Removing the Store (cart) icon in Logos 9

Ben Carr
Ben Carr Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I don't want to feel like I am being sold something every time I study the Bible. It's a major turn off. Does anyone know how I can get rid of the icon on the top right of my screen?

Thank you.



  • Scot Wright
    Scot Wright Member Posts: 170 ✭✭

    I'm right with you. I don't need that type of access to the store and it takes up precious space on the tool bar. At least give us the option to hide it in settings.

  • Ronald Quick
    Ronald Quick Member Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭

    There's another thread that has been talking about this.  I don't remember the title, but there were a number of users that share your feelings. 

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    Ben Carr said:

    I don't want to feel like I am being sold something every time I study the Bible. It's a major turn off. Does anyone know how I can get rid of the icon on the top right of my screen?

    Thank you.

    I agree this is an unnecessary intrusion into our Bible Study Workspace, but I we have never been given the option of controlling what icons FL puts on the Toolbar, we only have control over what we put on the short-cut bar.

    Ideally I'd like to hide the option to hide the store tab in the library but having a shopping cart in our main workspace its taking it too far and the user should have a choice about it. Put it on the About Menu if they must or under the drop down menu from our user icon but where there are likely to be some users will find it offensive.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭

    The camel's nose. What's next? In-resource advertisements between page breaks? (Oops, I shouldn't give them ideas...)

    This is paid software, not a free-to-post message board. Please try to remember that.

    Has anyone started a user voice vote thingy to get this removed yet?

  • David Wanat
    David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

    So far, it's not intrusive for me. I had to physically look for the shopping cart icon. Since it hasn't popped up anything (so far), it doesn't bother me. I do use a 15.6" FHD monitor though and perhaps that makes it smaller in terms of screen space?

    WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
    Verbum Max

  • David Wanat
    David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

    Looking at these other threads linked in this discussion, why not put it in the tools menu. Those who want it can drag it out onto the tool bar. Those who don't won't have to.

    But it does seem like the people who dislike it have been asked to "give it time," and now that it is live have repeated their dislike. So, while it doesn't bother me, I would cast a vote to remove it from the taskbar.

    WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
    Verbum Max

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,801

    We're considering a setting/customization option. Fun fact: this was a part of the toolbar in Libronix two decades ago: As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

    Unlock Resources

  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    We're considering a setting/customization option.

    Thank you Phil. I would actually request that you issue a service release to remove the Store button and only add it back when you've developed the ability for the user to remove it. There's a major bug fix in 9.5 that I've been waiting for since the bug was introduced in 9.2 (dashboard card bug) that I would like to take advantage of, but I can't update without causing myself an even worse and more frustrating problem. Since this is Bible software and not book-buying software, I think being able to access the tools we use to study the Bible takes priority over a button to search the Logos store. Logos exists to "help the church grow in the light of the Bible," not in the light of the Logos store.

    I would also ask that Logos refrain from adding any more buttons to the Toolbar (regardless of function) until you've developed a fully customizable toolbar in full control of the user. I don't think it's too much to ask for Logos to have a customizable Toolbar. Many of the programs we use have customizable toolbars, including a certain competitor that shall not be named.

    As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

    Could people use the Customize option shown in the picture on the Tools menu to customize the toolbar? Or right-click on the Toolbar and click customize? If so, that may be why they didn't mind it. I wasn't around for Libronix but I've been a Windows user for a long time and this looks like a standard Windows toolbar that you can usually customize.

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭

    We're considering a setting/customization option. Fun fact: this was a part of the toolbar in Libronix two decades ago: As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

    The objection (at least from me) is not to having access to the store from within the program. The objection is to you trying to squeeze it into every possible nook and cranny that you possibly can. By my count there are now at least 3 different ways to access the store from the program. That is at least one too many. Please reconsider this approach and don't add any more marketing bells & whistles to the program.

  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    Sean said:

    By my count there are now at least 3 different ways to access the store from the program.

