LogosNext V6 Feedback (Closed Beta)

Daniel Di Bartolo
Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

Provide feedback and bug reports on LogosNext V6 here. You need to be invited to join the LogosNext Beta. We'll be releasing a public Beta soon. 



  • Steven Branson
    Steven Branson Member Posts: 41

    My initial reaction is I am very excited about this Logos upgrade, using it already and it makes my work 10 times easier, switching back and forth with a slide of the finger to all my resources. Keep up the good work, I mainly work on IPad 12.9 and this test app is a great improvement for my studies.

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭
    The work on the UI is brilliant - it's clean, attractive and the animations for the menus coming in look smooth and smart, while remaining fast enough that they don't get in the way.

    The tab system is obviously the most exciting development, and it's incredible. You can quickly compare multiple resources, preserve your location while following links etc - it's a great feature. I will say that if you're viewing a resource with the swiping mode rather than scrolling mode, it's a tad counterintuitive that you need to use two fingers to swipe (one finger changes tabs) - I think that would make more sense if you swapped the one-finger/two finger interactions.

    I don't find myself using the atlas often in the existing app, but when the vector maps roll out, I expect to view them more often, and when that happens, I'll definitely want the option of viewing them full-screen (especially when using a phone-screen) so I hope that gets added as an option for a new tab rather than just a pop-over.

    I do find myself missing the "swipe up" interaction on a verse, but if that gets lost in a new approach to interaction, I can understand that, and it's not hard to get the same thing through the menu system - it's also slightly less important given that I won't need to repeat the interaction as often (given the multiple tab situation).

    Other than that, any feedback for now would be aimed at desired features (better offline support for interlinear resources, better display for search results, open any image full-screen etc), but that's presumably not the kind of feedback you're after in this thread.

    My main thoughts are that this is a really positive development. Exciting, well thought through and well-implemented. Love it!
  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    Sorry for the lack of spacing between paragraphs in my last comment! It looked fine when I was composing it on my phone!

  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    I will say that if you're viewing a resource with the swiping mode rather than scrolling mode, it's a tad counterintuitive that you need to use two fingers to swipe (one finger changes tabs) - I think that would make more sense if you swapped the one-finger/two finger interactions.

    Your right about this. When the app ships, here's how it will work: If you're set to paging: 1 finger swipe to change page, two finger swipe to change resource. If you're set to scrolling: 1 finger swipe changes resource. Two finger swipe changes resource. The majority of people use scrolling mode.

    I don't find myself using the atlas often in the existing app, but when the vector maps roll out, I expect to view them more often, and when that happens, I'll definitely want the option of viewing them full-screen (especially when using a phone-screen) so I hope that gets added as an option for a new tab rather than just a pop-over.

    This is the direction we're going: most tools, resources, and documents should open in a new tab. 

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    Your right about this. When the app ships, here's how it will work: If you're set to paging: 1 finger swipe to change page, two finger swipe to change resource. If you're set to scrolling: 1 finger swipe changes resource. Two finger swipe changes resource. The majority of people use scrolling mode.

    That sounds perfect, yeah.

    One issue I keep having - when using the text comparison tool, it will generally load up to requested verse, but after a second or two (without any interaction from me) it will jump back several verses.

    So just now, I typed in the reference for Genesis 32:20, and it displays those verses for under two seconds before it scrolls up to Genesis 32:7.

    This happens consistently, regardless of which collection I compare, or whether I type the passage manually or open the guide to a reference from the bible verse context menu.

  • Gavin Murphy
    Gavin Murphy Member Posts: 109
  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Sorry for my ignorance! What is LogosNext?

    I believe the beta for the next major release of Logos Mobile. LogosNext v6. Possibly, only available on TestFlight(?); at least I don't see it on the Android Beta channel. I would have liked to join in the testing on my iPad, if it were open.

  • Phil Miller
    Phil Miller Member Posts: 40 ✭✭✭

    Glad to see the nice work that has been done on this new version.  Here are some initial thoughts:

    • While the library icon (on the bottom) is great for quickly opening a resource in a new tab, it would still be nice to tap on the book name at the top of the window to change the resource of the current tab (already at the desired reference)
    • Could you clarify the functionality of the Logos icon button at the bottom center of the window.  I initially though it was a quick link to the first tab in the list, but that doesn't seem to hold true in all cases.
    • In the tab view, it would be nice to have a button to close all tabs without having to swipe-close each one.
    • also in the tab view, if would be nice to have a second view option that just lists the resource and reference of the tab, allowing for quicker jumping between multiple tabs by listing many open tabs on the screen at once.
    • Very much like the new popout main menu on the right side, as well as the drop down resource menu.
    • It would also be nice on the Book-Chapter-Verse selection screen to have a button labeled "open in new tab" that could be pressed before selecting the verse.  This would be nice in a situation whenever you are asked to turn to a different passage, but you would like to preserve your current tab (location).

    Really excited to see this initial work so far.  nice job team.

