Please share with us what the hang up is on PPB to Mobile

Many requests to get PBBs on mobile devices such as:
And that was the list from July of 2013
What is the hang up?
Details please: For example: Have you got it working on some but not others? Are you having problems with copyrights?
Usually Logos won't answer, unless the Logosians' anger has reached 'white' hot and they're collecting wood for a big fire. So, I'll start collecting twigs.
Notice app features have gone to sleep. I think Kevin is now helping out on the old desktop platform problems (L6).
Notice also a considerable amount of noise over in web-dev for the web app. Subscription.
There is your answer. I'd be stupid to put PBs on the free app, when I need a honeypot on the paid version.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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David Ames said:
And that was the list from July of 2013
It goes back farther than that. Our first glimpse was 2009, when Bob highlighted current thoughts including a "store" or sorts:
PBB for Logos 4 isn't coded yet... so things are still flexible.
The basic idea is:
A) No more second-class citizens. PBB will use the same internal file format as books we distribute, so highlighting and other features "just work."
Compiling will probably be done on the server. (Because we're making PBB books first-class citizens, they need to go through the primary metadata and license databases, so we can sync them to your multiple devices, let your read your PBB's on your iPhone, etc.)
C) Your content defaults to private, just like your notes and other information.
D) You'll have the option to share your books with "groups" of other people. (And your notes, highlights, etc.) You'll have per-file control of exactly what you share and who you share it with.
E) We're considering a PBB store, like the App Stores for mobile phones, where you could choose to sell PBB's for which you owned the copyright, with Logos handling the credit card transactions, downloading, etc.
This is just "the state of the thinking"....
-- Bob
It looks like PBs finally came out in Logos 4 in 2011, by August people were looking for the mobile sync believing it was being worked on and was coming:
Now in case "some" (cough, cough) might say this is why Faithlife cannot ever talk about anything in the future, because what has been said in the past is held against them, that misses the point. What is past is past, I would be supremely delighted just to know it's legitimately being worked on for a version 6 or version 7 release. It amazes me that Faithlife thinks saying nothing about a feature many users look forward to, after an expectation has been set, is the best course. In fact, many others would probably start to use and appreciate PBs if this, and library management, could finally be added to substantially improve the implementation of Personal Books 5 years later.
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I think Logos is a business - a great business that does great things - but a business first. Like all businesses, Logos has experienced financial pressures in this economy.
Personal books are not a revenue producer. Therefore, personal books are not nearly as high a priority to the company as to the customers. When it comes to upgrading personal books, It is a more of a "we will get around to it" feature.
That is not unreasonable of Logos. But is an inconvenient reality for many of us.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Don Awalt said:
I would be supremely delighted just to know it's legitimately being worked on for a version 6 or version 7 release
It could be, but I doubt it. I don't have time to search right now, but a number of employees have posted on in, including Bob.
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Due to recent staff cuts, we had to stop development on some features; PBB sync was one of those features.
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I gave up and abandoned the dream since Kevin indicated it is less an overwhelming technical issue and more of a concern over copyrights and piracy. He didn't, however, explain how the current desktop Upload button does not have those issues.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Due to recent staff cuts, we had to stop development on some features; PBB sync was one of those features.
Thanks Bradley, at least we know.
Michael Childs said:Personal books are not a revenue producer.
As an FYI Michael, that can be said for ANY software feature in Logos outside of Logos Now features.
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Due to recent staff cuts, we had to stop development on some features; PBB sync was one of those features.
I'm having a Linkin Park moment right now. I try so hard to like (and trust) this company, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Don Awalt said:
Due to recent staff cuts, we had to stop development on some features; PBB sync was one of those features.
Thanks Bradley, at least we know.
Michael Childs said:
Personal books are not a revenue producer.
As an FYI Michael, that can be said for ANY software feature in Logos outside of Logos Now features.
