English Translation of Volume 4 of Strack & Billerbeck's A Commentary on the New Testament from the

James Darlack
James Darlack Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
The German editon of vol. 4 has already been requested (and marked as "planned", but I wanted to express the desire for an English translation as well!

Vol. 3 was just released, and already I can see at least 200 dead-ends to research in this volume alone, given that the "excurses" are referenced at least 200 times (see screenshot). The excurses of vol. 4 are substantial, and the layout of the 'commentary' assumes the presence of these articles. (Please up-vote the German edition too! https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-book-requests/posts/de-kommentar-zum-neuen-testament-aus-talmud-und-midrasch-bd-4)
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