Does anyone else see a problem with this book being offered in a Christian Bible program?

Have we become "Woke"???
Best Answer
I contacted Logos customer service and they are removing the title. It had been automatically added to the Faithlife catalog. They told me they have made progress in restricting the ebooks that are sold on their platform, but the filtering process is not perfect as per the 1st comment to this post. They were thankful and diligent to remove.
If it were a Logos edition, I'd have some legitimate concerns. As it is, this is merely an ebook that was likely automatically added to the Faithlife catalog. Faithlife has made progress in restricting the ebooks that are sold on their platform, but the filtering process is not perfect. If you see titles that you find offensive, I would recommend notifying customer service.
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Thank you
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Nope. Woke is eternal life.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I have recently received sales e-mails pushing products under the guise of celebrating Women's History Month and (last month) Black History Month.
- Logos is following the woke culture's agenda which insists on defining human identity by gender, race, and sexual orientation. The Bible makes it clear that we have identity because we are made in the image of God. Catering to the social engineering designed by ungodly people seeking to gain power and influence by segregating others by their gender, race, etc. shows a severe lack of discernment and an obvious lack of a biblical worldview.
- The fact that they are using gender and race as a means to make sales is extremely distasteful.
- Have they considered the fact that by promoting materials simply because they are written by a person of a certain race or gender is actually promoting racism and sexism? Do they understand that they are encouraging me to buy resources simply because they are written by someone of a certain sex or race? This is the very definition of sexism and racism. If I buy a book or commentary, I will do so because IT IS A GOOD RESOURCE. The race or gender of the author has absolutely no bearing on my decision.
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I doubt they're promoting, simply on your woke premise.
But it's true .. the Bible doesn't have men's vs women's Bible class. An example.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I contacted Logos customer service and they are removing the title. It had been automatically added to the Faithlife catalog. They told me they have made progress in restricting the ebooks that are sold on their platform, but the filtering process is not perfect as per the 1st comment to this post. They were thankful and diligent to remove.
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Now that it has become a moot question, I'm ready to give a serious answer. What makes you think that being a Christian and being a witch are incompatible? Just ask Rebecca Nurse who was executed in Salem as a witch on July 19, 1692. Twenty years later she was exonerated but not resurrected … the deed was done and exoneration did nothing but expose the stupidity of the conviction and the theory of "witches" to be a pile of BS. Yes, as a direct descendent of both Rebecca Nurse and Anne Marbury Hutchinson I do not have a high opinion of the "religion" of the early colonies in Massachusetts. It took until the 1940's to remove the Boston ban on Anne. To ban books on witchcraft is to give it a status of reality it has not achieved - read them with an appropriate sense of humor.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Are you really being serious MJ? The Bible never portrays witchcraft in a positive light.
(Acts 19:18–20) 18 Many also of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices. 19 And a number of those who practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all; and they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20 So the word of the Lord grew and prevailed mightily.
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Yes, I do not conflate magic arts (magic) with witchcraft as I was taught in comparative religion. In contemporary America, I think of magic as taking the form of if-I-do-X-then-the-spirits-must-do-Y. I think of witchcraft as the manipulation of natural forces in hopes of getting a result. Magic often utilizes religious symbols - think of Medieval grimoires or Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses - Wikipedia while witchcraft is usually independent of formal religions. But you missed my main point - most witchcraft does not exist except in the minds of the gullible. Thinking that it does costs innocent lives and marks future generations.
My approach is that I can't witness to others if I misunderstand what they believe - so, yes, I've had grimoires in my library since the early 70's when I first ran into people who used them in serious manner.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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If that helps them stay in business sell it! 😂😂😂
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What makes you think that being a Christian and being a witch are incompatible?
The Bible tells me so.
The history in Salem is that innocent people can be falsely accused. To extract from that same history that witchcraft is meaningless or innocent contradicts what the Bible says about the subject.
For whatever it is worth, I found Bill O’reilley’s book “Killing the witches” to be worthwhile. But for fair warning, the second half of the book is not about witches.
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Given we have our answer and the matter has been addressed, not to mention the conversation is trailing off into what could easily escalate into debate, I'm going to close this post down. Thanks everybody!
Sr. Community Manager at Logos.