I agree that the majority of the marketing and engineering budget seems to be focused on Logos Now. I cannot believe that they would prioritize some of the niche features in the Logos Now releases over something we all want...PBB sync!
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It's not about what the customer wants Steve, its about what Logos wants. They see these niche features as important to their Logos 7 plans, Logos 7 is coming and then there is the fact they are taking cash regularly off a sub set of the whole customer base.Stephen Terlizzi said:I agree that the majority of the marketing and engineering budget seems to be focused on Logos Now. I cannot believe that they would prioritize some of the niche features in the Logos Now releases over something we all want...PBB sync!
The reality is they want to expand the sub set of customers that they are regularly taking cash off hence a whole range of subscription opportunities they are offering their customers to get them to regularly hand over cash to them including beside Logos/Verbum Now or Logos/Verbum Cloud, Bible Study Magazine, Proclaim, FaithlifeTV, SoundFaith, Mobile Ed. Subscriptions & Book Rentals. And you are exactly right this is where they are focusing their budget on these things. They are throwing all their eggs into these baskets alone in the hope that we will like sheep follow where all the hype is an sign over our money to them. They seem to have forgotten what we value most are the things that engaged us with this company in the first place.
Due to recent staff cuts, we had to stop development on some features; PBB sync was one of those features.
As a customer I find this answer disappointing on so many levels.
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Faithlife is investing in a tremendous number of new ventures, both extensions of Bible study into new markets via new channels (web sites, apps, etc.) as well as complementary products. We have heard loud and clear Bob wants new customers. The money for this had to come from somewhere - it came, and comes from the cash cow, Logos/Verbum. Add the need to create new functionality in every point release of Logos/Verbum in order to make the subscription model attractive to new subscribers - and you have lot of competition for the dollar that is higher priority than features that need a refresh, that we have used for a while and continue to use in our daily study.
While investing in new ventures, channels, and markets is necessary for survival, what disappoints me is I think it's taken too big of a hit out of software that needs its own reinvestment - which is starting to hurt the very software that drives the resource purchases. Even fundamental functionality like "search" needs more attention, not less. While this area has received attention with a lot of data tagging that creates new abilities to find things, it amazes me how many times a simple Google search finds an answer instantly that I have no idea how to find in Logos/Verbum (in part because of the dizzying array of search syntax, types of searches, and overlapping guides we face when we have a problem to solve). This is not meant to be critical of data tagging, more to say in the grand scheme of things it is version 1 and needs investment, user interface needs refinement, simplification. (And don't even get me started on the fact that you don't even get highlighted search results in Notes! A worthless feature and waste of time when you have longer Notes!)
Bob has told us Faithlife is not Google, granted - but I believe this need would have been better served without some of these "distractions" - and there are more ways to solve a problem now than there were when Logos 4 eliminated Fuzzy Search, a Logos 3 feature, in 2011 - but that's just one example. I am really shocked that in 12 "Now" releases we haven't seen a more concerted effort to refresh existing features that are going on 5 years old in some cases. There has been some work, but it's a minority of the Now software investment - and the Logos/Verbum software is suffering IMHO.
It could get worse, it could snowball - if users who suffer from their favorite features being ignored don't really want to pay for the new "Now" features, will there be a lot fewer upgrades to version 7 in lieu of cross-grades, and a lot less cross-grades in lieu of free engine upgrades? Will people see less value in adding resources to their libraries, because the often-premium pricing of those resources is not realized in the value perceived from software that has holes in how existing users want to work with the software? What good are Personal Books if we can't use them on our mobile devices, phones, tablets, which is quickly becoming the large majority of what people use today? This seems like turning a blind eye to the true priorities Faithlife should be working on IMHO.
I hope this post is taken constructively - I don't think Faithlife does enough to ask customers what they think, to be transparent, to offer plans, to share, in response to comments, complaints, and questions - so it feels like all we can do is lob grenades over the wall and hope it gets someone's attention before it's too late. No company has proven impervious to the unsatisfied needs of its customers forever, no matter what the costs to switch. Ignoring long-standing product enhancement needs in Logos/Verbum is a dangerous path to walk down IMHO.
