Pericope Listing

Robert M. Warren
Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Good Morning:

I had responded to a variety of expressions of interests in this thread in the General forum with an Excel file containing pericope headings and verse ranges (with subsequent corrections) that I had made several years ago. I also created a .docx with headings and bible milestones. It was suggested that I post them here also, in case someone finds them helpful.

7774.Pericopes PB.docx


macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)




  • EdB
    EdB Member Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Good job...thanks!

    Ed B

  • Dave L
    Dave L Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Thanks! What a great tool.

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭

    Robert this is great! I would love to convert this into a blank Bible (a page of notes for each pericope)! My plan is to use the insert text box feature in personal books to insert a text box about 100 lines long after each pericope (this should be relatively easy using the "find and replace" tool in Word. The problem is that I don't understand the code language used on the wiki page. Does anyone understand this? I toyed around with it but it looks like I might need a unique designation for each text box which I don't know how to create other than typing each one individually. If some one could use this info to create a Blank Bible Personal book out of this I would be grateful!

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Hi Liam:

    That sounds like a great idea. I think I know the way to implement it. Since Excel is where the list resides and it handles lists easily, I'll use Excel to populate the Word document. I've done some similar things at work to produce budget documents where Excel queries and formats the tabular data and Word is used for the verbiage.

    I think this will be a lot of fun to do. Just letting you know that I am working on it.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭

    Robert that's awesome! Thank you! I think the doc might be one that I will use daily!

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭
  • Christopher Klein
    Christopher Klein Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Hello Robert - this is a wonderful resource!  As a Bible teacher, I want to memorize the significance of each of these pericopes through personal Bible study.

    I am new to Logos, however, and need your help, if possible.  I learned how to import / build a personal book, but I can't figure out how to edit your list of pericopes, such that when I import it as a PB, I can use it as part of a Logos reading plan.  When I use the docx version, since it has a header for each Scripture reference, the Bible Reading Plan thinks they are separate items.  I've tried a few things, but can't seem to find a way to make each pericope stand on its own,.  For example, January 1 = Genesis 1.1-2.3.  January 2 = Genesis 2.4-25; January 3 = Genesis 3:1-24, etc, etc, etc.

    Any ideas or help you may be able to offer would be greatly appreciated.  I think you have 2,022 separate pericopes, and "I think" Logos Bible Reading Plans can only create a list of up to 1,500 separate readings.... so one work around would be to create an Old Testament reading list and a New Testament reading list.

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Hi Christopher:

    Try this:

    1. Download the attachment here. It is a list of the pericope ranges in the Pericope Notebook.
    2. Create a Passage List from that by doing this:
    3. Open the text file, select all (ctrl+a), copy (ctrl+c)
    4. Documents-->Passage List and type a name (something like Pericopes)
    5. At the top, click Add, From ...clipboard
    6. That will put in all 2022 pericope boundaries
    7. To make a Custom Reading Plan:
    8. Documents-->Reading Plane
    9. Click Custom Reading Plan
    10. At the top, click Add
    11. ...a Passage List  and find the passage list you just created
    12. At Read starting today, click "today" and tell it when to start; or leave at today.
    13. Click on Untitled Reading Plan and name it something you'll remember.
    14. Open the Pericope Notebook personal book. It has bible milestones, so it will be able to use the reading plan you just created.
    15. In the toolbar area, click the Visual Filter button (the one with three dots).
    16. Make sure Reading Plans (the category about fourth from the top) is checked.
    17. Check the name of the reading plan you just created.
    18. You should see the reading plan marker.

    If started tomorrow, the plan terminates in January of 2022.

    5857.Pericope Notebook Passage list.txt

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Christopher Klein
    Christopher Klein Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Hello Robert -  Your instructions worked perfectly.  Thank you so much!  Greatly appreciated, sir!

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭

    Just noticed the list is missing the last pericope in Revelation. Revelation 22:7-21.

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Liam said:

    Just noticed the list is missing the last pericope in Revelation. Revelation 22:7-21.

    Dr. Erasmus: call your office!

    Here's it is fixed. If someone has already made the list, it's easy to add the last range manually. I think you can edit the reading plan to "recalculate" it.

    5875.Pericope Notebook Passage list.txt

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • delete12066188
    delete12066188 Member Posts: 3,378 ✭✭✭

    Robert are these fit to every Bible or just the English?

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Hi Sascha:

    The pericope headings and boundaries in the Notebook PB are "borrowed" from the NIV. Each page has a pericope heading, the verse range, and a space for notes. The passage citations, of course, will pop up (on mouse-over) in your preferred bible, but it will only be the first few verses. I'm not sure if that answers your question. The Passage List text file could be used in any number of ways with any bible, barring versification issues.

    Perhaps you could expand on your question or your specific idea or needs and we can work from there.

