Dear Bob Pritchett, may I have a moment of your time?



  • Bible Word Study Test

    Using Logos 4.3 SR-5 on Mac OS X 10.6.8, can replicate crash using listed steps.  Appears switching order of steps 7 and 9 does not crash (albeit scrolling 612 results is sluggish, includes spinning beach balls).  Until Logos 4 Mac code fixed, plan to click "More >>" in Bible Word Study Grammatical Relationships sections before expanding specific words.

    Simple Search Test

    Apologies, doing a Bible Search using my collection "Bible Grid Favorites" with results shown in Grid can scroll without crashing.  

    While looking at search results, puzzled that Bible Search for (holy OR holiness) WITHIN 24 WORDS ([field bible, content] <lemma = af/he/יהוה>) does not find Le 5:15, Le 19:8, and Mal 2:11, yet Morph Search lemma:קדשׁ:3 NEAR lemma:יהוה does find those verses (plus more):


    Workaround learned: use same language for searching Bible Verses (until code fixed to find mixed language results).

    Edit: using Close All command after screen shot caused Logos 4.3 SR-5 to become unresponsive, with 100.1 % CPU usage for minutes.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dewayne Davis
    Dewayne Davis Member Posts: 850 ✭✭

    Bible Word Study Test

    1. Open up a Macbook / iMac with 8GB RAM (a powerful machine by modern standards) with the latest operating system (OS X 10.7.2).
    2. Start up Logos 4.5 beta 3.
    3. Open an ESV Bible pane.
    4. Navigate to Exodus 15.11
    5. Right-click on the word 'LORD' and select "Bible Word Study"
    6. Scroll down to the GRAMMATICAL RELATIONSHIPS section.
    7. Expand the first "twistie" beneath "Subject of... 'Amar - to say'.
    8. Now try to scroll down in the Word Study window.
    9. Next, click on the "More >>" link (below the results you just scrolled through).
    Step 10. Choke, cough, crash... same here.

    “... every day in which I do not
    penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
    is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
    firm ground of the Word of God.”

  • Josh
    Josh Member Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭

    Hi Bob,

    Thank you for your candid and open response. I appreciate your willingness to answer the questions posed and issues raised.

    Your comments seem to indicate that Logos resources are spread very thin. And this makes me wonder about the what the future might hold. Perhaps more focus and less scope would improve things?


    You mean like cutting the Mac platform? That would really speed things up!


  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Hi Bob,
    Thank you for your candid and open response. I appreciate your
    willingness to answer the questions posed and issues raised. Your
    comments seem to indicate that Logos resources are spread very thin. And
    this makes me wonder about the what the future might hold. Perhaps more
    focus and less scope would improve things?

    You mean like
    cutting the Mac platform? That would really speed things up!

    Very unkind Joshua, very unkind.

    I'm guessing Joshua is being a little sarcastic at an attempt to humor us. [:P] I smiled. What he said brings the real issue to the forefront. Each one of us believes our needs and wants should be the first priority or only priority of Bob Pritchett & Team Logos. Meanwhile Logos has a huge and diverse customer base to service. It is not unlike a church Pastor or Priest. If there are several different interpersonal problems in the church, you don't wait until you have finished getting Bob & Sue's marriage back on track before you begin dealing with Timothy's substance abuse, or Mr Jackson's terminal diagnosis. You practice a little triage and attempt a little balance. And you pray you make the right choices and trust God to keep loving everyone.

    You know users have expressed selfishness in the forums over many things. We demand Logos focus on OUR study needs, OUR doctrinal resources, OUR hardware platforms, OUR budgetary restrictions, OUR study styles..... I am happy Logos is multi-tasking or they would never get around to MY interests.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    I hear you, Super Tramp, and your point about selfishness is accepted. Yet, to use your analogy, imagine a pastor who attempts to deal simultaneously with 20 different cases. What level of care would each individual experience?

    Logos' choice to pursue additional platforms is laudable. Yet, I wonder about the wisdom of pursuing Proclaim, Android, Personal Book Builder, etc etc while having a limited development team and while long-standing bugs and other issues continue to languish.

    At the risk of repeating myself, I have said, many times, that I see huge potential and value in Logos. Were that not the case I would not have bothered to become embroiled in all of these discussions. I've stated previously that I am torn down the middle by Logos... loving the features and potential, and yet frustrated when the features that are so appealing don't work as advertised and hinder my ability to study the Scriptures.  I'm not calling for abandoning long-range plans or broad vision, but I am calling (and hoping) for focus. If the foundations are solid then many new, powerful features can be added without having Logos collapse under its own weight and/or bug backlog.

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,588

    Yet, to use your analogy, imagine a pastor who attempts to deal simultaneously with 20 different cases. What level of care would each individual experience?

    That might depend upon the size of staff this pastor has to assist him. Logos is a company with 200+ employees which has advertised for more programmers, but so far have not been able to find what they need.

    I wonder about the wisdom of pursuing Proclaim, Android, Personal Book Builder, etc etc while having a limited development team and while long-standing bugs and other issues continue to languish.

    The team working on Proclaim and Android may not be able to program in the problem areas.

    BTW: Realized that I had not tried your BWS search for Lord, only the simple search. Attempted your "Lord" search in 4.3 SR-6 with two crashes. Created a new thread with logs

  • Graham Owen
    Graham Owen Member Posts: 665 ✭✭

    Does feel like this request is stretching some of Logos' abilities.

    So the solution is simply to not click on "twisties" and explore results in case Logos hangs or crashes...?

