Logos 40.0 Beta 1
Version: 40.0.281
Release Date: January 29th, 2025
New Features & Improvements for Subscribers
Dynamic Toolbar
- Clicking on any header will now toggle the menu button.
- The Sermons section now includes sermon outlines in its results. You can switch between full-text sermons and sermon outlines using the buttons at the top of the section.
- Outlines can be grouped by author and reference.
- Original language and ancient versions of the Bible now show a modern translation of the Bible in place of the study Bible card.
- Smart Bible Search is a new search mode that helps you search your Bibles using AI to return highly relevant results without requiring any additional syntax.
- Ability to search individual Bibles using natural language.
- Bible Search will use the Smart search engine by default, unless you enter Precise search syntax.
- Examples:
- Entire query parses as a Bible reference.
- Entire query is in Greek or Hebrew.
- Query contains special syntax.
- Exact phrase/in quotes.
Other Improvements
- Screen readers are now supported across the Dynamic Toolbar.
- Added screen reader labels to numerous tools and features.
- Keyboard navigation now works when entering and exiting the dynamic toolbar.
- Old resource panel menu now shows a single option to copy location. View discussion
Enable Logging
- Added support for enabling logging via Program Settings.
- Updated styling on panel notifications across the application.
- Added a warning banner to the resource panel when resource versions differ from search results.
- Added subscription link to unlicensed feature panels.
Bug Fixes
Command Box
- The application will no longer cause a rare crash when inserting the update now command.
Context Menu
- Opening the context menu in the Lexham Analytical Lexicon in the Greek NT will no longer cause a crash.
- The Popup in the ToC will not hide when the ToC is closed.
- When “send hyperlinks here” is enabled, clicking on Bible references will open in the active Bible.
- Summarize link in Dictionaries will now be center aligned.
- Omit English pronunciation in the heading section when the language interface is not set to English.
- The contents in the Table of Contents will no longer overflow.
- Table of Contents (ToC) will no longer have an endless spinner when opening a topic in the ToC.
- The application will no longer crash when deleting an open template from documents.logos.com.
- The ellipsis will no longer be missing from Related Books Card
Selection Menu
- Selecting Copy to Clipboard in a Print/Export panel will no longer crash the application.
- Drag and drop animation from popular quotes is improved.
- Turning on inline find no longer dismisses the outline passage prompt.
- An empty editor will now show a popup with options to choose a template or select an outline.
- The info panel will no longer clip when the editor is resized.
- Application preference for spellcheck will now be respected.
- Multi-line content drag-and-drop will no longer reorder the content on Windows.
- Undo after pressing enter at the end of a heading returns the cursor to the heading block.
macOS Bug Fixes
- Note editors will not crash when they are the target of a paste from Word content.
Sermon Builder
- Sermon Builder editors will not crash when they are the target of a paste from Word content.