanchester, H. C. O.", "Landon, Edward H.", "Lang, Cosmo Gordon", "Lang, John Marshall", "Larkin, William J.", "Larson, Bruce", "Lathrop, Gordon W.", "Lattke, Michael", "Laud, William", "Lauersdorf, Richard E.", "Launderville, Dale", "Laurence, Richard", "Laurie, Simon Somerville", "Law, William", "Lawlor, H. J.", "Lawrence of Brindisi", "Lawrenz, John C.", "Le Mesurier, Thomas", "Lee, William", "Lehmann, Helmut T.", "Leighton, Robert", "Leithart, Peter", "Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo", "Lenski, R. C. H.", "Lenz, Mark J.", "Leo XIII", "Lessing, R. Reed", "Leupold, H. C.", "Lewis, David I. M.", "Lewis, John G.", "Liddon, Henry Parry", "Liesen, Jan", "Lightfoot, John", "Lightfoot, Joseph Barber", "Ligonier Ministries", "Liguori, Alphonsus", "Likoudis, James", "Lillback, Peter A.", "Lillie, John", "Limburg, James", "Lindsay, Thomas M.", "Lindsay, William", "Linman, Jonathan", "Linton, Henry", "Littledale, Richard Frederick", "Lloyd, John", "Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn", "Lochhaas, Philip H.", "Lock, Walter", "Lockwood, Gregory J.", "Lohfink, Gerhard", "Lohfink, Norbert", "Lohse, Eduard", "Long, Stephen", "Long, Thomas C.", "Long, Thomas G.", "Longenecker, Richard N.", "Longman, Tremper", "Lord, Jennifer", "Love, Mark W.", "Lowrie, John M.", "Lowth, Robert", "Lucas, Dick", "Lucas, R. C.", "Lüdemann, Gerd", "Lull, David J.", "Lumby, J. Rawson", "Lundbom, Jack R.", "Lupton, J. H.", "Luther, Martin", "Lutheran Church", "Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod", "Lutheran Synod", "Lyall, David", "Lytkin, Vsevolod", "Maas, A. J.", "Maas, Korey", "Macartney, Clarence Edward", "MacDermott, G. M.", "Macdonald, Dennis R.", "MacDonald, Donald", "Macdonald, James M.", "MacDonald, Margaret Y.", "MacDougall, John", "Mace, Daniel", "MacEvilly, John", "Machen, J. Gresham", "MacIntosh, A. A.", "Mack, Burton L.", "MacKay, A. B.", "MacKay, John L.", "MacKnight, James", "MacLeod, Donald", "MacNutt, Francis", "MacPherson, John", "Macquarrie, John", "Maier, Paul L.", "Maier, Walter A.", "Maiers, Brian", "Malina, Bruce", "Mangina, Joseph L.", "Mann, Horace Kinder", "Mann, William Julius", "Manning, Brennan", "Mansel, H. L.", "Maria Maddelena de' Pazzi", "Marks, Frederick W.", "Marriage, Sophia", "Marriott, Charles", "Marshall, Walter", "Martin, Curtis", "Martin, Hugh", "Martin, Mary Peter", "Martin, Michaelann", "Martin, R. A.", "Martinez, Luis Maria", "Maschke, Timothy H.", "Matera, Frank J.", "Mather, George A.", "Mathison, Keith", "Mattison III, William C.", "Maturin, B. W.", "Maurice, Frederick Denison", "Maxey, James A.", "May, Alistair S.", "May, William E.", "Mayes, Benjamin T. G.", "Mays, James Luther", "Mbiti, John", "McCain, Paul T.", "McCarthy, David Matzko", "McCheyne, Robert Murray", "McDurmon, Joel", "McGee, J. Vernon", "McGovern, James J.", "McGrath, Alister", "McHugh, John F.", "McKane, William", "McKay, David", "McKenzie, John", "McNabb, Vincent", "McNamara, Martin J.", "McWilliams, David", "Mears, Henrietta C.", "Medd, Peter Goldsmith", "Meier, John P.", "Melancthon, Philip", "Melina, Livio", "Members of the University of Oxford", "Menegoz, Eugene", "Merrill, S. M.", "Merson, David", "Merton, Thomas", "Metzger, Bruce M.", "Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm", "Meyer, Joh P.", "Meyers, Jeffrey", "Meyrick, F.", "Michel, Walter L.", "Michell, R.", "Michie, Donald", "Middendorf, Michael P.", "Miles, Rebekah L.", "Miletic, Stephen Francis", "Millar, J. G.", "Miller II, Robert D.", "Miller, Charles", "Miller, Herbert G.", "Miller, Patrick D.", "Miller, Samuel", "Millington, Thomas S.", "Milne, Douglas J. W.", "Min, Kyung-jin", "Mitch, Curtis", "Mitch, Stacy", "Mitchell, A. W.", "Mitchell, Alan C.", "Mitchell, Christopher W.", "Mittelstaedt, John R.", "Moberly, George", "Moffatt, James", "Moloney, Francis J.", "Monro, Edward A.", "Montague, George T.", "Montgomery, James A.", "Moore, George F.", "Moore, T. V.", "Moran, William