    Not at all, I made the observation because whilst my system is not actually crashing things are clearly not as stable as they should be when the program is handling this much data. Seems to me that you can't give the user the ability to do a search of this size unless the system has the power to handle it!

    God Bless


    Pastor - NTCOG Basingstoke

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Yet, to use your analogy, imagine a pastor who attempts to deal simultaneously with 20 different cases. What level of care would each individual experience?

    At the risk of sounding like I give Pastors all the credit for church growth (I do not.  Acts 2:47 ) a Pastor who can not delegate will not see his church grow beyond his individual ability to manage. We have Jesus praising the Centurion for understanding how to delegate authority in Matthew 8:9 . The parable of the talents in Luke 19:12-28 also bears out the principle of delegation. As Jack has pointed out, Logos is not a small company. (Are you aware of the tiny operation QuickVerse had become for several years before WordSearch bought them? Try a part-time staff of 2, working out of a strip mall store front in Nebraska.) Logos has a dedicated Mac development team who have written Logos 4 Mac to run under Mac OS. The good folks at WordSearch can only run their program on a Mac through emulation. (Emulators are always slower than running native code.)

    If I want to "Spring clean" my whole property, inside & out, I will assign one son to mow grass, a daughter to clean the fridge out, someone else to pack away the Winter wardrobes. If a sudden thunderstorm comes up and a downpour starts, the mowing obviously gets shelved for a few days. That setback should not require the other chores to halt. Just because you see the Pre-Pubs rolling out the door does not mean the Mac development team is sitting on their hands. Proclaim is having a noisy beta cycle while Vyrso appears to be progressing quickly.

    I am grateful the departments stick to their own specialties. I'm impressed with the programmers, the book keepers, and the marketing folk. It just runs smoother that way. If the local church could recognize individuals in the body are gifted to accomplish different ministries, the church would run a lot smoother too.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Josh
    Josh Member Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭

    Hi Bob,
    Thank you for your candid and open response. I appreciate your
    willingness to answer the questions posed and issues raised. Your
    comments seem to indicate that Logos resources are spread very thin. And
    this makes me wonder about the what the future might hold. Perhaps more
    focus and less scope would improve things?

    You mean like
    cutting the Mac platform? That would really speed things up!

    Very unkind Joshua, very unkind.

    I'm guessing Joshua is being a little sarcastic at an attempt to humor us. Stick out tongue I smiled. What he said brings the real issue to the forefront. Each one of us believes our needs and wants should be the first priority or only priority of Bob Pritchett & Team Logos. Meanwhile Logos has a huge and diverse customer base to service.

    You read me like a book.


  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Dear All: If I may be so bold: Logos Bible Software is not a ministry, it is not a Church, It is a Product, Produced by a Company.

    That is not to say Logos the Company cannot take part in some Ministry or that it's people cannot do Ministry.

    But what I Bought is a Product, pure and simple.

    Example: How many of you have ever needed a new Refrigerator , went out and bought one, got it home and then freezer section would not cool or freeze.

    Would you react the same way you are asking people to do here?

    Would you make excuses for the manufacturer of the refrigerator while you just go without being able to freeze your food, would you go through all sorts of things to fix it yourself, adjust and readjust it?

    Would you be willing to want until some unknown time when they might be able to fix it?

    Would you make excuses for the company if they could not fix it?

    Would you be willing to say: well, they have so much to do you know, so may refrigerator customers and so many models, there is no reason for me to be upset, most people do not try to use all the features anyway?

    I don't think so.

    You probably bought the refrigerator to use, now, to keep your milk cold, your meat frozen-now.


    You can replace refrigerator with anything, car, bike, cell phone, clothes, your electric company.

    It's only when we get to Biblesoftware that people act in this matter.


    The last company I saw go through this, with customers acting in a codependent fashion of making excuses for the company, went under finally and had to be sold to others.

    Logos Bible software is, Software, it is a product, created by a Company, as far as I can tell, a For Profit Company.

    Certain amounts of grace can be given to any company/product. If the fridge/computer/cell phone etc is delivered defective- they can fix it, and all is fine.

    But if they cannot fix it properly and in a rational about of time, then the company and it's product has failed.

    I get rather sick on my insides to see otherwise rational Christians act as if a company is a ministry and therefore has an excuse for doing poorly.

    And No: It's not I want my deal fixed, my bug being fixed is more important than someones else's bug being fixed.

    It is simply wanting what is being sold to work as advertised, thats all.

    Just like any other consumer/ product relationship.

    Logos exists to make Money, thats it reason for existence .

    If it quit making money, it would not come around and see you , minister to you, be there when you are sick.

    Logos is a thing, not a person, it's a business, not a Church, it's a Product, not a Ministry.


  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    Seems to me that you can't give the user the ability to do a search of this size unless the system has the power to handle it!

    I've just tried a search that returns a similarly sized result set in "the other Mac Bible program" (granted that I can't try morph searches as I installed the trial version) and the results appeared basically instantaneously and can be inspected without any lag in the UI. I regularly work on 20-30MB Word documents numbering over 300 pages, with no crashes or hangs. I have Freemind mind-maps with thousands of nodes and can navigate the mind map without any delay.

    The issue here is not the system. I've spent 16 years developing software in everything from assembly, C, C++, C#, Java, and the last 2 years in Objective C & Cocoa can can honestly say that "the system" is more than capable.

  • Ryan Burns
    Ryan Burns Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    I get rather sick on my insides to see otherwise rational Christians act as if a company is a ministry and therefore has an excuse for doing poorly.

