Abingdon Bible commentaries

Larry Craig
Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭
Some of these are available in Logos, but not as Bible commentaries. What's the point of having a commentary in Logos if it isn't tagged as one. Might as well just own a hard copy.
4 votes

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  • Br Damien-Joseph OSB
    Br Damien-Joseph OSB Member Posts: 227 ✭✭✭
    FL should really recognize this as a bug. Commentaries are tagged as commentaries in Logos. Full stop. This is how the software works--this is the whole point. Maybe this bug can get fixed in Logos 10? Just an idea.

    Also, it would be convenient if these commentaries were bundled together. My seminary requires a handful of these for some of our courses. Having them in a base package (again, Logos 10?) might not be a bad idea.
  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭
    @Br Damien-Joseph OSB  well, I guess they missed that one.  Maybe Logos 11.  Or 12. Not sure they read these things.  They wait until they get a hundred reports on a problem before they see is as serious enough to fix