Adventist Books for Logos

Lynden O. Williams
Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Here is a list of what I would like to see, and what should not be difficult to implement. What are your thoughts?

Ministry Magazine

Andrews University Seminary Studies

Adventist Church Manual  I am partial to the one from our Division Smile 

Inspirational Sayings and Stories from A to Z

Bible Amplifier

Bible Readings for the Home

The books listed here from the Biblical Research Institure

Mission: To serve God as He desires.



  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    I would love to see AUSS, Bible Amplifier, and the DARCOM books.

  • David Salazar
    David Salazar Member Posts: 205 ✭✭

    My first list didn't go through due to all the links, though I did it again and expanded it a little... But here go the titles

    Like the two previous responses

    BRI resources (especially DARCOM and the 2 Vol set of Understanding and Interpreting Scripture)
    Abundant Life Bible Amplifier Commentary Series

    God Cares (Maxwell. Vol 1 & 2)

    Secrets of Daniel; " " Revelation (J. Doukhan)

    Daniel (Shea)

    Daniel: Wisdom for the Wise (Stefanovic)

    Prophetic Principles (Ed. de Preez)

    Understanding the Mysteries of Daniel and Revelation (Nelson)
    Revelation Explained (Wade)

    How to Understand the End-Time Prophecies of the Bible (LaRondelle)

    Coming of the Comforter (Froom)

    Touch with our Feelings (Zurcher)

    Sanctuary Service (Andreasen)

    Flame of Yahweh (R. Davidson)

    Clear Word (Blanco)

    Russell Burrill books

    Clifford Goldstein (1844; graffetti)

    Jon Paulien (Prophecy books)

    SS Quarterly Lessons Companion Books

    SS Quarterly Lessons

    Seventh-day Adventists Believe

    Minister's Handbook
    Elder's Handbook
    Church Manual

    Possibly for Vyrso:
    Adventist Heritage Series (Knight, 3 or 4 books)
    Ellen White Series (Knight; Meeting, Reading, Walking with EGW)

  • David Salazar
    David Salazar Member Posts: 205 ✭✭

    Some Extras:

    Jewelry in the Bible (A. Rodriguez) -

    New EGW Compilations as they are published (i.e. - Christ in His Sanctuary)

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • David Salazar
    David Salazar Member Posts: 205 ✭✭
  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Any chance that it can be sold separately?

    Good idea David.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Thinking
    Thinking Member Posts: 368 ✭✭

    Adventist Church Manual  I am partial to the one from our Division

    I did not know the manual varied from division to division. Wouldn't it be helpful to have all of them for comparison purposes including all the versions from rhe original I believe in 1932?

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Wouldn't it be helpful to have all of them for comparison purposes including all the versions from the original I believe in 1932?

    If you can find a market for it. It will involve scanning the old manuals, and tagging them with Ellen White's quotes. Do we have enough people interested to make it profitable.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Thinking
    Thinking Member Posts: 368 ✭✭

    It will involve scanning the old manuals

    Why? They are available for public download in pdf format at the archives:

    There are actually 17 of them. They would need automated tagging, but that is it. Then comparisons would be easy.

    I did not see manuals that were different by division. I would be surprised if they were, since the manual is voted at the General Conference in full session and is not a division or union action.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Thanks for the link Phil. Taken from p.19 of the current manual. (online)

    In 1948, recognizing that local conditions sometimes call for special actions,
    the General Conference Committee voted that “each division, including
    the North American Division of the world field, prepare a ‘Supplement’
    to the new Church Manual not in any way modifying it but containing such
    additional matter as is applicable to the conditions and circumstances prevailing
    in the division; the manuscripts for these Supplements to be submitted
    to the General Conference Committee for endorsement before being
    printed.”—Autumn Council Actions, 1948, p. xxi from IADPA.

    In the one printed by Inter-american Division, it gives additional material in its supplement from pp. 225 and onward, that relate to 

    Legal Organizations

    Title Deeds for Church Properties
    Legal Documents
    Repairs and conservatioin of buildings
    Suggestions Relative to Wills
    Wills, Legacies andTestiments
    Laws Must be strictly Followed
    Who Can Make a Wills
    To Make a Change in a Will
    Suggesteds Sample of a Will
    In Favore of Whom Should Wills be Made
    Preparation of Communion Bread
    Ordination of Women as Church Elders
    Criteria for the Ordination of elders and deacons who have been disfellowshiped but have returned to the Church
    Use of Jewelry

    Our Fundamental Beliefs is in Chapter 3, whereas the one online is in Chapter 14. See if the online version is the one that lines up with the NAD version. Helps me to see how much diversity there is in Adventism.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Edwin Sully PAYET
    Edwin Sully PAYET Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    are you talking about the church manual or Church policy handbook?

