it has finally happened...

I have been a Logos user since nearly the beginning, and had eventually upgraded to beyond portfolio. In any case, in CO111, I am for the first time, seeing the dreaded lock icon for Explore/Suggested Reading. I have seen the lock icon in the See Also section, and even made a purchase or two of resources for those courses.
But here's the problem now: When I click the link to take me to the Logos store to take a look at the resource and see if I want it, and check the price to see it I can justify the individual purchase, I am told that the resource is not available individually!!!
in fact, it is only available in three bundles, one that is ~$250, one that is ~$1,300, and one that is ~$1,800. uhm, Logos - no thanks. this has really put me off, and taken me aback somewhat.
i am truly disappointed to see this. Regardless of whether or not I actually buy the resource, having it only available in other bundles as part of a course appears to be deceiving. I am sure that's not the case, but nevertheless, that's how I perceive it after this circumstance.
Brent, make a request via email and telephone and you may enable Faithlife to negotiate with the publisher to make it a single download.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
Brent, make a request via email and telephone and you may enable Faithlife to negotiate with the publisher to make it a single download.
It's not the publishers who are at fault. It's the Logos business model.
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What is the name of the book? This would help.
One or two of the books by the course instructor are in Vyrso and link fine for me. They are being updated to Logos editions, and a bad link was put into the course.
This is only a guess.
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This has never happened to me, and I have a ton of courses. So I assume it is not a common issue, nor do I assume Logos / FL would intentionally do this. However, I would be upset, too, if I encountered a book used in a course and was required to purchase an entire bundle to have that book. That would be (if it is the case - could be an oversight or bad link) bad business on FL's part. Any book needed for a course should be available individually. Hopefully this is already the SOP for course development...if not, it SHOULD BE!!
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
here's the link:
"God’s Imitators: Commentary on Ephesians 5:1 EHS:E"
Elyse Fitzpatrick, CO111 Gospel-Centered Counseling, Logos Mobile Education (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014)."
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Brent Hoefling said:
here's the link:
"God’s Imitators: Commentary on Ephesians 5:1 EHS:E"
Well, according to (the list of referenced resources) this particular book is suggested altogether once [1 time (s) ] in the whole course. I don't think that aks for so much disappointment (especially in light of courses where supposedly a major, often-suggested resource came from Moody and simply is not available for any good words or dollars from Faithlife). But that's my 2c, YMMV.
Have joy in the Lord!
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This has happened to me with the ED201 Empowering God's People for Ministry course. One book towards the end of the course is not available in either Logos or Vyrso. The book is referenced 9x for reading. When I called logos and asked about it I found that the book was discontinued in 2014. Guess I got the course a year late. The book that is no longer available is Search and Rescue:Becoming a Disciple that Makes a Difference by Neil Cole.
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We normally try to avoid linking to an individual resource that is only available as part of a larger, expensive collection, especially when there are other similar resources available (as there are in this case). I'm not sure, but I'm guessing this resource was included in Platinum when we produced this course. We try to limit the "Suggested Reading" sections in Mobile Ed Courses to resources found in Platinum, but the resources included in Platinum changed from Logos 5 to Logos 6. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Miles Custis said:
We normally try to avoid linking to an individual resource that is only available as part of a larger, expensive collection, especially when there are other similar resources available (as there are in this case). I'm not sure, but I'm guessing this resource was included in Platinum when we produced this course. We try to limit the "Suggested Reading" sections in Mobile Ed Courses to resources found in Platinum, but the resources included in Platinum changed from Logos 5 to Logos 6. I apologize for the inconvenience.
This sounds like a fair explanation to me. Thanks for taking the time to address this Miles!
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0