Suggestion: Better resolution and control over screen

May I suggest that the next iteration of Logos have better way to control screen format.
I would like white lettering on black background so its easier on my eyes....and am stunned that I cannot find it easily. Shocked actually...this is basic functionality and yet again proof that Logos has yet to consider ground up basic user functionality - a sort of revisit the basics that would be so revitalizing to us using this software.
Never mind all the extras in Logos Now I will almost never use or care about....put your mindset on basic user functionality and watch this software soar (my hope, expectation, and prayer) [:)]
This is possible in Windows as part of the options of the magnifier tool
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Looks good. How did you do it please? I still cannot find where to change this setting....should be more basic, easy, and obvious in my opinion.
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I linked you to the instructions in your other related post.
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Thanks...this little applet does help but does some truly odd color inversions in other windows and parts of my computer too.
Still I thank you for it does do and for what I hope Logos 7.x might natively do in the future...for just my Logos reading screens please developers.
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JoshInRI said:
I would like white lettering on black background so its easier on my eyes....and am stunned that I cannot find it easily.
Related Threads => USERVOICE review: Complete Access for blind users of Screen-reading Software. , => USERVOICE review: black background , and => USERVOICE review: Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability
User Voice Votes (every user has 10 votes with limit of three votes for one suggestion)
201 Votes => Complete Access for blind users of Screen-reading Software
38 Votes => black background
30 Votes => Night Mode for PC/Mac
20 Votes => Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability
8 Votes => Place More Emphasis on Updates Which Reduce Eye Strain and Increase Eye Comfort
7 Votes => Night Theme Absolutely Indispensable
3 Votes => I have bad vision. Would really help to be able to make the backgroundblack and text white on the computer as is available on portable. (Declined, please add votes to Night Mode for PC/Mac)
1 Vote => Prioritize disability features.
Faithlife comment on User Voice suggestions black background and Night Mode for PC/Mac
See for ways to invert the colors on your PC/Mac, including Logos 6.
Logos wiki has => Night Mode that includes Negative Screen link that is easier to use than Window's Magnifier plus has smart color inversion so Black and White are inverted while other colors are not. Added F.lux is available for Windows, OS X, iOS, Linux, and Android. Reviews: PC World and Sleep Junkies; F.lux has a Darkroom color effect with black background and red foreground.
FYI: F.lux changes color balance on a daily cycle.
Negative Screen example of Smart Color Inversion Alt 1
+alt+F3 (with High color saturation) on Windows 7
Normal Color for comparison:
Negative Screen example using Negative Candle configuration:
Keep Smiling
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Wow I feel empowered to vote and I did now too.
thanks guys.[:)]