reading plan stil not syncing



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Moises - 

    I will not pretend to be a programmer or understand all of these issues. However, the issue is more complicated than just "forcing the mobile app to sync." If that were true, you could delete the app (thereby forcing it to sync) and everything would work properly. It does not. The app will instead download incorrect information, hence the problem IS with the sync infrastructure. Try it yourself. By the way, Logos has itself said that this is the issue.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Moses Rivera
    Moses Rivera Member Posts: 68 ✭✭

    You're right. The issue is more complicated then just forcing the app to sync. But the LOGOS sync infrustructure is not the issue because my work laptop and my personal laptop sync to the LOGOS server just fine. The sync mechanism on the iPhone app is the complicated issue because it's not really syncing when it appears like it is by displaying the spinning icon. My recommendation is just what it is..."a recommendation". However the group of techies at LOGOS responsible for this app dilemma might read my forum post and review my recommednation and say that I have no idea what I am talking about (LOL!) but like you I am not a programmer. I just know that my laptops are syncing to the LOGOS server seamlessly and my iPhone app is giving me, as well as other - what one would call a "positive-false" result. The "positive" is that the iPhone app appears to sync with the LOGOS server by displaying the spinning icon and the "false" is that it really didn't sync to the LOGOS server.

    I wish that we had a "false-positive" issue with the iPhone app syncing dilemma. Meaning...we don't see the spinning syncing icon but it really does sync to the LOGOS server. But the issue is that we do see the sync icon spinning but it really doesn't sync to the LOGOS server.

    -Moises Rivera

  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    it's not really syncing when it appears like it is by displaying the spinning icon

    FWIW, the spinning icon in the iOS status bar is a network activity indicator. It just means the app is accessing the network. It doesn't mean anything is syncing.

  • Moses Rivera
    Moses Rivera Member Posts: 68 ✭✭

    You're right, the iPhone status bar shows us that the iPhone is accessing the AT&T 3G network and the 3G network therefore access' the LOGOS server. What we do know is that the LOGOS app is able to search the LOGOS server and open the books we own. However, the LOGOS app "does not" search the LOGOS server to update the reading plan. I have no doubt that the reading plan is saved on the LOGOS server because I did a little test.

    I renamed my reading plan on my work PC to see if it would update on personal PC. As soon as I got home from work and opened LOGOS on my personal PC, the name to the reading plan automatically changed to matched the named I gave it on my work PC. This means that there is definitely no issue with LOGOS servers syncing amongst the PCs. Instead, this means that the iPhone app is not able to access and sync with the reading plan saved on the LOGOS server.

    I have a strange feeling that there are two separate LOGOS servers. I think there's one LOGOS server for iPhone apps and one LOGOS server for PCs. I can't confirm this until I get home today because my iPod touch is at home. I am going to save a few favorites on my iPhone LOGOS app to see if my iPod touch LOGOS app finds these favorites. If my iPod Touch finds the favorites then there has to be two separate LOGOS server (one for the app and one for the PCs). If this is the case, I will conclude that the two LOGOS servers aren't updating each-other on enduser activity.

    I will let you know what I find after 6:30pm CST today.

    -Moises Rivera

  • Moses Rivera
    Moses Rivera Member Posts: 68 ✭✭

    AHA!!! YES!!! Just as I suspected. I checked my iPod Touch LOGOS app as soon as I got home and it has the "favorites" I had saved earlier on my iPhone LOGOS app. I figured it OUT! Yes!!! I also created a new reading plan on my iPhone app and I found whatever days I marked as read then updated on my iPod Touch! YES!!! Problem is officially understood.

    The LOGOS server for the iPhone app is not being updated by the LOGOS server for the PCs. The issue is not with the iPhone app everyone! The LOGOS technical guys responsible for the LOGOS servers have to make sure that the two servers (app server and PC server) are able to communicate with each other so the reading plan can update in real-time. This is why the iPhone LOGOS app is not getting the updates made by the LOGOS software installed on our PCs. There is a break in real-time communication between the app server and PC server.

    If you have an iPod Touch and a iPhone you WILL be able to confirm this too. If you make any changes on your iPhone LOGOS app (i.e. create favorites and/or mark certain days in reading plan as read on your iPhone), it will immediately show up on your iPod Touch LOGOS app.

    -Moises Rivera