Add dark/night mode to desktop

Phil Gons (Logos)
Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,800
Please bring dark mode (also known as night mode or low-light mode) to the desktop app.
Desktop macOS 10.14+ and Windows10 1909+ include Dark Mode system choice.0
Please consider current research, accessibility, etc. for Dark Mode. There seems to be a good deal of information that refutes many of the popularly believed benefits of Dark Mode. And it has been my experience as well. Don't get me wrong. I love Dark Mode and I support the flexibility of letting users decide, but Dark Mode is not better on the eyes and is not more readable, although it works great for UIs.
I know Faithlife's designers are aware of the issues, but I wanted to ask explicitly: Please don't force Dark Mode on when the OS is set (like Accordance Mobile does). I don't think you would, but again, I wanted to make an explicit request.
Second, please consider applying Dark/Light mode differently to different zone of the app. Eg Dark Mode for UI (Window frames, menus, buttons, etc) while resource text uses Light Mode at a minimum. Ideally, there would be 3 zones, UI, Tool Panes (Passage Guide, Info/Power Tool), and Resource Panes.
Third, consider more variations on Light & Dark mode. Dark Mode doesn't have to have a black or dark gray background, just like Light mode should not be limited to just white. I've recently started using the Green background in Kindle. The first couple times I looked at it, I couldn't believe they included that color option, but I gave it a shot and after reading on it for 30 min, it kinda fades away and the reduced contrast feels great. My most enjoyable reading is done on Kindle, Bookerly Font on a Green background.0 -
For resource panes, dreaming of Light Mode & Dark Mode Highlighting Palettes (with Styles) to complement Light Mode & Dark Mode. Faithlife modifies the four system Highlighting Palettes to add Dark Mode styles (keeps same style name). For user Highlighting Palettes, Faithlife duplicates Light Mode as Dark Mode when user customizes a style for Dark Mode use (alternate idea is duplicating all Light Mode styles as Dark Mode styles). Resource mode (Light OR Dark) chooses Style mode for Highlighting Palettes (no need to modify Light Mode Style when using Dark mode in resources).0 - -
I study early in the morning in bed next to my sleeping spouse. I would be nice to have dark mode in Logos not to wake her up. Please!0
I too would like Dark mode. I believe we should be give the option whether to use it or not. Even though "research" says it doesn't help I sure do notice a difference when I'm looking at 3 screens at a time. I agree don't force it on us and if possible as suggested by Randy Sims have different variations.0
I would appreciate if Dark Mode would be compatible with Windows 10 high contrast black which is like dark mode for your entire operating system.
Other programs I use in conjunction with Logos work better for me when I am using high contrast black mode. At first, it worked fine, but then about one week ago, the main text of most of my resources turned from a readable color (which I achieved by customizing the high contrast black setting) to a dark green (on black background), but I didn't do anything to my Windows 10 settings. I can't figure out any way to customize or change it so the resources text is a readable color.
Thank you for your work on this feature!0 -
@kenneth-bakken-39, we already have a dark mode: