PB-Denver Seminary Annotated Bibliographies/Recommendations



  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    There is a completely new OT edition, and there are some newly available resources in the NT edition.  I had also missed several asterisked recommendations in the NT edition from the last revision, so I have added those changes here as well.  The change logs will follow as usual.



    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2015C.0.0

    The following volumes have been added to the new list:

    Chisholm, Robert B. Jr.  1 and 2 Samuel  (TTCS).  Baker, 2013.  Helpful resource for pastors.  Brief background information and textual observations, theological reflections, interesting illustrations.  Evangelical.

    Steinmann, Andrew E.  Ezra–Nehemiah  (Concordia Commentary).  Concordia, 2010.  Very detailed textual commentary from a conservative Lutheran perspective.

    Jenson, Robert W.  Ezekiel  (BTCB).  Brazos, 2009.  Creative treatment from the framework of the theological interpretation of Scripture perspective.  Wide-ranging reflections by a theologian, not a biblical scholar.

    Joyce, Paul M.  Ezekiel: A Commentary  (LHB/OTS).  T&T Clark, 2007.  Up-to-date scholarship on critical and textual issues, but emphasis is on theological exposition.

    Odell, Margaret S.  Ezekiel  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2005.  Insightful historical, literary, and relevant theological treatment by a significant Ezekiel scholar.

    *Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Message of Ezekiel: A New Heart and a New Spirit  (BST).  InterVarsity, 2001.  Solid exposition with sensitivity to theological relevance for the prophet’s time and today.  Evangelical.

    Davis, Dale Ralph.  The Message of Daniel: His Kingdom Cannot Fail  (BST).  InterVarsity, 2013.  Brief exposition with theological reflections.  More traditional in stance.  Evangelical.

    Lucas, Ernest C.  Daniel  (AOTC).  Apollos/InterVarsity, 2002.  Solid, informed commentary that is open to date of some sections, for which it leans to the period of Antiochus.  Evangelical.

    Nelson, William B.  Daniel.  UBCS.  Baker, 2012.  Moderately critical commentary from an evangelical perspective.  Attentive to textual details.  Evangelical.

    *Newsom, Carol A.  Daniel: A Commentary  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 2014.  Important addition to an important series.  Impressive in erudition with an eye to the history of interpretation.

    *Pace, Sharon.  Daniel  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2008.  Warm commentary from a moderately critical perspective.  Replete with useful background information and contemporary connections.

    Pierce, Ronald W.  Daniel  (TTCS).  Baker, 2015.  Useful commentary with exegetical insights, theological reflections, and contemporary engagement.  Evangelical.

    The following volumes have been removed from the new list:

    Blenkinsopp, J.  Ezekiel  (Int).  Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1990.  An effort by a critical scholar to judiciously utilize scholarship for preaching concerns.

    Craigie, P.C.  Ezekiel  (DSB).  Philadelpha: Westminster, 1983.  Good example of a devotional commentary that incorporates serious exegesis.  Evangelical.

    *Rooker, Mark.  Ezekiel  (HOTC).  Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005.  Evangelical.  Designed to help with teaching and preaching.  Brief but solid exposition with focus on application by a seasoned scholar.

    Hartman, Louis F. and Alexander A. DiLella.  Daniel  (AB).  Garden City: Doubleday, 1978.  Places comments against a late reconstruction of background.  Roman Catholic.

    Hill, Andrew E.  “Daniel,” in The Expositor's Bible Commentary, vol. 8:  Daniel-Malachi.  Rev. ed.  Zondervan, 2008.  Helpful one volume commentary with a mid-level exposition of the biblical text.  Evangelical.

    Smith-Christopher, Daniel L.  “The Book of Daniel,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. VII:  Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel, The Twelve Prophets.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.  Exposition and theological reflections (with occasional excurses) of the primary units of each book.  Reflections of uneven value.  Designed for teaching and preaching.

    The following volume no longer has the highest recommendation:

    Hillers, Delbert R.  Lamentations:  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary  (AB).  2nd, Rev. ed.  Doubleday, 1992.  Update of 1972 commentary.  Attentive to poetry and structure.

    The following previously listed volume is now given the highest recommendation:

    *Longman III, Tremper.  Daniel  (NIVAC).  Zondervan, 1999.  Helpful exposition and thoughtful theological reflections and applications from a Reformed perspective.  Evangelical.

    Included links for the following works that are now available on Pre-publication:

    Jobes, Karen H. and MoisÈs Silva.  Invitation to the Septuagint.  2nd edition.  Baker, 2015.  A reliable and readable introduction to the Greek translation of the Old Testament.

    Hugenberger, Gordon P.  Marriage as a Covenant:  Biblical Law and Ethics as Developed from Malachi.  Baker, 1998.  A thorough Evangelical study of the divorce passage in 2: 10-16.

    Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

    *Botterweck, G. J., H. Ringgren, H.-J. Fabry, eds.  Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament.  Eerdmans, 1977-2012.  Fifteen volumes have appeared in English translation.  The standard work.

    Berlin, Adele.  Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative.  Almond, 1983.  A very helpful introduction to the various elements of a literary approach.

    *Olley, John W.  The Message of Kings:  God Is Present  (BST).  Downers Grove: IVP, 2011.  Excellent, informed exposition with solid theological reflections.  Evangelical.

    Firth, David G.  The Message of Esther: God Present but Unseen  (BST).  IVP, 2010.  Solid exposition with an eye to contemporary relevance.  Evangelical.

    *Webb, Barry G.  The Message of Isaiah: On Eagle’s Wings  (BST).  InterVarsity, 1996.  Good Evangelical exposition with an eye to literary structure, historical background, and broader canonical connections.

    Added the following series name and abbreviation to the “Abbreviations” section:

    LHB/OTS = Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in NT2015B.1.0

    Added links for the following resources now available in Pre-Publication:

    Jobes, Karen H. and Moisés Silva.  Invitation to the Septuagint2nd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    Spencer, Aida B.  2 Timothy and Titus  (NCCS).  Eugene, OR:  Cascade, 2014.

