40.2 (40.2.004) is now available
The Logos Bible Study application version 40.2 is now available to all users. To immediately update to the current stable version, enter Update Now into the command box. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it is scheduled to check for updates. Release notes Download link
Feedback wanted: Accessibility and Screen Readers in v40
The Logos desktop team has been working hard to make the application a better experience for keyboard navigability and screen reader compatibility, particularly in the new resource toolbar. We know there is still work left to do, so if you use assistive technologies, we need your real-world feedback on what areas are the…
How do you use it? Logos Factbook
The "Factbook" in Logos offers detailed information on biblical people, places, events, and more, all in one place. It’s like having a comprehensive encyclopedia at your fingertips. How do you use Factbook and how has this feature deepened your understanding of Scripture? Screenshots are welcome! Learn more about what you…
Logos CEO Update - Bill McCarthy
Here's a quick update on some of the big things happening at Logos lately. We are grateful for you all and love playing a small role in the work you do. Oh, and I accidentally mixed up the name of our March promo. My apologies! It should be March Matchups. But I know all you die-hard Logos fans already knew that.
NEW: Smart Bible Search
Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural language to search your Bible in a brand new way, using this new mode to run searches like courageous women or care for the needy. Smart Bible search…
simple old word search to logos search/copy/paste - no help from support - help!
trying to replicate the attached file samples - over 4 hours on the phone with support - they say it can't be done. can it? Thx! :)
I wish we could rename tabs
I don't think this is a question, as I don't think there is anything to learn to do differently, it is more just kind of frustrating and I am hoping people have thoughts or ideas or something. It is fundamentally regarding the inability to re-name tabs. I had been in the middle of a workspace, and then I wanted to quickly…
Reverse interlinear for iPad
Hi all, as I understand it, it is not possible to achieve a reverse interlinear view in an iPad (as you might on the desktop app). Would anyone have workarounds to achieve the same effect? In short, I hope to be reading the English text, and have the corresponding Hebrew / Greek lemma below each word (so the lookup…
Can I search "sense" in any apocryphal/deuterocanocial text?
Clint Archer recently completed his dissertation for SBTS in which he used a Logos search (sense:"living things ⇔ flesh" OR sense:animal OR sense:"group of creatures" OR sense:"animal group" OR sense:"kind (category)" OR "all creation") to find every mention of an animal in BHS and NA28. I'd like to perform this search for…
Right click flyout appears in upper left hand corner
After the last update, when I go to copy or right click on something and the flyout dialog would appear in the upper left hand corner of my monitor (42" HDR Android TV, res: 4096x2160). It never did that before the update (40.0.351). Also, I went to copy for instance the version number it appeared where it should but the…
CSB Copy Verses
In the CSB there are several places where it places an extra comma at the break in a verse. An example of this is in Isaiah 53:10 at the end of the first line after the word severely is a period followed by a comma. There doesn't seem to be any consistency in this but it happens fairly frequently. Has anyone else…
Dynamic Pricing on Logos.com is Getting Pretty Far Out of Line
Of course, as everyone knows, the Hebrew Encyclopedia ships … yes, this Monday! Of course, I'm nervously wondering if it'll be delayed … ergo checking. That brings up 'collections' and pricing. The hebrew encyclopedia sold alone, is the far-right amount below ($399.99). But being in a collection (below, to the left) grows…
Moved: Customer Request: Sending Bible Study Builder to Proclaim
This discussion has been moved.
BUG: Update Count Is One Too Many
I'm surprised to see that the update count is still off on the AI Counter. I'm pretty sure the AI counter itself is not supposed to count as an update. The fact that it does means the number is always inflated by one.
BUG: No Notification when Smart All Search Switches to Precise Search
Smart All search switches to Precise search when I enter a Bible reference (correct), but it does not notify me that it has done so (incorrect). Smart Bible search and Smart Books search do provide a notification of this switch.
Position of the Bible Icon in the iPhone App
I normally have the Bible open in the iPhone app, so I noticed this only recently—why is the Bible icon now situated after the Tabs icon? Was this a deliberate change? If not, can Logos move the Bible icon back to where it's supposed to be its previously location (i.e., after the Library icon)? On a brighter note, there is…
@Mark Barnes
Following your comments during ht eVersion 40 release Zoom presentation, how soon do you think it will be possible to get a single click access to the Reverse Interlinear Pane? At present "CMD I" does not even recognize the preferences! Thanks.
