Highlights in Logos App

Andrew Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
  • Device: Apple iPhone
  • Operating System: iOS
  • Feature: Highlights

Additional details: I’m suggesting offering a way to mimic what the Kindle App has when making highlights when reading. In the Kindle App, when a highlight is made, it creates a log of “Annotations” which can easily be referenced later. This would be extremely helpful when reading on the Logos app because it would put all your highlights into one easily reference-able location. As of right now, I don’t know of any way to reference your highlights after reading a book in the Logos mobile App. If this functionality already exists, please let me know. If it doesn’t exist, I think this is an extremely useful addition that would drastically improve the reading and studying experience in the Logos mobile app.

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  • Alan saunders
    Alan saunders Member Posts: 63 ✭✭

    In a notes panel you can list all the highlights and/or notes. Is this what you are after? You can order them by date created, etc. You can also filter by notebook and other facets