  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    While the library icon (on the bottom) is great for quickly opening a resource in a new tab, it would still be nice to tap on the book name at the top of the window to change the resource of the current tab (already at the desired reference)

    This is something we hear a lot, and a fix is coming. 

    Could you clarify the functionality of the Logos icon button at the bottom center of the window.  I initially though it was a quick link to the first tab in the list, but that doesn't seem to hold true in all cases.

    It's "the Bible" button. A common complaint we here about the current app is that it's difficult to make your way back to the Bible. That button with 1.) Open your preferred Bible in a new tab (if it isn't open) OR 2.) Open the last used instance of your preferred Bible. 

    It would also be nice on the Book-Chapter-Verse selection screen to have a button labeled "open in new tab" that could be pressed before selecting the verse.  This would be nice in a situation whenever you are asked to turn to a different passage, but you would like to preserve your current tab (location).

    We're exploring a solution where we give you an option to open in a new tab or your existing tab. 

  • Andrew116
    Andrew116 Member Posts: 155

    I'm loving it so far!

    Great things:

    • Tabbed browsing is great! Genius. I can see myself using this a lot. I will probably have a Greek+English 2 panel tab, Hebrew+English 2 panel tab, and then whatever books etc I'm reading.
    • I love how easy it is to switch tabs. 
    • I love the ability to sync tabs. 


    • I agree that 1 finger swipe to change tabs and 2 fingers to change page is counter intuitive. Not a deal breaker but took me a while to figure out - originally I thought it was a bug. 
    • I would like the ability to have some tabs use 'scrolling view' and some tabs use 'page turning'. It seems at the moment that changing the view settings on 1 tab affects them all. I can see the advantage of that, and think that should be default. Otherwise it will be chaos. But what about an option in that "View Settings" pane that says 'Settings affect this tab only'?    Here's my use case: I use page turning when I read books. But when I am looking at original languages with English in the 2nd pane, I prefer scrolling. It is annoying to have to keep changing the view options. 
    • Still really keen for offline word lookup for original languages (Daniel we've chatted about this in the past so I don't think I need to explain what I mean here?)


    • When changing view options, turning on scrolling causes the open tab to freeze.
    • Turning off scrolling when holding iPad horizontally makes the margins really narrow (turning iPad vertical then back to horizontal fixes).

    Love your work guys. Feels like a great direction to be heading!

  • Andrew116
    Andrew116 Member Posts: 155

    Your right about this. When the app ships, here's how it will work: If you're set to paging: 1 finger swipe to change page, two finger swipe to change resource. If you're set to scrolling: 1 finger swipe changes resource. Two finger swipe changes resource. The majority of people use scrolling mode.

    Hmmm... would it be better to keep behaviour consistent... 2 finger swipe always changes resources? 

    I will switch between scrolling and page turning, and suspect I will find myself making the wrong gesture frequently. 

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Andrew116 said:

    Hmmm... would it be better to keep behaviour consistent... 2 finger swipe always changes resources? 


  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    When would V6 come out?

    We don't normally comment about release dates, but I can tell you that we'll release it "when it's ready". :) We WILL be releasing V6 to a public beta fairly soon-- I'll send you an invite when we do. 

  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941

    Have not used this, but it sounds great so far. Any chance that among these changes is the ability on Android to select which lines get displayed/hidden for interlinear resources? Can't wait to try this out! 

  • John Murphy
    John Murphy Member Posts: 38

    I’d love to get in on the beta as well! Excited!

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,799

    Andrew116 said:

    Hmmm... would it be better to keep behaviour consistent... 2 finger swipe always changes resources? 


    That's the plan. Two-finger swipe always changes tabs. But in scrolling mode, one-finger swipe is unused. To make it even more convenient for scrollers, one-finger swipe will also change tabs in scrolling mode. If you bounce back and forth between scrolling and paging, using two-finger swipe will be your best bet. But if you use scrolling consistently, you'll probably like the convenience of one-finger swipe to change tabs.

  • Andrew116
    Andrew116 Member Posts: 155

    Hmm... sometimes to check what mode I'm in, I try swiping with one finger. I think this will be disorientating. I think consistency = user friendly ... But... up to you guys!

    More than that I care about Quick and offline lookup of Greek and Hebrew words. That is the real deal breaker / point of differentiation between logos and Accompetitor. With one long press in the Accompetitor app, I have the word parsed, glossed, and the lexicon entry opened. Instantly and offline. That's something Logos really could use!!

  • Fr Devin Roza
    Fr Devin Roza MVP Posts: 2,417

    Congrats on these new features! Definitely a major improvement. Some suggestions...

    1. On the view where you can see all your open tabs, I would like to be able to drag a tab that has a single resource in it on top of another tab with a single resource, and get the option to transform them into a single tab with two resources. You could allow the user to determine which resource will end up on which side simply by whether they drag it to the left or right hand side of the tab.

    2. On the view where you can see all your open tabs, I suggest that closing a resource of a dual-resource tab leave that half of the tab empty, but still in dual-resource mode, with a link to open a book on that half (as it currently does on the right-hand-side after selecting the two vertical bars). So, if you close the left-hand resource, that half is empty. If you close the right-hand resource, that half is empty. Then, you could simply make the two vertical lines button appear in the upper-right-hand corner, allowing users to toggle between dual and single modes. Or, if a user taps on "Done" with one half of the tab empty, the tab then switches automatically to single-resource mode.