Sermon Builder Bugs in 39.0
Here are a few things (bugs?) I noticed in the Sermon Builder over the weekend. Some might be intended. Others might need to be corrected. (I am using Logos 39.0.408 and Windows 10 Pro 22H2) Typing two hyphens no longer autocorrects to a dash. The formatting keyboard shortcut Ctl+Alt+Shift 0 (zero) no longer returns the…
Official: How do you find "Insert Passage Block in Sermon Builder"?
When you type in a Bible passage into Sermon Builder, you get the option of inserting the text of that verse into your sermon, either inline or as a passage block, by pressing Tab or Enter. One problem with this feature is that sometimes it's possible to accidentally insert a passage block. Perhaps you happened to enter a…
Prioritizing Handbooks for OT and NT
Dear Folk, How does one prioritize the Handbooks for OT and NT exegesis? Will they show up as resources in a passage, topic, or other guide? They contain very good textual info and examples. I'd like to be able to easily access specific passages that correlate with studies I might be doing. Thanks, Mike
5 free AI engines vs. Logos AI
Hi everyone, I bought subscription at launch – am giving Logos the benefit of doubt that they will deliver something of value over the next 2 years. But today was the first day trying out AI search. I asked the question “What does criticism mean in biblical studies” to 7 different apps: Gemini, Copilot, ChatGPT,…
"Insert Inline" cuts off passages?
In sermon builder, on the desktop app, when I type 1 John 4:7-21 and choose "insert inline," the program inserts verses 7 - 17, and then adds an ellipsis (…). But, if I choose "insert block" instead, it lists all verses 7-21. I experimented, and "insert inline" seems to cut long passages off regularly, but "insert block"…
ALL my personal books are...
….Not working. They all say file not found? … Why ?
Why do links only half work?
For a while now (at least since copying L4 links were removed, probably a lot longer), if I click a Logos link in my Obsidian notes to a resources that's already open in Logos but in a tab that's not on top… the link will bring the resource's tab into view (as if I clicked the tab), but it will NOT jump to the point in the…
visual filter
Is there a code to make a visual filter to show Gods pronouns, like when The Father, Son or Spirit is referred to as Him or He or His?
Highlighting Pallette Changes Red Letter Text to Black
Hi, I'm not sure why, but there is a palette I created that changes the red letter text to black. I don't see any reason why this would happen. Does anyone have any ideas?
sermon assistant not responding
i tried to create sermon but it keeps asking to try again . Can you help ?
New Library?
When you purchase, let's just say a few good books (in case our spouse's are reading the forum also); what's the first thing you do? I usually make sure my favorites are in their perspective collections and tag the ones I want to read later.
I'm not sure how I still had access to the feature: "Link all tabs to this resource," but it worked until I went to the subscription program last month. That was a feature I LOVED! That way, when I looked up a passage of Scripture, all other links I had in the same group, commentaries, other open Bibles, etc., would…
Is there a way in a course to change the language of the presenter?
I am bilingual person. I have some courses in English that I would like to liste to Spanish.
How do you use it? Bible Smart Search
Have you checked out the ‘Smart Search’ feature in the Bible section of the search? You probably know how it works for your library, but in the Bible search, it lets you quickly find passages, topics, or themes from different Bible versions. How has this tool made your study sessions easier? Learn more about Smart Search →
TIP OF THE DAY 153: Logos/Verbum tools prepositions with temporal terms
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out) TOPIC: Prepositions Logos/Verbum features and prepositions associated with time Logos/Verbum has two major preposition-oriented tools: Hebrew/Greek Grammatical constructions has a prepositional phrase search focused primarily…
BUG: Shortcut Does not Display for Multiple Books View
Please display the shortcut in the following two locations as depicted below: in the popup when hovering over "Add parallel text" and to the right of "Multiple Book View" in the dropdown menu.
Visual filter to highlight good & bad kings of Israel/Judah
I love the power of Logos' visual filters. I've created one that highlights all the good and bad kings of Israel and Judah. It's really helpful to get some context when reading about kings whose names you recognize, but you might not remember their backstory.
Mac. Tab no longer allows you to enter words into Reference box?
Used to be click on the Bible text of any bible. Tab. Type John 3. Voila. Now: Tab does highlight the Bible reference. But typing does nothing. I also noticed a weird blue box appearing nowadays. However, Command+G now can function as the Tab to allow me to then enter reference. TLDR: Tab no longer works as usual. Command…
Links in Sermon Builder???
When will we get links in Sermon Builder? Thanks.