    Perhaps it is a matter of perspective. I don't excuse them for doing poorly. Rather, I think they are doing a great job. I have things that I'd like to see fixed and that I'm not "happy" about. For me, I am troubled that reading plan sync is not working perfectly between Mac and iOS. However, Bob and other have explained that it is a known issue and will be resolved once Sync V2 (or whatever it is called) is released. So, sure, I want it fixed now, but the reality on a technical level is that fixing it now is a stupid idea. It is a bad business decision because you use twice (if not more) the man-hours to fix and then refix with v2. Plus you take programmers off other projects and those slow those down.

    The reason I continue to support Logos is because I am rational (though taking the time to write the following forum rant about my rational decision to support a company may prove otherwise) . The reality is that every single issue that every user encounters on the multitude of devices simply can not all be fixed immediately. Further, if Logos waited until every program for every platform was free of all issues, they would NEVER ship ANYTHING. I support Logos because they have a proven track record of listening to their customers and resolving issues. The people, in my estimation, who are not being rational are those who encounter a bug or issue and expect it to be fixed immediately. That is simply an unrealistic expectation. A reasonable expectation is that it will take some time to fix issues that come up.

    I have numerous product and companies that make products I use every day that fall into this category. Evernote has spacing and formatting issues in landscape mode on my iPad. Pages and Numbers don't sync via iCloud automagically on my Mac. My iPhone takes like an hour to update when I plug it into iTunes. I can't merge my apple id and my moblie me id. The water line in my refrigerator freezes some times. My Chevy requires me to turn the key twice for it to start. Bank of America online won't allow me to use bill-pay for individuals. My house thermostat can't be changed to trigger at the 1 degree increment. My printer doesn't work if I try to use it on any wireless network other than my own. I could go on and on... But, because I am rational, I don't expect that every problem that occurs should be fixed immediately, or maybe at all. Sure, I'll bring it up with the company if it really bothers me (I've taken my chevy in twice) but at the end of the day, I like these products and rationally chose to continue to support them because their sum total of usefulness in my life are not tied to the problems I encounter with them. My truck is amazing outside of the start issue. My iPhone is amazing. I'm sure Mac will eventually get iCloud figured out. And so on.

    So, sure, if Logos isn't working for you in the ways you need it to and this is the largest sum total of its usefulness, then, yeah, it is irrational to support them. Call CS and return the product. However, the reason so many of us continue to support Logos and take time to write long post on the company forum is because we want the product. I want Logos. I use Logos. I want it on my mac, iphone, ipad and eventually my kindle fire. When I get my Fire and Logos isn't on there, I'm not going to freak out and call it quits or unload on the dev team on the forum. And if it is on there and glitches occur, then I'll report the bug and trust they will get fixed. If it doesn't, I'm not going to return Logos all together. That isn't rational. I will continue to support the company.

    Alright, enough from me. I've spent an irrational amount of time on this post.


    Helping people find seminary scholarships and church jobs.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I get rather sick on my insides to see otherwise rational Christians act as if a company is a ministry and therefore has an excuse for doing poorly.

    True. I also get sick on my insides to see otherwise rational Christians excuse a ministry for doing poorly because its "just a ministry" and not a business, but thats a topic for another thread.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    I've just tried a search that returns a similarly sized result set in "the other Mac Bible program" (granted that I can't try morph searches as I installed the trial version) and the results appeared basically instantaneously and can be inspected without any lag in the UI.

    But that's not a Bible Word Study Guide, right? I'm pretty sure you'll find a search for "Lord" is nearly instantaneous in Logos, too. But our guides do things which to the best of my knowledge no other software does. Like grab every search result, get contextual or extra information, and then organize large cubes of data for multiple presentations.

    Yes, I know it's slower than it can be, and we're working on that, but I do want you to understand that it's a lot more than a search.

  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    I fully agree it's not a Bible Word Study Guide - in any way, shape or form. My comment was simply intended to highlight the blindingly fast results display and good interactiveness while navigating through and exploring the results.

    In my previous comments about Logos' features, rich powerful reports, etc I've tried (perhaps badly) to express the "delight" part of my relationship with Logos 4. It's precisely the power of Logos' guides (esp exegetical guide and word study guide) that make the current stability and performance issues so frustrating. When the results (which I cannot easily get using other software) are there, right before my eyes, and scrolling through them causes hangs and clicking on them causes crashes the frustration peaks. It's like creating delicious candies and putting them in front of a child, even offering them to the child, and then at the last moment having them disappear in a puff of smoke (or bits, in this case). Therein lies the frustration.

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Good Grief Charlie Brown-smile.

    Things get list in long threads.

    I'm not looking for every bell and whistle, I am just looking for Program to do as advertised.

    I just want it to load without crashing, operate without crashing.

    Here's a novel idea, would like to prepare a Sermon without having to restart logos several times.

    There is a difference between a car that it takes two try's to start and, one that will not get you to work.

    I have. Ever thought it unreasonable to expect something to perform as advertised.

    Its the nature of business transactions that there is an agreement to thee change of things based on certain values.

    As far as I know Logos does not advertise this as broken software that crashes a lot.

    I know they don't mean for it too, there is no malice intended by Logos and, none intended by me. 

    The fact remains it is highly unstable for even simple tasks.

    Thats what is not ok.

  • Josh
    Josh Member Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭

    I've just tried a search that returns a similarly sized result set in "the other Mac Bible program" (granted that I can't try morph searches as I installed the trial version) and the results appeared basically instantaneously and can be inspected without any lag in the UI.

