Logos 7.15 Beta 1 (

Philana R. Crouch
Philana R. Crouch Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,597

To immediately update to the current beta enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for updates.

Release Notes     




  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Font size appears a little large.

    Home Page

    • Updated the brand icons on the Home Page sidebar ribbon.

    EDIT: I forgot to add the screenshot. Here it is.

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    The "Rebuild index" command seems to be broken for me on MacOS.

  • Philana R. Crouch
    Philana R. Crouch Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,597

    The "Rebuild index" command seems to be broken for me on MacOS.

    Thanks for reporting this, I've filed a case.

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    The font size is too big for the "Faithlife Websites" section of the desktop. It makes that section much more pronounced than the other left pane sections. Is this by design, just affecting my system, affecting all PC system, or just my eyes seeing it this way (it's possible)?

    See my previous reply for screenshot.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Is this by design

    It is advertising, so I assume it is "by design." 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,521 ✭✭✭

    I am disappointed in decisions that are being made to 'upgrade' the software, like  this new advertising-oriented feature in the side pane, especially when some of the more egregious UI bugs that have been reported, that are "on the list", seem to continue to get ignored. Why can't these be fixed, they can't be that difficult and it would improve the user experience significantly?

    Things like (from the Mac side):

    - the use of the command box leaves 'left overs' that require additional keystrokes to use again, a behavior different from elsewhere in the program;

    - big gaps show up regularly in Logos/Verbum's Home Page display, the first thing many users see - a behavior very shoddy compared to other programs' displays and acknowledged as a problem;

    - populating dropdown delays have been improved but are still a major problem in some areas. For example, typing a new scripture reference in the AYBC on the fastest Mac laptop that exists right now takes EIGHTEEN seconds to populate the dropdown to go to another book!

    I am sure there are others, I know there are a lot of issues asking for attention, I just wish it wouldn't seem like user problems that get reported get ignored for months, even years (check the threads to see that is the case). Delays this long sends the message to users "We really aren't going to fix these...", right?

    A concerted effort to clean up the UI even more would make Logos/Verbum a prize for people used to working with other software, and would be more favorably received IMHO than some of the choices of 'new features' we have seen. Make what's there work even better!!

    Thanks for listening.

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Is this by design

    It is advertising, so I assume it is "by design." 

    I hope that is not the primary reason. Why advertise (in this way) on the primary product, when the primary product is advertising in itself? It was fine with me, the size of the previous font, but this size stands out too much. I pretty much know how to get to each of the websites by url, so for now I turned it off from the program settings until it is changed to a smaller size. Somehow I recall this issue in the past, and it was reduced..


  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    I turned it off from the program settings

    to turn off:  de-select "Faithlife Websites"  [unclick box at bottom of selection list]

    (Couldn't do a proper screen shot - first click on "sprocket" symbol at top right of screen) 

    Then go down to the very bottom of the left column to the check-off box for  "Faithlife Websites" 

    Regards, SteveF

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    Don Awalt said:

    I am disappointed in decisions that are being made to 'upgrade' the software, like  this new advertising-oriented feature in the side pane, especially when some of the more egregious UI bugs that have been reported, that are "on the list", seem to continue to get ignored. Why can't these be fixed, they can't be that difficult and it would improve the user experience significantly?

    In fairness to FL, changing these product names in the sidebar was likely a very simplistic programing change that required very little research, coding, effort, etc. The other items you mention likely can't be resolved as simplistically as the products names in the sidebar.

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,521 ✭✭✭

    In fairness to FL, changing these product names in the sidebar was likely a very simplistic programing change that required very little research, coding, effort, etc. The other items you mention likely can't be resolved as simplistically as the products names in the sidebar.

    True, but my focus was on intent - it doesn't take months or even years since these were reported to fix them...

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    I really did not mean for my reply concerning the left pane websites section to blow up this part of the forum post. I was just looking for acknowledgement that it had been seen/noted by Faithlife. My second, more vocal reply, with more specific questions, was due to the thoughts "Hmmm. Maybe my 1st reply wasn't seen. The reply after mine concerning indexing was acknowledged. I'll reply again with some specific questions and statements.".

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 921

    Don Awalt said:

    I am disappointed in decisions that are being made to 'upgrade' the software, like  this new advertising-oriented feature in the side pane, especially when some of the more egregious UI bugs that have been reported, that are "on the list", seem to continue to get ignored. Why can't these be fixed, they can't be that difficult and it would improve the user experience significantly?