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Disciple of Christ (doc) said:
It's not about what the customer wants Steve, its about what Logos wants.
This is always a recipe for disaster.
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Don Awalt said:
.....What good are Personal Books if we can't use them on our mobile devices, phones, tablets, which is quickly becoming the large majority of what people use today? This seems like turning a blind eye to the true priorities Faithlife should be working on IMHO.
I hope this post is taken constructively - I don't think Faithlife does enough to ask customers what they think, to be transparent, to offer plans, to share, in response to comments, complaints, and questions - so it feels like all we can do is lob grenades over the wall and hope it gets someone's attention before it's too late. No company has proven impervious to the unsatisfied needs of its customers forever, no matter what the costs to switch. Ignoring long-standing product enhancement needs in Logos/Verbum is a dangerous path to walk down IMHO.
another big disappointment [:@]
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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Wild Eagle said:
another big disappointment
Have been making PBBs since 2011 and currently have 215. Have saved some of the source DOCX files as PDF and moved those to Mobile to read there.
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I have made my more used PBB resources into Accordance user modules for just this reason of wanting them on my iPad. I am not sure if we will ever see much movement on this as Faithlife seems to give off the feeling our mobile apps are good as they are. And I will say they are good but still feel more offline functionality and PBB are things that are needed to move the mobile apps from a good app to a great app. Faithlife likes to consider itself the Cadillac of Bible software but unfortunately their mobile app feels far from the top of the line in my books. More and more people utilize their phones/tablets as a primary reading device and if FL cannot keep up it may well find itself left behind as a preferred platform.
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David Ames said:
Have been making PBBs since 2011 and currently have 215. Have saved some of the source DOCX files as PDF and moved those to Mobile to read there.
i can buy almost everything in pdf, epub, mobi and etc... The whole point is to have 1 library under 1 software
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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It seems that development on the mobile platform has completely stopped recently other than emergency bug fixes. Disappointing and short-sighted.
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Disciple of Christ (doc) said:
It's not about what the customer wants Steve, its about what Logos wants.
I think this is more true than not. With a few minor execeptions, it does seem that Logos pushes whatever it desires. A comprehensive look at the user voice site would tell you that while some ideas are being considered or implemented, many, many have languished for years. PBB to mobile is one that has 525 votes, perhaps more if there weren't duplicate requests.
Don Awalt said:I hope this post is taken constructively - I don't think Faithlife does enough to ask customers what they think, to be transparent, to offer plans, to share, in response to comments, complaints, and questions - so it feels like all we can do is lob grenades over the wall and hope it gets someone's attention before it's too late. No company has proven impervious to the unsatisfied needs of its customers forever, no matter what the costs to switch. Ignoring long-standing product enhancement needs in Logos/Verbum is a dangerous path to walk down IMHO.
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David Ames said:
Have saved some of the source DOCX files as PDF and moved those to Mobile to read there.
I am lagging behind David with PBBs, not quite up to 200 yet!
I see no point it getting upset about not being able to upload them onto a mobile. Like David, the ones I want to read on my tablet can easily be converted to pdf or another format. Not as convenient as being able to upload directly but only a minor irritation. OK there is our church bible study quarterly which would benefit by uploading directly but it is not the end of the world.
What would really upset us all is if Logos tried to satisfy every thing we wanted/demanded and went bust. Bob has no intention of that happening and I for one, am behind him on that.
We have a definitive answer on development of PBB uploads into mobiles and there is no point in continuing to winge about it.
Let's thank God for Logos and every other blessing that we have. If we must worry about something let it be about new Presidents, votes for in or out of the EU, or whatever currently steals the limelight in our home country. Things that will make a real difference to our lives and the state of our respective countries. I am off to bed!
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Whoa ... I didn't realize PBs might have made Logos gone bust. That was close. I hate it when companies risk their very existance pleasing customers.
