Bible Study Builder notes and print

Lukas Member Posts: 293 ✭✭

I see a lot of potential to this new feature, but can we also get a print option from mobile, and more text adding options. For example when studying a Bible Book with a specific outline, if we can have the option of adding notes/short introduction about the passage that will be helpful for things to look out for in the passage, and to be able to add bullets or be able to import a note that was anchored to that passage or Scripture verse so that when reading our Bible the Bible Study we have done links to our Bible with icons. If we can have something similar to Bible Study guides that is already available ex like the the lifeguide study guides and knowing the Bible. These guides work like a note and have more options of text and you can anchor it to a verse.

3 votes

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  • Frank Sauer
    Frank Sauer Member Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭✭

    You have a lot here, though I don't have the Bible Study Builder at this time - just the ability to print from mobile is a need in today's daily activities. Voted

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