    But that's not a Bible Word Study Guide, right? I'm pretty sure you'll find a search for "Lord" is nearly instantaneous in Logos, too. But our guides do things which to the best of my knowledge no other software does. Like grab every search result, get contextual or extra information, and then organize large cubes of data for multiple presentations.

    Yes, I know it's slower than it can be, and we're working on that, but I do want you to understand that it's a lot more than a search.


    If I did all this research without Logos help it would have taken me weeks (maybe months) - literally. In Logos it takes me 20-30 seconds to do a word study on "LORD". Now understand what I'm about to say does not excuse Logos in anyway. But even if Logos was to crash 15 times before I was able to get my results I still would have saved many weeks of time. [H] [ worked fine the first time I tried it.]

    This is why I bought Logos - to save time in my studies. If I went back to "regular" books I wouldn't be able to do a quarter of what I can do now. Has Logos lived up to this expectation? Absolutely. So while I think Logos still requires some "tweaks", I do not think it has been a waste of money.


  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    The fact remains it is highly unstable for even simple tasks.


    Let me suggest that while I am often one of the harsh critics of Logos (wow here I go again defending it) I have seldom had a crash while performing simple tasks. What do you define as simple. Let me give you a list of what I think are simple tasks with Logos.

    1. Looking up a bible verse

    2. Doing a simple search for a word

    3. Opening a book

    4. Looking through my library

    I haven't had a crash doing any of these simple task even running the first version of betas in over a year. Sure it occasionally dumps on me doing some more advanced things. But as for simple tasks I would be that if we took a poll here, very few of the users would say that the app has crashed doing any of the above in quite some time.

    Can you name me a simple task that it often crashes while doing?

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,588

    As far as I know Logos does not advertise this as broken software that crashes a lot.

    Most users do not share your experience. In the last few months, I have experienced very few crashes with the stable versions.

    The fact remains it is highly unstable for even simple tasks.

    Again, this is not the experience of the majority of users.

    Although I understand your frustration, you are overstating the case. You are making blanket statements that do not reflect the experience of most users.

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 1,284 ✭✭✭


    As far as I know Logos does not advertise this as broken software that crashes a lot.

    I know they don't mean for it too, there is no malice intended by Logos and, none intended by me. 

    The fact remains it is highly unstable for even simple tasks.

    Speak for yourself and yourself only. It is not a fact that it is unstable for even simple tasks. I have an occassional crash that I expect because I am a beta user. When I use stable I have no problems at all. I am still on an old computer with Windows XP. I still use Office 2003. Old school and no problems whatever. You are mistaken. I do not have any issues with the software.

  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    Let me give you a list of what I think are simple tasks with Logos.

    1. Looking up a bible verse

    2. Doing a simple search for a word

    3. Opening a book

    4. Looking through my library

    I can look up a Bible verse, search for a word using any one of a number of free Mac or online (web-based) Bible applications. I didn't buy Logos for this.

    I can open and read books (of which I have many hundred quality books in PDF format) and look through my Library (I use DEVONthink Pro).  I didn't buy Logos for this, either, at least not for the most part.

    I bought Logos (the Scholar's Library bundle) primarily for the ability to study and search original language texts, do complex word studies. While attempting these tasks I run into a crash or 3, and a force-quit or two each day.

    I bought Logos hoping to study the Bible, consolidate my Bible study notes and highlight the text as I read (I mark up my printed Bibles extensively). Yet the notes feature of Logos has been a massive disappointment (everything from really bad performance, inability to properly handle rich text in notes, formatting and hyperlinks in my notes getting messed up and/or lost when pasting additional content, notes being irrecoverably lost after an accidental click on the little delete X mark, etc).  The 15-second-to-highlight-a-single-word-while-maxing-out-CPU-at-100% bug has made highlighting and marking up my Bible impossible for almost a year.

    I use the Word Study guide extensively and have it crash fairly regularly -- probably once every 8 to 10 times I use it.

    Using any of the "advanced" tools results in Logos' memory usage climbing and climbing until eventually it either crashes or becomes slower and slower and eventually spinning pizzas announce it's time to force-quit.

    So, yes, I grant you that for "simple tasks" Logos works okay, though scrolling is slow at times.  But for the things I bought Logos for it is, after more than a year of hoping, borderline at best.  Yes, even with crashes and restarts I can accomplish tasks (mostly), but it is certainly not what was advertised or what I expect from an expensive, commercial Mac app.


  • Erik DiVietro
    Erik DiVietro Member Posts: 81 ✭✭

    I have been a very harsh critic of Logos 4 Mac over the past two years. I thought they managed the rollout poorly and communicated the state of their software incompletely. And if I'm honest, I was a bit put out that it took the development team ten months to get into a useable beta. 

    But some of these criticisms for minor bugs are absolutely ludicrous. Some of the commenters on this thread are making it sound like the software doesn't work at all. In point of fact, it works quite well 99% of the time and the issues people are having are minor ones. As Bob pointed out, developing a platform like Logos 4 over several OS structures is a HERCULEAN effort, but if they didn't try, then people would complain about how limited Logos is.

    Here's the truth. Logos 4 is, BY FAR, the most advanced, most comprehensive, most OS-inclusive Bible study platform ever thought of. Bible study software is a niche market. It is not like LBS is getting rounds of massive investments like Evernote or Facebook gets. 

    The critics are thinking of Logos 4 as an extension of Logos Digital Library, but in reality, it is an entirely different platform. I can understand being frustrated by the flaws in the software, but don't forget that Logos is doing something that has never been done before on a scale that has never been considered before.

