Enable Search to assign permanent Highlights immediately

NichtnurBibelleser Member Posts: 500 ✭✭✭

I'm quite fond of the new Smart Bible Search.

But I'd like to propose an additional function for it.

For example, the command: "highlight all words based on g:paradidomi" yields very good results for me. When I click on one of the the scriptural references given by search, my Standard Bible is opened with the whole verse is highlighted.

What I really would like is

  • a Highlight of the Lemma, not the whole passage
  • the option of making this Highlight assigned as permanent to the Lemma

Otherwise, I have to

  • open the Desktop App [!]
  • open "Documents"
  • create a Dynamic Highlighter (or choose an existing one)
  • insert the search and assign a Highlighter from the Highlighter Palette

In my opinion, it would be helpful to have the option of choosing a permanently assigned Highlight directly within the Search.

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