Tools and Files supplied by users
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This page is a collection of links to where others on the forum have made files or tools available.
It is entirely up to you to determine if they are useful to you
Many will not work because of their dependency on unsupported versions of Logos.
Logos Notefile Recolorer 
- see this post
- for some background on this tool see this post
Logos NoteHax v2 (Recolorer and now sorter) 
- see this website QuickLinks
- for some background on this tool see this post
- This tool is pretty much obsoleted. We can use Personal Books to do the same thing and more. See this post.
- see this website mFav’s
- for some background on this tool see this post
- updated notes, see this post
Logos 4 Bibliography2 
Count words 
- Excel file with macros involved from buttons on the spreadsheet. This can be used with L4’s Copy Bible Verse. It allows you to paste Bible text into the spreadsheet and parses through all the words and lists the unique words in a table with a count of how many times each word was found. You then can use Excel’s Sort to sort them alphabetically or by the count found.
- the zipped Excel file is found in this post
- How to use the Excel file with CBV is shown in this post
Note: don’t use the zipped Excel file in this post, its older than the one above.
- I don’t know if this Excel file will work in the Mac version of Excel since it has embedded VB macros.
Clipboard Image Viewer 
- CIV allows you to view maps or images copied from Logos on your PC in Full Screen mode. See this post.
- For current version see this website.

CopyBibleVerses Globally (HotKey) 
- For current version see this post.
- Use: Autohotkey, LogosComApi, Internet Explorer
- Win + B will Replace any selected Bible reference with Bible Verses
- Ctrl + R will replace newline characters in selected text
- Ctrl + T wil translate selected text to your preferred language (set the language param in scriptfile)