    Don, I always appreciate your feedback. As usual, deciding how to prioritize a given piece of work has to consider three dimensions:

    1. Value to the person who uses it (or, as in this case, to the business).
    2. The number of users it affects.
    3. The amount of effort. 

    The higher individual value, the more people using it, and the lower the effort, the more likely it is that we will do it sooner. 

    Mike's speculation above is correct: since this isn't a new feature, it was a trivial amount of work to swap in some new images, and it contributes to the brand strengthening we have been doing lately across all Faithlife products. It has almost zero impact on our capacity to work on other things. 

    Now, of course you are right that we have been prioritizing other, higher-effort things over the concerns you list above. Let me try to address each in turn. 

    Don Awalt said:

    - the use of the command box leaves 'left overs' that require additional keystrokes to use again, a behavior different from elsewhere in the program;

    The command box is old code that has gotten bloated over time. It really deserves a complete re-write. This is a major effort, but also has high value, especially for heavy users. I'm hoping we this is something we can address some time in the coming year. 

    Don Awalt said:

    - big gaps show up regularly in Logos/Verbum's Home Page display, the first thing many users see - a behavior very shoddy compared to other programs' displays and acknowledged as a problem;

    I know this is an important one to you personally. Otherwise, we haven't had a lot of feedback about it; most people seem to be happy with the home page (or there are other things they don't like about it). Having said that, there is definitely some room for improvement, and we do have some ideas on how to make the home page more useful. 

    Don Awalt said:

    - populating dropdown delays have been improved but are still a major problem in some areas. For example, typing a new scripture reference in the AYBC on the fastest Mac laptop that exists right now takes EIGHTEEN seconds to populate the dropdown to go to another book!

    This is a known issue that's a medium priority on our backlog. It might be time to promote it, and get it done.  

    Don Awalt said:

    A concerted effort to clean up the UI. ... Make what's there work even better!!

    I'd like to hear more about your thoughts on this. Would you start a new thread about what general UI clean up is most important to you?

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,521 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Adam for the thoughtful reply. Let me address a couple points you raise.

    1. With regard to the command box rewrite needed, I hear you. I was in software development for 32 years, had my share of those. On the other hand, I also know that sometimes the specter of 'we are going to have to rewrite that all someday' stops all progress in an area. What we are talking about here, is something probably as trivial as clearing the contents of the command box when it receives focus. That's how the text boxes work everywhere else. Why is this a concern to me? See #2...

    2. Like the command box, I group the gaps in the Home Page as 'sloppy'. I don't mean this as an insult, but more 'sloppy' being the opposite of 'elegant'. What seems to be more true in the Apple ecosphere than any other I have experience with (which has included significant Windows dev experience), is that elegance, simplicity, consistency sells product. So people who come to the Apple ecosphere are there because there are generally few surprises in unintended functions; things work intuitively and consistently; there is attention to detail. while the world is focused on function, in the Apple ecosphere the experience needs to be a pleasing one, that is as important, even more so at times, than the functionality. Apple is the best example of this, maybe the raw specs are not as good of their hardware vs. others, but guess what? Nobody cares - because the product actually runs better.

    This is based on sound logic, I believe - I am sure you feel the pressure to add more and more features into the product, but we know most people use a fraction of them - yet, *everyone* enjoys or suffers from the usage experience. So if it's slow, inconsistent, tacky looking, isn't that more important to most users, especially in the Apple world, then a dozen new features they frankly don't use? This is a major vision difference with where I think FL is right now, but I assure you, customers don't really care about those functions #35 - #65 on the list, especially if users are saying how it does NOT work like a 'real Apple-ecosphere software program'. I will say showing Verbum/Mac to other Apple customers presents these kind of reactions in my world, more times than not.

    3. Re: the Home Page - it seems like every time I see a comment about it, the majority seem to not use it at all - so while I suspect you are right most don't complain about it, many more won't use it, and that's not really better, right? As I said another time, compare its look to the many newsreaders etc. that people are using now, every day - especially in the Apple world - Apple users will look at the big gaps and say "What is that for?"

    4. Slow population of drop downs is a killer to user experience - a reminder every day that something is wrong, the program is 'slow' (when in fact it is much faster than competitors, and yet Logos/Verbum may not get due credit for that fact). This is a major violator of #2.

    I am happy to discuss things further if you want, I haven't been keeping track of specifics because frankly, all it does is frustrate me when the things I see daily, and I assume FL users of the product see daily too, are left unaddressed for very long periods of time. Some other things to think about for now:

    - Menu organization - how intuitive is it to a user? How come Guides get their own menu, yet a whole bunch of other stuff is lumped together? Why are References not Guides? Why aren't Guides considered tools? Why is it that just because a Tool generates a document it's not a tool? I bet watching novices use this would be a discovery of frustration.