    Added links for the following resources now available for download:

    *Porter, Stanley E.  Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2015.

    *Hemer, Colin J.  The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History.  Ed. Conrad Gempf.  Tübingen:  Mohr (Siebeck), 1989.

    *Edwards, James R.  The Gospel according to Luke  (PNTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    *Guthrie, George H.  2 Corinthians  (BECNT).  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    Spencer, Aída B.  1 Timothy  (NCCS).  Eugene, OR:  Cascade, 2013.

    The following previously listed volumes are now given the highest recommendation:

    *Keener, Craig S.  Acts:  An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 1 & 2:  Introduction and 1:1-14:28.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2012.

    *______________.  Acts:  An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 3:  3:1-23:35.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2014.

    *______________.  Acts:  An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 4:  24:1-28:31.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    *Witherington, Ben, III.  The Acts of the Apostles:  A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1998.

    *Fee, Gordon D.  Galatians  (PCS).  Blandford Forum, Dorset: Deo, 2007.

    *Hawthorne, Gerald F.  Philippians  (WBC).  Waco:  Word, 1983;  Rev. Ed.  R. P. Martin.  Nashville:  Nelson, 2004.

    *Dunn, James D. G.  The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon  (NIGTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1996.

    The following volume no longer has the highest recommendation:

    Thiselton, Anthony C.  1 Corinthians:  A Shorter Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2006.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭
  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Gao Lu said:

    Many thanks for your hard work.  

    No problem; I enjoy doing it!

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Here are the first versions from 2016.  A change log will follow in the next post.  Enjoy!



    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2016.0.0

    The following volumes have been added to the new list:

    Gentry, Peter J., and Stephen J. Wellum.  Kingdom through Covenant:  A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants.  Crossway, 2012.  A detailed and thorough analysis of the title’s themes based on the Hebrew text.

    Block, Daniel I.  For the Glory of God:  Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship.  Baker, 2014.  A critical and biblical analysis of worship in the Bible and its implications for today’s church.

    *Yamauchi, Edwin M., and Marvin R. Wilson eds.  Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity.  Volume I:  A-Da.  Volume II: De-H.  Hendrickson, 2015.  A thorough and remarkable collection of archaeological and especially textual data on a wide variety of topics and the evidence for them in the Old and New Testament, the Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman worlds, and the early Jewish and Christian worlds.

    Dozeman, Thomas B.  Joshua 1-12:  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary  (AB).  Yale, 2015.  Most thorough review of methods and exegetical approaches with many key insights on texts and issues.

    *Schipper, Jeremy.  Ruth:  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary  (AB).  Yale, 2016.  The up-to-date resource for a concise survey of interpretations and informed exegetical insights.

    The following volumes have been removed from the new list:

    *Barr, James.  The Concept of Biblical Theology:  An Old Testament Perspective.  SCM, 1999. The most important survey of Old Testament theologies at the end of the twentieth century, if not always one that everyone will agree with.

    Hasel, Gerhard.  Old Testament Theology:  Basic Issues in the Current Debate.  4th ed.  Eerdmans, 1991.  Detailed survey of authors and issues.

    Zimmerli, Walther.  Old Testament Theology in Outline.  John Knox, 1978.  Concise discussions with bibliographies by a capable critical scholar of an earlier generation.  Yahweh is the central theme.

    Klingbeil, Gerald A.  Bridging the Gap:  Ritual and Ritual Texts in the Bible.  BBRS 1. Eisenbrauns, 2007.  Thorough Evangelical introduction to Old Testament rituals with application to Christian faith and practice.

    Aharoni, Yohanan.  The Archaeology of the Land of Israel.  Trans. A.F. Rainey.  Westminster, 1982.  A classic work.

    Ben-Tor, Amnon, ed.  The Archaeology of Ancient Israel.  Trans. R. Greenberg.  Yale, 1992.

    Hoerth, Alfred.  Archaeology and the Old Testament.  Baker, 1998.  An important evangelical guide to the subject.

    Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

    Chisholm, Robert B. Jr. A Commentary on Judges and Ruth. Kregel Exegetical Library.  Kregel, 2013. Good exegetical and theological insights. Important for homiletical implications.

    Clines, David J. A., ed.  The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew.  8 vols.  Sheffield Academic Press, 1993-.  Six volumes have appeared.  Designed for a contextual and usage approach to understanding the meaning of words.

    Changes in NT2016.0.0

    The following volumes have been added to the new list:

    Brown, Colin, ed.  New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, 3 vols.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1978.

    Bartholomew, Craig.  Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics:  A Comprehensive Framework for Hearing God in Scripture.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    Alexander, Loveday C. A.  Acts in Its Ancient Literary Context.  New York:  T & T Clark, 2008.

    Bond, Helen K. and Larry W. Hurtado, eds.  Peter in Early Christianity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    Dunn, James D. G.  Neither Jew nor Greek:  A Contested Identity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    Barclay, John M. G.  Paul and the Gift.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    Longenekcer, Richard N.  Paul, Apostle of Liberty.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    Westerholm, Stephen.  Perspectives Old and New on Paul:  The “Lutheran” Paul and His Critics.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.

    *Longenecker, Richard N.  The Epistle to the Romans (NIGTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2016.

    Bird, Michael F.  Romans (SOGBC).  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2016.

    Das, A. Andrew.  Galatians (CC).  St. Louis:  Concordia, 2014.

    The following volumes have been removed from the new list:

    Stein, Robert H.  Studying the Synoptic Gospels.  2nd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2001.

    Porter, Stanley E.  Paul in Acts.  Peabody:  Hendrickson, 2001.

    Bruce, F. F.  Paul:  Apostle of the Heart Set FreeGrand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1977.

    Pate, C. Marvin.  Romans  (TTC).  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2013.