L.", "Morgan, James", "Morres, Robert", "Morris, Leon", "Morrow, Thomas G.", "Most Holy Governing Synod of Russia", "Motyer, J. Alec", "Moulaison, Jane Barter", "Moule, C. F. D.", "Moule, H. C. G.", "Moysey, C. A.", "Mozley, James Bowling", "Mueller, John Theodore", "Mueller, Steven P.", "Munden, Alan", "Murphy, Roland E.", "Murray, Andrew", "Murray, James O.", "Murray, Scott R.", "Myers, Jacob", "Nadasdy, Dean W.", "Neale, John Mason", "Neill, William", "Nelson, Richard D.", "Nestingen, James A.", "Neve, Timothy", "Nevin, Alfred", "Nevin, John Williamson", "Newcome, William", "Newheiser, Jim", "Newitt, Mark", "Newland, Henry", "Newman, Carey C.", "Newman, John Henry", "Newsom, Carol A.", "Newton, John", "Neyrey, Jerome H.", "Nichols, Aidan", "Nichols, Larry A.", "Nicodemus the Hagiorite", "Nicoll, W. Robertson", "Nielsen, Glenn A.", "Nieman, James R.", "Noble, Frederick A.", "Nolland, John", "Nordling, John", "Nordling, John G.", "Nutter, Charles S.", "O’Brien, John", "O’Brien, Peter T.", "O’Connor, James T.", "O’Connor, Kathleen M.", "O’Day, Gail R.", "O’Donnell, Kevin", "Oakley, Nigel W.", "Oakman, Douglas E.", "Oesterley, W. O. E.", "Ogilvie, Charles A.", "Okholm, Dennis L.", "Old, Hughes Oliphant", "Olden, Thomas", "Olson, Dennis T.", "O'Mahony, Kieran J.", "Omolo, Joseph Tom", "Omwanza, Walter Obare", "Orchard, Bernard", "Orchard, W. E.", "Orr, James", "Ortberg, John", "Ortlund, Raymond C.", "Ott, Ludwig", "Owen, John J.", "Paavola, Daniel E.", "Packer, J. I.", "Paisley, Ian R. K.", "Paley, William", "Palmer, William", "Panikulam, George", "Pannenberg, Wolfhart", "Panning, Armin J.", "Papavassiliou, Vassilios", "Park, J. R.", "Parsons, Burk", "Pascal, Blaise", "Pastor, Ludwig", "Patrick, Simon", "Patterson, Alexander S.", "Patton, Francis L.", "Paul VI", "Pauw, Amy Plantinga", "Paxton, William M.", "Payne, Jon D.", "Peake, Arthur S.", "Pearce, Fraser A.", "Pearson, John", "Pecknold, C. C.", "Peile, James H. F.", "Peile, Thomas Williamson", "Percy, Anthony", "Percy, Martyn", "Perkins, Pheme", "Perrin, Nicholas", "Pervo, Richard I.", "Peters, Edward N.", "Petersen, David", "Peterson, Eugene H.", "Pfeiffer, Charles R.", "Philip, William", "Phillips, Richard D.", "Pieper, Francis", "Pierson, Arthur T.", "Pietak, Stanislaus", "Pilch, John J.", "Pimentel, Stephen", "Pinder, John H.", "Pipa, Joseph A.", "Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary", "Pius X", "Pius XI", "Pius XII", "Plummer, Alfred A.", "Plumptre, E. H.", "Pohle, Joseph", "Polkinghorne, John", "Ponessa, Joseph", "Popp, Kevin P.", "Porter, J. Scott", "Powell, Mark Allan", "Powys, David J.", "Poythress, Vern S.", "Prange, Victor H.", "Pratt, Richard L.", "Presbyterian Committee of Publication", "Pressler, Carolyn", "Preus, Robert D.", "Price, Charles", "Procter, John", "Protestant Episcopal Church", "Provan, Iain W.", "Pusey, E. B", "Quinn, Jerome", "Quirk, Reginald C.", "Quivik, Melinda A.", "Raabe, Paul", "Raabe, Paul R.", "Radner, Ephraim", "Rahner, Karl", "Raleigh, Alexander", "Ramsey, Michael", "Randolph, Berkeley William", "Rathmann, Rodney L.", "Ratzinger, Joseph", "Rawlinson, George", "Ray, Stephen K.", "Raymond, Miner", "Re’emi, S. Paul", "Reardon, Patrick Henry", "Redpath, Henry A.", "Reed, Harry Lathrop", "Reformed Episcopal Church", "Reid, Stephen", "Reitschel, William C.", "Remensnyder, Junius B.", "Rendall, Frederic", "Rendall, Gerald H.", "Reno, R. R.", "Retief, Frank", "Reumann, John H. P.", "Reuss, Edouard", "Reymond, Robert", "Reynolds, Edward", "Rhoads, David", "Richard, Earl J.", "Richard, James W.", "Richey, Thomas", "Riddlebarger, Kim", "Ridley, Nicholas", "Riggans, Walter", "Riggs, James Stevenson", "Ritschl, Albrecht", "Ritter, Larry D.", "Robertson, C. K.", "Robertson, David A", "Robertson, James", "Robertson, O. Palmer", "Robinson, Charles S.", "Robinson, Gnana", "Robinson, James M.", "Robinson, Paschal", "Roehrs, Walter R.", "Roehrs, Walther R.", "Rogers, George Albert", "Romaine, W.", "Rose, H. J.", "Rosner, Brian S.", "Ross, Allen", "Ross, Michael