  • Edwin Sully PAYET
    Edwin Sully PAYET Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    if you are really talking about the church manual, that means your division took the liberty to add extra materials in it !!!!!

  • JohnB
    JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭

    Ordination of Women as Church Elders
    Criteria for the Ordination of elders and deacons who have been disfellowshiped but have returned to the Church
    Use of Jewelry

    I had forgotten the instructions about a supplement! It is too much to expect all the supplements on Logos but I would really love to see them all.

    I happy with diversity where local conditions differ (WO for example).

  • JohnB
    JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭

    if you are really talking about the church manual, that means your division took the liberty to add extra materials in it !!!!!

    Edwin , Lyndon is talking about the church manual and as he explained, his Division is not taking liberties as they are permitted to do precisely that. If you check the NAD manual you will see a Notes section at the back which is the NAD addition for local circumstances. It is explained on page 18 of the manual in a similar way to those of Lydon. .To be honest I was aware of this but had completely forgotten about it  8-(  .
    The variation between Divisions extends to various matters such as (I believe) allowing each Division to decide whether or not to officially allow women to be ordained as local Church Elders in their territory.

  • Edwin Sully PAYET
    Edwin Sully PAYET Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    here is a list of books published already by logos;

    0083.Here is a list of adventist books already published in Logos.docx

    does somebody know if there are some other adventist books on logos?

    Edwin Payet

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Here is a collection put together by the forum community. I have them in a collection in Logos, that way when I buy, they are automatically placed in the right collection. Updated to include Larry Richard

    Author:(“Anderson, Bruce”, “Andrews University”, “Brand, Leonard”, “Davidson, Richard M.”, "Gane, Roy E.", “Dederen, Raoul”, “Doukhan, Jacques B.”, “Fayard, Carlos”, “Gane, Roy”, “Gugliotto, Lee J.”, “Gulley, Norman R.”, “Harding IV, George T.”, “Hasel, Gerhard”, “Hernandez, Barbara Couden”, “Horn, Siegfried H.”, “Knight, George R.”, “LaRondelle, Hans K.”, “Miller, Nicholas M.”, “Neufeld, Don F.”, “Nichol, Francis D.”, “Rasell, Marc”, “Rice, Richard”, “Richards, W. Larry”, “Smith, Uriah”, “Stefanovic, Ranko”, “Swanson, H. Peter”, “White, Ellen G.”) OR Publisher:(“Andrews University Press”, “Review and Herald”, “Seventh-day Adventist”) OR Subject:(“ellen white writings”) OR MyTag:(“sdaencyc”, “sdaatlas”)

    I had to name the Sda Encyclopedia and atlas as they were improperly tagged, thus the reason for my tag. 

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    Greetings everybody! I appreciate all these suggestions and I am hard at work seeking to bring them into the Logos system. There are complexities involved that I am trying to navigate, but licensing agreements are in discussion. Furthermore, I'm working on a proposal for four SDA base packages, greatly assisted by all your suggestions and recommendations. The goal is to have packages ready to market yet this year. Pray for us here to represent you well, and I appreciate so much your partnership!

    Martin Weber, SDA product manager at Logos

  • Reimar Vetne
    Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Martin, in case it is useful for you when putting together SDA packages, when I taught my theology students Logos in the Spring, I recommended the following resources for them. This was before the many AU Press pre-pubs came, so now I would have included many of them.

    The prices include the academic discount that students get.

    * Base package: as high as you can afford, at least with basic Hebrew and Greek tools

    * Adventist resources - must have:
    Andrews study bible ($35)
    Ellen White with SDA bible commentary and SDA handbook of theology ($83)

    * Adventist resources - when you can afford it:
    Norman Gulley, Systematic Theology 3 vols ($75 on pre-pub)
    Uriah Smith, Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation ($8, a lot has changed in our interpretation since this pioneer, but at this price the classic is worth getting)

    * Commentaries - must have (exceptional value for money, conservative and often close to SDA interpretations):
    Tyndale commentaries ($180)
    Expositor's Bible Commentary ($130; $460 for the revised edition if you can afford it)