    Braxton, Brad R.  No Longer Slaves:  Galatians and African American Experience.  Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 2002.

    The following previously listed volumes are now given the highest recommendation:

    *Porter, Stanley E.  Idioms of the Greek New Testament.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press, 1992.

    *Longenecker, Richard N.  Galatians  (WBC).  Dallas: Word, 1990.

    The following volume no longer has the highest recommendation:

    Porter, Stanley E.  Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015.

    Schreiner, Thomas R.  Galatians  (ZECNT).  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.

    Added the following to the abbreviations section:

    CC = Concordia Commentary

    Deleted the following from the abbreviations section:

    EGGNT = Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2016B.0.0

    The following volumes have been added to the new list:

    *Carroll R., M. Daniel.  "Hosea" in The Expositor's Bible Commentary, vol. 8:  Daniel–Malachi.  Rev. ed.  Zondervan, 2008.  Careful exposition of the Hebrew text coupled with theological comments.  Evangelical.

    *Dearman, J. Andrew.  The Book of Hosea  (NICOT).  Eerdmans, 2010.  Careful exegesis with an eye for literary and theological details.  Evangelical.

    Lim, Bo H., and Daniel Castelo.  Hosea  (THOTC).  Eerdmans, 2015.  A Korean-American Old Testament scholar (Lim) collaborates with a Mexican-American theologian (Castelo) to combine exposition with systematic theological concerns.  Evangelical.

    *Block, Daniel I.  Obadiah: The Kingship Belongs to YHWH  (HMS).  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.  Focuses on the theological message and its rhetoric features.  Seeks literary and theological connections across the canon.  Evangelical.

    *Raabe, Paul R.  Obadiah  (AB). Doubleday, 1996.  Detailed, phrase-by-phrase comments.  Comprehensive.

    Lessing, R. Reed.  Jonah  (CC).  Concordia, 2007.  Solid exposition and theological reflections from a conservative Lutheran perspective.

    *Limburg, James.  Jonah: A Commentary  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1993.  Relevant exposition with discussions of how the book has been portrayed in the arts and interpreted in various religious traditions.

    Ben Zvi, Ehud.  Micah  (FOTL).  Eerdmans, 2000.  Very detailed form critical study.  Creative but sometimes idiosyncratic.  Extensive bibliographies.

    Christensen, Duane L.  Nahum  (AB).  Yale University Press, 2009.  Very detailed analysis of poetic features.

    Spronk, Klaas.  Nahum  (HCOT).  Kok Pharos, 1997.  Exposition with careful attention to poetic and historical details.

    *Andersen, Francis I.  Habakkuk  (AB).  Doubleday, 2001.  Detailed observations on Hebrew text with useful observations in the “Comment” sections.

    Hill, Andrew E.  Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: An Introduction and Commentary  (TOTC).  IVP Academic, 2012.  Solid exposition with helpful introductory discussions.  Replacement volume for Baldwin.  Evangelical.

    *Boda, Mark J.  The Book of Zechariah  (NICOT).  Eerdmans, 2016.  Excellent exposition of biblical text with good attention to textual matters.  Evangelical.

    *Wolters, Al.  Zechariah  (HCOT).  Peeters, 2014.  Extensively researched.  A stellar volume in this series that looks at textual and literary matters.

    *Hill, Andrew E.  Malachi  (AB).  Doubleday, 1998.  Very detailed study of Hebrew text with helpful appendices.

    The following volumes have been removed from the new list:

    Davies, G.I.  Hosea  (NCB).  Eerdmans, 1992.  Brief comments coupled with a unique understanding of the relationship between the prophet and Gomer.

    McComiskey, Thomas Edward, ed.  The Minor Prophets:  An Exegetical & Expository Commentary, Vol. 1:  Hosea-Amos.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 1992.  Separate, but parallel, textual and expositional comments.  Quality of commentary on each book will vary according to the contributor.  Evangelical. 

    Yee, Gale A.  “The Book of Hosea,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. VII:  Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel, The Twelve Prophets.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.  Exposition and theological reflections (with occasional excurses) of the primary units of each book.  Reflections of uneven value.  Designed for teaching and preaching.

    Achtemeier, Elizabeth.  “The Book of Joel,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. VII:  Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel, The Twelve Prophets.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.  Exposition and theological reflections (with occasional excurses) of the primary units of each book.  Reflections of uneven value.  Designed for teaching and preaching.

    Gowan, Donald E.  “The Book of Amos,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. VII:  Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel, The Twelve Prophets.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.  Exposition and theological reflections (with occasional excurses) of the primary units of each book.  Reflections of uneven value.  Designed for teaching and preaching.

    Pagan, Samuel.  “The Book of Obadiah,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. VII:  Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel, The Twelve Prophets.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.  Exposition and theological reflections (with occasional excurses) of the primary units of each book.  Reflections of uneven value.  Designed for teaching and preaching.

    Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

    Block, Daniel I.  For the Glory of God:  Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship.  Baker, 2014.  A critical and biblical analysis of worship in the Bible and its implications for today’s church.

    *Jobes, Karen H. and MoisÈs Silva.  Invitation to the Septuagint.  2nd edition.  Baker, 2015.  A reliable and readable introduction to the Greek translation of the Old Testament.

    Smith, George Adam.  Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land.  25th ed.  Hodder & Stoughton, 1936;  Harper & Row, 1966.  This is an 1894 classic with vivid word pictures of the Holy Land.

    Pierce, Ronald W.  Daniel  (TTCS).  Baker, 2015.  Useful commentary with exegetical insights, theological reflections, and contemporary engagement.  Evangelical.

    The following volumes no longer have the highest recommendation:

    Evans, Craig A. and Emanuel Tov, eds.  Exploring the Origins of the Bible:  Canon Formation in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective.  Baker, 2008.  Four important essays on the Old Testament canon provide an essential introduction.

