Beta 1
Release Date: March 11 , 2025
New Features & Improvements for subscribers
- Most cards now maximize in place with expand/collapse buttons, replacing the modal view and Open link.
- Updated Factbook cards UI: Now grouped as a single card titled “People, Places, and Things”. Tapping an entry opens maximized view with expanded details, key article preview, and links to Factbook and search.
- Updated Related Books card UI: Merged the change button and resource title for the Parallel Resources picker, added a button to open the resource, and now custom resource selections persist across app restarts.
- Suggest Smart Bible Search when precise search has no results or contains more than three words, except for advanced syntax queries.
- Ensure Search Mode is selectable with multiple Bible collections.
Bible Study Builder
- Automatically append searched passages to metadata when questions are added.
Other Improvements
- Factbook now includes results from Cloud Books and the Print Library Catalog.
- Cloud books will appear in all sections.
- Print Books will appear in the Dictionaries, Journals, and Sermons sections (for users who have added books to their Print Library Catalog).
- New option to try Sermon Assistant for free.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where an image popup would appear on launch after quitting the app while Text-To-Speech was playing.
- Fixed bug causing hyperlinks to open resources at incorrect locations in the iOS mobile app.
- Fixed missing text in Factbook’s Key Article section.
Passages List
- Fixed collapsed Passage List toolbar in selection mode; toolbars now remain expanded for easy editing and exit.
Sermon Documents
- Fixed text cutoff on the right margin in Text view.