OS X Troubleshooting
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Common Resource Abbreviations
Common Resource Abbreviations Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, GeneralSee also Bible Book Abbreviations Bible Translation Spectrum The Absolute Basics NT = New Testament OT = Old Testament (often means “Off Topic” in forum contexts) Bible Versions AMP = Amplified Bible ASV = American Standard Version AV/KJV = Authorized…
Bible Translation Spectrum
Bible Translation Spectrum Wiki: TOC, VTOC, HomeForum: Home, GeneralSee also Bible Book Abbreviations Common Resource Abbreviations Bibles @ Logos.com Bible-Researcher English Bible Gateway Reading Levels Reading Level of the KJV Scott David: Spectrum Chart Scott David: Bible Table Jan Krohn: Source&Affiliation Bible…
Uploading Logs
Tools and Files supplied by users
Logos Not Starting
Logos Running Slowly
Visual Filters Missing
Downloading Stuck at Zero Percent
Downloading Stuck at Zero Percent Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General Here are some things to try: 1. Make sure you have “Automatically Start Downloads” set to Yes and “Use Internet” set to Yes (in Tools | Program Settings). 2. Try closing Logos, deleting the following folders, and then restarting Logos. Note that…