NT101 Bad Link to FSB

In Segment 10, at the Explore in the Suggested reading in the courses tool the FSB could not be displayed and it put a lock like I didn't own the resource. I opened the NT101 textbook to the segment and clicked the FSB link and the FSB opens but the link does not go to the article it should. I just think it's not linked right.
The article that link should be directing to in the Faithlife Study Bible was updated. It's title was changed to "The Miracles of Jesus". I'm not sure if the content was changed at all, but the new title makes the link not work. We're working on updating the resource. For now the link should be jumping you to this location.
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Thanks Miles
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Miles Custis said:
The article that link should be directing to in the Faithlife Study Bible was updated. It's title was changed
I'm a great fan of the FSB (and the LBD), and especially of the fact that it is potentially getting ever bigger and better, since it is a fully electronic resource (i.e. not duplicating a printed version with its page numbers and layout, but rather expanding and refining, more like wikipedia). For good reasons, those great resources are very often linked to - they cite themselves and one another quite frequently and are the most-linked-to resources from all Mobile.Ed courses by a wide margin (and rightly so!). Most probably, users will link to them frequently in their Notes, Community Notes, Reading Lists and even outside documents Faithlife has no control over.
That said, I think we have seen this issue of broken links over and over for several years now with the FSB and the LBD. And the fact that they are linked so often, makes the problem more than a nuisance. When it appeared for the first time, everybody said, there's only one way to treat this: don't ever change things that are the target of links.
Of course, sometimes you will feel the need for title changes and such. However, if there is no possibility to change those invisibly "under the hood", retain the former title and link target and make it into an open link (after all, this is what paper study bibles and dictionaries do all the time), e.g. "Jesus' Miracles: see => The miracles of Jesus"
Have joy in the Lord!
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I share your frustration about the broken links issue. The folks at Lexham Press made significant changes to the Faithlife Study Bible last year. Most of the changes were to prepare FSB for publication as a print resource (although I believe there will still be some differences between the print and electronic versions). Now that it is set up for print publication they are not planning on making any significant changes to existing content, so hopefully this will be less and less of an issue.
We tried to catch most of the links that were affected when FSB was updated, but when we're talking about links across 150 different courses then we will miss some. I think the Lexham Bible Dictionary is fairly stable now as well. The updates to FSB and LBD have ultimately made those resources better (even if they caused issues for Mobile Ed links).
I'm glad you're a fan of FSB and LBD. I was involved in producing them (especially FSB) before we started Mobile Ed, so I like hearing that people enjoy them. We use them frequently in Mobile Ed courses because they are good resources that cover a broad range of issues and because they are available free to all users, so people who don't own any base packages can still do some of the extra readings.