    I still recommend Logos 4, even though I know it is quirky and buggy. I can't wait for it to be finished, but is a fully useable product now. I have no problems with it shutting down on me or jamming up. It runs perfectly on my MBP mid-2009, Dual Core with 8GB of RAM. I have no complaints. 

  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    I have no problems with it shutting down on me or jamming up. It runs perfectly on my MBP mid-2009, Dual Core with 8GB of RAM. I have no complaints. 

    I'm really pleased for you. Some people (I'm one of them), however, are running into issues with hangs (requiring force-quits) and memory leaks (requiring reboots) and crashes occurring frequently enough to have lead to this whole series of posts. I truly have better things to do with my time than invent stories about Logos not functioning, create videos demonstrating the 15-second-to-highlight bug, etc etc.

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Fot all whom it works well, I am so glad for you, it has not and is not for me.

    I have done all one is supposed to do, again: Read the wiki's, watched all the videos from Logos and the English gentleman, many several times, set things up as recommended , called Logos support, screen shared, all is up to date, Mac is fine, plenty of Processor and Ram.

    Turned off internet, all the speed and help tweaks.

    Simple task: Click on Logos and have it open= Failed task.

    Click on Logos and have it open+ opens in little windows, try to resize, crashes= failed task.

    Get Logos open: Try to use interlinear=freezes after a few moments, wait, then working again, they to close , button will not work= Failed Task.

    in this period, could have done much more work using books=failed simple tasks.


    Not saying Logos is junk, not saying they do not have good ideas.

    Am saying they did not advertise software with this many issues, bugs, faults etc.

    Advertised properly working platform.

    Have asked for help, nothing wrong with this, have asked for some things to be tended to in a timely way, nothing wrong with this.

    Regularly recurring crashes is not ok?

    Several years ago, there were a lot of rollover accidents that happened with one type of tire, from one manufacturer.

    One of the defenses given was that: this does not happen to everyone, lots of people have really good performance with these tires, this, it is not the fault of the tires or manufacturer. Only a very, very small percentage of people are having issues with the tires, much less accidents.

    In the end, they found there was indeed a problem with the manufacturing of the tires that caused them to fail at times when they should not.

    It was not the vehicle owners fault the tires did not perform as they should. People paid for proper tires, they did not pay with faulty money.

    The point is simply that there is something wrong, some peoples installs work decently well, some do not, some work well and the greatest and newest hardware, some do not.

    So, I did not come here to argue with everyone, do not pay to do so.

    I just wanted to help make the point, that is so often minimized here, that all of us pay for this product, thus we all have a right to a decently working product, All customers have a right to a decently working product that does what is advertised.





  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Fot all whom it works well, I am so glad for you, it has not and is not for me.

    I am truly sorry that it doesn't work well for you. I wish it did. I hope it will in the near future. And, I would hate for you to miss out on it.

    Although I was able to reproduce the crash doing the test, it is an extremely rare experience for Logos to do anything worse than take a while booting or indexing. I blame that on my older hardware. I do not do extensive language studies in Logos. The word study and language resources are more than adequate for me.

    I wish you well, however you choose to meet your study needs. I do believe Logos will keep getting better so don't completely write them off. And when you scratch your head in wonder while looking at all the happy Logos users, just be happy for us that our Logos is serving our needs well. I have enjoyed the dialogue. [:)]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Dear ST: I do indeed rejoice that this is working well for you and anyone it is working well for- hate I suffer the sin of envy in it though-smile.

    I enjoyed your interaction greatly. ( a Klein man myself, although I use EstWing Hammers, still have my Dads.)

    Did not mean to upset anyone here, not a territorial issue for me.

    Only desire is for product to "perform" better, nothing more.

    Blessings all.

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795

    I have been using Logos for about ten years ago. About the time I bought Logos for Windows, most of the world had written off Apple Macs as either something that was about to die or just be consigned to a few eccentric, but proud graphic designers. (some of them were very good friends)

    But oh how the world has changed. Apple made a resurgence, which ushered in not only a generation of people who want to use their computers more like maintenance free appliances, but also a range of portable devices and tablets. Windows also has made many changes since then. Additionally unthinkable amounts of consumer bandwidth at home and in portable connectivity now gives us the ability to work 'in the cloud' and leverage central processing power to augment your device's capabilities.

    Logos is on the cutting edge in all of this and even in the last few years we have seen them dramatically grow to address these changes. Any software company who now doesn't embrace a portable and mutli-platform strategy is in danger of being left out, certainly at least in terms of some consumer applications.  Three years ago we had a paltry Logos Mac software package which did not even begin to compare to version 3 at the time. Now Logos has taken the bold goal of maintaining feature parity with both the windows and mac platforms, though Mac OSX users are still a minority. (I am now a fellow Mac user) We had waited so long for Logos for Mac 1.1, I really had decided that it was really never going to happen, but it's here and it seems with every release it gets better.

    Not only this, they have also introduced software for iOS and Android. They have begun to leverage the cloud and I suspect they have a few other tricks up their sleeves in terms of leveraging processing power by blurring the lines between what your desktop does and their central servers. Just look at the dramatic increase of Logos services on the web. Anyone see a trend here? :)

    The trend actually scares me a little because there are a number of us working in majority world nations which still struggle with just sending emails or posting messages like this one... and I have voiced several times on this forum that I hope we don't forget missionaries, humanitarian aid workers, church planters, Bible translators, pastors and the like who work in these places where connectivity is so limited. Logos is priceless to us. We can't hold the rest of the world back, but we hope that there is a small space for us in the Logos business strategy at least for now.