    There are definitely more than three. Here are the ways I could think of:

    1. Bookstore search in the Search tool
    2. Factbook
    3. Store tab in Library (Only takes 2 clicks to get here without the Store button. The Store button is simply a shortcut to get here, making it redundant and superfluous.)
    4. "Bookstore" Guide Section
      • Passage
      • Topic
      • Exegetical
      • Sermon Starter
      • Counseling (new for 9.5)
    5. Resource preview windows when clicking on locked resources throughout the software
      • Theology Guide (locked resources under Recommended Readings section)
      • Interactives with links to resources
        • Systematic Theologies
        • Bible Book Explorer (Composition dates section)
        • others
      • Power Lookup (when you click on a reference but don’t own a resource that contains that reference)

      Sean said:

      don't add any more marketing bells & whistles to the program.

      Agreed. I find many of the above-mentioned helpful. But the difference is that they are there when I'm looking for them and hideable/ignorable when I'm not. Adding a fixed button to the toolbar is too in-your-face and just overkill at this point with all the other ways to get to the store. The fact that it's there at the expense of my Bible study tools when I'm in half-screen view makes it altogether unacceptable.

    6. The Mangolorian
      The Mangolorian Member Posts: 569 ✭✭✭

      The store button is absolutely unnecessary! Please remove it.

    7. Mark
      Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

      Raphael said:

      The store button is absolutely unnecessary! Please remove it.

      I agree

    8. Andreas Roemer
      Andreas Roemer Member Posts: 1,154 ✭✭✭

      Raphael said:

      The store button is absolutely unnecessary! Please remove it

      me too[Y]

      Das Gerücht ist nicht immer falsch; manchmal wählt es sogar den Sieger aus.[Tacitus]

    9. Rick
      Rick Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭

      Fun fact: this was a part of the toolbar in Libronix two decades ago: As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

      To me, there is a big difference in how it was implemented. In Libronix, it was under the "Tools" menu. You had to click to get there. It was not in your face like this button is. Maybe it should have been put under the Tools menu, same place as it was in Libronix.

      The store is being way overdone in the software. Totally unnecessary.

    10. DMB
      DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

      Kiyah said:

      By my count there are now at least 3 different ways to access the store from the program.

      I'm thinking the Prayer Management System can be next, with FL analyzing the prayer title, and then suggesting a helpful book.  Followed by the helpful popups as one reads, each carefully curated suggestion, and oh so convenient!

      Not referring to Kiyah, but guys, they need the money!

      - Apparently 6 million users, and Bob says the vast (at least more than broad) majority don't spend a dime. Saleries and payroll can't wait.

      - Expanded business line investments need funding. Books are just so has-been. OL??

      - What else can they sell?  Five more datasets? Fixing 8 years-old bugs?

      Phil believes you'll get used to it. And he'll be right. 

    11. Phil Gons (Logos)
      Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,801

      Rick said:

      To me, there is a big difference in how it was implemented. In Libronix, it was under the "Tools" menu. You had to click to get there. It was not in your face like this button is. Maybe it should have been put under the Tools menu, same place as it was in Libronix.

      Not true. Look at the screenshot I shared. It was both in the Tools menu and on the main toolbar.

    12. Rick
      Rick Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭

      Not true. Look at the screenshot I shared. It was both in the Tools menu and on the main toolbar.

      I see it now, my bad. But, I still believe it is overkill.

    13. Tony Walker
      Tony Walker Member Posts: 376 ✭✭

      I wonder how many pastors in these forums take up an offering every Sunday morning? And I wonder how many would immediately remove it if a member said they'd never give to an offering and they didn't come to church to hear about an offering?

      Lol, I'm depressed, frustrated to the point of tears, trying to feed a family of 6 on a meager church income, crying to my wife about the pressures of being in the ministry, working for a church that has turned the work of Christ into a burden instead of a blessing... and I come here and see grown men whine about an icon that is no bigger than the profile picture icon next to it. Oh, the struggles of life. — — — —

    14. David Wanat
      David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

      I wonder how many pastors in these forums take up an offering every Sunday morning? And I wonder how many would immediately remove it if a member said they'd never give to an offering and they didn't come to church to hear about an offering?