    * Commentaries - over the years when you can afford it:
    Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series ($99)
    Baker exegetical commentary ($700, preferably buy these sets on sale!)
    Word biblical commentary ($600, includes the whole Bible)
    New international commentary ($1290, probably the single best series, but expensive)
    New international greek testament commentary ($400)
    N. T. Wright Collection ($330, the New Testament books, best popular-level series with built in sermon-illustrations)
    JPS Tanakh Commentary ($290 Jewish series, on select OT books)
    NIV Application Commentary ($784, can be bought in smaller portions)
    Hermeneia and Continental Commentaries ($1200, best critical series; or the Anchor Bible series)

    * Bible dictionaries

    Buy either the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary ($160 in 6 volumes) OR the InterVarsity Bible Dictionaries ($103 IVP Reference Collection, $70 Pentateuch and historical books, $70 prophets and poetic books = total $250)
    The Anchor is historical-critical while the InterVarsity is more conservative, however for a Bible dictionary that does not matter too much. Anchor makes up for it in comprehensiveness.

    * Greek/Hebrew lexicons
    Buy as big base package as you can afford. The BDAG/HALOT Bundle ($250) is part of 'Portfolio' package which few pastors can afford, so you might consider buying the BDAG/HALOT bundle by itself later when you can afford it.
    Liddell and Scott Greek ($120) and Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint ($38) are part of the 'Biblical Languages' base package and above, so you might already have that.

    * Introductions - when you can afford it:

    If you have a good commentary set you will have good introductions to each book of the Bible. But when you can afford it, these are great resources:
    Zondervan Old and New Testament Introductions ($270), or just the following two books: Introduction to the Old Testament by Tremper Longman ($35) and Introduction to the New Testament by Moo and Carson ($32)

    Zondervan Biblical Theology Collection ($120)


    Martin, let me also add that if you are able to negotiate individual books into different SDA packages, I consider the following books written by Adventists as useful for most of our pastors:

    Laurence Turner (OT professor at Newbold College, England), Announcements of Plot in Genesis, Sheffield Academic Press (now T&T Clark). It is his doctoral dissertation written at Sheffield University, and it completely changed the way I read the Abraham story in Genesis.

    Roy Gane (OT professor at Andrews), The NIV Application Commentary on Leviticus and Numbers, Zondervan. Gane is considered a leading authority on Leviticus also outside our denomination, and this commentary is very useful for all sanctuary-interested readers.

    Roy Gane, Cult and Character, Eisenbrauns. His revised dissertation on the sanctuary written under Milgrom (a Jewish scholar who was considered THE leading expert on the Israelite sanctuary and the book of Leviticus when he died in 2010). A bit technical for the average pastor but should be included in an "SDA top-package". Gane's self-published Altar Call deserves to be in Logos (just contact him!) and is a must-read for all SDA pastors and lay members interested in the sanctuary.

    Gerhard Hasel (late professor at Andrews), New Testament Theology and Old Testament Theology, Eerdmans. Both books are a bit dated by now (esp. the one on NT), but no better books on the methodology and history of biblical theology have been written by an Adventist since then. They are SDA 'classics' that many want to have.

    Larry Richards (emeritus professor at Andrews), Read Greek in 30 days or less, self-published. Best introduction (and refresher) textbook on biblical Greek.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Roy Gane (OT professor at Andrews), The NIV Application Commentary on Leviticus and Numbers, Zondervan. Gane is considered a leading authority on Leviticus also outside our denomination, and this commentary is very useful for all sanctuary-interested readers.

    Thanks Reimar, put it on my wish list.

    Roy Gane, Cult and Character, Eisenbrauns. His revised dissertation on the sanctuary written under Milgrom (a Jewish scholar who was considered THE leading expert on the Israelite sanctuary and the book of Leviticus when he died in 2010)

    Ordered it. It ships on Thursday. 

    A bit technical for the average pastor

    I say bring it on. Don't know hebrew, but I have Logos and the interlinear. Don't tell George.

    Laurence Turner (OT professor at Newbold College, England), Announcements of Plot in Genesis, Sheffield Academic Press (now T&T Clark). It is his doctoral dissertation written at Sheffield University, and it completely changed the way I read the Abraham story in Genesis.

