Complete Listing: Library of New Testament Studies (formerly JSNT Supplement Series)

I've put together a complete list of the LNTS (Library of New Testament Studies) series, formerly known as the Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) Supplement Series (aka JSNTSup or JSNTS).
These are fine academic monographs about various exegetical, hermeneutical, text critical, historical, sociological, linguistic, rhetorical, archaeological, theological, and other issues relating to the Old Testament. Originally published by T&T Clark, then Sheffield Academic Press, the series is now owned and continued by Continuum Books.
Logos has the many of them (some volumes I've been able to identify).
I've put together a list of all the volumes in the series to date, with links to the Logos collection each volume appears in, if available. Some volume are available as stand-alone, not in collections.
Kudos to Rosie for the original format - used for the LHB/OTS equivalent
Thank you..
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Thank you.
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That's a great list, Kevin. I appreciate it.
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Thank you for this Kevin: many of these are quite difficult to identify as being JSNTS/LNTS
I had missed Paul and Jesus: Collected Essays as being JSNTS 37 or Mark: A Reader-Response Commentary as being JSNTS 164
In addition to Logos books linked in your list, my Logos collection includes also:
JSNTS 120: Approaches to New Testament Study
JSNTS 157: Voices of the Mystics
JSNTS 168: Linguistics and the New Testament
JSNTS 170: Discourse Analysis and the New Testament:
JSNTS 193: Diglossia and Other Topics in New Testament Linguistics
JSNTS 195: Rhetorical Criticism and the Bible:
JSNTS 200: Doing Things with Words in the First Christian Century
JSNTS 203: Matthew, Poet of the Beatitudes
JSNTS 204: Matthew and the Margins:
JSNTS 214: Jesus, Mark and Q:
JSNTS 225: Essays in Biblical Criticism and Exegesis
JSNTS 230: The New Testament as Reception
JSNTS 250: Paul's Critique of Theocracy:
JSNTS 293: Paul, the Fool of Christ:
JSNTS 296: Women and Marriage in Paul and His Early Interpreters
JSNTS 303: Enthymemes in the Letters of Paul
JSNTS 322: Paul and the Creation of Christian Identity
JSNTS 325: Paul and the Dynamics of Power:
JSNTS 344: Paul's Argumentation in Galatians:
JSNTS 354: Paul and Ancient Views of Sexual Desire:
JSNTS 362: A Pauline Theology of Church Leadership
JSNTS 374: The Nordic Paul:
JSNTS 402: The Paul-Apollos Relationship and Paul's Stance toward Greco-Roman Rhetoric:
JSNTS 405: Paul and Epictetus on Law: A Comparison
JSNTS 411: Paul and the Gospels:
JSNTS 412: Paul and the Second Century
JSNTS 414: Jesus and Paul: Global Perspectives in Honour of James D. G. Dunn
JSNTS 417: Paul's Utilization of Preformed Traditions in 1 Timothy:
JSNTS 419: A Poetic Discontent: Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark
JSNTS 421: The Social Significance of Reconciliation in Paul's Theology:
JSNTS 428: Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation:
JSNTS 452: Paul and the Heritage of Israel:
JSNTS 473: The Torah in the Ethics of Paul
JSNTS 489: Christ is God Over All:
JSNTS 495: A Scriptural Theology of Eucharistic Blessings
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Thanks for those updates - the enclosed file should take account of those changes. As of 29 June 2017
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Hi ! Sorry to bring this post up from 6 years ago, but it's very useful.
Amazing list that must've taken a lot of effort! I have a few titles to add:
First: #241 in the list (Where the Eagles are Gathered by Steven Bridge) is actually #240, and #241 is Christian Origins (Kieran O'Mahoney)
516. So Great a Salvation (Jon Laansma et al (Eds.))"
524. Christ Redeemed 'Us' from the Curse of the Law (Jarvis J. Williams)
549. Configuring Nicodemus (Michael R. Whitenton)
565. Has a question mark but the title is correct
566. The Earliest Perceptions of Jesus in Context (Aaron W. White et al (Eds.))
567. Theodicy and the Cross of Christ: A New Testament Inquiry (Tom Holmén)
573. Gospel Interpretation and the Q-Hypothesis (Morgens Müller and Heike Omerzu (Eds.))
579. Methodology in the Use of the Old Testament in the New (David M. Allen & Steve Smith (Eds.))
580. Christ, Creation and the Cosmic Goal of Redemption (J. J. Johnson Leese)
582. The Parables in Q (Dieter T. Roth)
586. The Violence of the Lamb (Paul Middleton)
589. Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John (Craig R. Koester (Ed.))