F.", "Ross, Mike", "Rossetti, Christina", "Rottmann, Erik J.", "Row, Charles Adolphus", "Rowlandson, W. H.", "Rowling, Cathy", "Ruge-Jones, Philip", "Rutherford, Samuel", "Ryan, Judith M.", "Ryken, Philip Graham", "Ryle, Herbert Edward", "Ryle, J. C.", "Saarinen, Risto", "Sadler, M. F.", "Sadler, Rodney S.", "Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob", "Saleska, Timothy E.", "Salmon, George", "Salmon, Marilyn J.", "Salmond, Stewart D. F.", "Sanchez-Navarro, Luis", "Sanday, William", "Sanders, James A.", "Sanford, John", "Santmire, H. Paul", "Sawyer, J. Richard", "Scaer, David P.", "Scaer, Peter J.", "Schaeffer, Francis A.", "Schaller, John", "Schaum, Charles P.", "Schillebeeckx, Edward", "Schindler, David L.", "Schmidt, Andreas", "Schmit, Clayton J.", "Schmitt, Frederick A.", "Schmucker, S. S.", "Scholz, Vilson", "Schönborn, Christoph", "Schramm, Brooks", "Schreck, Alan", "Schroeder, H. J.", "Schuchard, Bruce G.", "Schuetze, Armin W.", "Schulz, Charles R.", "Schwabb, George M.", "Schweitzer, Albert", "Scott, J. Julius", "Scott, Melville", "Scott, Robert", "Scratton, George", "Scudder, Henry", "Searle, David", "Seiss, Joseph A.", "Seitz, Christopher R.", "Seltz, Gregory P.", "Selvaggio, Anthony", "Selwyn, Edward Carus", "Semeklis, Remigijus", "Senior, Donald", "Senn, Frank C.", "Seow, Choon-Leong", "Shanks, Andrew", "Shea, John Gilmary", "Shedd, William G. T.", "Shepard, Richard", "Shirley, Walter Augustus", "Short, Augustus", "Sibbes, Richard", "Siedell, Daniel A.", "Sievers, Joseph", "Silva, Moisés", "Simeon, Charles", "Simojoki, Anssi", "Simon, Patrick", "Sirois, Celia", "Sitterly, Charles Fremont", "Skarsaune, Oskar", "Skinner, John", "Skrine, John Huntley", "Slenczka, Reinhard", "Sloyan, Gerard S.", "Small, Terry S.", "Smeaton, George", "Smith, D. Moody", "Smith, J. Ritchie", "Smith, Michael K.", "Smith, Morton", "Smith, R. Payne", "Smith, Ralph A.", "Smith, Robert E.", "Smith, Robert H.", "Smith, Susan Marie", "Smith, Sydney", "Smyth, Thomas", "Soards, Marion L.", "Sofie, J. Francis", "Solvang, Elna K.", "Somers, Gayle", "Sorensen, Robert A.", "Spaude, Cyril W.", "Speck, Peter", "Spence, H. D. M.", "Spener, Philip Jacob", "Spicq, Ceslas", "Spitz, Lewis W.", "Spranger, R. J.", "Spring, Gardiner", "Sproul, R. C.", "Spruit, Leen", "Sri, Edward", "St. George’s Free Church", "Stainer, John", "Stalker, James", "Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn", "Stanley, David Michael", "Stanley, V. Indrenath", "Steenstra, P. H.", "Stegman, Thomas D.", "Steiner, Mark G.", "Steinmann, Andrew E.", "Stellman, Jason J.", "Stendahl, Krister", "Stephenson, John R.", "Stevens, Marty E.", "Stevens, William Bacon", "Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne", "Stewart, Andrew", "Stjerna, Kirsi I.", "Stock, Joseph", "Stolle, Volker", "Stonard, John", "Stone, Darwell", "Storms, Sam", "Stortz, Rodney", "Stott, John", "Stravinskas, Peter M. J.", "Streufert, Mary J.", "Strong, Leonard", "Strong, Thomas B.", "Stuart, A. Moody", "Stubbs, David L.", "Stube, John C.", "Stuckwisch, D. Richard", "Stuhlmueller, Carroll", "Stulac, George M.", "Sullivan, John F.", "Sumner, John Bird", "Sunday, Billy", "Suprenant, Leon J.", "Surburg, Mark P.", "Suso, Henry", "Swain, Storm", "Swete, Henry Barclay", "Switzer, David K.", "Sykes, Stephen", "Symington, William", "Tait, Arthur J.", "Tappert, Theodore G.", "Tatham, Edward", "Taylor, Charles", "Taylor, Jeremy", "Taylor, John B.", "Taylor, L. Roy", "Taylor, Walter F.", "Taylor, William M.", "Tchividjian, Tullian", "Tellini, Gian", "Temple, Frederick", "Temple, William", "Teresa of Ávila", "Terry, Justyn", "Terry, Milton S.", "The Episcopal Church", "Thein, John", "Thérèse of Lisieux", "Thielman, Frank", "Thiselton, Anthony C.", "Thomas, Derek", "Thomas, Griffith", "Thompson, Marianne Meye", "Thomson, Andrew (Broughton)", "Thorndike, Herbert", "Thornwell, James Henley", "Thrall, Margaret E.", "Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda", "Throntveit, Mark A.", "Thrupp, Joseph