    - Have you folks watched people 'behind a mirror' using Logos to do different things, and see how they struggle? I have. It is a tremendously powerful program, but it's hard to intuit how to do the basic use cases most want. Do you have a list of the top dozen use cases, I know you track usage metrics? If so, have they been made as efficient, simplistic, intuitive to use as possible? Have keystrokes/clicks been minimized? Has the last 10% of features people want for those use cases been prioritized over the next dozen things being added to the program, since the top use cases are where users spend most of their time? These are all design principles that the best in the world adhere to slavishly. (And IMHO, FL is notorious for never really going back and finishing a new feature, whether fair or not - I was burned big time with Personal Books, for example, which still has a die hard following here but now may be passed its time).

  • scooter
    scooter Member Posts: 781 ✭✭

    + Don Await......Thank you for taking the time to write the above to FL.

    Mirror watch reluctant people.  Finish what U start, FL.  Etc.

    Bravo, Don.

  • Don Awalt said:

    4. Slow population of drop downs is a killer to user experience - a reminder every day that something is wrong, the program is 'slow' (when in fact it is much faster than competitors, and yet Logos/Verbum may not get due credit for that fact). This is a major violator of #2.

    Also current implementation requires drop down to populate so user can choose desired location. Opening a Bible followed by quickly typing a Bible abbreviation with chapter and verse has to wait for drop down to appear, which can take many seconds.

    Dreaming of program option to disable automatic search assistance, which would improve my daily user interface experience immensely. Drop down menu requiring user click before going where user typed feels counter productive (since need to type new location PLUS click it too)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,009

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Opening a Bible followed by quickly typing a Bible abbreviation with chapter and verse has to wait for drop down to appear, which can take many seconds.

    When a list is loaded it is fairly quick to enter references, but the list can take well over a minute to load.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,445

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Opening a Bible followed by quickly typing a Bible abbreviation with chapter and verse has to wait for drop down to appear, which can take many seconds.

    When a list is loaded it is fairly quick to enter references, but the list can take well over a minute to load.

    Look for a significant improvement to this in an upcoming beta.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • HansK
    HansK Member Posts: 150 ✭✭

    The "Rebuild index" command seems to be broken for me on MacOS.

    Thanks for reporting this, I've filed a case.

    My indexer does not start. This is the last part of my indexer.log file, always the same when I start up this beta:

    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    You have nailed it Don, 100% agree with your feedback. The home page is something I rarely use hence why I would rarely complain Tesponse times on menus are a big issue. I bother even less with persomal books than I do the home page, not worth the effort when half baked. I’m not looking for new features I’m looking for existing features and datasets to be completed// improved,

    Don Awalt said:

    Thanks Adam for the thoughtful reply. Let me address a couple points you raise.

    1. With regard to the command box rewrite needed, I hear you. I was in software development for 32 years, had my share of those. On the other hand, I also know that sometimes the specter of 'we are going to have to rewrite that all someday' stops all progress in an area. What we are talking about here, is something probably as trivial as clearing the contents of the command box when it receives focus. That's how the text boxes work everywhere else. Why is this a concern to me? See #2...

    2. Like the command box, I group the gaps in the Home Page as 'sloppy'. I don't mean this as an insult, but more 'sloppy' being the opposite of 'elegant'. What seems to be more true in the Apple ecosphere than any other I have experience with (which has included significant Windows dev experience), is that elegance, simplicity, consistency sells product. So people who come to the Apple ecosphere are there because there are generally few surprises in unintended functions; things work intuitively and consistently; there is attention to detail. while the world is focused on function, in the Apple ecosphere the experience needs to be a pleasing one, that is as important, even more so at times, than the functionality. Apple is the best example of this, maybe the raw specs are not as good of their hardware vs. others, but guess what? Nobody cares - because the product actually runs better.

    This is based on sound logic, I believe - I am sure you feel the pressure to add more and more features into the product, but we know most people use a fraction of them - yet, *everyone* enjoys or suffers from the usage experience. So if it's slow, inconsistent, tacky looking, isn't that more important to most users, especially in the Apple world, then a dozen new features they frankly don't use? This is a major vision difference with where I think FL is right now, but I assure you, customers don't really care about those functions #35 - #65 on the list, especially if users are saying how it does NOT work like a 'real Apple-ecosphere software program'. I will say showing Verbum/Mac to other Apple customers presents these kind of reactions in my world, more times than not.