      Lol, I'm depressed, frustrated to the point of tears, trying to feed a family of 6 on a meager church income, crying to my wife about the pressures of being in the ministry, working for a church that has turned the work of Christ into a burden instead of a blessing... and I come here and see grown men whine about an icon that is no bigger than the profile picture icon next to it. Oh, the struggles of life. 

      Making the #firstworldproblem hashtag more verbose doesn’t make it less annoying than the dismissive hashtag.

      Now I don’t personally care if the icon remains or is removed. I don’t find it intrusive, and probably won’t provided it doesn’t start pop up stuff. But people have made substantial investments in the program and don’t like to see what they see as a step backwards. They have that right.

      WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
      Verbum Max

    15. Rick
      Rick Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭

      On more thought, I think that for me, it is the image of a shopping cart that I feel irritates me the most. In Libronix it was just the image of a lock that simply said "Unlock". I know this sounds pitiful and that its probably just me but my brain translates the shopping cart the same way it translates spam emails. Always, trying to get me to buy something. An in your face ad, so to speak.

      Maybe I didn't notice it in Libronix because it was just a lock. My brain translates that differently. Am I correct in recalling that when I installed Libronix from discs, it also installed a lot of books that were locked as well? I'm thinking it was helpful to keep us from having to download over slow internet connections back then. If I am recalling that correctly, I probably saw the lock icon as an actual tool to unlock a book that was already on my computer, I just needed to use the lock tool to unlock it. It was an actual tool. Now, with broadband, that function is no longer necessary, for me anyhow. It is like going to a furniture store and the sales person is constantly tagging along and won't let you just browse. I usually end up leaving and going somewhere else. That's what all of these store links within the software remind me of.

      Now, with all of the other links to the store within the software, this seems to be excessive to me. As I said earlier, I know my brain works a bit differently and for others this is laughable, but it is how I interpret it.

    16. Rick
      Rick Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭

      I wonder how many pastors in these forums take up an offering every Sunday morning? And I wonder how many would immediately remove it if a member said they'd never give to an offering and they didn't come to church to hear about an offering?

      As a layperson, if I had already paid thousands of dollars up front to attend that pastor's church and he kept pushing a collection plate in my face, I'd find another church.

    17. David Thomas
      David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

      I'm depressed, frustrated to the point of tears, trying to feed a family of 6 on a meager church income, crying to my wife about the pressures of being in the ministry, working for a church that has turned the work of Christ into a burden instead of a blessing

      Praying for you, brother! May the Joy of your salvation and the honor of your calling rise above the pain and tension you are facing.

      Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

    18. David Wanat
      David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

      Rick said:

      Maybe I didn't notice it in Libronix because it was just a lock. My brain translates that differently. Am I correct in recalling that when I installed Libronix from discs, it also installed a lot of books that were locked as well? I'm thinking it was helpful to keep us from having to download over slow internet connections back then. If I am recalling that correctly, I probably saw the lock icon as an actual tool to unlock a book that was already on my computer, I just needed to use the lock tool to unlock it. It was an actual tool. Now, with broadband, that function is no longer necessary, for me anyhow. It is like going to a furniture store and the sales person is constantly tagging along and won't let you just browse. I usually end up leaving and going somewhere else. That's what all of these store links within the software remind me of.

      I imagine it’s also possible that in the image, our attention was drawn to the drop down menu.

      WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
      Verbum Max

    19. Kiyah
      Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

      I wonder how many pastors in these forums take up an offering every Sunday morning? And I wonder how many would immediately remove it if a member said they'd never give to an offering and they didn't come to church to hear about an offering?

      Lol, I'm depressed, frustrated to the point of tears, trying to feed a family of 6 on a meager church income, crying to my wife about the pressures of being in the ministry, working for a church that has turned the work of Christ into a burden instead of a blessing... and I come here and see grown men whine about an icon that is no bigger than the profile picture icon next to it. Oh, the struggles of life. 