Francis", "Tickle, Phyllis", "Tiede, David L.", "Tinker, Melvin", "Tisdale, Leonora Tubbs", "Tisdall, William St. Clair", "Titley, Robert", "Todd, James F.", "Toller, T. N.", "Toller, Thomas", "Tomlin, Graham", "Toplady, Augustus M.", "Toppe, Carleton", "Torrance, David W.", "Torrance, Thomas F.", "Torvend, Samuel", "Touloute, Paul", "Towner, Philip H.", "Towner, W. Sibley", "Travis, Stephen", "Trench, Richard Chenevix", "Trollope, W.", "Tswaedi, David", "Tucker, Gene M.", "Tuell, Steven S.", "Turnbull, Ralph", "Turner, James", "Turner, Samuel H.", "Tylenda, Joseph N.", "Tyng, Stephen H.", "Ulrich, Dean R.", "Underhill, Evelyn", "University of Navarre", "Uprichard, Harry", "Ussher, James", "Valentine, Milton", "Valleskey, David J.", "Van Beek, Aart M.", "Van Til, Cornelius", "Van Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H.", "VanderKam, James C.", "VanDrunen, David", "Vanhoye, Albert", "Vaughan, Charles John", "Veith, Gene Edward", "Verhoef, Pieter A.", "Vibert, Simon", "Vincent, John Heyl", "Vincent, Marvin R.", "Vogan, Thomas S. L.", "Vogel, Larry M.", "von Balthasar, Hans Urs", "von Harnack, Adolf", "von Hefele, Karl Joseph", "von Hildebrand, Dietrich", "von Mosheim, John Laurence", "von Rad, Gerhard", "Vos, Geerhardus", "Wace, Henry", "Wacker, William", "Wagner, George", "Wagner, Roger", "Waite, Joseph", "Waldengrave, Samuel", "Waldenström, P.", "Waldstein, Michael", "Walker, Paul", "Walker, Thomas", "Walther, C. F. W.", "Walther, Michael P.", "Walton, Kevin", "Walton, Steve", "Wansbrough, Henry", "Ward, Bernard", "Ward, Robin", "Wardlaw, Ralph", "Warfield, Benjamin B.", "Water, Mark", "Watkins, Henry Williams", "Watson, David F.", "Watts, James W.", "Webb, Barry G.", "Webber, Robert", "Weber, Karl A.", "Wehner, James A.", "Weinandy, Thomas G.", "Weiss, Benjamin", "Welborne, L. L.", "Wellhausen, Julius", "Wells, Jo Bailey", "Wendland, Ernst H.", "Wendland, Paul O.", "Wengert, Timothy J.", "Wenham, David", "Wenham, Gordon J.", "Wenthe, Dean O.", "Wesley, Charles", "Wesley, John", "West, Christopher", "Westcott, Brooke Foss", "Westendorf, James J.", "Westminster Theological Seminary", "Weston, Frank", "Wharton, James A.", "Whately, Richard", "Wheaton, N. S.", "Whitacre, Rodney A.", "White, R. Fowler", "Whitefield, George", "Whitehead, Kenneth D.", "Whitford, David M.", "Whybray, R. N.", "Whyte, Alexander", "Wicke, Harold E.", "Wikner, Benjamin K.", "Wilberforce, Samuel", "Wilberforce, William", "Wilch, John R.", "Wilcock, Michael", "Wilcox, Pete", "Wilkins, Steve", "Williams, H. Page", "Williamson, James", "Williamson, Lamar", "Williamson, Peter S.", "Willimon, William H.", "Willson, James R.", "Wilson, Alistair", "Wilson, Daniel", "Wilson, Henry Bristow", "Wilson, Neil S.", "Winger, Thomas M.", "Wingren, Gustaf", "Wink, Walter", "Winter, Bruce", "Wintle, Thomas", "Witherington, Ben", "Wolfgramm, Arno J.", "Wood, William Spicer", "Woodgate, Henry Arthur", "Woodhouse, John", "Woodward, James", "Wordsworth, John", "Woywod, Stanislaus", "Wrede, William", "Wright, Arthur", "Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton", "Wright, Christopher J. H.", "Wright, G. Ernest", "Wright, J. Robert", "Wright, N. T.", "Wright, Thomas", "Wylie, J. A.", "Xenia Theological Seminary", "Yarbrough, Robert W.", "Yates, Timothy", "Yee, Gale A.", "Yocum, John P.", "Young, Loyal", "Yow, Jesse L.", "Zahl, Paul F. M.", "Zenger, Erich", "Zeno, Katrina J.", "Zwemer, Samuel M.") OR Publisher:("Benziger Brothers", "Concordia", "Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico", "Emmaus Road Publishing", "Herder", "Ignatius", "Libreria Editrice Vaticana", "Ligonier", "Liturgical Press", "Lutheran", "Northwestern Publishing House", "P&R Publishing", "Pauline Books & Media", "Pontifical Biblical Institute", "Presbyterian", "Presbyterian Board of Publication", "Reformation Trust", "SPCK", "St. Vladimir's Seminary Press", "The Catholic Publication Society", "The Encyclopedia Press", "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops")