    Placed it on my wish list also. Never knew we had that many Adventist authors in Logos. Thanks for the enlightenment. Now I see. [8-|]

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Reimar Vetne
    Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Lynden, Roy Gane is arguably the Adventist biblical scholar most respected outside our circles. At scholarly meetings on the Pentateuch one repeatedly hears "Milgrom and Gane" cited as the leading authorities on the sanctuary.

    Many of our pastors don't know the story behind Gane's scholarship. Gane himself or his OT students should probably write the following instead of me (my specialty is the New Testament), but let me give the short version. When Gane did his doctoral work at Berkely in California under Milgrom, Gane was initially led to an understanding about the Day of Atonement that is quite different from SDA orthodoxy. Milgrom's view was that every day when an israelite sinned, the sanctuary became defiled (that very moment when the sin took place). Then when sacrifices were offered in the sanctuary, the sin was atonened for and the sanctuary was cleansed. What then was the purpose of the Day of Atonement, if the sanctuary was cleansed with each daily sacrifice? The SDA position, in contrast to Milgrom, was that the sanctuary was not defiled when an isrealite sinned but rather was transferred to the sanctuary when a sacrifice was offered. Sins then gathered up in the sanctuary during the year, and it was only on the annual Day of Atonement that all the sins from the year was cleansed from the sanctuary.

    Being a self-described "hard-core exegete", Gane went where his research led him - which was toward's his advisor's interpretation. After a while however he saw the weakness of this aspect of Milgrom's understanding and became convinced that the traditional Adventist view of the function of the Day of Atonement was basically sound. In many areas Gane agrees with Milgrom, but Gane ended up with a different view about this aspect of the sanctuary service. The book Cult and Character deals with these issues, and is the first and only major evaluation of Milgrom's work on the sanctuary.

    Since we are talking about SDA works in Logos: Another Adventist book on the sanctuary, Exploring the Heavenly Sanctuary by Marc Rasell, seems unfortunately to be unaware of the writings of Roy Gane. I did my undergraduate in theology at Newbold College at the same time as Marc Rasell in the early 90s, and this book is a nice popular-level little book about the sanctuary. Maybe in the future Rasell could update the book and the references in it to include the seminal work done by Roy Gane.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Thanks Reimar. logos4:Search;kind=Basic;q=roy_gane;match=stem Yield a few hits. He is sited at least three times in LBD and once in Preaching the Word by Kenneth Matthews.

    Those with a different set of books than I will probably get more hits.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Reimar Vetne
    Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Thanks Reimar. logos4:Search;kind=Basic;q=roy_gane;match=stem Yield a few hits. He is sited at least three times in LBD and once in Preaching the Word by Kenneth Matthews.

    Those with a different set of books than I will probably get more hits.

    Good idea, Lynden. This was a fun exercise! I have a lot of academic journals in Logos, giving me these results for a broad search in all my Logos resources:

    Roy Gane 236 results in 61 articles in 28 resources.

    Jacques Doukhan 76 results in 58 articles in 31 resources.

    Richard Davidson 16 results in 15 articles in 14 resources (I did not count the many R. Davidson results, since some of these refer to someone else)

    Øystein Labianca (archaeologist at Andrews) 118 results in 78 articles in 32 resources

    For our NT teachers:

    Jon Paulien 223 results in 143 articles in 46 resources

    Tom (Thomas) Shepherd 47 results in 38 articles in 30 resources (a few of these however refer to the 17th century Puritan with the same name)

    But the top of the list belongs to:

    Gerhard Hasel 1818 results in 406 articles in 221 resources. That is some legacy!

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Reimar, are you sure that you are not getting false positives? Sometimes Logos will report a document which displays the first name and not the last, or vice versa. Even a statement where the word gane is found, will be reported. I have found it better to use author instead, but I get no hits on his name.

    Some of the hits have him writing long before he was born.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Reimar Vetne
    Reimar Vetne Member Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Roy Gane 236 results in 61 articles in 28 resources.

    Well, it is possible there are some false positives in there. But I checked quite a few of the 236 results in 28 resources, and I only found references to the true Roy Gane. Mostly about his NIV Application commentary on Leviticus and Numbers, his Cult and Character, some AUSS articles, SBL papers, etc.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    Phil is correct--the church manuals are available online; most of them are in the public domain. I requested them this week. Then starts the process of tagging after sufficient funds are raised in PrePub. It's a process that takes some time due to the immense number of documents that Logos is incorporating into its system.

  • Martin Weber
    Martin Weber Member, Logos Employee Posts: 545

    I appreciate your list, Reimer, and will go after all of it!