The Oxford Bible Commentary

Lucian Benigno
Lucian Benigno Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
BARTON, John & MUDDIMAN, John (ed). The Oxford Bible Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
24 votes

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  • This was previously available in Logos and in I assume they lost the rights as you can no longer purchase it.
  • Surprised this isn't on... in the UK at least, it's a pretty popular one volume commentary.
  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭
    The 2001 edition was available on a CD-ROM during the Logos 2.0 days. It is classified as a Logos Research Edition and the resource id is


    The Amazon link states that the paperback comes with a Logos version CD-ROM here:

    It would be interesting to know if this is still the case, but either way, it would be nice to have this newly available for purchase directly from Logos.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭
    Actually, the resource link is logosres:oxbibcom

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.