      If you've already made pledges to the capital campaign, the church scholarship fund, general budget, benevolence, missions, and you do so every year, and then special collections for women's day, men's day, pastor's anniversary celebration, and you go to revival week events and they take up multiple collections each day of revival, and then every Sunday service the pastor passes the plate 5 times throughout the service, you might complain at some point as well. 

      But your point is not even analogous because we are Faithlife's CUSTOMERS, not their congregation. We get to complain when we believe that a company we've already invested heavily in is not listening to us. "You'll get used to it" is not really what I want to hear from a company I'm giving money to when I raise an issue with their product. I'm glad Phil is now considering customization, but his initial response in another forum thread was basically just "get used to it."

    20. Kenneth Neighoff
      Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭

      I do not feel as if I am being sold something every time I open Logos because a store icon is on the tool bar.  

      To me it does not interfere or get in the way of my studies.  

      For me I use this quote a lot as a filter- 

      “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

      To me the store icon falls under the "in all things" category. 

    21. David Wanat
      David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

      I do not feel as if I am being sold something every time I open Logos because a store icon is on the tool bar.  

      To me it does not interfere or get in the way of my studies.  

      For me I use this quote a lot as a filter- 

      “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

      To me the store icon falls under the "in all things" category. 

      Of course if the icon is nonessential, perhaps liberty over whether to display applies? [;)]

      WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
      Verbum Max

    22. Kiyah
      Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

      I do not feel as if I am being sold something every time I open Logos because a store icon is on the tool bar.  

      To me it does not interfere or get in the way of my studies.  

      For me I use this quote a lot as a filter- 

      “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

      To me the store icon falls under the "in all things" category. 

      We all work differently. That's why customization makes sense. Customization would be what charity looks like in this situation. For people who like or don't mind it, they can keep it, for people who don't want it, they can remove it. Problem solved.

    23. Beloved Amodeo
      Beloved Amodeo Member Posts: 4,200 ✭✭✭

      I imagine FL is disturbed by all the hubbub. Whether it stays or goes makes no difference to me. My Library is 17,000+. I'm very choosy about what I add to it nowadays.

      Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.

      International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.

      MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD

    24. James Hudson
      James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭

      We're considering a setting/customization option

      Not sure what there is to "consider", but thanks anyway!

      As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

      Maybe it was because the icons of Libby were all standard, regularly-spaced, small windows toolbar icons, not the huge ones now with large spacing. Also space wasn't so much of a premium in those days!

      Also things change - we need to be forward rather than backward looking!!!

      I really hope you read all the comments of users [I think happy users are your best sales people - not cart icons!].

      PS I have no objection to a cart icon - it's just its position -  taking up so much real estate - put as many as you like in menus!. My main gripe is that having already complained about lack of space in the Logos 9 toolbar (together with other users), you seem to have ignored, or not understood the complaint, but rather made it worse rather than better by adding extra, unrequested icons! To state it clearly (from my perspective), there is not enough space on the toolbar, and the space that is there is wasted!

      Customization is essential - and seemingly your best option - those that don't want icons can hide the ones they want and those that like them can keep them.

      I can't remember but it may have been you who mentioned consistency in user interface as a goal - but this toolbar is not consistent - different sized icons, different spacing, some words, some icons etc - a little bit of a mess! Give the users customization options - PLEASE!

      Thanks for taking the time to read this - although we may have different perspectives, I'm sure we both have the same goal in mind - to make Logos Bible Software best serve the Church (sounds like your stated aim!)

      Every blessing,


    25. Mark
      Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

      I wonder how many pastors in these forums take up an offering every Sunday morning? And I wonder how many would immediately remove it if a member said they'd never give to an offering and they didn't come to church to hear about an offering?

      This would not happen in many churches I have ministered in because the offering is not pushed on anyone, not even passed around.  It appears to me that the problem is with the method that produces a "I feel pressured" response instead of a free will response.

      and I come here and see grown men whine about an icon that is no bigger than the profile picture icon next to it.

      For me, the issue is space in the tool bar.  If I want it there, allow me to put it there.  I need more space made available.  I think a legitimate constructive complaint was made and it is good to get the opinion of others on it.

