Complete the Ignatius Study Bible
In print, the Ignatius Study Bible is now complete: Ignatius Press is now (July 2024) taking pre-orders for the single volume edition. What is currently available for Verbum/Logos is the New Testament and some of the Old Testament booklets that were published through 2014. In the past, there were requests for more booklets…
[DE] Elberfelder Studienbibel
http://www.scm-shop.de/elberfelder-studienbibel.html See: * https://community.logos.com/forums/p/81824/573052.aspx#573052 * https://community.logos.com/forums/p/81824/587772.aspx#587772 * https://community.logos.com/forums/p/83568/801384.aspx#801384 etc. Alte Umfrage:…
[DE] Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE) (36 Bände)
Theologische Realenzyklopädie 1 - 3. Band 1 (Aaron) - 36 (Zypern) Gerhard Müller (Hrsg.), Horst Balz (Hrsg.) de Gruyter Oktober 2006 ISBN-10: 3110190982 ISBN-13: 978-3110190984 http://www.amazon.de/Theologische-Realenzyklop%C3%A4die-Zypern-Gruyter-Studienbuch/dp/3110190982
The Divorce of Israel: A Redemptive-Historical Interpretation of Revelation by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr
Description from Chalcedonstore.com: The Divorce of Israel presents a “redemptive-historical” approach to Revelation. In it John presents a forensic drama wherein God is divorcing his old covenant wife Israel so that he can take a new wife, the new covenant “Israel of God” composed of Jew and Gentile alike. Thus,…
Books by Robert Alter
I would love to have some books by Robert Alter in my Logos Library.
[DE] KAHAL: Konzise und aktualisierte Ausgabe des Hebräischen und Aramäischen Lexikons zum Alten Tes
Die dritte, mehrbändige Auflage des Hebräischen und Aramäischen Lexikons zum Alten Testament (HALAT) von Koehler & Baumgartner erschien zwischen 1967 und 1995. Das Werk behandelt sämtliche Lexeme aus der Hebräischen Bibel, bezieht aber auch außerbiblische Belege und antike Übersetzungen ein und bietet zudem oft…
[DE] Das Alte Testament - Entstehung - Geschichte - Botschaft
1. Helmuth Egelkraut (Hrsg.) 2. Das Alte Testament - Entstehung - Geschichte - Botschaft 3. Verlag: Brunnen Verlag GmbH 4. 1. Auflage: 23.08.2017 5. ISBN: 9783765595707 https://www.scm-shop.de/das-alte-testament-7487621.html
Shinkaiyaku Japanese Bible 2017
As a missionary in Japan, it would be really nice if we had the most commonly used translation in Japan. There are no Japanese translations available, even one preferably the one listed in the Title would be great!
Commentaries that need denominational tags:
Modern eastern orthodox: - Farley, Lawrence R. The Song of Songs: Textual Commentary and Theological Reflections. Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2018. - Reardon, Patrick Henry. Revelation: A Liturgical Prophecy. Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2018. - Reardon, Patrick Henry. Romans: An Orthodox…
The Context of Scripture, Volume 4 Supplements
https://brill.com/view/title/14720 vol 1-3: https://www.logos.com/product/2210/the-context-of-scripture
English Translation of Volume 4 of Strack & Billerbeck's A Commentary on the New Testament from the
The German editon of vol. 4 has already been requested (and marked as "planned", but I wanted to express the desire for an English translation as well! Vol. 3 was just released, and already I can see at least 200 dead-ends to research in this volume alone, given that the "excurses" are referenced at least 200 times (see…
Type in a Bible reference to navigate to it
What happened to the navigation functionality within a book? Pleaser restore former functionality where user is able to type a reference.
Dark Theme
I have been using dark mode since it came out and sometimes, I can select the text like I am going to copy and paste in Word and the background of the text goes blue so the letters are visible. The lighting does not complement with the text.
[DE] Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar (EKK)
Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (EKK) https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/themen-entdecken/theologie-und-religion/exegese/kommentarreihen/631/evangelisch-katholischer-kommentar-zum-neuen-testament-koproduktion-mit-patmos
RE-Saving a New Arrangement/deleting old ones
If would be nice if there was a save option on song arrangements, like when you save a Microsoft Word Document, make changes, and save it again. It writes over what you had before. If you want to save the progression, then you use "save as" and rename it. This would be very helpful in Song arrangements. Currently, if you…
The ChordPro implementation does not read CCLI’s ChordPro sheets correctly, so I have to heavily edit them into “Proclaim’s version” of ChordPro. There are several issues, but most importantly, I think Proclaim should display anything in brackets only on the confidence monitor, but it only works with “approved” characters.…
You messed up navigation.