    Yet still doesn't pick up every title authored by the catholics.

    I solved it for my personal collection by simply dragging in the "denom. stream" collections that are catholic, Presbyterian and orthodox. Adding in the Catholic collection increased my count by a bit under 100 (the others had no effect) (4659-4740). Adding the lutheran denom stream further increased my count by 51. Episcopals aren't especially well represented in my library, but adding that group didn't alter the count one way or the other. Nor did adding any non-baptistic reformed denomination/denom stream.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Adding the denom stream collections to the freshly downloaded rule from your project; I found the following:

    1. adding catholics took me from 647 - 1400+ in the collection.
    2. adding presbyterians took me from 1400-2600+.
    3. adding orthodox (eastern and oriental) took me from ~2600-2675~
    4. adding in the lutherans took me to 2868. adding in my reformed collection (Which is I think is basically your rules, but with mytag:reformed added in) brings me up to:4570
    6. adding in the episcopals brings me up to 4688 or a difference of three titles between my personal collection, and the sum total of the collections from the project...

    Something went sideways in the rules I think....

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    I wonder if when you add collections to the box in the rule builder, if those don't transfer well when such a collection is shared. Maybe I have to have all of your collections downloaded and active on my machine with the precise name you gave them rather than their updated names like: Denom. Stream: Lutheran (4) would need to lose the (4) for it to work properly?

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • John Brumett
    John Brumett Member Posts: 612 ✭✭

    You can add John Ankerberg as a Dispensationalist 

    W.A. Criswell was a Dispensationalist.  

    You need to correct Lewis Sperry Chafer  as Charismatic and remove this designation.  He was a Cessationist and a Presbyterian he did not believe in the continuation of all Spiritual Gifts such as speaking in tongues.  Chafter was a Dispensationalist and founder of Dallas Theological Seminary.  Some older Charismatics may use some points of his eschatology but he himself is clearly not Charismatic.   

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    I wonder if when you add collections to the box in the rule builder, if those don't transfer well when such a collection is shared. Maybe I have to have all of your collections downloaded and active on my machine with the precise name you gave them rather than their updated names like: Denom. Stream: Lutheran (4) would need to lose the (4) for it to work properly?

    I think you're probably right about it not handling added collections well.  For clarity:

    Church Theology: Infant Baptism includes the following Denom. Streams: Anglican, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, German Protestant, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox and Presbyterian, plus the following Denomination: Dutch Reformed Church.

    Church Theology: Believers' Baptism includes the following Denom. Streams: Anabaptist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Plymouth Brethren, Restoration Movement, plus the following Denominations: Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie), Evangelical Free Church of America, Seventh-day Adventist

    I'd be interested in whether you can see this, whether it works when you have the latest copies of each of these downloaded and, if not, whether you have found any other fix to get it to work.

    For me, this is yet another reason for Logos to take this in-house, as per the suggestion at 

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    You can add John Ankerberg as a Dispensationalist 

    W.A. Criswell was a Dispensationalist.  