    3. Re: the Home Page - it seems like every time I see a comment about it, the majority seem to not use it at all - so while I suspect you are right most don't complain about it, many more won't use it, and that's not really better, right? As I said another time, compare its look to the many newsreaders etc. that people are using now, every day - especially in the Apple world - Apple users will look at the big gaps and say "What is that for?"

    4. Slow population of drop downs is a killer to user experience - a reminder every day that something is wrong, the program is 'slow' (when in fact it is much faster than competitors, and yet Logos/Verbum may not get due credit for that fact). This is a major violator of #2.

    I am happy to discuss things further if you want, I haven't been keeping track of specifics because frankly, all it does is frustrate me when the things I see daily, and I assume FL users of the product see daily too, are left unaddressed for very long periods of time. Some other things to think about for now:

    - Menu organization - how intuitive is it to a user? How come Guides get their own menu, yet a whole bunch of other stuff is lumped together? Why are References not Guides? Why aren't Guides considered tools? Why is it that just because a Tool generates a document it's not a tool? I bet watching novices use this would be a discovery of frustration.

    - Have you folks watched people 'behind a mirror' using Logos to do different things, and see how they struggle? I have. It is a tremendously powerful program, but it's hard to intuit how to do the basic use cases most want. Do you have a list of the top dozen use cases, I know you track usage metrics? If so, have they been made as efficient, simplistic, intuitive to use as possible? Have keystrokes/clicks been minimized? Has the last 10% of features people want for those use cases been prioritized over the next dozen things being added to the program, since the top use cases are where users spend most of their time? These are all design principles that the best in the world adhere to slavishly. (And IMHO, FL is notorious for never really going back and finishing a new feature, whether fair or not - I was burned big time with Personal Books, for example, which still has a die hard following here but now may be passed its time).

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,569

    Don Awalt said:

    Let me address a couple points you raise.

    Thank you Don for that elegant, well thought out response. [<:o)] Couldn't find hand-clapping, so I'll just rejoice [:P]

     I’m not looking for new features I’m looking for existing features and datasets to be completed// improved,

    Very well said [Y]

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Don Awalt said:

    - Menu organization - how intuitive is it to a user? How come Guides get their own menu, yet a whole bunch of other stuff is lumped together? Why are References not Guides? Why aren't Guides considered tools? Why is it that just because a Tool generates a document it's not a tool? I bet watching novices use this would be a discovery of frustration.

    Totally agree here! More focus needs to be put on finding out (and implementing) the most intuitive approach to something.

    Couldn't find hand-clapping

    Ctrl+Cmd+Spacebar brings up your character viewer (I think you're on Mac, right?). You can choose the emoji category or just type "clapping" into the find box. The next time it'll be in "frequently used" (my go-to insertions!).

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,569

    Ctrl+Cmd+Spacebar brings up your character viewer (I think you're on Mac, right?). You can choose the emoji category or just type "clapping" into the find box. The next time it'll be in "frequently used" (my go-to insertions!).

     👏 Thank you. Yes, I am on a Mac. 👏

  • Philana R. Crouch
    Philana R. Crouch Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,597

    Hans said:

    The "Rebuild index" command seems to be broken for me on MacOS.

    Thanks for reporting this, I've filed a case.

    My indexer does not start. This is the last part of my indexer.log file, always the same when I start up this beta:

    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found

    Can you please upload your entire log folder? This will help us verify that it is not a different issue.

  • Hans said:

    The "Rebuild index" command seems to be broken for me on MacOS.

    Thanks for reporting this, I've filed a case.

    My indexer does not start. This is the last part of my indexer.log file, always the same when I start up this beta:

    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer.app/Contents/MacOS/LogosIndexer
    Reason: image not found

    Can you please upload your entire log folder? This will help us verify that it is not a different issue.

    Found my Indexer.log file has one set of dyld lines for each attempt to launch LogosIndexer

    For grins, tried to reindex a recent acquisition:

    that added some lines to Logos.log

    2018-04-15 21:32:14.2950 | INFO | 23 | IndexerProcess | Starting indexer process /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/Frameworks/FaithlifeDesktop.framework/Versions/ -user rrrrrrrr.### -lang en-US.
    dyld: Library not loaded: libSinaiBookBuilderAndIndexer.dylib
    Referenced from: /Applications/Logos.app/Contents/Frameworks/FaithlifeDesktop.framework/Versions/
    Reason: image not found

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Philana R. Crouch
    Philana R. Crouch Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,597

    The "Rebuild index" command seems to be broken for me on MacOS.

    This has been fixed in 7.15 Beta 4.