Arranging resource in my Libary



  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Sorry I have forgotten to upload  my screenshot


    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    but still  I have two passage guides,the one on the left side is the new one ,which I have created,and the one on the right side is ,perhaps the standart passage guide of logos 4.

    There is your problem. You have 2 copies of your Passage Guide open to the same scripture reference. Unfortunately Logos4 does not permit naming saved Passage Guides.

    The next step in using a Passage Guide where you want specific Collections (or other bars that you have added) to show up each time you pull up a Passage Guide is to build a Custom Passage Guide. Once that you build a Custom Passage Guide you can open it directly from the Guides menu.

    To learn how to build a Custom Passage Guide view this wiki page: Customizing the Passage and Exegetical Guides

    Tes said:My fear is if I delete the right one ,then I am not going to be able to get it back again,

    If you build a Custom Passage Guide, then you can always get it back. When you open your Custom Passage Guide, you would just need to type into the reference box the scripture passage you used the last time you were in the guide.

    EDIT: after zooming on your image in the previous post, i see that your scripture references are not the same. Logos4 will save guides on exact scripture references. So Logos4 has saved your guides on both of your scripture references. Even though they overlap, they are not the same scripture reference.

    One way to get back to a specific saved guide is to add your Passage Guide (while viewing your exact scripture reference) to your Favorites and renaming it in your favorites so that you can find it again.


    1.  With your mouse grab and drag your Passage Guide ....
         (while you are dragging your Passage Guide, the Passage Guide window will temporarily disappear because Logos4 is not sure if you are just rearranging your layout, but after you drop it in step 2 your guide will reappear)


    2.  To your Favorites tool window and drop it there.

         a. After you drop it there you will probably want to rename it so that you can easily find it again.

         b. Then in the future when you want to open it, just click on it in your favorites.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    I am having problem to build custom passage,The collection I have created have different headings than ,what are listed in the standard list.I am a bit confused .

    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    I am having problem to build custom passage,The collection I have created have different headings than ,what are listed in the standard list.I am a bit confused .

    Give me some time and i will add a new wiki page for an example on building a new Custom Passage Guide. When i get it done i will post a link to it here.

    EDIT: the new wiki is: Building a Custom Guide Example

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Give me some time and i will add a new wiki page for an example on building a new Custom Passage Guide. When i get it done i will post a link to it here.

    Ok.thank you steve.

    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Give me some time and i will add a new wiki page for an example on building a new Custom Passage Guide. When i get it done i will post a link to it here.

    Ok.thank you steve.

    the new wiki is: Building a Custom Guide Example

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Hi Steve, Thank you very much,I have created all my resources.

    I have seen a good list in your Passage guide .How did you create the resources you have listed them in the custom bible study guides? 

    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    I have seen a good list in your Passage guide .How did you create the resources you have listed them in the custom bible study guides? 

    Collection Title:  All Bibles
    Collection Rule:  type:Bible ANDNOT (title:targum)
    Use: Mostly for searching

    Collection Title:  Bible Background

    Collection Rule:  the same as on Example Commentaries wiki page
    Use: Mostly in Passage Guide

    Collection Title:  Bible Dictionaries

    Collection Rule:  type:encyclopedia AND subject:bible
    Use: Mostly in Passage Guide

    Collection Title:  Bibliography

    Collection Rule:  rating:>=0

    Use: For printing a list of all my books

    Collection Title:  Comm NT

    Collection Rule:  ((subject:"N.T." OR title:(matt, mark, luke, john, acts, romans, corinthi, galat, ephesh, philippi, colossi, thessa, timoth, titus, phile, hebrews, james, peter, john, jude, revela)) ANDNOT (title:(old,henry,study,genes, exodu, levit, deut,joshu,judges,ruth,samuel,kings,chronic,ezra,nehem,esther,job,psalm,proverb,eccles,"song of son"),subject:"O.T.")) AND type:comment

    Use: Mostly in Passage Guide, New Testament commentaries

    Collection Title:  Comm OT

    Collection Rule:  (title:old OR title:(genes, exod, levit, numb, deut, josh, judg, ruth, samue, kings, chronic, ezra, nehem, esther, job, psalms, proverb, "song of", eccles, isaiah, jerem, lament, ezekiel, daniel, hosea, joel, amos, obadiah, jonah, micah, nahum, habakk, zephan, haggai, zecha, malachi) ) AND title:commen

