Mobile Ed: Kings of Israel Bundle

Mobile Ed: Kings of Israel Bundle Shipping 6/2/16
This course has been on my Pre-Pub list for quite a while. Just yesterday I went through my entire list checking on the progress of each title. This one was still "gathering interest" with a ways to go. Imagine my surprise to see it has a shipping date of June 2nd today.
I really wanted this Pre-Pub but must cancel due to short notice. (7 days)
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
I am the same way, I did not like the short notice.
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Originally, Prepub was considered the "advanced notice" until people started complaining when too many Prepubs began shipping at once. Since then the flood has not abated, and I expect it to grow in the future. In the past Logos has tried to make concessions on some large ticket items, but large ticket items are becoming more frequent now.
How is Logos supposed to handle the uncertainties of production schedules, while maintaining cash flow for the business? I suspect that the items that get a long notice for their ship date is Logos trying to drum up more support (Money) for that title.
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Same for me. Love the OT titles but just not going fit in my current budget. Hopefully this makes it into a good sale at a future date. With Logos 7 getting closer i have look very hard at what prepubs I purchase between now and 7 day.
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Bobby Terhune said:
Originally, Prepub was considered the "advanced notice"
That is not correct.
Stage 1 is "Gathering Interest" That is when the money is raised.
Stage 2 is "Under Contract" That is when you get ready for shipment.
This Pre-Pub skipped Stage 2 altogether.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition