NT211 issue with one video that wont play..

Hi.. I am nearing the end of this course and when I got to the video titled "Jews and Gentile together: Eph 2", it comes up with a black screen saying it could not access the media I am trying to play..
None of the other videos do this..
I have shut down and restarted Logos several times but does not solve the issue..
Any help is appreciated as I really want to finish this course and not skip this one lesson..
You probably don't want to hear this, but the video (Segment 63) just played fine for me, which would suggest that the problem isn't at the Logos end. Have you tried accessing it from the Faithlife reading plan?
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Rodney Phillips said:
Hi.. I am nearing the end of this course and when I got to the video titled "Jews and Gentile together: Eph 2", it comes up with a black screen saying it could not access the media I am trying to play..
Sometimes it seems like a corrupted download can get cached on your system. When you try and play that video again, you just keep getting the same corrupted file.
The easiest thing might be to watch the video on mobile, or on biblia.com or app.logos.com
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Thanks Guys. Will watch it that way..
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I hope I am not rubbing salt into the wound but it just played fine for me too :-/
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Mark Barnes said:
Sometimes it seems like a corrupted download can get cached on your system. When you try and play that video again, you just keep getting the same corrupted file.
This is probably the issue. You can remove the corrupted video file by going to the video resource's panel menu and selecting "Delete downloaded media." Hopefully, this will fix it for you.
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Just tried that.. It did not seem to do anything when I clicked it and did not work.. I even shutdown Logos and restarted it and tried all this twice..
Odd it's only this 1 out of all of them
I will just watch this one from the Web App