    3. It might be nice to have some way to switch which resource is on the left and which is on the right of a tab with two resources. I tried to do this intuitively by tapping and dragging on the book title in the view where you can see all your open tabs, but it doesn't allow it. One could imagine that there if you tap and drag on the book title, that would activate dragging the resource around within the tab (or even moving it to another tab... cf. my first suggestion), while tapping and dragging anywhere else on the tab would drag the entire tab to change tab order. 

    4. I agree that when in scrolling mode, either one or two finger swiping should switch tabs, and that when in page-swipe view, single swipe should be for a page swipe, and double swipe for a tab swipe. 

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    You need to be invited to join the LogosNext Beta.

    I requested an invite, but haven't had one yet. I'd be glad to participate, though.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I requested an invite, but haven't had one yet.

    The email will come from Apple, not FL. Have you checked carefully for it? 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Gavin Murphy
    Gavin Murphy Member Posts: 109

    Hello all, 

    I've been playing with the LogosNext app and I wanted to say—awesome job! It's fresh and exciting but also easy to use!

    A couple of thoughts:

    1. Like everyone else is saying, page turning should be a one finger swipe and changing tabs should be a two finger swipe. 

    2. I love how clean the pages are now, but there should be a header option so you know which resource is open and where you are. Maybe the resource's short name and chapter/verse? As I was changing tabs to different commentaries I couldn't tell which commentary was which.  See mockup below. 

    3. You can't link a Text Comparison tab to the other tabs. That would be a nice feature! 

    4. I noticed that something that is broken in the non-beta app got fixed (which is great!). When previewing a cross reference in the ESV, LORD (for Yahweh in the OT) now says "LORD" instead of "Lord" (Adonai) which has been misleading. Glad to see this fixed in LogosNext. 

    5. Lastly (and not super important), I wish more fonts were available. Even just a sans-serif option would be welcomed. That being said, I do love the default font. 

    Awesome job, team. Thanks for all you do! 

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,415 ✭✭✭

    I've been on the beta using Testflight but it's not there for me either. How does one request an invite? I guess if I don't know, I'm not likely to get one. Kind of like fight club?

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association


  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    [CRASH] Tapping the first item in a clipping document briefly opens the Edit dialog and then crashes.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I've been on the beta using Testflight but it's not there for me either. How does one request an invite?

    Technically, it isn't a "beta," but an "alpha." I have been told that FL is waiting for approval from Apple for the update to shift over to the regular beta channel, at which point you (should) have access to it. This could be within days. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Do you want the reports here limited to what is listed in the App Description, What to look for, section?

    I really love the direction and new aesthetic. I didn't think I'd like tabs on mobile, but WOW! Really nice work.

    I'm doing this at work so, just a few quick observations:

    • Text Compare: Typing a verse in ref box or selecting a ref from the picker goes somewhere random.
    • Can't read the Last Read toast notification; colors are wrong. Also, tapping on it opens a new tab???
    • How do you delete a Prayer List?
    • Not a new problem: When you go offline with a non-local resource open in a tab, you can scroll through to blank space. Putting an Offline marker on there would be a nice reminder to the user that this is expected. Another option would be to allow caching entire resources as they are opened, however you'd have to be respectful of Data Rates for cell users.
    • Atlas: Is that a place holder? Where's the new fast maps from the web platform?

    Some of this may be me getting acclimated to a different way of navigation, but these are a few impressions:

    • I keep reaching to top right for the tab manager. Like Safari & Chrome. I also keep trying to pinch the screen to get to the tab manager.
    • I'm not crazy about the order of menu items. The most often used tasks should be nearer the top. I appreciate and approve of wanting the Store more upfront (is it going to be used on iOS?), but it pushed more useful items down the list. Have you considered putting just the icons on a single row at the top, next to the Done buttton? [Menu] [Store] [Settings] [Help] Done.
    • The Back button confuses me. It's enabled when there is nowhere to go back to. I understand that there is a useful history displayed (long press), but it's just wrong that it's enabled,I can tap it and it does nothing.

    Daniel Di Bartolo said:

    Could you clarify the functionality of the Logos icon button at the bottom center of the window.

    It's "the Bible" button. A common complaint we here about the current app is that it's difficult to make your way back to the Bible. That button with 1.) Open your preferred Bible in a new tab (if it isn't open) OR 2.) Open the last used instance of your preferred Bible.

    Thank You!!!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I didn't think I'd like tabs on mobile, but WOW! Really nice work.

    "Tabs" isn't really the right word... "desktops" comes closer, but isn't quite right either. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Gavin Murphy
    Gavin Murphy Member Posts: 109

    alabama24 said:

    "Tabs" isn't really the right word... "desktops" comes closer, but isn't quite right either. 


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Better, I think. I reserve the right to change my mind. [:)]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!