As noted in another thread, I'm Logos-app free. No impact for me.
That said, I do wonder what direction the company is going. I just assumed maybe colleges or churches. Sermons and Proclaim.
But then I see Now, and wonder. Who is the target? Bless MJ's heart, but people are hard pressed to find users of these tools.
Then you think about Christians sharing their PBs, church bulletins, weekly lessons. Proclaim moving thru a Pastor's PB. Colleges religious depts publishing internally ... PBs.
But then ... oops ... time for bed. Who'd of thought.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I do use PBB, not as often as others. However the main thing that is frustrating to many users is the failure to Logos to act on their promises. I understand there have been work force cuts as Bradley mentioned. We the users are not to blame for that however and should not have features that have been promised through the years not be given the priority of completion.
Those who were part of the original Logos 4 Beta testing team may remember a number of the old Libronix features we were assured would be rolled into Logos 4 - yet here we are on Logos 6 and still do not have the features. (or in the case of the Sermon File Add-in - we have a sad excuse of a replacement that requires a change in the formatting of our Sermons)
Why do some get so frustrated with these unfulfilled promises? It may have something to do with all these other endeavors that pop up. Sure some may find the new endeavors appealing, others may not... Leaving users you've made promises to out in the wind - not very professional.
I keep Logos because of the investment I already have in it, I'm nowhere near as likely to ever recommend them to the level I did in the past - primarily due to instances like these.
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Frank Sauer said:
I do use PBB, not as often as others. However the main thing that is frustrating to many users is the failure to Logos to act on their promises. I understand there have been work force cuts as Bradley mentioned. We the users are not to blame for that however and should not have features that have been promised through the years not be given the priority of completion.
Those who were part of the original Logos 4 Beta testing team may remember a number of the old Libronix features we were assured would be rolled into Logos 4 - yet here we are on Logos 6 and still do not have the features. (or in the case of the Sermon File Add-in - we have a sad excuse of a replacement that requires a change in the formatting of our Sermons)
Why do some get so frustrated with these unfulfilled promises? It may have something to do with all these other endeavors that pop up. Sure some may find the new endeavors appealing, others may not... Leaving users you've made promises to out in the wind - not very professional.
I keep Logos because of the investment I already have in it, I'm nowhere near as likely to ever recommend them to the level I did in the past - primarily due to instances like these.
Totally agree with every point you raise Frank. [Y]
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Frank Sauer said:
Those who were part of the original Logos 4 Beta testing team may remember a number of the old Libronix features we were assured would be rolled into Logos 4 - yet here we are on Logos 6 and still do not have the features
I was not part of the L4 Beta testing, but while L6 is a huge improvement from L3, I have always traced what I see as a slow downward spiral to decisions made in the huge change that took place from L3 to L4. It is history, cannot be undone. There has been positive benefits for Faithlife, but I would not be surprised if those positive benefits are temporary, rather than long term. The fact that people still reference the L3 to L4 change so many years later should be noted.
I am using PBB now mainly for creating sermons and preaching straight from the logos program. If PBB falls by the wayside, it would be a huge letdown.
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I was one who found L3 difficult to use and took quickly to L4 ... but my biggest frustration has not only been unfulfilled promises but the fact that there were things I could do easily in XML or Regular Expressions that Logos considered "unsupported features" rather than recognizing that that was how people actually used the software - and they used it that way because they NEEDED the function
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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That may be true, but for the cost of LOGOS (which for many is expensive), it should be more of a priority for the company when so many customers are wanting this feature! Just sayin'...
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It should at least be a feature to sync via cable on a personal level. I believe there would be user storage issues to be able to sync over the air between devices, but it should at least be available via local sync and cables.
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I was very disappointed to see that this was not a feature of the initial Logos 7 release.
