NEW: BI162 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages II and BI172 Problems in Bible Inter

Miles Custis
Miles Custis Member, Logos Employee Posts: 411
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

In our latest pre-pubs Mike Heiser continues to tackle issues in interpretating the Bible.

BI162 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages II

In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages II (BI162), Dr. Michael Heiser discusses several challenging Scripture passages. He covers some passages that pose ethical problems like God telling Samuel to lie, David asking God to kill his enemies, and Jesus telling His disciples to buy swords or to eat His flesh and drink His blood. He also examines several places where New Testament authors use Old Testament passages.

BI172 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree about Baptism?

In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree on Baptism? (BI172), Dr. Michael Heiser highlights the fundamental areas of debate concerning an important rite of the church. Then he identifies a common cause for these disagreements—namely, unclear language regarding the relationship between baptism and salvation. He examines three of the most prominent historic confessions of the Reformed tradition in order to understand where the confusion originates from. To help us sort through these issues, Dr. Heiser offers a key hermeneutical principle, which can enable us to better articulate a clear and biblical defense of baptism (infant or adult) as well as justify a particular mode of baptism—whether sprinkling, pouring, or immersion—without violating the purity of the gospel of Jesus.