    You need to correct Lewis Sperry Chafer  as Charismatic and remove this designation.  He was a Cessationist and a Presbyterian he did not believe in the continuation of all Spiritual Gifts such as speaking in tongues.  Chafter was a Dispensationalist and founder of Dallas Theological Seminary.  Some older Charismatics may use some points of his eschatology but he himself is clearly not Charismatic.   

    Thanks, John.  You're right on all counts.  I've updated the spreadsheet, so these changes will be in future updates.  Regarding Chafer, I checked his Systematic Theology and you're right that he's a cessationist.  Back on May 1st 2013, Rich Tatum, Logos' Pentecostal/Charismatic Marketing Specialist, had suggested that Chafer was charismatic in a post to this forum thread.  I adopted his suggestions, without checking too much, and I think that most of them were reliable.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Church Theology: Infant Baptism includes the following Denom. Streams: Anglican, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, German Protestant, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox and Presbyterian, plus the following Denomination: Dutch Reformed Church.

    Church Theology: Believers' Baptism includes the following Denom. Streams: Anabaptist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Plymouth Brethren, Restoration Movement, plus the following Denominations: Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie), Evangelical Free Church of America, Seventh-day Adventist

    Changed the name of my existing collections (as they are modified). Re-downloaded the original collections from the documents tab (incl the infant and believers baptism collections). checked the infant baptism tag and were back down to 643 titles in that collection.

    This is kind of a moot point, since the collection isn't working any way, but shouldn't it include the catholics? they all baptize infants.

    It may be time to email bob &/or make a post in the beta forum asking them to fix this.

    I honestly haven't really had too much time to mess with it. its crunch time at the end of the semester. Will work on it more down the line.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Church Theology: Infant Baptism includes the following Denom. Streams: Anglican, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, German Protestant, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox and Presbyterian, plus the following Denomination: Dutch Reformed Church.

    Church Theology: Believers' Baptism includes the following Denom. Streams: Anabaptist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Plymouth Brethren, Restoration Movement, plus the following Denominations: Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie), Evangelical Free Church of America, Seventh-day Adventist

    Changed the name of my existing collections (as they are modified). Re-downloaded the original collections from the documents tab (incl the infant and believers baptism collections). checked the infant baptism tag and were back down to 643 titles in that collection.

    This is kind of a moot point, since the collection isn't working any way, but shouldn't it include the catholics? they all baptize infants.

    It may be time to email bob &/or make a post in the beta forum asking them to fix this.

    I honestly haven't really had too much time to mess with it. its crunch time at the end of the semester. Will work on it more down the line.

    Thanks, abs.  This appears to show that the 'Plus these resources' part does not work in shared collections.  If you add the Denom. Streams and Denominations I listed, then this should work.  It shouldn't take more than a minute to recreate for yourself if you have all the shared collections already.

    I'm happy for you or someone else to chase up getting this working (or the feature added if the software was never meant to do this in the first place).  I think I'd like to focus on categorising.

    I wasn't sure about your point regarding Catholics.  They already seem to be listed in the Infant Baptism collection at the top of this post.

    Hope the end of semester goes well. [:)]

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    As to the catholics, I don't do my best work at 2:30 am apparently :):)

    I thought about a couple possible solutions.

    1. tagging, and this was how I fixed it for my self. I tagged each of the groups that should have been included as Infant Baptism, then simplified the downloaded rule as "mytag:"infant baptism"

    2. probably more push button for the average joe using these collections, we could make Infant Baptism 1, Infant Baptism 2, and so on as needed. The same for any other collection that is too long, or depends upon having a collection in the "plus these resources" area.

    Are there any other collections that have things in the "plus these resources" area?

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    The latest edition of the spreadsheet is: 7838.Denominations and Theology - 01 January

    The reference guide is unchanged: 4426.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc

    There are nearly 400 more authors categorised and 346 more authors with countries listed in the last two months.  I'll continue to work on the authors who still haven't been categorised.  As always, feel free to make suggestions, corrections, etc. and I'll try to add them as soon as I can.  The Faithlife Group ( is continuing to grow slowly, and I've updated all the collections available there.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    The latest edition of the spreadsheet is: 0564.Denominations and Theology - 25 February

    The reference guide is unchanged: 4426.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc

    There are over 750 more authors categorised and over 700 more authors with countries listed in the last two months.  I'll continue to add more authors to the list.  As always, feel free to make suggestions, corrections, etc. and I'll try to add them as soon as I can.  The Faithlife Group ( is continuing to grow slowly, and I've updated all the collections available there.

  • Bill Shewmaker
    Bill Shewmaker Member Posts: 750 ✭✭✭

    Andrew, in the listing of authors and their denominational background, Barry L. Davis should be listed as Restoration Movement. Just an FYI.

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Are there any other collections that have things in the "plus these resources" area?