    Barton, John.  Joel and Obadiah  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 2001.  Clear discussion of the critical and exegetical issues.

    Verhoef, Pieter A.  The Books of Haggai and Malachi  (NICOT).  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.  Exposition with an eye to theological implications.  Evangelical.

    The following volumes now have the highest recommendation:

    *Jobes, Karen H. and MoisÈs Silva.  Invitation to the Septuagint.  2nd edition.  Baker, 2015.  A reliable and readable introduction to the Greek translation of the Old Testament.

    *Andersen, Francis I. and David Noel Freedman.  Micah  (AB).  Doubleday, 2000.  An exhaustive exegesis of the canonical form with careful attention to structure.

    *Sweeney, Marvin A.  Zephaniah:  A Commentary  (Herm).  Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003.  Meticulous commentary, characterized by an interest in form critical issues and an effort to identify the historical background.

    *Taylor, Richard A. and E. Ray Clendenon.  Haggai, Malachi  (NAC).  Broadman & Holman, 2004.  Detailed conservative Evangelical exposition.  Premillennial.

    Changes in NT2016.1.0

    Added links to the following volumes that are now available for download:

    Jobes, Karen H. and Moisés Silva.  Invitation to the Septuagint2nd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    *______________.  Acts:  An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 4:  24:1-28:31.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    *Gorman, Michael J.  Reading Revelation Responsibly:  Uncivil Worship and Witness:  Following the Lamb into the New Creation.  Eugene, OR:  Cascade, 2011.

    Added links for the following volumes that are now available for pre-publication:

    Longenekcer, Richard N.  Paul, Apostle of Liberty.  2nd. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    *Longenecker, Richard N.  The Epistle to the Romans  (NIGTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2016.

    Spencer, Aída B.  2 Timothy and Titus  (NCCS).  Eugene, OR:  Cascade, 2014.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭


    Somehow I missed the links for the following two works that are now available for download:

    Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Message of Jeremiah:  Against Wind and Tide  (BST).  IVP Academic, 2014.  Offers pastor and preachers good expositional, theological, and practical insights.  Evangelical.

    *Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Message of Lamentations:  Honest to God  (BST).  IVP Academic, 2015.  Excellent introduction followed by careful theological and practical commentary.  Evangelical.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Attached you will find the updated versions.  The change log will follow in the next post.



    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2016B.2.0

    Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

    R. S. Hess and G. J. Wenham, eds.  Making the Old Testament Live: From Curriculum to Classroom.  Eerdmans, 1998.

    Hess, R. S., and G. Wenham, eds.  Zion:  City of Our God.  Eerdmans, 1999.  History, religion, and theology of Jerusalem as revealed in the variety of Old Testament literature.

    Gunn, David M. and Danna Nolan Fewell.  Narrative in the Hebrew Bible.  The Oxford Bible Series.  Oxford University Press, 1993.  A counterpoint to Sternberg.

    Wilson, M. R.  Our Father Abraham:  Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith.  Eerdmans, 1989.  Introduction to Jewish thought and Jewish roots of the Church for Gentile Christians from a Messianic viewpoint. 

    Young, Edward J.  The Prophecy of Daniel.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1949.  A classical commentary of earlier decades.  Much attention given to millennial debates.  Evangelical.

    The following volumes have been removed from pre-publication:

    Heim, Knut Martin.  Like Grapes of Gold Set in Silver:  An Interpretation of Proverbial Clusters in Proverbs 10:1-22:16.  Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Band 273. Walter de Gruyter, 2001.  Best exegesis of this difficult middle section of the book, with emphasis on context in understanding and relating the individual proverbs.

    Hugenberger, Gordon P.  Marriage as a Covenant:  Biblical Law and Ethics as Developed from Malachi.  Baker, 1998.  A thorough Evangelical study of the divorce passage in 2: 10-16.

    Changes in NT2016.2.0

    Added links to the following volumes that are now available for download:

    Thiselton, Anthony C.  Hermeneutics:  An Introduction.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2009.

    *Marshall, I. Howard and David Peterson.  Witness to the Gospel:  The Theology of Acts.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1998.

    Westerholm, Stephen.  Perspectives Old and New on Paul:  The “Lutheran” Paul and His Critics.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.

    Thiselton, Anthony C.  1 Corinthians:  A Shorter Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2006.

    Goppelt, Leonhard.  A Commentary on 1 Peter.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1983.

    Added links for the following volumes that are now available for pre-publication:

    _______________.  Neither Jew nor Greek:  A Contested Identity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    The following volumes have been removed from pre-publication: 

    Feldmeier, Reinhard.  The First Letter of Peter.  Waco: Baylor University Press, 2008.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    The newest updates have been released from Denver Seminary, and these editions reflect those changes, as well as any changes in availability.  Changes logs will be included in the following post.



    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2016C.0.0

    Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

    *Arnold, Bill T. and Richard S. Hess.  Ancient Israel’s History: An Introduction to Issues and Sources.  Baker Academic, 2014.  An up-to-date review of the questions and evidence surrounding the study of the Old Testament and the history it describes. 

    The following volumes have been added to the new list:

    Munayer, Salim J.  Hosea  (ABCS).  Asia Theological Association, 2010.  Exposition and theological reflections by a Palestinian Christian.  Evangelical.

    Lessing, R. Reed.  Amos  (CC).  Saint Louis, MO: Concordia, 2009.  Solid exegesis with extensive theological reflections from a conservative Lutheran perspective.

    *Petterson, Anthony R.  Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi  (AOTC).  InterVarsity Press, 2015.  Very useful commentary with discussions of textual, structural, and exegetical comments.  Evangelical.

    The following volumes have been removed from the list:

    _______________.  “The Book of Jonah,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. VII:  Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel, The Twelve Prophets.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.  Exposition and theological reflections (with occasional excurses) of the primary units of each book.  Reflections of uneven value.  Designed for teaching and preaching.