    Anyhow, I think threads like this to highlight very specifically some of the limitations of Logos for Mac have got to be helpful for Bob and the development team. Particularly those of us who helped beta test the Logos for Mac software, it has been bumpy... but I think it is trending in the right direction and the more we document shortcomings in threads like this, the more battle hardened and mature the code will be.  In the meantime, Logos will continue to accumulate and gather expertise which will aid them in Logos 5. This sort of corporate memory and experience does not come overnight.  Let's just remember the 'blue screen' of death we used to endure with Windows 3.1.1, Windows 95, ME, etc. :)

    Let's also remember the software is free. One of the things we can continue to do to help Logos achieve these goals is to buy more resources. I'm really hoping one of these days they run a killer sale on Anchor Bible... <grin> until then, I'm buying up plenty of the other prepubs and community pricing resources. I get stuff for a fairly inexpensive price and hopefully this helps their revenue stream.  AND... at some point in the future again if time allows, I will probably jump again into the fray of beta testing. I know Logos is a for profit company, but they have made a way for us users to grow with them. I have tonnes of books that I would not have otherwise because I have steadily invested in resources as they have grown and I have got to feel like my help on beta testing has made a small, albeit at times probably insignificant contribution. At least it made me feel good at the time. :)

    Disclaimer: I have never met Bob nor have I been paid to say this. I'm also not a fanboy, though I am a loyal supporter while not overlooking and even at times being frustrated at the warts and wrinkles that we have gone through. I suggest it's all good and steady as she goes... it's going the right way... :)



  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,624 ✭✭✭

    Dear All: If I may be so bold: Logos Bible Software is not a ministry, it is not a Church, It is a Product, Produced by a Company.

    Logos is a thing, not a person, it's a business, not a Church, it's a Product, not a Ministry.



    Hey Chuck,

    I like their way of doing it better than your way of not doing, but rather criticizing, it.


    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    Nice post Donovan: Some good points.

    I felt that way about another Bible software company once, kept buying resources. To date, there has not been another update, repair etc in about 8 years-sigh. I wasted an awful lot of money and I am a Pastor on limited income.

    Again, was not trying to be a cause of trouble, understand the mac platform is not a priority here, was just trying to get some help,sadly that did not come.

    If one looks, there are several threads where people are frustrated, can't get Logos to work.

    Mine crashed on me in study this week at least a dozen times trying to prepare for a Class and Sermon.

    I think part of the frustration is that Mac users are just generally used to getting programs that work better, don't brave to be tweaked on other than "personal preferences" like font sizes, where to put things, things of that sort.

    This is the Only program that has ever been on my Macs that has performed at this level. Thus, after leaving the windows world long ago where you have so much software, written in so many ways and, coming to Mac where things really are "different" , this can be a bit of a culture shock ( if I may say it that way ).

    I am so happy for all who find this software for Mac working great, for some of us, it is not, and for us, this is frustrating and sad.


  • I think part of the frustration is that Mac users are just generally used to getting programs that work better, don't brave to be tweaked on other than "personal preferences" like font sizes, where to put things, things of that sort.

    This is the Only program that has ever been on my Macs that has performed at this level. Thus, after leaving the windows world long ago where you have so much software, written in so many ways and, coming to Mac where things really are "different" , this can be a bit of a culture shock ( if I may say it that way ).

    Concur Logos 4 Mac lacks elegant usability (another way to express culture shock).

    Logos 4 on Mac and PC has a learning curve plus opportunities for awful response.  For example, default Home Page "Go" for book of Genesis has couple performance disasters: Exegetical Guide Word by Word section plus Text Comparison.  Wonder about "more >>" buttons, possibly tempered by screen size for expansion(s), possibly limit "more >>" to twice screen height at a time (vis generating complete result set at once, with majority not visible for use).  Option: once can interact with Logos 4, background threads could generate next page or two so "more >>" click feels responsive.

    Cross platform usability has pro's and con's; Logos 4 Mac has inherited Windows penchant to reboot periodically (unfortunately reboot is only way to clear some memory leaks, odd behavior for Mac).  Thankful can sync cross platform plus easy to switch between Mac and PC since many items function identical; looking forward to feature parity completion on Mac.

    I am so happy for all who find this software for Mac working great, for some of us, it is not, and for us, this is frustrating and sad.

    Understand frustration; hoping and praying for improvements, including talented developers that want to relocate to Bellingham, WA =>

    Thankful Logos releases early and often; fixing crash issues does have high priority.  Looking at Mac Release Notes and History noted average bit better than one Logos 4 Mac release every week over past couple years (112 public releases starting 26 Oct 2009).

    Anyhow, I think threads like this to highlight very specifically some of the limitations of Logos for Mac have got to be helpful for Bob and the development team. Particularly those of us who helped beta test the Logos for Mac software, it has been bumpy... but I think it is trending in the right direction and the more we document shortcomings in threads like this, the more battle hardened and mature the code will be.  In the meantime, Logos will continue to accumulate and gather expertise which will aid them in Logos 5. This sort of corporate memory and experience does not come overnight.  Let's just remember the 'blue screen' of death we used to endure with Windows 3.1.1, Windows 95, ME, etc. :)

    Some bumps needed crash helmet (spent couple weekends repeating Logos 4 Mac Alpha pre-release crashes; trying to isolate stuff).  In hindsight, realized some Logos 4 Mac actions not work well so learned to avoid them.  Also learned some menu responses were sluggish so click once and wait (eventually rewarded with complete menu appearing, still happens in Logos 4 on Mac and PC).  In another way, do miss bi-weekly Logos 4 Mac alpha pre-release improvements, often visibly better than previous release (felt like opening gifts with every release).  Likewise have noticed some Logos 4 Mac alpha developers now responding to other forum threads (e.g. Proclaim, Web, ...).