590. Becoming John: The Making of a Passion Gospel (Kari Syreeni)
591. Old Testament Conceptual Metaphors and the Christology of Luke’s Gospel (Gregory R. Lanier)
592. Relating the Gospels (Eric Eve)
593. Composite Citations in Antiquity: Volume 2: New Testament Uses (edited by Sean A. Adams; Seth M. Ehorn)594. Bible and Bedlam: Madness, Sanism, and New Testament Interpretation (Louise J. Lawrence)
595. A Baptism of Judgment in the Fire of the Holy Spirit (Daniel W. McManigal)
596. “The Time Is Fulfilled” (Lynne Moss Bahr)
597. Reading Bodies (Callie Callon)
598. Reading Hebrews and 1 Peter with the African American Great Migration (Jennifer T. Kaalund)
599. The Writings of Luke and the Jewish Roots of the Christian Way (J. Andrew Cowan)
600. The New Testament in Comparison (John M. G. Barclay & Benjamin G. White (Eds.))
601. Jesus, the Gospels, and the Galilean Crisis (Tucker S. Ferda)
602. The Ritual World of Paul the Apostle (Michael J. Lakey)
603. Failure and Prospect: Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31) in the Context of Luke-Acts (Reuben Bredenhof)
604. Mark 13 and the Return of the Shepherd (Paul T. Sloan)
605. The Fear of God in 2 Corinthians 7:1 (Euichang Kim)
606. Writing the Gospels: A Dialogue with Francis Watson (Catherine Sider Hamilton et al (Eds.))
607. Royal Messianism and the Jerusalem Priesthood in the Gospel of Mark (Bernardo Cho)
608. Sharing in the Son’s Inheritance (Esau McCaulley)
609. The Proskynesis of Jesus in the New Testament (Ray M. Lozano)
611. The Contest for Time and Space in the Roman Imperial Cults and 1 Peter (Wei Hsien Wan)
612. The Media Matrix of Early Jewish and Christian Narrative (Nicholas A. Elder)
613. Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels Volume 4: The Gospel of John (Thomas R. Hatina)
614. Gospel Women and the Long Ending of Mark (Kara Lyons-Pardue)
616. The Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel (Charles Nathan Ridlehoover)
617. Saint Thecla (Rosie Andrious)
618. Theological and Theoretical Issues in the Synoptic Problem (Kloppenborg et al)
619. The figure of Abraham in John 8 text and intertext (Ruth Sheridan)
620. Rediscovering the Marys: Maria, Mariamne, Miriam (Mary Ann Beavis & Ally Kateusz (Eds.))
621. The Path to Salvation in Luke's Gospel (Mija Wi)
622. The Bible on Television (Helen K. Bond)
627. Mutual Boasting in Philippians (Isaac D. Blois)
628. Paul and Matthew Among Jews and Gentiles (Ronald Charles (Ed.))
629. Paul’s Emotional Regime (Ian Y. S. Jew)
630. Ancient Letters and the Purpose of Romans (Aaron Ricker)
631. The Divine Builder in Psalm 68 (Todd A. Scacewater)
632. New Studies in Textual Interplay (Oropeza et al (Eds.))
634. The Scriptures in the Book of Revelation and Apocalyptic Literature (Susan Docherty)
635. The Divine-Human Relationship in Romans 1–8 in the Light of Interdependence Theory (Yoonjong Kim)
636. Common Property, the Golden Age, and Empire in Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-35 (Joshua Noble)
637. Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts (Karl L. Armstrong)