    The following titles now have the highest recommendation:

    *Andersen, Francis I. and David N. Freedman.  Hosea  (AB).  New York: Doubleday, 1980.  Detailed commentary with attention to literary unity and style.

    Condensed the following to one entry for consistency:

     *Walton, John H.  Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary:  Old Testament, 5 volumes.  Zondervan, 2009.  Enlisting dozens of Evangelical scholars, this work provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the relationship between the Bible and all relevant primary sources contemporary with its origins. 

    Fixed typo in Stulman, Louis.  Jeremiah  (AOTC).  Abingdon, 2005.  Insightful theological and ethical comments on the canonical shape of the book.

    Changes in NT2016B.0.0

    The following works have been added to the new list:

    *Mathewson, David L. and Elodie Ballantine Emig.  Intermediate Greek Grammar: Syntax for Students of the New Testament.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 2016.

    Green, Joel B. and Lee M. McDonald.  The World of the New Testament:  Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 2013.

    Voelz, James W.  Mark 1:1-8:26  (CC).  St. Louis: Concordia, 2013.

    Meye Thompson, Marianne.  John:  A Commentary  (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.

    Merkle, Benjamin L.  Ephesians  (EGGNT).  Nashville: B & H, 2016.

    The following works have been removed from the new list:

    Theissen, Gerd.  The Religion of the Earliest Churches:  Creating a Symbolic World.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1999.

    Lincoln, A. T.  The Gospel according to Saint John  (BNTC).  London:  Continuum, 2005.

    *O’Brien, Peter T.  The Letter to the Ephesians  (PNTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1999.

    *O’Brien, Peter T.  The Epistle to the Philippians  (NIGTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1991.

    Added links to the following volumes that are now available for download:

    _______________.  Neither Jew nor Greek:  A Contested Identity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    The following works no longer have the highest recommendation:

    Carson, D. A.  “Matthew,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary, vol. 9:  Matthew and Mark.  Rev. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2010.

    Wilkins, Michael J.  Matthew  (NIVAC).  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2004.

    The following works now have the highest recommendation:

    *Evans, Craig A.  Matthew  (NCBC).  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2012.

    *Brown, Jeannine K.  Matthew  (TTC).  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2015.

    *Vang, Preben. 1 Corinthians (TTC). Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2014.

    *Klein, William W.  “Ephesians,” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary, vol. 12:  Ephesians-Philemon.  Rev. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2006.

    *Witherington, Ben, III.  Paul’s Letter to the Philippians:  A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2011.

    *deSilva, D. A.  Perseverance in Gratitude:  A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2000.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,521 ✭✭✭

    Hi Joseph, this is great work, thank you for your continued efforts!

    I was wondering, will the documents/files in the Faithlife group be updated to reflect these, or should we update our own copies manually now?

    Thanks Joseph!

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,178 ✭✭✭✭

    What is the name of the FL group? I believe you have to update manually

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    I didn't know that there was a group for this.  I didn't start it, but if you find it, post it so I can see about it.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,521 ✭✭✭

    Oh my gosh brain dead, so sorry - it shows what happens when I post before that first cup of coffee. I was referring to the Theology/Denomination tags, not the OT/NT Denver Seminary. There is no FL group for that that I am aware of. Sorry for the confusion I created!

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    Oh my gosh brain dead, so sorry - it shows what happens when I post before that first cup of coffee. I was referring to the Theology/Denomination tags, not the OT/NT Denver Seminary. There is no FL group for that that I am aware of. Sorry for the confusion I created!

    Lol, no worries!

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    These are just updates with new links for some resources for the most part:



    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2016C.1.0

     Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

     *Overholt, Thomas W.  Cultural Anthropology and the Old Testament  (Guides to Biblical Scholarship).  Fortress, 1996.  An excellent introduction to the use of anthropology in the study of the prophets.  Good bibliography.

     Chisholm, Robert B. Jr.  A Commentary on Judges and RuthKregel Exegetical Library.  Kregel, 2013.  Good exegetical and theological insights.  Important for homiletical implications.  The link was not changed under Judges in the previous editions, though it had been changed under Ruth.

     Brown, Raymond.  The Message of Nehemiah:  God’s Servant in a Time of Change  (BST).  IVP, 1998.  Helpful exposition with consistent personal applications.  This one also should have been changed in a previous edition.

     Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Message of Jeremiah:  Grace in the End  (BST).  IVP Academic, 2014.  Offers pastor and preachers good expositional, theological, and practical insights.  Evangelical.  The title was also corrected.

     *Wright, Christopher J. H.  The Message of Lamentations:  Honest to God  (BST).  IVP Academic, 2015.  Excellent introduction followed by careful theological and practical commentary.  Evangelical.

     Changed the link for the following from the Vyrso version to the Logos version:

     Evans, Craig A. and Emanuel Tov, eds.  Exploring the Origins of the Bible:  Canon Formation in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective.  Baker, 2008.  Four important essays on the Old Testament canon provide an essential introduction.

     Changes in NT2016B.1.0

     Added links to the following volumes that are now available for download:

     *Longenecker, Richard N.  The Epistle to the Romans  (NIGTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2016.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Usually they will remove and add at approximately the same rate; however, the OT bibliography culled many more volumes than it added this time around.

    Changes in OT2017.0.0

    Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

    Brueggemann, Walter.  Old Testament Theology:  An Introduction  (Library of Biblical Theology).  Fortress, 2008.  A useful review of key topics in the field by a leader in Old Testament theology.

    *Overholt, Thomas W.  Cultural Anthropology and the Old Testament  (Guides to Biblical Scholarship).  Fortress, 1996.  An excellent introduction to the use of anthropology in the study of the prophets.  Good bibliography.

    Dozeman, Thomas B.  Joshua 1-12:  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary  (AB).  Yale, 2015.  Most thorough review of methods and exegetical approaches with many key insights on texts and issues.