    By the way, Windows 7 still has "blue screen of death" (experienced several dozen crashes this year until found laptop graphics card tweak to keep running slower and cooler).

    Encouraged by Logos trends, including Logos 4 Mac improvements plus cross platform capabilities.  Likewise encouraged by Logos 4 simultaneous releases on Mac and PC.  Looking forward to highlighting and notes smoothly syncing between Logos 4 and mobile devices.

    Other noteworthy trend is fewer Logos 4 Mac and Beta threads; puzzled by crashes that are posted (especially OS X Lion).  Logos forums have many more recent Logos 4 Windows and General discussions.  Likewise noted Logos User Voice voting =>  (Logos 4 Mac enhancements much more desired than feature parity)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    So, yes, I grant you that for "simple tasks" Logos works okay, though scrolling is slow at times.  But for the things I bought Logos for it is, after more than a year of hoping, borderline at best.  Yes, even with crashes and restarts I can accomplish tasks (mostly), but it is certainly not what was advertised or what I expect from an expensive, commercial Mac app.

    That may be, but I was merely pointing out that to say it doesn't work for even simple tasks is mostly an unfair complaint that the vast majority of users will not agree with.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Again, was not trying to be a cause of trouble, understand the mac platform is not a priority here, was just trying to get some help,sadly that did not come.

    As someone who replied saying it works, let me say I'm sorry. I thoroughly misjudged your intentions with your first post. Reading again just now it still reads more like a gripe post rather than a request for help. So again, I'm sorry for misunderstanding.

    I have a MacBook Pro that began to have all kinds of stability issues. I reformatted and reinstalled everything. And one of the programs that greatly benefited from this process was Logos 4. It seems a bit snappier and works better.

    I know that's a drastic approach to fixing a problem, but might be worth a try.

    A less drastic approach might be to delete Logos 4 and all traces and reinstall the latest stable release. It might take you a long time to do this, but you can read the Wikis to see how to restore without having to download everything anew.

    When you experience a crash next time, post your log files and some here or the Logos gurus might be able to find out what's going on and help. This will be more productive in finding a solution.

    Finally, if you are running the beta, then assume it will crash alot. That's what a beta is, unstable and not-ready-for-prime-time software by definition.

    I too have complaints about the usability of some features, but for the most part do not experience any crashes and fewer still since reformatting.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I enjoyed your interaction greatly. ( a Klein man myself, although I use EstWing Hammers, still have my Dads.)

    I am still using the Craftsman hammer because it still gets the job done. On my first day as an apprentice to a master carpenter, I showed up at the job site with a "tack hammer" (according to the boss.) He told me to buy a framing hammer and come back. I bought the 22 oz Craftsman hammer and went back to work for more ridicule. It turns out the boss owned a 28 oz steel shaft Estwing. He could drive a 16 penny nail with one or two strikes. The boss had compassion on this newbie kid with a fiberglass shaft hammer and allowed me to keep it. Anyone else who brought a fiberglass shaft to the job site watched as the boss sawed through it condemning the "toy" hammer.

    I am afraid some Bible software programs are like the tack hammer; they just don't get the job done. Other Bible software programs are like my Craftsman hammer; they will get the job done with more effort. Then there is Logos; it gets the job done like a steel shaft Estwing.  I will keep the $25 Craftsman hammer and spend the extra $40~50 on another Logos resource. [:D]

    image      At least my hammer was a star in a Pink Floyd movie. [:P]

    Only desire is for product to "perform" better, nothing more.

    [8] "It's getting better all the time" ~the Beatles [8]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Finally, if you are running the beta, then assume it will crash alot. That's what a beta is, unstable and not-ready-for-prime-time software by definition.

    It never ceases to amaze me when people complain about a beta crash! [:S]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    No Beta here, done all the rest ( as posted ) and, Tech support/screen share. Some of the problems are ones Tech support had never seen, thus reported to developers. In All Cases, Tech support admits these are Logos issues- Not issues with Mac or Osx. ( again, as posted).

    The threads have been and, always have someone showing some kind of issues. Some are common to most installs, repeatable. Some are different, some are streange, some are different variations on a theme.

    This is something every 'uncommon" in the mac eco system, not that it never happens, but simply uncommon.

    Logos tech support tells me these bugs, crashes, buttons not working, functions not working, slowness, crashing on start-up are on their end.

    It's just that simple

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I was not speaking about you Rusty. [:)] 

    Sometimes I read posts by users who are frustrated by a bug in beta. What they fail to understand (despite plenty of warnings) is that beta releases are designed to expose a build to a greater audience for the purpose of working out the bugs. Fixing one area may break another. This comes as a surprise to some users. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    This is something every 'uncommon" in the mac eco system, not that it never happens, but simply uncommon.

    Actually its not uncommon. It was just uncommon for you up to this point. Every piece of software on every platform has situations where due to unique interactions of hardware/software a small minority of people will deal with something "we've never seen before" on the part of the software maker. I've beta tested dozens of software and apps and while I've generally be unbitten by such things I've been bitten on a few occasions.

    Whether we like it or not, Logos is a beta software. Some use the officially named beta, while others use what is officially called a stable release. However, the SR is still in, using the boss's words "a perpetual state of beta". Sadly Father you are the victim of one of those unique situations. You are getting push back from other users because most of us are not experiencing what you are experiencing.

