
Tom Leach
Tom Leach Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there any way to import all your word doc sermons directly into the sermon builder?
It sees to be a shame to have to copy and past all your old sermons into a new builder page ...
Would be nice to see an import feature that i can select a sermon I already have written out and import it directly into sermon builder..???



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,156

    Tom Leach said:

    Is there any way to import all your word doc sermons directly into the sermon builder?

    There isn't any mechanism to do this - but it would be nice.

    I recommend you make a feature request at 

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    Tom Leach said:

    Is there any way to import all your word doc sermons directly into the sermon builder?

    1) No — Sermon Builder doesn't support imports.

    You will need another creative way to accomplish the task.

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    If you know scripting you can accomplish it with the following logic:

    (I did not test this, only wrote it from memory — the script is VBScript)


    ; Some Variables

        Dim Launcher
        Dim Logos
        Dim strFolder

    ; Launch Logos ComAPI
        Set Logos = Nothing    
        Set Launcher = CreateObject("LogosBiblesoftware.Launcher")


        While Logos Is Nothing
            Set Logos = Launcher.Application
        Set Launcher = Nothing

    ; Launch MSWord

        Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        oWord.Visible = True

    ; Loop All docx files in a Directory below

    ; File System to itterate Files in Folder

    ;Edit the below line to reflect the path to your docx files ...

    strFolder = "C:\Path to where Only Your docx files are in one Folder")

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set FLD = FSO.GetFolder(strFolder)

    ; Loop all files in folder

    For Each Fil In FLD.Files

        ;Open the docx file from the current filename
        Set ThisDocument = oWord.Documents.Open(Fil.Path)

        ; Use the Unique FileName as Name for the Sermon Document
        SermonTitle = ThisDocument.Name

        ; Replace spaces with underscore to use in Uri
        FormattedTitle = Replace(SermonTitle, " ", "_")

        ; Retrieve the Document Text
        SermonData = ThisDocument.Content.Text

        ; Create a New Sermon Document Named with the Uniqie FileName
        Logos.ExecuteUri ("logos4:Sermon;title=" & FormattedTitle)       

        ; Make sure Logos is the Active Window to receive KeyStrokes

        ; Waith a while for Sermon Document to load

        ; Change this line to finetune if needed 5 sec = 1000
        WScript.Sleep 5000

       ; Send the Documents Text in the Variable to the Sermon Document
        WshShell.SendKeys SermonData

       ; Use the Ctrl+F4 Shortcut to close the Current Sermon Document in Logos
        WshShell.SendKeys "^{F4}"

        ; Close the Sermon Document in Word  and continue to the next Sermon docx File in the Folder


  • Robert Daniel
    Robert Daniel Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I've uploaded my WordSearch data backup file to Logos.

    How do I import my html documents? Or is that possible yet?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I've uploaded my WordSearch data backup file to Logos.

    How do I import my html documents? Or is that possible yet?

    I am unaware of anything like that. You can import Microsoft Word Documents as “personal books.” Beyond that, I’d suggest posting in the FL WordSearch forum to see if there has been any discussion about it. This was not a feature, but I don’t know what features or services they may be adding to assist new users from WS. 

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  • I've uploaded my WordSearch data backup file to Logos.

    How do I import my html documents? Or is that possible yet?

    Suggest bumping your reply in Wordsearch Bible Software thread => Now in Beta: Import Your Wordsearch Documents to Logos that could include your feedback about your HTML documents:

    User Books, Sermons and Illustrations, and other Wordsearch document types

    We are still deciding how to handle these document types. Your feedback on which document types are the most important for us to focus next is appreciated.

    FYI: thread => Please share with us what the hang up is on PPB to Mobile includes CEO, Bob Pritchett, reply on 8 Sep 2016 about Personal Book usage being primarily public domain content, often duplicating resources available for purchase from Faithlife. Currently, Personal Books are only usable in Logos & Verbum desktop applications on macOS & Windows. In contrast, sermons are available on mobile & desktop devices.

    Keep Smiling [:)]