    Sorry for not responding to your question for so long.  The only collections that use plus or minus these resources are:

    Church Theology: Believers' Baptism, Infant Baptism and Mainline

    Theology: Reformed Baptist, Not Baptist, Not Reformed (Calvinist)

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Andrew, in the listing of authors and their denominational background, Barry L. Davis should be listed as Restoration Movement. Just an FYI.

    Thanks, Bill.  Do you have any evidence for this, such as a website that mentions it?  And do you know which branch of the Restoration Movement (e.g. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)), preferably with supporting evidence?

  • Bill Shewmaker
    Bill Shewmaker Member Posts: 750 ✭✭✭

    Andrew, in the listing of authors and their denominational background, Barry L. Davis should be listed as Restoration Movement. Just an FYI.

    Thanks, Bill.  Do you have any evidence for this, such as a website that mentions it?  And do you know which branch of the Restoration Movement (e.g. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)), preferably with supporting evidence? He would be with the Independent "branch" of the RM.
  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Andrew, in the listing of authors and their denominational background, Barry L. Davis should be listed as Restoration Movement. Just an FYI.

    Thanks, Bill.  Do you have any evidence for this, such as a website that mentions it?  And do you know which branch of the Restoration Movement (e.g. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)), preferably with supporting evidence? He would be with the Independent "branch" of the RM.

    Thanks again.  I've updated the spreadsheet, so this should be in all future updates.

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭
    Did we get the issue with the larger collections sorted out? :)

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    The latest edition of the spreadsheet is: 5488.Denominations and Theology - 5 April

    The reference guide has been updated to make it a little clearer: 8461.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference - 5 April 2016.doc

    There are over 450 more authors added and categorised and there has been some tidying of the data in the last month and a half.  As always, feel free to make suggestions, corrections, etc. and I'll try to add them as soon as I can.  The Faithlife Group ( is continuing to grow slowly, and I've updated all the collections available there.

    Remember that the spreadsheet has a number of denominations not available through the Faithlife Group, as well as the powerful Autofilter option that allows customised collections, such as resources/books by all of the authors who are Female and Lutheran, or Dispensational and Reformed, or Baptist and born in the 1800s, for example.

  • Daniel Jomphe
    Daniel Jomphe Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    Hello, having been (probably) naïve in configuring dozens of those collections, I didn't realize how it slowed down my Logos app's startup time. I wanted to share that here in case someone else would be affected like I've been. (And it may be that it was just my collections that got corrupted, and not directly them being the cause of my issues, who knows...)

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    Hello, having been (probably) naïve in configuring dozens of those collections, I didn't realize how it slowed down my Logos app's startup time. I wanted to share that here in case someone else would be affected like I've been. (And it may be that it was just my collections that got corrupted, and not directly them being the cause of my issues, who knows...)

    Thanks for the post, Daniel.  Having taken a quick look at the logs you provided, it looks like there was a problem with some of the collections you had that cost a few seconds each on start-up.  It would be good if someone at Logos could look at this.  

    The collections that slowed down your start-up were running more than once, sometimes taking just a couple of milliseconds, but then running again and taking up to 12.2 seconds to run.  (As the slower runs were not the first ones, this can't be because the queries were learning and improving.)  There also appears to have been some corruption of your collections, which slowed down some of them, but I'm not sure that this explains the whole problem.  When running properly, these collections were taking much less than a second, and usually just a few milliseconds.

    To read logs like this one, it may be helpful to copy and paste the data into a spreadsheet.  Select the data in the spreadsheet, and use 'TextToColumns' with | as a delimiter.  You may also want to create a custom format "mm:ss.000" to see the milliseconds part of the data.

    Hope it's now running as fast as it should be.

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    The collections that slowed down your start-up were running more than once, sometimes taking just a couple of milliseconds, but then running again and taking up to 12.2 seconds to run.

    Just as a wild guess, I wonder if the offending collections are somehow recursive - Collection A containing collection B which contains collection A? I don't even know if this is possible but it might be, it might be worth a quick check to see if collections are embedded inside collections. Even if not recursive, I could see where a lot of "nesting" of collections slows things down - collection A contains B which contains C etc.  As a note, I probably have at least 80 collections and I see no slow-down at all so something is surely amiss....

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    Just as a wild guess, I wonder if the offending collections are somehow recursive - Collection A containing collection B which contains collection A? I don't even know if this is possible but it might be,

    'Recursive' collections are a good thing. i suspect the problem here was that they weren't 'recursive'. See my comments here: 

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Are there any other collections that have things in the "plus these resources" area?

    Sorry for not responding to your question for so long.  The only collections that use plus or minus these resources are:

    Church Theology: Believers' Baptism, Infant Baptism and Mainline

    Theology: Reformed Baptist, Not Baptist, Not Reformed (Calvinist)

    can we get a comprehensive list of what groups are included in those so individuals can rebuild them the way they ought to be?

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    can we get a comprehensive list of what groups are included in those so individuals can rebuild them the way they ought to be?

    No problem.