Highlight Bug (iOS, iPadOS)
On my Android device (40.0.3 (Build 400003002)), if I choose a particular highlight style with which to highlight a line in a resource, the next time I highlight something the chosen style will be first on the list in the highlight menu. But on iOS and iPad OS, it will not. I am running 40.2.2(2) on both iOS and iPadOs.
BUG Sermon Builder "apply this style to all slides" no longer works
When using the sermon builder, right-clicking on a slide and choosing "Apply this style to all slides" or "Apply this style to heading slides" no longer has any effect. A couple of weeks ago when preparing my last sermon it worked just fine. This is using uploaded media. Logos software version 40.2.4 Windows 11 24H2 OS…
Export Reading Plan to iCal
This feature has been out of service for a long time now. Any ETA on when it will be up and running again? It was extremely useful and I used it all the time.
Text boxes in export to PowerPoint
I am struggling here, I can create everything I need in Logos and export to PowerPoint just fine. I make the text elements editable for my downline process. However there is a problem with EVERY scripture slide produced in Logos that I have to manually fix in PowerPoint. The problem is the text box with the scripture…
The future of subscription: fair development, different platforms and feature integration
Since I took the recent survey (results: Logos is not easy to use and not very well integrated), I think it's only fair to ask about some of the issues. I truly expected that the subscription would not only develop more tools for language analysis, but also integration. Things like the morphology charts and much more can't…
Book Suggestion: Annals of the World: James Ussher's Classic Survey of World History
Annals of the World: James Ussher's Classic Survey of World History Would be so cool to have this in Logos well Tagged..
New Post Button During Old Post Writing
This is minor. But I see no reason for a big blue new post button appearing while posting a comment. This mainly is an issue on the iphone … as the screen size reduces, the new-post button can literally sit over top the edit-post text box (my example is a larger iphone). But why display the button during writing a comment?
How to view Logos Seminars when I miss them
How to I view the Logos free Seminars when I miss them. I register for them but many times, something comes up and I can't view them when scheduled. Thanks.
add tags...
is there any way to toggle on or toggle off the "add tags" box on the bottom of a note?
Is it possible to play Logos Digital Hymnal music in web app?
I'm able to play the MIDI files in the Logos Digital Hymnal without a problem when using the desktop app, but I'm not able to when using the web app or mobile app. Is it possible to play the MIDI files in the web app?
Moved: "Change reading speed" - more options needed
This discussion has been moved.
Leviticus commentaries that discuss menstrual prohibition?
I've been searching through all my Leviticus commentaries, and I've found very few of them that discuss whether or not the prohibition on intercourse during menstruation applies for Christians for today (Lev. 18:19; 20:18, cf. Lev 15:19-24; Eze 18:6; 22:10). It seems like a very important and practical question for all…
Suggestion: Make cart reminders optional in email preferences
I'd like to have an option in the Email Lists preferences page to turn off email reminders that you have something in your shopping cart. If I get a discount code that's good for a certain number of days and can only be used once, I'm the kind of shopper that will add and remove things from my cart during that time as I…
To be or not to be...able to download more than 100 books at a time on mobile!
Has anyone found a trick to be able to download all or more than 100 books at a time onto a mobile device? I have almost 6K and am sure most of you have multiples of this number in your libraries.
TIP OF THE DAY 152: Prepositions in analyzing time
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out) POST ISSUE: Relationship between intervals expressed by preposition Earlier we discussed the possible relationship between two events/intervals: Before: Action A starts and ends before action B. Meets: Action A starts; when A…
Link Passage Guide to Resource Tabs on iPad.
I use Logos on my desktop in a standard way. Passage guide in the left window, and commentaries in the right. They are linked. I cannot figure out how to do this on the iPad. It works for the first setup (Passage Guide on left, Commentary on right). But when I tap another commentary, rather than changing the right tab, it…
Index of Bible Studies
This is a new version of the Index of Bible Studies in Logos. This file contains links to sermons, meditations, outlines, journal articles, Bible study guides, non versified commentaries, and more that do not appear in the Passage Guide. (Exception: some sermons now appear in the Passage Guide, but did not when I started,…
Moved: Suggestion: Make fuzzy search an option under "Precise" and "Smart" sear…
This discussion has been moved.
For all that's holy and true...WHY? WHY?? WHY??? WHY????
Why, why, why must Logos be forced/permitted/allowed to devolve in every possible way? Because I have interlinear tables in some of my older notes, but Logos no longer allows for tables in Notes, if I try to edit in a note with a table, the whole program crashes to desktop. Not good…devolution. At some point in the past,…