    26. Kiyah
      Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

      We're considering a setting/customization option

      Not sure what there is to "consider", but thanks anyway!

      As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

      Maybe it was because the icons of Libby were all standard, regularly-spaced, small windows toolbar icons, not the huge ones now with large spacing. Also space wasn't so much of a premium in those days!

      Also things change - we need to be forward rather than backward looking!!!

      I really hope you read all the comments of users [I think happy users are your best sales people - not cart icons!].

      PS I have no objection to a cart icon - it's just its position -  taking up so much real estate - put as many as you like in menus!. My main gripe is that having already complained about lack of space in the Logos 9 toolbar (together with other users), you seem to have ignored, or not understood the complaint, but rather made it worse rather than better by adding extra, unrequested icons! To state it clearly (from my perspective), there is not enough space on the toolbar, and the space that is there is wasted!

      Customization is essential - and seemingly your best option - those that don't want icons can hide the ones they want and those that like them can keep them.

      I can't remember but it may have been you who mentioned consistency in user interface as a goal - but this toolbar is not consistent - different sized icons, different spacing, some words, some icons etc - a little bit of a mess! Give the users customization options - PLEASE!

      Thanks for taking the time to read this - although we may have different perspectives, I'm sure we both have the same goal in mind - to make Logos Bible Software best serve the Church (sounds like your stated aim!)

      Every blessing,


      All of this. Well stated. [Y]

    27. Simon’s Brother
      Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

      But we had the option to customize the toolbar and remove it.. another fun fact that makes a big difference to your fun fact.  so you are comparing an apple cart with an orange cart Phil.  And you are also missing the wider problem that Faithlife is much more intrusive with the amount of advertising they do today - whether they want to admit it or not - and some people are simply over it.  FL should not be surprised by backlash against this move by FL.

      We're considering a setting/customization option. Fun fact: this was a part of the toolbar in Libronix two decades ago: As far as I know, no one seemed to mind then.

      Unlock Resources

    28. Simon’s Brother
      Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

      I wonder how many pastors in these forums take up an offering every Sunday morning?

      Very different scenario. Offerings are not taken up because the church is selling something to the congregation. We are giving to God in response to what he has already done for us. 

      But sure this may not be the most significant issue in the world right now but people don't like what FL has done and should have the right to voice their concern..

    29. cshover8669
      cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

      I hardly noticed it, so it didn't matter to me, and FL needs to make money. I almost cannot fault them for wanting to put a store icon there. However, toolbar real estate is at a premium, and there is not enough of it, so I would prefer more, and, as has been stated, the store is easy enough to get to. I have a shortcut to it on my browser toolbar, which is where it probably belongs. I also access it through links in emails when a marketing email has something I am interested in. I am not offended by it but would hide it if given the opportunity. I would probably hide the factbook icon and my account icon, moving to the drop-down menu with all the help screens and taking up less space. I know FL is investing in the factbook, but I usually need different or more information than it provides and ends up going elsewhere. So, leaving it on the tools menu would be perfect for me. I get annoyed when the go box expands and hides some of my toolbar stuff. I have to restart Logos to get it to shrink back down again. But, as I said, it didn't even phase me, so it would be nice to customize it into hiding, but the tool is too valuable for me to stress over it.

    30. SineNomine
      SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

      As I've written elsewhere, when this was only a Beta issue:

      I don't like the new button at all and I really want to perma-hide mine.

      At the same time, the number of people I know who use Logos/Verbum and whose degree of technological competency is sufficiently low that a button of this sort would be beneficial for them is non-zero, so I get what Faithlife is going for. I just think that the non-beta version needs to be better. A two item right click dropdown menu with "Go to store" and "Hide store button" (with a corresponding toggle in Program Settings for it so that it could also be turned back on as desired) would solve my problem.

      By what principles would we allow hiding the Store button but not the Sync button, the Profile menu, the Close All button, the Home button, or the Logos logo?

      If all I ever use Logos/Verbum for is to study stuff, I will never use the Store button.