    I did another pericope-related PB found here: . It uses dynamic text, so it will be in whatever language bible you have in Logos, but it has a different purpose than the PB here (no notes). It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but the Excel file I provided with it might be valuable for some projects.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • delete12066188
    delete12066188 Member Posts: 3,378 ✭✭✭

    Hi Robert

    thanks for answer. I created a German Bible Template and would like to put the Pericopes in, but I don't know if they are sync together with yours at least I have to translate the Headings ;-)

    In the Passage Analyse Tool I could choose the Luther Pericope, with German Header but I cant't find a List. Gues I have to do it by myself


  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭


    If you do a Basic search for Heading Text in your bible, using the * wildcard, it should get you all the pericope headings and the starting point of the boundary for the pericope. There will probably be a few hits at the beginning from the front material of your bible, but the rest will likely be pericope headings. You can Print/Export one page at a time. Use the Send To a New Document - Microsoft Excel option. Gather the individual exports into a single Excel sheet.

    You can assume the other boundary of the pericope is one verse behind the next beginning boundary. That isn't always true but it is ~99% of the time. The rest you will probably notice over time and correct them as you go. When I did this with the NRSV, some of the minor prophets' first verse wasn't within a pericope boundary and Sirach 30 had a heading not marked as a heading, since it is found in the text. Things will likely be different in bible you use, but these are the kinds of things to look out for.

    If you use this method, you'll probably have to export around 30 pages of results. (Maybe someone else will provide us an easier method.) Here's what one page looks like from the ESV:

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Christopher Klein
    Christopher Klein Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Would it be possible to add a label field to this personal book (in addition to the text field) within each pericope, such that I would be a be able to search for and find any pericopes I have tagged as relevant to a certain topic?  For example, it would be helpful to be able to tag each pericope as it is related to various topics (i.e. deity of Christ, prayer, sovereignty of God, etc.).

    If there is a better way to do this, I'm open to other ideas.  However, as I'm reading through my bible reading plan, this seems to be a great place to build a database of biblical themes.  Thank you.

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭


    Let me think out loud for a minute or two:

    Do you think you might want to refer to a topical index? I'm certain you have one: Nelson's, MacArthur, NASB, Torrey;s, etc. These relate topics (indexed as headwords) with the relevant passage cites. 

    I don't think there's a Personal Book input field for Labels, and as far as I can determine, you can't enter Labels to user-text in input boxes, as I don't think Highlighting is applicable to that (Labels are a type of Highlighting). You could highlight the text of the pericope heading and enter Labels on those. Searching on those Labels would always yield hits on just the Pericope Notebook itself. See;hw=Label_Entry  for help with Label Entry.

    You could fakeroo your own search text in the input box by creating your own labeling convention to append to the end of your input text, such as "CK~~:" and add a word like "atonement" or "law" or "gospel". Then use a basic search for "CK~~:atonement". It might be a fair amount of trouble to maintain consistency and again, it would only yield hits in the Notebook. Nope; user-text in input boxes is apparently not in the full-text index.

    I suggest that you create a layout for your reading plan with your default bible, the Pericope Notebook, and a custom passage guide with just the Topic section (all with the same link set). The Notebook and guide will move with your reading and you'll be able to see topics associated with the verse you're in. You can click on a topic from the word cloud and see the topical index resource hits and browse them for other passages that might help you with your notes. For help on customizing a guide template, see;hw=Edit_Guide_Template or 

    Please let us know what solution you devise.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,721

    You could, however, add labels to the compiled personal book. See Labels in Help.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Christopher Klein
    Christopher Klein Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Thank you for your ideas. 

    I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do.  I think the best option is to label the verse in my Bible with a key that will align with my Theological topical index book.  Will let you know if I come up with anything more creative than that!

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,159

    Have you looked into the Sermon labels for PBs? Logos will automatically create several indexes for those (location, date, topic, subject, bible verse). Seems ideally structured to gradually build your own index. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Christopher Klein
    Christopher Klein Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    @ Robert Warren - I'd like to ask you a question about Logos via email.  Do you mind contacting me (and then I will respond with my question) at chris @ kleinsonline dot org ?


  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • sheri jennings
    sheri jennings Member Posts: 5

    Is this still possible? I tried and it didn't seem to work

  • sheri jennings
    sheri jennings Member Posts: 5

    Is this still possible? I tried and it didn't seem to work

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Is this still possible? I tried and it didn't seem to work

    Hi SherI:

    This thread ended up with three (sort of) different directions. The initial post contained a pericope listing from the older NIV in both Word and Excel format. I think the Excel file is kind of what you were seeking in your original post. Those files are still intact and ready to download and put to use.

    The next direction was taking the data and making a docx file that can be compiled as a Person Book with the Personal Book Tool. It provides a resource with spacious input boxes for notes related to the pericopes. (Note: Personal Books are available for the desktop apps only.)

    The last piece is a Passage List intended to help create a Reading Plan by pericope. (Reading Plans have changed since then, so this part might not remain relevant.)

    Let us know which part(s) you need help with and we'll be able to help.

    Tip: When you need to reply to a specific part of a thread, use the Quote function and other users will be able to respond more precisely. (Make sure you use the 'Reply' button in the 'Reply / More' section, rather than the 'Quick Reply' button.)

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