    *Schipper, Jeremy.  Ruth:  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary  (AB).  Yale, 2016.  The up-to-date resource for a concise survey of interpretations and informed exegetical insights.

    The following resources have been added to the new list:

    *Arnold, Bill T. and Bryan E. Beyer.  Encountering the Old Testament:  A Christian Survey.  3rd ed.  Baker, 2015.  Evangelical undergraduate survey with excellent photos, maps, charts, sidebars, and a CD with lots more photos.  Helpful outlines of books and reviews of the most important ideas and term.

    The Oxford Encyclopediae. Oxford. Current, two-volume sets explore approaches to the Bible, including the Bible and Arts (T. Beal ed.), the Books of the Bible (M. D. Coogan ed.), the Bible and Ethics (R. L. Brawley ed.), the Bible and Theology (S. E. Balentine ed.), the Bible and Archaelogy (D. M. Master ed.), Biblical Interpretation (S. L. McKenzie ed.), the Bible and Gender Studiees (J. M. O’Brien ed.) the Bible and Law (B. Strawn ed.).

    *Carson, Donald A.  NIV Zondervan Study Bible.  Zondervan, 2015.  With contributions by more than sixty Evangelical scholars, the introductions, notes, and special essays focus on biblical theology.

    Shanks, Hershel, ed. Ancient Israel. From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple. Third edition. Biblical Archaeology Society, 2010. Popular writing with each chapter written by one or two experts in the field.

    *Arnold, Bill T., and Brent A. Strawn eds.  The World around the Old Testament.  Baker Academic, 2016.  Leading scholars provide excellent review of the thirteen major people groups connected with the Israelites.

    The following resources have been removed from the new list:

    *Arnold, Bill T. and Bryan E. Beyer.  Encountering the Old Testament:  A Christian Survey.  2nd ed.  Baker, 2008.  Evangelical undergraduate survey with excellent photos, maps, charts, sidebars, and a CD with lots more photos.  Helpful outlines of books and reviews of the most important ideas and term.

    Birch, Bruce C., Walter Brueggemann, Terence E. Fretheim, and David L. Petersen.  A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament.  2nd ed.  Abingdon, 2005.  An important survey of literary, theological, and ethical dimensions of the Old Testament.

    Collins, John J.  Introduction to the Hebrew BibleFortress, 2004.  An up to date and readable survey of Old Testament (and apocryphal) scholarship from the standpoint of modern criticism.

    _______________.   A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible.  Fortress, 2007. 

    Dillard, Raymond and Tremper Longman III.  An Introduction to the Old Testament.  2nd ed.  Zondervan, 2006.  A helpful up-to-date Evangelical contribution.  Longman finished the project after the death of Dillard.

    LaSor, W.S., D.A. Hubbard, and F.W. Bush.  Old Testament Survey.  2nd ed.  Eerdmans, 1996.  A reasonably up-to-date introduction from a balanced Evangelical perspective.

    Soggin, J. Alberto.  Introduction to the Old Testament  (OTL).  3rd ed.  Westminster, 1989.  The current standard in place of Eissfeldt; weak on literary approaches.

    Exploring the Old Testament.  InterVarsity Press.  Four separate volumes provide an introduction to the Pentateuch (Wenham), the Historical Books (Satterthwaite and McConville), and Psalms and Wisdom Literature (Lucas), and the Prophets (McConville).  Written from a British Evangelical perspective.

    Moody Press: Four volumes by H. Wolf (Pentateuch), D. Howard (Historical Books), and C. H. Bullock (Poetic Books and Prophetic Books).

    Anderson, Bernard W.  Contours of Old Testament Theology.  Fortress, 1999.  Themes of the holiness of God, covenants, Torah/wisdom, and prophecy/apocalyptic are interwoven in this synthesis by an influential scholar.

    Childs, Brevard S.  Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context.  Fortress, 1986.  Classic on canon with a sensitivity to the New Testament.

    House, Paul R.  Old Testament Theology.  IVP, 1998.  A work that outlines God's nature and acts in each book of the Old Testament.  A narrative approach designed for college and seminary students.

    Kaiser, W.C., Jr.  Toward an Old Testament Theology.  Zondervan, 1978.  Evangelical.  Emphasis on promise themes (Available in a revised and expanded edition entitled The Promise-Plan of God:  A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments).

    Preuss, H. D.  Old Testament Theology  (OTL).  2 vols.  Westminster/John Knox, 1995-6.  Focus on Yahweh.

    Sailhamer, John H.  Introduction to Old Testament Theology: A Canonical Approach.  Zondervan, 1995.  Evangelical.  Structured study on how to do Old Testament theology.

    Smith, Ralph L.  Old Testament Theology:  Its History, Method, and Message.  Broadman & Holman, 1993.  Evangelical.  A helpful source for summaries of debates and positions on a wide breadth of topics.

    Terrien, S.  The Elusive Presence:  Toward a New Biblical Theology.  Harper and Row, 1978.  Focus on the wisdom literature.

    Zuck, Roy B., ed.  A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament.  Moody, 1991.  Evangelical.  Dallas seminary faculty contribute their perspectives on each major section of the Old Testament.

    Dever, William G.  What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It? What Archaeology Can Tell Us about the Reality of Ancient Israel.  Eerdmans, 2001.  Polemical but useful survey of biblical historiography and postmodern interpretations.

    Matthews, Victor H.  A Brief History of Ancient Israel.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2002.  Moderately critical review of major issues regarding the study of the history of Israel.

    Shanks, Hershel, ed.  Ancient Israel:  From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple.  Rev. ed.  Biblical Archaeology Society, 1999.  Popular writing with each chapter written by one or two experts in the field.

    Long, V. Philips.  The Art of Biblical HistoryFoundations of Contemporary Interpretation, vol. 5.  Zondervan, 1994.  The balance of historicity, literary art, and theology in the history writing of the Old Testament.