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Personal Book Builder was shipped August 10, 2011, over 5 years ago. Once the initial shipment was made and the early bugs corrected, development has pretty much shut down on it. No better library management, no easier way to sync ALL personal books, no easy way to delete books without a bunch of hiding/unhiding on each install. Note too you never see any blogs, marketing materials, etc. about the feature.
As far as I can tell it's not even mentioned in the list of features of Logos 7. If that doesn't tell you something I don't know what does. That and the fact FL won't say anything about it other than "It's on the list". For 5+ years?
We have been waiting for improved functionality ... it seems the chances of seeing a major enhancement to support mobile seems very, VERY slim at this point. Those that complain about it (like me) are an insignificant part of the FL customer base.
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During the same time period, savvy users have discovered ways to use the PBB well beyond what Faithlife likely intended as the target usage. While that horse is out of the barn, allowing the PBB to fade into "shadow-ware" is the next best option.
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Don Awalt said:
development has pretty much shut down on it. No better library management, no easier way to sync ALL personal books, no easy way to delete books without a bunch of hiding/unhiding on each install. Note too you never see any blogs, marketing materials, etc. about the feature.
As far as I can tell it's not even mentioned in the list of features of Logos 7
As I mentioned, I am using PBB now primarily to import my sermon notes and preach with the Bible on the left of the screen and the notes on the right of the screen. What I like about this is the ability to hover over verse references as well as the possibility to have hundreds of sermons stored in one place to be used at a moment's notice. For this reason I am really saddened to realize that PBB is not even mentioned as a L7 feature.
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Mark said:
As I mentioned, I am using PBB now primarily to import my sermon notes and preach with the Bible on the left of the screen and the notes on the right of the screen. What I like about this is the ability to hover over verse references as well as the possibility to have hundreds of sermons stored in one place to be used at a moment's notice. For this reason I am really saddened to realize that PBB is not even mentioned as a L7 feature.
This is likely closer to the original intent of the PBB. I definitely understand your disappointment with the lack of further work on the PBB tool.
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I also have to put certain Notes into a Personal Book(s), in fact I was told to do this since you don't get search highlights in Notes, and if your notes are longer it can be very difficult to find the search results.
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PPB was a major strategic error visa viz subscription. But never too late for the Enhanced Personal Publishing (EPP) product .... NOW users only. That'd definitely put a lock on NOW'ers, if always subscription.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Denise said:
PPB was a major strategic error visa viz subscription. But never too late for the Enhanced Personal Publishing (EPP) product .... NOW users only. That'd definitely put a lock on NOW'ers, if always subscription.
Ha, ha, ha! Not sure I like your humor!
I'm annoyed that a feature like that has to suffer because they reduced staff at the beginning of the year. This is not the only area that has suffered. Base packages in other languages is another one etc. I honestly think they should have waited another year or six month before cutting staff. But what do I know!
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Schumitinu said:
I'm annoyed that a feature like that has to suffer because they reduced staff at the beginning of the year.
Why would you think this feature has "suffered" because of reduced staff? How has this feature "suffered"? If you are talking about personal books on mobile, it has nothing to do with reduced staff. The problems are financial and legal.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Not according to Bradley. Earlier in this thread he said work on pbb sync was suspended due to "staff cuts."
BTW, I don't have a dog in this fight.
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alabama24 said:
Why would you think this feature has "suffered" because of reduced staff? How has this feature "suffered"? If you are talking about personal books on mobile, it has nothing to do with reduced staff. The problems are financial and legal.
Due to recent staff cuts, we had to stop development on some features; PBB sync was one of those features.
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Donnie Hale said:
Not according to Bradley. Earlier in this thread he said work on pbb sync was suspended due to "staff cuts."
I am fairly certain that there was another response prior to this. The reasons given included legal reasons.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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alabama24 said:
The reasons given included legal reasons.
I wonder how that comes into play? I'm able to produce PBs on a desktop and even upload to a server so that I can download it onto a second desktop etc. What is the difference with mobile platforms? In my ignorance it is just a different OS/platform. Maybe you can explain.