    Use: Mostly in Passage Guide, Old Testament commentaries

    Collection Title:  Devotionals
    Collection Rule:  type:devotion
    Use: Mostly for searching in my devotional resources

    Collection Title:  Dictionaries
    Collection Rule:  (title:dict AND type:Encyclopedia AND subject:bible)
    Use: Mostly for searching in my dictionaries both English and Bible

    Collection Title:  DictLex
    Collection Rule:  mytag:dict OR mytag:lexicon
    Use: Mostly for searching in my dictionaries and lexicons that i have tagged in my Library

    Collection Title:  English Bibles
    Collection Rule:  type:bible AND lang:english
    Use: in various searches and other places

    Collection Title:  Grammar
    Collection Rule:  type:grammar OR subject:grammar
    Use: Mostly in Exegetical Guide

    Collection Title:  Images2
    Collection Rule:  type:media OR type:map
    Use: Mostly in searching for images for my Grandkids Bible study

    Collection Title:  Monographs
    Collection Rule:  type:monograph
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in Non-Bibles

    Collection Title:  Non-(Bible,Commentaries,Dictionaries)
    Collection Rule:  rating:>=0 ANDNOT (type:bible OR type:commentary OR type:encyclopedia OR title:study OR title:systemat)
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in Non-Bibles Non-Commentaries, & Non-Systematic Theology books

    Collection Title:  Non-Bibles
    Collection Rule:  (rating:<=5)  ANDNOT (type:Bible, mytag:maps, title:image, type:timeline, mytag:music)
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in Non-Bibles, but includes Commentaries

    Collection Title:  Other Commentaries
    Collection Rule:   (mytag:"fav commentary") ANDNOT (mytag:"comm verse" OR mytag:"comm topic" OR mytag:"comm howto")
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in Commentaries which i have tagged that i like, but are not my normally used ones

    Collection Title:  Study BIbles
    Collection Rule:  (title:Study AND title:bible)
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in my study Bibles that are in my collection

    Collection Title:  Top Bibles
    Collection Rule:  (mytag:"fav bibles" AND rating:>=3)
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in my favorite Bibles that are in my collection that i have tagged and rated

    Collection Title:  Topic Commentaries
    Collection Rule: (mytag:"comm topic")
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in my commentaries that i have tagged as dealing with scripture in a topic format

    Collection Title:  Topical Search
    Collection Rule:  title:topical OR subject:topic
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in topical books

    Collection Title:  Verse Comm
    Collection Rule:  (mytag:"comm verse")
    Use: Mostly in searching for something in my commentaries that i have tagged as dealing with scripture in a verse format



    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • David Paul
    David Paul Member Posts: 6,047 ✭✭✭

    I have contemplated Collections and whether I should make any ever since I got far I haven't seen the need. But if I ever do, I may look at this thread again since it seems to give a good explanation of the process. Thanks.

    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Steve, thank you for laying a solid foundation in my Bible studies.I have commpleted all of them. except some which I am going to show you ,with out eating my breakfast and lunch.But this is more than that ,you could imagine  how I am excited.I haven't stopped to be excited, Here are what I ha

    How am I able to create this resources? What are
    the rules?



    Bible study Guides

    Exegetical Guide

    Bible Word Study


    Custom Bible Study Guides

    My Bible Word Study

    Kids prep

    Find My Content

    My Exegetical Guide

    BWS Dict/Lexicon

    Custom BWS

    BWS Compare ESV to KJV

    Bible Dict for English words

    Dict for OL Words

    I have
    created all of those you have sent me,but I was not able to create the following
    which I have listed them ,because I don’t know how.

    Collection Title:  DictLex

    Rule:  mytag:dict OR mytag:lexicon

    Mostly for searching in my dictionaries and lexicons that i have tagged in my

    Collection Title:  Top Bibles

    Rule:  (mytag:"fav bibles" AND rating:>=3)

    Mostly in searching for something in my favorite Bibles that are in my
    collection that i have tagged and rated

    Collection Title:  Topic Commentaries

    Rule: (mytag:"comm

    Mostly in searching for something in my commentaries that i have tagged as
    dealing with scripture in a topic format

    d.    Collection
    Title:  Verse Comm

    Collection Rule:  (mytag:"comm

    Use: Mostly in searching for something in my commentaries that i have
    tagged as dealing with scripture in a verse format

    Blessings in Christ.

