Read Aloud in Courses BUG

Perhaps this issue is more accurately to be in the main L7 area. However, I have only had an issue (through the last three version updates) while in the courses tool as I don't otherwise use the Read Aloud feature very much.
The symptom: When reading aloud the "suggested reading" and the "See Also" reading, the voice will sometimes just stop. usually, I can click the pause button, then click play and it will start and it resumes the first time, and maybe the second time, sometimes it doesn't come back on and at that point, L7 is locked hard and I have to end task. In fact, I can't restart L7 again, as it locks when relaunching after that. I have to restart the computer to get going again.
The problem is that this is very intermittent. sometimes it will lock on the first non-user-initiated-pause, sometimes it's after the second time. there doesn't seem to be a particular amount of time passing, I have tried timing it and it seems to happen at different intervals. though it does seem to be more frequent if I am doing more multitasking on the computer. It also doesn't appear to be the resources themselves, as the issue is not "repeatable" at the same location if I try to make it happen.
Personal use "backstory": When taking a course, I can find minutes to watch the video portions, but find that during the work week, I need to do other things in my office (IT mgmt support), and so I put on my BT earpiece and listen to the (sometimes extensive) reading materials while I do other work. The other bug that has been reported many times that is still not addressed here is that the Read Aloud feature will keep reading resource past the end of what is displayed for the course.
I was going to call tech support but thought I would ask here first, as every time I have a big challenge I end up having to uninstall and reinstall L7, and I want to try to avoid that since I have a significant library and it takes a full day to download, and another two days and nights or so for indexing.
suggestions? anyone else seeing this or am I alone?
I don't use the Read Aloud feature, so I haven't tested how it interacts with the Courses Tool. I'll make sure the L7 desktop team sees this, but you may want to post it in that forum as well.
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thanks. it happens to me daily, but I can't make it happen.
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I'm working on reproducing this, but so far I'm not able to reproduce it. I would be helpful to get some additional data from you.
- Can you let me know how large and how much space you have reamianing on your HD and how much memory you have installed?
- Do you remember what types of apps you are using when multi-tasking?
- When you experience this bug again can you grab your logs and email them to testing AT faithlife dot com?
- If you could follow the intructions here:
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Philana R. Crouch said:
I'm working on reproducing this, but so far I'm not able to reproduce it. I would be helpful to get some additional data from you.
- Can you let me know how large and how much space you have reamianing on your HD and how much memory you have installed?
- Do you remember what types of apps you are using when multi-tasking?
- When you experience this bug again can you grab your logs and email them to testing AT faithlife dot com?
- If you could follow the intructions here:
- 1. C: drive is 95g, 10g remaining (primary/root/boot partition of "256g" SSD)
- 1a.
drive is 121g, 42.5g remaining (secondary partition of "256g" SSD, logos installed to and running from D, with data files located here -
- 1b. E: drive is 100g. 55.3g remaining. (SD card running as a virtual drive. not related to Logos, Dropbox files located here)
- 2. web browsing mostly. I use the latest version of Chrome.
- 2a. I also will have Proclaim running as I am working on my messages.
- 2b. Once in a great while, I may run VNC or Fixme.IT Expert if I need to support a system at work.
- 3. started profiler this morning. will send if it locks today. as noted, it doesn't always do it, and it is intermittent, and I can not make it happen.
One more point that I forgot about, but that definitely plays into this. I am using a third party voice: Inova 2 Amy (as my system voice) from Harpo Software. I have verified that I am using the latest version.
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oops, I was going to edit my "real reply", but it must be in moderation. in any case, I also wanted to say that i am not sure the profiler will work, as when it locks, I can't "stop profiler". we'll see...
it locked and I tried again after I restarted the computer and typed the command to stop profiling, and it did not pop up a window.
opened courses tool again, and it is working again (for now)...
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Brent Hoefling said:
oops, I was going to edit my "real reply", but it must be in moderation. in any case, I also wanted to say that i am not sure the profiler will work, as when it locks, I can't "stop profiler". we'll see...
it locked and I tried again after I restarted the computer and typed the command to stop profiling, and it did not pop up a window.
opened courses tool again, and it is working again (for now)...
It would also be helpful to try to get a procdump if possible. This is something you gather through Windows Task Manager. If you could email me at testing AT faithlife dot com I will email you back with instructions.
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Also Brent, can you let me know how much RAM you have on your computer?
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Brent Hoefling said:
oops, I was going to edit my "real reply", but it must be in moderation. in any case, I also wanted to say that i am not sure the profiler will work, as when it locks, I can't "stop profiler". we'll see...
it locked and I tried again after I restarted the computer and typed the command to stop profiling, and it did not pop up a window.
opened courses tool again, and it is working again (for now)...
I want to have you grab a ProcDump and email it to (if you could post in here when you have emailed). Here are the steps you'll want to take.
- You'll want to have TaskManager open.
- Then when the application hangs you'll want to scroll down in TaskManager to where Logos is listed
- Right-Click on Logos and select "Create dump file"
4. Then zip up the file and email it to
I'll update the case once I get the file and hopefully it will provide enough information for our devs to see what is causing this.
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I'll send a file next time it fails.
ALSO, I have an ASUS Tablet PC, i7, 8g RAM, Windows 10 Pro (fully updated)
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Philana R. Crouch said:
I want to have you grab a ProcDump and email it to (if you could post in here when you have emailed). Here are the steps you'll want to take....
it locked.
when I tried to do this, it was grayed out.
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tried again with task manager open then started L7. still was grayed out when it locked.
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Are you saying that the option to Create a ProcDump was grayed out? You don't need to expand Logos in TaskManager, just grab the ProcDump from the main item.
Let me know if that works?
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yes. as in my first image, the option to create the dump file is grayed out/not selectable. It won't let me.Philana R. Crouch said:Brent,
Are you saying that the option to Create a ProcDump was grayed out? You don't need to expand Logos in TaskManager, just grab the ProcDump from the main item.
Let me know if that works?
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Brent Hoefling said:
yes. as in my first image, the option to create the dump file is grayed out/not selectable. It won't let me.Philana R. Crouch said:Brent,
Are you saying that the option to Create a ProcDump was grayed out? You don't need to expand Logos in TaskManager, just grab the ProcDump from the main item.
Let me know if that works?
Hi Brent,
Try this in Task Manager click on the Details tab, then scroll down and find Logos.exe. Right-click and see if you have the option to get a dump file.
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i'll try that next time
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well, good news. I don't know if it was the Win10 update or the L7 update or the combination - but so far it hasn't happened. I used courses intermittently yesterday, and most of the day today.