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I am fairly certain that Bob (or another FL employee) mentioned that users have used the PBB in ways not originally intended... including importing books from other sources. He hinted around the grey areas and the costs to the company to host the files. I haven't been able to find the post, but I don't think I am daydreaming. I'll look again. To break down what I think is happening: PBB usage ballooned beyond what FL expected. There are legal grey areas FL would rather not explore and the costs are great. From that perspective, it doesn't make sense to spend time developing it on mobile.Schumitinu said:Maybe you can explain.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
alabama24 said:
I am fairly certain that Bob (or another FL employee) mentioned that users have used the PBB in ways not originally intended... including importing books from other sources. He hinted around the grey areas and the costs to the company to host the files. I haven't been able to find the post, but I don't think I am daydreaming. I'll look again. To break down what I think is happening: PBB usage ballooned beyond what FL expected. There are legal grey areas FL would rather not explore and the costs are great. From that perspective, it doesn't make sense to spend time developing it on mobile.Schumitinu said:Maybe you can explain.
Very simple...if you don't want to provide cloud storage, then give the user the ability to store and access personal books on third party cloud storage such as Dropbox, iCloud, Box, etc. As for any grey legal issues, that is why you have software terms and conditions to mitigate any liabilities.
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Stephen Terlizzi said:
Very simple...if you don't want to provide cloud storage, then give the user the ability to store and access personal books on third party cloud storage such as Dropbox, iCloud, Box, etc.
That was my suggestion... three years ago! [:s]
Stephen Terlizzi said:As for any grey legal issues, that is why you have software terms and conditions to mitigate any liabilities.
How'd that work out for Napster?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Stephen Terlizzi said:
Very simple...if you don't want to provide cloud storage, then give the user the ability to store and access personal books on third party cloud storage
Simple to think of; not so simple to implement.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Schumitinu said:
What is the difference with mobile platforms?
My thoughts exactly, when I read in the Android Forum that the issue was less a technical one and more a copyright/piracy one:
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Seems the obvious answer would be to have the mobile app treat personal books just like the full Windows app did for years. Keep the personal books off the Logos servers, but give the user the ability to add his personal books locally to the app. Can't see that Logos would run any more risk than they are running now with the full app.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
MJ. Smith said:Stephen Terlizzi said:
Very simple...if you don't want to provide cloud storage, then give the user the ability to store and access personal books on third party cloud storage
Simple to think of; not so simple to implement.
Can't see why this would be difficult to implement unless they store the entire book in their database as a blob? They probably point to the actual file of the text using a pointer in the database. They just need to point to the remote storage on the cloud service provider versus the local disk storage. The files are not on their servers, but rather a third-party server.
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alabama24 said:Stephen Terlizzi said:
As for any grey legal issues, that is why you have software terms and conditions to mitigate any liabilities.
How'd that work out for Napster?
The purpose of Napster was to promote music file sharing. The purpose of Logos is to provide Bible software. They simply need to put into their user agreements to forbid users from using the Personal Books functionality for illegally copied books. The responsibility then lies with the user and not Logos.
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Okay ... think about keeping the notes on the PB in sync ... think about making sure the metadata stays in sync ...
Essentially on things like this where they had an implied obligation and they know there is a user demand, it there was a simple, cost-effective solution we would have seen it by now.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Stephen Terlizzi said:
They simply need to put into their user agreements to forbid users from using the Personal Books functionality for illegally copied books.
Most users that I hear of talking about the personal book builder are using it to import books from other formats. I used to think it was a darker grey area. My distinguished friend from Mississippi has persuaded me that it is a lighter gray area.
Stephen Terlizzi said:The responsibility then lies with the user and not Logos.
That is a fairly naive position. Napster had a EULA's against illegal activity. It didn't stop them from being sued and going out of business. Congress currently has a subpoena for to testify what precautions they have taken to prevent sex trafficking. Companies can't afford to turn a blind eye to activity it should know is going on with its products and services.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0