    Millard, Alan R., James K. Hoffmeier, and David W. Baker, eds.  Faith, Tradition, and History:  Old Testament Historiography in Its Near Eastern Context.  Eisenbrauns, 1994.  Important articles on the methods and interpretation of various Old Testament passages in the light of ancient Near Eastern comparisons.

    Dever, William G.  Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003.  Important archaeological arguments against the historicity of the biblical exodus and in favor of a largely indigenous people in Canaan who became Israel.  Israel can be ethnically identified in the twelfth highlands of Palestine.

    _______________.  Archaeology of the Land of the Bible. Volume II. The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods (732-332 B.C.E.).  Doubleday, 2001.  The most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the later Old Testament period.

    Beyerlin, W., ed.  Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the Old Testament  (OTL).  Westminster, 1978.

    Wyatt, N.  Religious Texts from Ugarit:  The Words of Ilimilku and His Colleagues.  Rev. ed.  Sheffield, 2002.  Contemporary translation of religious texts that provide the essential background for understanding "Canaanite" religion.

    Chavalas, Mark W., and K. Lawson Younger, Jr., eds.  Mesopotamia and the Bible:  Comparative Explorations.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002.  A collection of approaches to different archives of Syrian and Mesopotamian texts and their relation to the Bible.

    Gurney, O. R.  The Hittites.  Rev. ed. Penguin, 1990.  A classic of a culture with important relevance to the Bible.

    Hoerth, Alfred, Gerald Mattingly, and Edwin Yamauchi, eds.  Peoples of the Old Testament World.  Baker, 1998.  Updating of Wiseman's Peoples of Old Testament Times by U.S. Evangelicals.

    *Kemp, Barry J.  Ancient Egypt:  Anatomy of a Civilization.  2nd ed.  Routledge, 1991.  A social study of Egyptian life and culture.

    Oppenheim, A. Leo.  Ancient Mesopotamia:  Portrait of a Dead Civilization.  University of Chicago, 1977.

    Von Soden, Wolfram.  The Ancient Orient:  An Introduction to the Study of the Ancient Near East.  Trans. D.G. Schley.  Eerdmans, 1993.  Traditional approach to ancient Near Eastern history.

    Baltzer, Klaus.  Isaiah 40-55  (Herm).  Fortress, 2001.  Careful linguistic analysis of the chapters, assumes the rhetorical form of a Greek drama.

    *______________.  The Message of Isaiah 40-55: A Literary-Theological Commentary.  London: T. & T. Clark, 2005.  Thorough treatment of text with theological and literary sensitivities.  Designed to complement forthcoming volume in ICC series.  Critical evangelical.

    Lessing, R. Reed.  Isaiah 40–55  (Concordia Commentary).  Concordia, 2011.  Study of Hebrew text and literary features with solid exposition, along with theological reflections from a conservative Lutheran perspective.

    Tull, Patricia K.  Isaiah 1–39  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2010.  Exposition from a critical perspective, with many helpful sidebars with background and other information.  Committed to connecting to contemporary issues.

    Watts, John D. W.  Isaiah 1–33  (WBC).  Rev. ed.  Thomas Nelson, 2005.  Interprets the book as a literary work of dramatic speeches and scenes.  Revision reworks some ideas of the first.  Well documented.

    _______________.  Isaiah 34–66  (WBC).  Rev. ed.  Thomas Nelson, 2005.  Interprets the book as a literary work of dramatic speeches and scenes.  Revision reworks some ideas of the first.  Well documented.

    Changes in NT2017.0.0

    Added links to the following volumes that are now available for download:

    Porter, Stanley E. and Cynthia Long Westfall, eds.  Empire in the New Testament.  Eugene, OR:  Pickwick, 2011.

    Barclay, John M. G.  Paul and the Gift.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.

    *Longenecker, Richard N.  The Epistle to the Romans  (NIGTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2016.

    *Boda, Mark J.  The Book of Zechariah  (NICOT).  Eerdmans, 2016.  Excellent exposition of biblical text with good attention to textual matters.  Evangelical.

    The following resources have been removed from the new list:

    Guelich, Robert A.  Mark 1-8:26  (WBC).  Dallas:  Word, 1989.

    *O’Brien, Peter T.  The Letter to the Hebrews  (PNTC).  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2010.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • scooter
    scooter Member Posts: 259 ✭✭
  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭
  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Thank you scooter and Gao Lu.  I enjoy doing it, and I'm glad that others find it beneficial!

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Veli Voipio
    Veli Voipio MVP Posts: 2,057

    I have found the list very useful and I've collected a good basic library. Nowadays I try to read of it as much as reasonably possible.

    I come from a different tradition, but I feel these books mostly match my views.

    Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11

  • scooter
    scooter Member Posts: 259 ✭✭

    Thank you scooter and Gao Lu.  I enjoy doing it, and I'm glad that others find it beneficial!

    I paste them into Word so I can refer to them.  Thanks again, Joseph.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Here are the newest updates!  Note the multiple volumes in the OTL, NTL, and SHBC sets which are now available in pre-pub.



    For those interested, these are the volumes still not available for download (this list includes pre-pubs):

    3364.Books not available.docx

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Changes in OT2017.1.0

     Included links for the following works that are now available for download:

     Gentry, Peter J., and Stephen J. Wellum.  Kingdom through Covenant:  A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants.  Crossway, 2012.  A detailed and thorough analysis of the title’s themes based on the Hebrew text.

     Hoffmeier, James K., and Dennis R. Magary, eds.  Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?  A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture.  Crossway, 2012.  A study of historical and introductory issues in light of current research and challenges.

     Sweeney, Marvin A.  Isaiah 40-66  (FOTL).  Eerdmans, 2016.  Best review and insights into the forms and structure of these chapters.

     Included links for the following works that are now in Pre-pub:

     *Yamauchi, Edwin M., and Marvin R. Wilson eds.  Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity.  Volume I:  A-Da.  Volume II: De-H.  Hendrickson, 2015.  A thorough and remarkable collection of archaeological and especially textual data on a wide variety of topics and the evidence for them in the Old and New Testament, the Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman worlds, and the early Jewish and Christian worlds.