I used to be able to tap on the top and immediately type a new location. Now it brings up a list for me to scroll through. This is what most free Bible apps do. I haven't spent thousands for free app lookalike functionality. Yes I can now click the search icon instead but this doesn't automatically pull up the keyboard and…
[DE] Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament
Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament: Ausgabe mit aktualisierten Literaturangaben Lothar Coenen, Klaus Haacker (Hrsg.) SCM R. Brockhaus / alternativ V&R (Neukirchener) SCM: ISBN-10: 3417263018 ISBN-13: 978-3417263015…
Update the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) to the 2022 revision
Please update the Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI) Spanish Bible: https://www.logos.com/product/1866/nueva-version-internacional to include the 2022 revision: https://www.editorialhccp.com/r/biblia-nvi/Revision-2022/
Contrast Issues w/ Dark Mode makes text very difficult to read
The colors used in dark mode make some resources difficult to read. Example attached.
Fix pop up window in dark mode for reporting typos
The window is unreadable for reporting typos in dark mode.
Homan Illustrated Bible Handbook
[DE] Die Geschichte Israels (Eugene H. Merrill)
Das Standardwerk! Auf 800 Seiten werden in dieser ausführlichen Dokumentation der Geschichte Israels sorgfältig Texte des Alten Testaments sowie literarische und archäologische Quellen ausgewertet. Tabellen, Karten, Exkurse und verschiedene Register helfen bei der Erschließung des Inhalts. Unentbehrlich für theologisch und…
[DE] Kommentar zur Bibel - 5 Bde. (Walvoord)
"The Bible Knowledge Commentary" J. Walvoord Hänssler-Bibelwissen 2004 ISBN: 3775135332
Highlights: Natural colours are unreadable in Dark Mode
The "natural highlighter" colours are unreadable when the app is in dark mode.
add a note glitch
I write notes all day in Logos. Logos, ever helpful, will list 5 notebooks to choose from to add the note to. Unfortunately, the suggested notebooks, more often than not, are not even my notebooks. They are community notebooks that I cannot edit. So when Logos could save me time, because of a glitch, I lose time. The…
Dark Mode issues
Text color on sentence diagram is black in dark mode. To change it on the pallet color I have to restart the Doc to have it take affect. Also in the morph search formats are not optimized for dark mode.
Micah 3:5 study note typo
The faithlife study note for the IOS App reads “These false prophets are not are not …” (‘are not’ is repeated)
Fix author data & tagging in LLS:GLRSSCRDHRT
The author of LLS:GLRSSCRDHRT was Henry Edward Manning, then Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. Currently, its citation info AND sermon tagging give only the name "Henry Edward". Notwithstanding the (then customary) absence of the cardinal's surname "Manning" on page iii, he is indeed the author, so the citation…
Fix sermon tagging in LLS:NNTTDLTHR06
LLS:NNTTDLTHR06 contains two sermons by Luther, both of which are given introductions. The sermons by Luther are not themselves tagged as sermons. Instead, the introductions are currently tagged as if they were the sermons, which are attributed to the authors of those introductions! Please delete the current sermon tagging…
Homan Bible Dictionary
[DE] NGÜ – Altes Testament der Neuen Genfer Übersetzung
Bitte fügt die bereits erschienen alttestamentlichen Bücher der NGÜ-Übersetzung hinzu: Genesis Exodus Levitikus Numeri Deuteronomium Josua Richter Ruth Sprüche Psalmen
Bible Browser Common Divisions
When I am doing a Bible search, I am able to narrow down the passage range that it will search- saved ranges, common divisions, and passage lists. This is great! However, when I go to the Bible Browser, the "Common Divisions" header (under "Bible Books") doesn't list some of the most basic divisions that most people may…
HCSB Study Bible
[DE] Plaut G.: Die Tora. In jüdischer Auslegung
[DE] 2000 Jahre Kirchengeschichte (Armin Sierszyn)
Erleben Sie 2000 Jahre Kirchengeschichte ... von den Anfängen bis zur Schwelle des 21. Jahrhunderts. Die Gesamtausgabe wurde aktuell bis 2017 fortgeschrieben und umspannt alle Epochen: Von den Anfängen bis zum Untergang des Weströmischen Reiches Das Mittelalter Reformation und Gegenreformation Neuzeit Exemplarisch…
Simple Log in button?
