AI TTS Voices

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I've been playing with (and using) the AI TTS voices and features of apps such as Speechify, Peech, Natural Reader, etc.
These high-quality, natural human-sounding, non-robotic voices have made my reading (listening) so much more productive. Some of the features (such as tracking-highlight during read-aloud, option to skip references within parentheses) are functions I've been requesting and hoping Logos would one day have.
Could you please make such AI TTS voices and features available to Logos on Windows and iOS (and other platforms)? Please?
I use the "read aloud" feature a lot, and follow along with the narrator. The current program is very electronic and at times choppy when reading. The "Wall Street Journal" has a read aloud tool which is far better in both reading, smoothness, and word pronunciation. I suggest Logos research this program or others like it to greatly improve the "read aloud" feature.2
Yes, yes, please PLEASE improve the Read Aloud feature!! In addition to the above, please:
- Allow more speed options (e.g. speed slider)
- Make it more reliable, better tested (e.g. don't pause at awkward places, don't stop suddenly)
- Make "Show word by word indicator" (aka "Karaoke dancing dot") work for human narrator as well as system narrator, PLEASE!!0 -
there should be the option to select specific any macOS system voices (like the Siri voice) which are MUCH better than the one Logos uses... Also, the voices should be different depending on the resource language (I use resources in English and Spanish, but there should also be options for other languages along Greek and Hebrew)0
I'm in complete agreement! More "system narrator" voice options would be greatly appreciated.0
Good day Logos,
Please consider adding AI Text to Voice functionality or allowing third-party AI Voice generators like Natural Reader access to the Logos platform. It will exponentially increase research speed and assist non-English speaking users with their research.
Please!!!1 -
@Etienne van Heerden - Logos will already read resources to you, using text-to-speech technology ( It uses the default system voice, so if you can add third-party voices to your system, they'll be used by the app.0
Could we see an improvement in the Read Aloud voice? I have used similar features on Google, Word, etc. The voice seems a little cookie cutter and not fluid, but choppy in reading. I would love to hear something more human and less robotic.1
With Logos 10, mobile users can now select multiple different enhanced and premium voices. On Windows 11, there are now natural voices available. We should be able to utilize them instead of the in-built "system narrator."0
There are fantastic narration voices with application available, far beyond the simplistic Microsoft narrator. It would be very helpful indeed if Logos used a number of different voices beyond the small number available, but more importantly, it would be immensely helpful to have natural-sounding narrators. It is evident in some audio books that some narrators should have chosen a different line of work. So it is with text to speech narration, it often sounds stilted, lacks emotion and natural cadence and one can hardly stomach it for long periods of time. What with all the books available on Logos, why not spend the time/resources to make the best narration engines this era has to offer? It will pay for itself with many happy Bible scholars.1
There are so many better text-to-speech voices out there. Why does Logos still have this unnatural drab voice as the only one available?1
Currently Logos uses the old TTS technology from Control Panel. Windows uses a different TTS technology now. Please update Logos to use the latest Windows Narrator technology.0
Currently Logos uses the old TTS technology from Control Panel. Windows uses a different TTS technology now. Please update Logos to use the latest Windows Narrator technology.0
The text to voice is not terrible, but robotic. Speechify is an incredibly powerful and well done speech to text platform with multiple voices to choose from. They have made it easy to integrate into platforms with only 5 lines of code. This would be an absolute game changer for Logos desktop and mobile which I and am sure many others would constantly use.3
The natural voices on iOS are still not great or very natural. While better than they used to be, they are still nowhere near comparable to something like Speechify. With my daily commute, I have far more time for audio than I do for print reading. I would love to utilize Logos for that, but the read aloud is too wooden still. Plus, it often jumps and skips sections or stops and restarts.
With the way AI has made improvements in the last couple years, this shouldn't be an impossible task, and is certainly a feature I would pay an upgrade price for. (Bonus points if I can choose a voice that sounds like NT Wright)1 -
There is an app on iOS called "Matter" which is very similar to "aggregation and consumption" apps like Pocket , Instapaper , etc. But there's one major difference -- Matter has implemented AI for its text-to-speech feature, and it makes all the difference in the world. Having experienced Matter's AI-enhanced text to speech, I can't stand to listen to Logos' text to speech , even using enhanced voices. The difference is stark, and the AI voice nearly sounds like a human reader -- all the right pauses and intonations , with very few mistakes. It would truly be a game-changer to see this get implemented in Logos.0
I've been playing with (and using) the AI TTS voices and features of apps such as Speechify, Peech, Natural Reader, etc.
These high-quality, natural human-sounding, non-robotic voices have made my reading (listening) so much more productive. Some of the features (such as tracking-highlight during read-aloud, option to skip references within parentheses) are functions I've been requesting and hoping Logos would one day have.
Could you please make such AI TTS voices and features available to Logos on Windows and iOS (and other platforms)? Please?1 -
Amesome feature that you lauched with L10, but please improve the quality via integration with Speechify or comparable!1
Yes, please!0
T h e c u r r e n t " R e a d A l o u d " f e a t u r e i s n o t n a t u r a l o r s m o o t h . & n b s p ; U s i n g A I t e x t - t o - s p e e c h , l i k e t h e k i n d u s e d b y & n b s p ; S p e e c h i f y . c o m , w o u l d g r e a t l y i n c r e a s e t h e s o f t w a r e v a l u e b y t r a n s f o r m i n g o u r l i b r a r i e s i n t o v i a b l e s o u r c e s o f a u d i o b o o k s , w h i c h i s n o t p r e s e n t l y t h e c a s e . I c a n n o t t e l l y o u t h e n u m b e r o f t i m e s I h a v e d r i v e n i n m y c a r a n d w i s h e d I c o u l d l i s t e n t o o n e o f m y L o g o s b o o k s b u t d o n ' t b e c a u s e t h e c u r r e n t t e c h n o l o g y e f f e c t i v e l y p r e c l u d e s a n y t r u e l i s t e n i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n .0
I would be happy if Google read-aloud could be used on Android and iOS.0
Yes, please make it sound better than the robotic voice that comes with Windows0
Currently Logos uses standard text to speech voices to read material aloud. A huge improvement would be a feature that made use of the Amazon Polly Neural voices or similar AI Neural voices from other sources (even if this came with a small subscription to cover the added cost of the Neural voice access), which sound way more natural than the current ones Logos uses. This would make listening to material in Logos a lot more tolerable and be a huge benefit.2
Enhance Logos' text-to-speech functionality by incorporating recent AI advancements in natural language processing.1
Voice garnet0