638. Satan, the Heavenly Adversary of Man (Cato Gulaker)
639. Paul and Asklepios (Christopher D. Stanley)
640. The Invention of the Inspired Text (John C. Poirier)
641. Religious Experience and the Creation of Scripture (Mark Wreford)
642. The Politics of Salvation (Timothy W. Reardon)
643. Library of New Testament studies, 643 (Meron T. Gebreananaye et al (Eds.))
645. Constructing Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter (Janette H. Ok)
646. The Dividing Wall (Martin Wright)
647. Sin, the Human Predicament, and Salvation in the Gospel of John (Mathew E. Sousa)
648. Character Studies in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew Ryan Hodge et al (Eds.))
649. Matthew’s Account of the Massacre of the Innocents in Light of its Reception History (Sung J. Cho)
650. The Transformational Role of Discipleship in Mark 10:13-16 (Katherine Joy Kihlstrom Timpte)
651. Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration (Peter Anthony)
652. Paul and the Corinthians: Leadership, Ordeals, and the Politics of Displacement (Jonathan B. Ensor)
653. Jesus and the Empire of God (Margaret Froelich)
654. Atonement and Ethics in 1 John (Chris Armitage)
655. Impact of Bodily Experience on Paul's Resurrection Theology (Kai-Hsuan Chang)
656. Divine Christology in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Nick Brennan)
658. The Concept of Canon in the Reception of the Epistle to the Hebrews (David Young)
659. Irenaeus, the Scriptures, and the Apostolic Writings (Kenneth Laing)
660. The Ties that Bind (Esther Kobel et al)
661. Reading Acts Theologically (Steve Walton)
662. A Jewish Apocalyptic Framework of Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Jihye Lee)
663. Exodus in the New Testament (Seth Ehorn)
665. The Pauline Book and the Dilemma of Ephesians (Benjamin J. Petroelje)
666. A Case Frame Grammar and Lexicon for the Book of Revelation (Paul L. Danove)
667. The Moral Life According to Mark (M. John-Patrick O'Connor)
668. Paul, The Apostle of Obedience (Jason A. Myers)
669. The Formal Education of the Author of Luke-Acts ( Steve Reece)
670. Writing With Scripture (Nathanael Vette)
671. Encountering the Parables in Contexts Old and New (T. E. Goud et al (Eds.))
672. Luke in His Own Words (Jenny Read-Heimerdinger)
676. Women in John’s Gospel (Susan Miller)
678. Markan Typology: Miracle, Scripture and Christology in Mark 4:35-6:45 (Jonathan Rivett Robinson)
679. Purity in the Gospel of John (Wil Rogan)
680. The Structure of Second Corinthians: Paul's Theology of Ministry (Kei Hiramatsu)
683. The Cosmic Journey in the Book of Revelation (Joel M. Rothman)
685. A Ricoeurian Analysis of Identity Formation in Philippians (Scott Ying Lam Yip)
688. The Gospel of the Son of God: Psalm 2 and Mark's Narrative Christology (James M. Neumann)
689. The Countercultural Victory of 1 John in Greco-Roman Context (Ahreum Kim)
690. Reading the Way, Paul, and “The Jews” in Acts within Judaism (Jason F. Moraff)Missing:
194, 201, 350, 356, 369, 395, 439, 443, 451, 491, 500, 539, 587-8, 610, 615, 623-6, 633, 644, 657, 664, 673-5, 677, 681-2, 684, 686-7, and anything after 690.
It is a bit shameful for the book series to not have an organized list - they have a lot of good stuff! I looked up all 53 pages of titles at bloombury publisher's site (12 titles per page, except 4 on the last one = 628 titles, most of them checking with Ctrl+F in Kevin's list), so no one has to go through that again.
Best way to find the Volume #: (1) worldcat-dot-com, (2) title in quotation marks, (3) Click the book and "Show More Information" usually gives the volume on the right side - if not, try another book. Very rarely it doesn't tell me. Here's a few titles that I couldn't find though:
-The Ethiopian Eunuch and Conceptuality in the Imperial Imagination of Biblical Studies (Gifford Rhamie)
-Paul's Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:19-24 (Brian J. Abasciano)
-Jesus and YHWH-Texts in the Synoptic Gospels (Scott Brazil)
-Locating the Kingdom of God (Karen J. Wenell)
-Intergroup Conflict, Recategorization, and Identity Construction in Acts (Hyun Ho Park)
-Jesus as Teacher in the Gospel of Matthew (Charles L. Quarles and Charles Nathan Ridlehoover)
-The Spirit, New Creation, and Christian Identity (Grant Buchanan)
-Purifying the Consciousness in Hebrews (Joshua D. A. Bloor)
-Quotations in John (Michael A. Daise)0 -
Thank you for your effort, as well. I'll try to remember that this is here.
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Thank you!
Btw I wanted to add: it's worldcat[dot]org not worldcat[dot]com lol (I can't edit my post anymore)
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Excellent. Much appreciated.