      The Store button is for shopping.

      Shopping can help with studying the Bible, but shopping is not part of studying the Bible, especially if I already have a Bible.

      The Home screen, the Library icon, the Factbook button, the GO bar, the Docs button, the Guides button, the Tools button, my personal shortcuts, the Sync button, the Layouts button, and the Close All button all have their place(s) within the process of studying the Bible. The account icon lets me sign in and out, and clicking the triple dots gives me access to a bunch of things related to studying.

      The Store button is the only clickable anything on that line that doesn't have a place within the process of studying as such.

      But someone else put it more succinctly:

      By what principles would we allow hiding the Store button but not the Sync button, the Profile menu, the Close All button, the Home button, or the Logos logo?

      Allow the Store button to be hidden irrespective of space considerations. It really has no place in the main toolbar.

      “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

    31. Matt Hamrick
      Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

      A little icon next to my close all button doesn't matter to be in any way shape or form. I am not sure what all the fuss is about. I would like the icon that does nothing be linked to the store. But I will never use the store in the software so it can reside wherever it wants.

    32. SineNomine
      SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

      But I will never use the store in the software so it can reside wherever it wants.

      Even in the middle of the screen at all times? [;)]

      “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

    33. Sean
      Sean Member Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭

      A little icon next to my close all button doesn't matter to be in any way shape or form. I am not sure what all the fuss is about. I would like the icon that does nothing be linked to the store. But I will never use the store in the software so it can reside wherever it wants.

      The problem is there are already like 5 ways to access the store from the software. The trajectory of this is not good--what will come next?

    34. SineNomine
      SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

      Sean said:

      The problem is there are already like 5 ways to access the store from the software.

      If the Store button was the only way to access the store from the software, I would still want to be able to choose to hide the Store button.

      “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

    35. Clifford B. Kvidahl
      Clifford B. Kvidahl Member Posts: 235 ✭✭

      Do you call your TV provider or ISP to complain and ask that all commercials and ads be removed since you don't want to be sold something, you just want to watch your tv or surf the web uninterrupted? Or, do you just click on by ignoring the commercials and ads like they are not there?

    36. MJ. Smith
      MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

      Even in the middle of the screen at all times? Wink

      I was the first to question it's placement in beta testing but if I'm honest, I don't really care about it. The way I divide my screen, I always have a "lost icons" problem with the toolbar ... the cart doesn't really make a difference.  What does make a difference in the usability of the toolbar? the automatic clearing of the command box ... can't see my errors, reuse a command with a small modification . . . we all have to press on the issues that really matter to us.

      Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

    37. Bob
      Bob Member Posts: 267 ✭✭

      Honestly, when I read these comments away from my desktop, I’m wondering what store icon are they referring to.  I had to go back to desktop, which I use every day, to then notice the shopping icon.  Honestly I had never thought about it.  Now after I know this, I will see it all the time! 😀

      So I really don’t care one way or the other.


    38. David Wanat
      David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

      Do you call your TV provider or ISP to complain and ask that all commercials and ads be removed since you don't want to be sold something, you just want to watch your tv or surf the web uninterrupted? Or, do you just click on by ignoring the commercials and ads like they are not there?

      That is not an apt comparison. Logos is not a TV provider or ISP. It’s a software suite that we’ve invested heavily in. There shouldn’t be ads at all. Nor is the store icon an ad. But it can be in the way for some users. It shouldn’t be in their way because they invested heavily in the software already.

      WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
      Verbum Max

    39. Kiyah
      Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

      Do you call your TV provider or ISP to complain and ask that all commercials and ads be removed since you don't want to be sold something, you just want to watch your tv or surf the web uninterrupted? Or, do you just click on by ignoring the commercials and ads like they are not there?

      Studying the bible and watching TV are two very different activities. Why would I expect my bible software to function like TV networks? Some people like to focus on God's word and remove distractions when studying and may find constant attempts at selling them products distracting and off-putting.