    Now you have a choice. Put up with till Logos fixes it or move on to something else. Fortunately for us there are other options. As a Bible tech and software reviewer I will be happy to offer a recommendation for an alternative option that I believe will better suit your needs since you are having so much trouble with Logos. Feel free to contact me off forum.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,175

    Now you have a choice. Put up with till Logos fixes it or move on to something else. Fortunately for us there are other options. As a Bible tech and software reviewer I will be happy to offer a recommendation for an alternative option that I believe will better suit your needs since you are having so much trouble with Logos. Feel free to contact me off forum.


    I fully concur with your description of the "unique interactions" situation that may come up for a few users but not for the majority of them. However, your solution seems to imply waiting for eternity or switching to another product. This doesn't follow from the situation. A logical step would be to change something in this platform situation (new install, different OS version, different machine...).

    If the root cause of the problem is however a shortcoming of the underlying structure (e.g. the Mono thingy) I think, the better option for anyone who invested time and money into Logos as a tool for work and finds that the individual Logos for Mac installation is not working as needed - for a longer period of time, besides the best efforts of the forum community as well as Logos tech support to help - would imho be to run Logos for Windows in an emulation on the Mac or on a second machine. This preserves the investment into the library as well as the learning.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Fr. Charles R. Matheny
    Fr. Charles R. Matheny Member Posts: 757 ✭✭

    ahh, I did not realize that Sr was a beta.

    I did not see that on the sales page.

    So i'm a tester?

    Did not know.

    Do they have one that is a finished product that is stable, ready to use?

    Just asking.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Rusty - When Kevin said that we were all beta testers, that was his use of sarcasm. "SR" stands for "service release" and is not a beta. 

    EDIT: I took the quotes out of "all beta testers" as that was Kevin's implication, not his actual words.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,588

    alabama24 said:

    Rusty - When Kevin said that we were "all beta testers," that was his use of sarcasm. "SR" stands for "service release" and is not a beta. 

    I don't think he intended sarcasm:

    Whether we like it or not, Logos is a beta software. Some use the officially named beta, while others use what is officially called a stable release. However, the SR is still in, using the boss's words "a perpetual state of beta".

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Jack - How is calling a "stable" release "beta" not sarcasm? 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,588

    alabama24 said:

    Jack - How is calling a "stable" release "beta" not sarcasm? 

    Perhaps, it is simply facing reality.

    My "Stable" L4 Mac has a Notes feature that is so irritatingly lacking in basic functionality as to be—for all practical purposes—unusable. The Sentence Diagram feature cannot insert a few verses; the system insists that I must really desire to insert an entire chapter. If I want to use Notes or create a simple sentence diagram, I must move to L4 Win.

    These—and many other inadequacies—have been with us for weeks (months?) with no relief in sight. Logos keeps adding new features without addressing the failings of previous features. It is bad enough that Intuit has forced me to Windows by releasing a crippled Mac version without Logos adding injury to insult.

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    For example, default Home Page "Go" for book of Genesis has couple performance disasters:

    You're running the "Go" button on "Genesis"? With no chapter or verse? If so, that's not a performance disaster, it's a bug in input validation, which should not accept a whole book (okay, maybe Obadiah...) for this feature written for a single pericope. :-)

  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    One of the great things about Logos is that there is nothing wrong at all with the product. The real problems are the unsuspecting, uneducated users who simply try to use the Logos - either by foolishly typing things into the "Go" box and hitting enter, or by running a Word Study on 'LORD' and trying to browse the results. It's unfortunate that such uninformed, trusting souls tarnish the overall "it works for me" experience by running into crashes and throwing up their hands in frustration. It's all their fault. I mean, if they'd just thought before expanding those search results, "Ah... Perhaps I should restrain myself and not expand and explore that section of the word study results... better safe than sorry",  then perhaps such protracted forum posts as this might have been avoided.

    It's always those pesky souls that assume that a product actually works as advertised that ruin the happy atmosphere and party feeling. They'll get what they deserve, though. Their continuing to hold on to hope that the ability to highlight words in their Bibles will be provided after 10+ months of asking is a plain demonstration of their folly and will be their ultimate downfall. Their trusting naivete and hope will heap scorn and derision on their heads.

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    For example, default Home Page "Go" for book of Genesis has couple performance disasters:

    You're running the "Go" button on "Genesis"? With no chapter or verse? If so, that's not a performance disaster, it's a bug in input validation, which should not accept a whole book (okay, maybe Obadiah...) for this feature written for a single pericope. :-)

    Well input validation really should be fairly simple to sort out - look forward to seeing a service release this week that will significantly reduce the number of complaints about poor performance.

    While they are at it the Devs might like to look at some of the other 'silly' input values that are allowed. Huge Text Comparisons spring to mind.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,588

    The real problems are the unsuspecting, uneducated users who simply try to use the Logos - either by foolishly typing things into the "Go" box and hitting enter,

    You should read more carefully before venting. That is not what Bob said. He admitted that this is a bug in input validation—That makes it a software problem, not an operator problem.

  • Stuart Robertson
    Stuart Robertson Member Posts: 525 ✭✭

    I'm not against better input validation. But once we start down this road where do we end? Do we disable word studies that return too many results? Do we prevent comparisons of larger passages? Do we disable or limit each feature that is currently too slow? Might improving performance not be a better, longer-term, solution?

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,195 ✭✭✭✭

    Yep Stuart ... I'm one of the 'Lord' people. Especially when I'm checking out various patterns in the writership.

    And yes, I am careful, knowing what Logos is truly capable of.

    That's why I typically switch to calmer waters (other of my Bible software packages) where I want to check a pattern that Logos is likely to go nutty on.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.