  • Paul Bradley
    Paul Bradley Member Posts: 54 ✭✭

    Steve, Thanks for the link I appreciate it. A lot of useful info on the Wiki and Im looking forward to going through it in great detail.


    Millisle & Ballycopeland Presbyterian Church, Northern Ireland.

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Hi,Steve Could you tell me the Rules for these resources?


    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Hi,Steve Could you tell me the Rules for these resources?


    many of these are from building wiki pages to explain them.

    Custom BWS see  Using the Custom BWS guide tool  (see step 5)

    BWS Compare ESV to KJV  see Multiple Translations BWS guide

    BWS Dict/Lexicon  see Building the BWS guide (see step 8)

    Finding MyContent  see Building the custom Passage Guide (see step 8)

    My Bible Word Study same as Bible Word Study


    Kids Prep My Passage Guide My Exegetical Guide
    image image image

    Multi-Translations BWS Bible Dict for English words Dict for OL words
    image image image



    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Ron Corbett
    Ron Corbett Member Posts: 860 ✭✭✭


    Excellent work and you are to be commended for your patient follow through in this whole thread - helping everybody who will ever stop by.

    My question is : I was told on another thread that many Collections will slow down L4. Is this true? Under all circumstances (just having created them - even if you are not currently searching them)

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    My question is : I was told on another thread that many Collections will slow down L4. Is this true? Under all circumstances (just having created them - even if you are not currently searching them)


    i don't have all that many collections. Mark A. Smith probably would be a good person to ask (i have seen in some post that he has over 200 collections).

    But i am sure that it slows down Parallel Resources when you have a lot of your collections tagged to be used with PRs.

    Other than that i don't know. My computer is relatively slow (see my spec in my signature) so everything seems to be kinda slow to me [:)]. One item that i have noticed that does really slow down my system is Visual Filters when there is a lot of things to highlight.

    Hope this helps

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Paul, Matt, David, David,

    glad i could help!

    EDIT: sorry it took me so long to respond to ya'll, got busy answering posts and making wiki pages.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Hi,Steve Could you tell me the Rules for these resources?


    many of these are from building wiki pages to explain them.

    Custom BWS see  Using the Custom BWS guide tool  (see step 5)

    BWS Compare ESV to KJV  see Multiple Translations BWS guide

    BWS Dict/Lexicon  see Building the BWS guide (see step 8)

    Finding MyContent  see Building the custom Passage Guide (see step 8)

    My Bible Word Study same as Bible Word Study



    Kids Prep My Passage Guide My Exegetical Guide
    image image image



    Multi-Translations BWS Bible Dict for English words Dict for OL words
    image image image




    Hi ,steve Thank you for investing your time end energy to help me.

    1. I have no orientation `,no idea.about the last post you have sent me,how?
    2. How do I add new resources to the collection I have already created,for eg I want to add "figurative speech "and "hard saying of the Bible" and to which collection ?


    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭


    Tes said:

    1.  I have no orientation `,no idea.about the last post you have sent me,how?

    In your post that i answered you showed my list of Guides. My answer shows you which tools i have installed for each of my guides.

    Tes said:

    2.  How do I add new resources to the collection I have already created,for eg I want to add "figurative speech "and "hard saying of the Bible" and to which collection ?

    1.  i explained how to add these books to a new collection in this post    (i do not have the 'Hard Sayings' book)


    2.  Open your passage guide and enter the scripture reference Rom 1:16 and press Enter.

    3.  Use the Add to add your new collection like i showed you in steps 3 & 4 (bottom half of post)  this post

    4.  change the Settings to use the collection Sayings & Figure of Speech following step 6 (bottom half of post shown in above step) .

    5.  Then just view that collection. Notice all the hits for Figures of Speech.



    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭


    .  i explained how to add these books to a new collection in this post    (i do not have the 'Hard Sayings' book)

    Sorry Steve I have overlooked it ,to much excited.I cannot express the joy I have ,Thank you ,May the Lord bless you according to His Riches in Glory.

    Steve, So far what I have done, I am posting you.With the last post I am not yet through I look at it again and again,if not as usual.....


    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭


    Looking at your Passage Guide on the left in the top picture of your post, i noticed that you have several copies of collections named Bible Backgrounds. i am not sure what you have as Rules for each of those collections. If they have the same rules, you probably want to delete those collections (except keep just one of them).