      But even if we consider this (non-analogous) analogy, constant commercials are one of the many reasons why I don't watch as much TV as I used to. Even an NFL game is only around 12 minutes of live-action over a 3.5 hour period. Most of the time you're watching commercials, one of the many reasons I don't watch the NFL anymore and switched to soccer. I want to watch sports, not commercials. Some commercials are acceptable, but excessive commercials at the expense of the game is a turn-off. I've watched basketball games where we've missed whole plays because the network didn't come back from the commercial break soon enough. Also, you may have noticed that reruns of older shows have to edited down for time to make room for more commercials since they were produced during a time when there weren't as many commercials, so you don't even get the whole show anymore.

      Mostly I watch Netflix which I pay for every month and thus don't have to watch commercials. I pay for Spotify and SiriusXM so I don't have to hear commercials while I'm listening to music. If I am watching TV, it's usually on-demand, and I usually fast forward through commercials if I have the option or get up and go to the bathroom/kitchen during them anyway. I can't very well get up and leave my bible software if I'm actively using it to study the bible, can I? So I want to be able to actually use my bible study software to study the bible and would prefer to not have my bible study tools crowded out by a store button. I want customization rather than having things forced on me. And I don't want to constantly be sold things if I've already paid a lot of money.

    40. Simon’s Brother
      Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

      I agree with David, its comparing two totally different things. When it come to TV the majority of my viewing is via Amazon Prime where I pay not to get advertisements and social media I have voted with my feet and rarely us it.  But I have already heavily invested in Logos Bible Software and continue to do so, normally picking up something most months so I shouldn't have to have advertising and shopping carts all over my electronic bible and library, especially one etched onto the main toolbar. Put it where it belongs under my account menu icon instead of the main toolbar otherwise give me the option to hide it.  In Libronix we had the option to remove it from the main toolbar. It should be the same in Logos Bible Software.

      Do you call your TV provider or ISP to complain and ask that all commercials and ads be removed since you don't want to be sold something, you just want to watch your tv or surf the web uninterrupted? Or, do you just click on by ignoring the commercials and ads like they are not there?

      That is not an apt comparison. Logos is not a TV provider or ISP. It’s a software suite that we’ve invested heavily in. There shouldn’t be ads at all. Nor is the store icon an ad. But it can be in the way for some users. It shouldn’t be in their way because they invested heavily in the software already.

    41. Clifford B. Kvidahl
      Clifford B. Kvidahl Member Posts: 235 ✭✭

      Do you call your TV provider or ISP to complain and ask that all commercials and ads be removed since you don't want to be sold something, you just want to watch your tv or surf the web uninterrupted? Or, do you just click on by ignoring the commercials and ads like they are not there?

      That is not an apt comparison. Logos is not a TV provider or ISP. It’s a software suite that we’ve invested heavily in. There shouldn’t be ads at all. Nor is the store icon an ad. But it can be in the way for some users. It shouldn’t be in their way because they invested heavily in the software already.

      I too have invested heavily in Logos. So, what's your point? You have picked this hill to die on? I don't care what a company does when I can just as easily ignore it like it's not there and go on with my study.

      Tell you what. Come back to me when you start finding adds in your printed Bible. Then I may join you in your frustration. :)

    42. David Wanat
      David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

      Do you call your TV provider or ISP to complain and ask that all commercials and ads be removed since you don't want to be sold something, you just want to watch your tv or surf the web uninterrupted? Or, do you just click on by ignoring the commercials and ads like they are not there?

      That is not an apt comparison. Logos is not a TV provider or ISP. It’s a software suite that we’ve invested heavily in. There shouldn’t be ads at all. Nor is the store icon an ad. But it can be in the way for some users. It shouldn’t be in their way because they invested heavily in the software already.

      I too have invested heavily in Logos. So, what's your point? You have picked this hill to die on? I don't care what a company does when I can just as easily ignore it like it's not there and go on with my study.

      Tell you what. Come back to me when you start finding adds in your printed Bible. Then I may join you in your frustration. :)

      I’ve already made clear it doesn’t bother me. But it does bother others. They’re getting the reduced value.

      WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
      Verbum Max