I use Ubuntu, which means using the web app a lot. (Massive improvements lately. Thanks much!) I've got my browser set to delete cookies each time I close, so it logs me out of websites. There's ways to exclude Logos.com from that - but that's not quite the point: I realized that there is no simple log in button. There are…
KJV precursor - 1568 Bishops' Bible
The King James Version translators updated the existing Bible of the church of England: the 1568 Bishops' Bible. However, that Bible hasn't yet been added to Logos for direct comparison. Also, it will help to refer to the Bishops' Bible when reading other works about the history of the King James Bible or the history of…
[DE] Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament (KEK) Neubearbeitung
Meyers kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament (KEK) Neubearbeitung; Dietrich-Alex Koch (Hg.) https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/313/kritisch-exegetischer-kommentar-ueber-das-neue-testament
[DE] Einleitung in das Neue Testament: Carson & Moo
Einleitung in das Neue Testament: Mit einem Geleitwort von Rainer Riesner Douglas J. Moo, D.A. Carson Brunnen 1. Februar 2010 ISBN-10: 3765595411 ISBN-13: 978-3765595417 https://www.amazon.de/Einleitung-das-Neue-Testament-Geleitwort/dp/3765595411/ref=la_B0045B982Q_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1541512527&sr=1-1
[DE] Die Psalmen - Eine Einführung
1. Die Psalmen - Eine Einführung 2. Klaus Seybold 3. Verlag W. Kohlhammer Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln 4. 1991 5. ISBN: 3-17-011122-1 https://www.amazon.de/Die-Psalmen-Eine-Einf%C3%BChrung-Urban-Taschenb%C3%BCcher/dp/3170111221/
Monographs should be church history
- Carter, Grayson. Anglican Evangelicals: Protestant Secessions from the Via Media, C. 1800–1850. Oxford Theological Monographs. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. - Riley, B. F. The Baptists in the Building of the Nation. Roger Williams Heritage Archives, 1922. - Adams, John Quincy. Baptists, The Only…
[DE] Hebräisches und Aramäisches Wörterbuch über das Alte Testament (Gesenius, 18. Auflage)
Die 18. Auflage (2013) des Gesenius ist essentiell für die alttestamentliche Arbeit und wäre eine perfekte Ergänzung in der Logos Bibliothek. https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783642256806
Fix Alternative Title for Libreria Editrice Vaticana publications
It appears that resources with title including "(Latin)" were intended to get an alternative title with the "(Latin)" removed. However, what we have ended up with is a duplicate title given one or more times. Please repair. Then I can test that it functions as a Verbum user would expect. Thanks.
Fix to type: Collected work
- Thornwell, James Henley. The Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell: Theological. Edited by John B. Adger. Vol. 1. Richmond; New York; Philadelphia; Louisville: Presbyterian Committee of Publication; Robert Carter & Brothers; Alfred Martien; Davidson Bros. & Co., 1871. - Thornwell, James Henley. The Collected…
Fix Denominational Classifications for PG purposes
LLS:WS_C7C223477CB442C89D1D4C73BA16031F - Anglican LLS:BO10SA2 - Catholic LLS:SCOFIELDBBL1917 - Congregationalist LLS:MATTMCGARVEY - Restoration
Fix to Type:Collected Work
Change to Type:Biblical Theology
Accept known alternate spellings for place names in Atlas
I was looking for Ein-Karem, the place where Mary, pregnant, visited her cousin Elizabeth. I'd seen it spelled that way on a map, and a search in all my resources in Logos confirmed several instances of that spelling. But I couldn't find it in the Atlas. Turns out it's spelled En-Karim there. All such known alternate…
Expand Catholic Daily Readings (U.S. Lectionary) to serve as a more comprehensive "ordo"
Please add the links to the Missal and the Liturgy of the Hours to the Lectionary Verbum resource so the home page has one stop shopping for the three major liturgical resources - Missal, lectionary, breviary