problème de bibliothèque, suite au mois gratuit d'abonnement imposé
Bonjour tous le monde Je souhaite vous faire part d'un problème survenu à ma bibliothèque suite à un projet de logos pour un mois d'abonnement gratuit. J'aurai déjà voulu avoir le choix de le prendre (ce mois gratuit) ou non, mais en plus de cela ca a mis le chaos dans ma bibliothèque. je suis très déçu, est le faite d'une…
Why don't I have this formatting option on the web app?
ATTN: Logos (early access) Beta Testing License Removal
As each new feature is released to the stable version, we remove it from beta testing. This week, we released stable version 40, which included Textual History Section in Insights. Beta testing has now concluded for this feature. Take a look here if you'd like to know more about how you can subscribe. Thank you for your…
NEW: Textual History in Insights, ready for beta testing on Web
To access this functionality, a license is required. If you’d like to participate in testing the recent improvements to Insights, please join this Faithlife group. We’re excited to introduce the new Textual History section in Insights. This improvement brings vital information about the original languages and the textual…
White screen issue on Logos beta web app any advice?
Hi everyone, I have been testing the Logos beta web app recently, and Iam encountering a problem. When I try to load the app in my browser, all I see is a blank white screen . I have tried clearing my browser cache, switching to a different browser, and even checking for updates, but the issue persists. Here is what Iam…
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Web
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
NEW FEATURE: Bible Study Builder
The Bible Study Builder allows you to craft personalized Bible studies with ease using your Logos library and intuitive AI-driven questions. Simply type in a Bible reference and select a question from published study guides or utilize AI to generate thought-provoking questions. From there, you can move questions into your…
NEW FEATURE: New Factbook sections for a Biblical Person
Factbook now has several new sections for studying a Biblical Person. These new sections were previously available for studying a Bible Passage in Factbook. * People, Places, and Things (see previous post for this section on a Bible Passage). * The People view shows the relatives of the Person, and other people with whom…
Beta feedback wanted: Smart Search Synopsis
Smart Synopsis is a new feature in early development that provides an AI-generated synopsis of the top several results from Smart Search. While it is very much a work in progress, we’d love to get your early feedback on the quality of results. How to test * Acquire a license. You can use an active Logos Pro subscription,…
ATTN: Logos Pro (early access) Beta Testing License Removal
As each new feature is released to the stable version, we remove it from beta testing. This week, we released stable version 36, which included Smart Synopsis and Smart Search. Beta testing has concluded for these features. Logos Pro (early access) is available to some users today and will be more widely available later in…
NEW FEATURE: Reported Speech section in Factbook, now available for testing
Factbook now has a new section for Reported Speech of characters in the Bible, on pages that are run on a Bible passage. There are three main views. * The Featured view highlights notable things that were spoken in the passage (Prayers, Oaths, etc), based on the Faithlife Biblical and Theological Lists datasets. * The…
More Comments: Smart Search Synopsis
1. A good response and Synopsis, and reproducible. 2. This question first elicited an error "try again" response, then the three different Synopses below: Note the different attributions in the last two Synopses as well as differences in the first and last sentences.
Comment: Smart Search Synopsis
The synopsis for factual data: 1. The date and place are correct but are derived from the first result (above), especially month and day (the other results only show the year). 2. Please show the Title first to better match the results, which do not show Author. 3 .The last Synopsis (#5) links the Article of the result…
Comment/Bug:New Factbook Biblical PPT and Events
Matthew 5:21-26 * People/Places/Things lined up with PG * Events - 4, PG 4 Outlines * #1 and #2 lack the references with PG * #4 FB is Sermon on the mount with relevant Matthew reference + Luke references?? * #4 PG is Jesus teaches the sermon... with relevant Matthew reference Matthew 6:9-13 * People/Places/Things lined up…
BUG strange entries for the book of Isaiah in Factbook.
I can see where Logos invented its own names, but trust me I would NEVER come up with these titles or recall what they might mean. Aren't proto-Isaiah, deutero-Isaiah, and trito-Isaiah the standard nomenclature? or Is Logos going rogue academically? If this is theologically motivated, you don't want to hear my opinion.
Bugs: Factbook New Reported Speech
Mt 5:1-12 Addressee/Speakers cover Mt 5:3-7:27 Mt 5:21-26 Addressee/Speakers cover Mt 5:3-7:27 Mt 6:9-13 Addressee/Speakers cover Mt 5:3-7:27. Featured covers v. 9-13 as per the Prayer list. Mt 11:25-30 Addressee/Speakers stay in range. Featured covers v. 25-26 as per the Prayer list..
NEW FEATURE: Biblical Events section in Factbook, now available for testing
Factbook now has a new section for Biblical Events, on pages that are run on a Bible passage.This section is intended to replace the existing Events section of Factbook when the new section is available. There are three main views. * The Featured view highlights notable things that happened in the passage (Marriages,…
BUG: missing place tab
Mark 1:1- 4 fails to provide place tab in person/place/thing
NEW FEATURE: Biblical People, Places, and Things section in Factbook, now available for testing
Factbook now has a new section for Biblical People, Places, and Things, on pages that are run on a Bible passage. Rather than entirely separate sections for each kind of biblical entity (Person, Place, or Thing) each kind has its own tab. Each entity links to its own Factbook page, and lists the references where it occurs,…
ATTN: Logos Pro (early access) Beta Testing License Removal
As each new feature is released to the stable version, we remove it from beta testing. This week, we released version 34 which included Insights on Mobile, Sermon Assistant: Outlines and Smart Search. Logos Pro (early access) is available to some users today and will be more widely available later in the year. Take a look…
BUG: English, MS Edge, Windows 11. Using AI search, several times today the program crashed with a short question hitting enter.
BUG: Quick Actions Keep Reappearing on the Toolbar
I keep repeatedly having to turn off the Quick Actions every time I open the Web Beta App. The Web Beta app is not remembering my setting of 'Show quick actions' to 'No'. It's rather annoying to keep having to turn this off. I didn't always have the problem so something seems to have changed.
How to access Logos Web Beta
To access the beta you'll need to: * Join or follow the Logos Web Beta group. * Next, navigate to beta.app.logos.com in your browser. If you're not already, sign in using your Faithlife account credentials * That's it, you're now viewing the beta web app! To switch back to the stable web application, you simply visit the…
BUG: Bible resource panel toolbar
Something is not quite right with the tool bar - it appears to overlap itself.
X-post: New Summarization Tool available for testing
We're testing a Summarization Tool over on the beta web app. See this post for more details.
How to Report a Bug
Welcome to the Logos web app beta testing forum. At the point any bug is encountered we would greatly appreciate the inclusion of all (or most) of the following in a bug report. * Language the app is being used in * What browser and OS are you using? * What happened when the bug occurred? I.e. The app crashed, a book did…