    1.  Open the Collection tool. Then click on Open. Logos4 will show the drop down list of your collections.

    2.  Notice that i have 2 copies of Sayings & Figure of Speech.
             In your case, you will probably see Bible Background (x)

    3.  If you right click on the collection that you want to delete, Logos4 will show you another drop down menu.

    4.  If you click on Delete, Logos4 will delete that collection. Warning: when you delete a collection it is permanently gone!

    i also wonder how many Bible Dictionaries (?) that you have. If you have more than 1, then you probably want to delete them too.

    Having so many collections in your Custom Passage Guide will really slow down how fast the Passage Guide works. Not to mention that it can be confusing to you.


    Once that you clean up your list of collections, we might want to review how to edit a Custom Passage Guide. But i will be busy most of today. But maybe later this evening we can review how to do that.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Collection Title:  Bible Background

    Collection Rule:  the same as on Example Commentaries wiki page
    Use: Mostly in Passage Guide

    Steve,the multiple resources you have seen as "Back ground" perhaps I have misunderstood what it says above,I just went to the examples which were titled as commentaries I have changed the titles and gave for all of them Background,I have understood it so. 

    Blessings in Christ.

  • Ken Choi
    Ken Choi Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    I'm sorry to have plugged this post... 

    Hi Tes, I tried to reach you in your email: 

    gtesfai AT web DOT de

    But I was not able to send you an email because your mailbox was full. Are there ways where I can communicate with you? You may add a comment in my profile! Thank you very much!

    (I added a comment in your profile)

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Steve,the multiple resources you have seen as "Back ground" perhaps I have misunderstood what it says above,I just went to the examples which were titled as commentaries I have changed the titles and gave for all of them Background,I have understood it so. 


    In this post of yours above, you are showing this screen shot: (i have drawn in red over it)


    1.  i notice in your Passage Guide (My search passage guide) that you have 8 copies of Bible Background showing.


    In your Passage Guide:

    Click on image to expand it and show books under it

    Then click on    image  to expand it and show books under it.

    Are the books under each of these the same books?

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    I'm sorry to have plugged this post... 


    Hi Tes, I tried to reach you in your email: 

    gtesfai AT web DOT de

    But I was not able to send you an email because your mailbox was full. Are there ways where I can communicate with you? You may add a comment in my profile! Thank you very much!


    (I added a comment in your profile)

    Hi,Kenston here is My e.mail address  tesfai5 ATgooglemail DOT com

    Blessings in Christ.

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Steve,the multiple resources you have seen as "Back ground" perhaps I have misunderstood what it says above,I just went to the examples which were titled as commentaries I have changed the titles and gave for all of them Background,I have understood it so. 


    In this post of yours above, you are showing this screen shot: (i have drawn in red over it)


    1.  i notice in your Passage Guide (My search passage guide) that you have 8 copies of Bible Background showing.


    In your Passage Guide:

    Click on image to expand it and show books under it

    Then click on    image  to expand it and show books under it.

    Are the books under each of these the same books?

    OK Steve, I will try later,now I have to go to church. Have a wonderful blessed time.

    Blessings in Christ.

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    imageimageimageimageimageimageGreetings to you Steve,what I have done up to now


    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Greetings to you Steve,what I have done up to now


    Looks better (i don't see duplications anymore). Is this working for you now in your study? Does it look the same when you change scripture reference?


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭

    Does it look the same when you change scripture reference?


    Steve, Could you explain it  for me?

    Blessings in Christ.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    Tes said:

    Steve, Could you explain it  for me?


    Yes i will explain below:


    i have my Custom PG open to the scripture reference Luke 19:28-40 (the one i have been using in my examples).

    1.  while i have been studying in here, i have used Add to add collections while studying this verse range.

    2. i also deleted 2 collections in the PG while studying, because i did not want to see them.
        (you cannot see them because they are deleted)

    3. Now i will change the scripture reference to Luke 4:14-15 to study it. (like i am asking you to do)

    Does it look the same when you change scripture reference?


    4.  Notice that the 2 collections that i deleted in step #2 show up again. (i am wondering if your collections Bible Background come back again)
         Also notice the 2 collections that i added in step #1 are not showing up.


    i asked you to do this so that i could see how you removed all the duplicate collections in your PG.
    If you did them the wrong way then i could tell you the right way to delete them.

    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Tes
    Tes Member Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