    Full Library rule: Rating:>=0

    Theology: Not Baptist no rule; + "Full Library"; - "Denom. Stream: Baptist"

    Theology: Not Reformed (Calvinist) no rule; + "Full Library"; - "Theology: Reformed (Calvinist)"

    Reformed Baptist no rule; + "Full Library"; - "Theology: Not Baptist"; - "Theology: Not Reformed (Calvinist)"

    For Church Theology categories, see the "Theology by Denom" worksheet in the main spreadsheet. Notice that they are largely categorised by Denom. Stream, rather than Denomination.  Thus, although the spreadsheet lists all the Anglican denominations, it shows that all these denominations are in the Infant Baptism category.  In creating a rule, it is far easier to use "Denom. Stream: Anglican", than to list all the separate denominations.  Where a stream such as Wesleyan contains both Believers' Baptism and Infant Baptism, the separate denominations will have to be added. A number of denominations are not categorised, either because they do not have a position either way or because I wasn't aware of it when I drew up the list.  Feel free to let me know regarding denominations I haven't categorised.  As always, please provide evidence, preferably with a web link so that it can be easily checked.

    Hope that helps.

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Some of us are just learning that the collection filters caches are rebuilt every time the application starts. If Logos could implement some type of theological/denominational tagging, it would certainly speed up the application launch for anyone who values the convenience of these types of collections.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    it would certainly speed up the application launch for anyone who values the convenience of these types of collections.

    Question: How often do you use those collections? 

    Maybe save the rules in a doc or text file out side of Logos and then rebuild the collection on the rare times that you need it?

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    Some of us are just learning that the collection filters caches are rebuilt every time the application starts. If Logos could implement some type of theological/denominational tagging, it would certainly speed up the application launch for anyone who values the convenience of these types of collections.

    I too was thinking that it might be a good idea to post in this thread too. Thanks. I'm especially interested to hear if anyone else who uses these collection rules has experienced an speed/performance issues on switching layouts.

    Question: How often do you use those collections? 

    Maybe save the rules in a doc or text file out side of Logos and then rebuild the collection on the rare times that you need it?

    I can at least answer your question from my point of view. It has not been often that I have used them. I was also thinking that I might save the rules in a document but it certainly would be more convenience to have them in Logos.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Question: How often do you use those collections? 

    Maybe save the rules in a doc or text file out side of Logos and then rebuild the collection on the rare times that you need it?

    I tend to use them on the fly within the library, mostly via the info pane about a resource. I find myself glancing at the resource info a few times a week.

    Since computers can accomplish things faster and far more efficiently than we can, I'd rather let the software do it. It's certainly far more convenient for Logos to keep the collection info up to date for me, rather than me having to remember to manually rebuild it.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    I too was thinking that it might be a good idea to post in this thread too. Thanks. I'm especially interested to hear if anyone else who uses these collection rules has experienced an speed/performance issues on switching layouts.

    I use these collection rules, but my time to switch between layouts is only about 5-10 seconds. I've never seen times in the 1 or 2 minute range that you've reported. I think it probably comes down to the complexity of the layout, and the performance of the machine.

    I did notice an improvement once I had switched to using Multiview, but can't provide any numbers for comparison, as I replaced my L6 layouts with new ones for L7.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I too was thinking that it might be a good idea to post in this thread too. Thanks. I'm especially interested to hear if anyone else who uses these collection rules has experienced an speed/performance issues on switching layouts.

    I'd be very confident that collection rules don't affect layout switching. I'm fairly sure there's a problem with your layouts.db file, as I mention on the other thread.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Bruce Dunning
    Bruce Dunning MVP Posts: 11,148

    I'd be very confident that collection rules don't affect layout switching.

    That is good to know. I was just saying this as others thought that collections may be contributing to the issue.

    Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    I have been using these collections to tag, and then deleting them. Every now and then I check and see when they were last updated, and re-tag everything.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    I do much as abondservant as the collections build time is problematic.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Andrew Baguley
    Andrew Baguley Member Posts: 641 ✭✭✭

    The latest edition of the spreadsheet is: 4314.Denominations and Theology - 26 September

    The reference guide is: 0763.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference - 5 April 2016.doc

    I have added over 400 more authors, including all those in the latest Collector's Edition.  As always, feel free to make suggestions, corrections, etc. and I'll try to add them as soon as I can.  The Faithlife Group ( is continuing to grow slowly, and I've updated all the collections available there.

    Note that the spreadsheet contains far more information than the collections in the Faithlife Group, but it is too unwieldy to create all the collections that could be created from the data in the spreadsheet.  It also allows bespoke groups such as Female Lutherans, nineteenth-century Anglicans and either sixteenth-century or Catholic.  There are nearly 7000 authors listed, with over 5600 categorised.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,199 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks! I took a peak at this and I was surprised there was no theology: premillenial but there was one for amillenial.  Is that tag in the works?