"Septuagint Translation" for Hebrew words in Bible Word Study

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 590 ✭✭✭
edited 5:30PM in English Feedback

(I feel like I'm missing something; I don't understand why this is not already available…)

I'm interested in seeing how words are translated from Hebrew into Greek in the Septuagint. I can see the underlying Hebrew lemmas for a particular Greek lemma, but I can't see the Greek lemmas that were used to translate a particular Hebrew lemma. It seems like this information would be equally available and useful? Please add "Septuagint Translation" graph for Hebrew lemmas in the Bible Word Study!

1 votes

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  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,487

    If you add another Translation section and use Logos LXX as the version, I think you get what you are looking for.