     Hill, Andrew E.  Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: An Introduction and Commentary  (TOTC).  IVP Academic, 2012.  Solid exposition with helpful introductory discussions.  Replacement volume for Baldwin.  Evangelical.

     *Eichrodt, W.  Theology of the Old Testament  (OTL).  2 vols.  Philadelphia: Westminster, 1961-67.  Emphasis on the covenant.  Along with von Rad, the giant in the field in the twentieth century.

     Rad, G. von.  Genesis  (OTL).  Westminster, 1972.  A classic theological interpretation from a higher critical perspective.

     *Childs, B.S.  The Book of Exodus  (OTL).  Westminster, 1974.  The application of the canonical approach to a higher critical commentary. Includes a history of interpretation for each passage.

     Gerstenberger, Erhard S.  Leviticus  (OTL).  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1996.  Translation of a 1993 German work, this author provides theological and anthropological insights on Leviticus as a postexilic work.

     Nelson, Richard D.  Deuteronomy:  A Commentary  (OTL).  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2002.  A critical commentary with important exegesis of the text.

     Nelson, Richard D.  Joshua  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1997.  Joshua as the product of Deuteronomistic redaction.

     Nielsen, Kirsten.  Ruth  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1997.  Written by a woman with special interests in intertextuality and plot development.

     Japhet, Sara.  I & II Chronicles  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1993.  A detailed theological commentary that is sensitive to Chronicles as history.

     Levenson, Jon D.  Esther  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1997.  A master of biblical theology from a Jewish perspective examines the book of Esther.

     Habel, Norman C.  The Book of Job  (OTL).  Westminster, 1985.  Detailed linguistic notes with insights of literary structure.

     Clifford, Richard J.  Proverbs  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1999.  Concise, original discussion of the meanings of each of the proverbs and their place in their original context, as well as attention to the overall structure of the book.

     Crenshaw, James L.  Ecclesiastes  (OTL).  Westminster, 1987.  A master of biblical wisdom literature considers this book.

     *Berlin, Adele.  Lamentations  (OTL).  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2002.  A very good commentary, sensitive to literary issues and backgrounds, by a Jewish scholar.

     Eichrodt, Walter.  Ezekiel  (OTL).  Philadelphia: Westminster, 1970.  The classical critical commentary of a generation ago.

     *Newsom, Carol A.  Daniel: A Commentary  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 2014.  Important addition to an important series.  Impressive in erudition with an eye to the history of interpretation.

     Mays, James L.  Hosea  (OTL).  Philadelphia: Westminster, 1969.  A concise and well-written commentary from the form critical perspective.

     Barton, John.  Joel and Obadiah  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 2001.  Clear discussion of the critical and exegetical issues.

     Jeremias, Jörg.  The Book of Amos  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1998.  Creative critical reconstruction of text that tries to reflect literary sensibilities.

     *Limburg, James.  Jonah: A Commentary  (OTL).  Westminster John Knox, 1993.  Relevant exposition with discussions of how the book has been portrayed in the arts and interpreted in various religious traditions.

     *Roberts, J. J.  Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah  (OTL).  Louisville: Westminster/ John Knox, 1991.  Focuses on textual and grammatical issues.

     Petersen, David L.  Haggai, Zechariah 1-8  (OTL).  Philadelphia: Westminster, 1984.  Well written and balanced critical approach, with an attempt to link with historical background.

     _______________.  Zechariah 9-14 and Malachi  (OTL).  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995.  Well written and balanced critical approach, with an attempt to link with historical background.

     Cartledge, Tony W.  1 and 2 Samuel  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2001.  Exposition informed by critical theory but with an eye to student and pastoral concerns.  Sidebars with useful information. 

     Brueggemann, Walter.  1 & 2 Kings  (SHBC).  Smith & Helwys, 2000.  Mid-level commentary with helpful sidebars and accompanying CD-Rom.  Connections section designed to stimulate theological reflection.

     Redditt, Paul L.  Ezra–Nehemiah  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2014.  Solid commentary with an eye for contemporary relevance.  Sidebars with additional information.

     Balentine, Samuel E.  Job  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2006.  A profound theological and exegetical study that is creative and hermeneutically aware.

     *Fretheim, Terence E.  Jeremiah  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2002.  Critically informed but not intrusive.  Textual comments with substantive theological reflections by one of the more important Old Testament theologians of our time. 

    *Pace, Sharon.  Daniel  (SHBC).  Smyth & Helwys, 2008.  Warm commentary from a moderately critical perspective.  Replete with useful background information and contemporary connections.

    Corrected the title for:  *Williamson, H.G.M.  A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Isaiah 1-27, Volume 1  (ICC).  London: T. & T. Clark, 2006.  Exhaustive linguistic, philological, and text critical study with helpful exegesis.  Redaction critical approach.  First of three volumes to cover chs. 1-27.

    Changes in NT2017.1.0

    Added links to the following volumes that are now in Pre-Pub:

    Meye Thompson, Marianne.  John:  A Commentary  (NTL).  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.

    Matera, Frank J.  II Corinthians  (NTL).  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 2003.

    Witherington, Ben III.  Matthew  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2006.

    Culpepper, R. Alan.  Mark  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2007.

    Talbert, C. H.  Romans  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2002.

    Nash, Robert S.  1 Corinthians  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2009.

    Still, Todd D.  Philippians and Philemon  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2011.

    Gupta, Nijay K.  Colossians  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2013.

    Bridges, Linda M.  1 & 2 Thessalonians  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2008.

    Jones, Peter R.  1, 2, & 3 John  (SHBC).  Macon:  Smyth & Helwys, 2009.

    Bond, Helen K. and Larry W. Hurtado, eds.  Peter in Early Christianity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2015.


    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.