Feedback wanted: Accessibility and Screen Readers in v40
The Logos desktop team has been working hard to make the application a better experience for keyboard navigability and screen reader compatibility, particularly in the new resource toolbar. We know there is still work left to do, so if you use assistive technologies, we need your real-world feedback on what areas are the…
40.2 (40.2.004) is now available
The Logos Bible Study application version 40.2 is now available to all users. To immediately update to the current stable version, enter Update Now into the command box. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it is scheduled to check for updates. Release notes Download link
How do you use it? Logos Factbook
The "Factbook" in Logos offers detailed information on biblical people, places, events, and more, all in one place. It’s like having a comprehensive encyclopedia at your fingertips. How do you use Factbook and how has this feature deepened your understanding of Scripture? Screenshots are welcome! Learn more about what you…
Logos CEO Update - Bill McCarthy
Here's a quick update on some of the big things happening at Logos lately. We are grateful for you all and love playing a small role in the work you do. Oh, and I accidentally mixed up the name of our March promo. My apologies! It should be March Matchups. But I know all you die-hard Logos fans already knew that.
NEW: Smart Bible Search
Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural language to search your Bible in a brand new way, using this new mode to run searches like courageous women or care for the needy. Smart Bible search…
Bug: all different bible version hyperlinks in a note default to the same top version
The current desktop software version 40.2.4 still failed to restore the hyperlinks for bible versions: 1. copy and past any opened bible version, e.g., Lexham English Version, with the link icon 2. the color of the text in the note changes to the hyperlinked text 3. browse over the hypertext linked text 4. the pop-up mini…
Bug: Search Not Finding Obvious Results
How do I force Logos to index and search a book? I searched for the word "immerse" which is obviously present in the Talmud, but precise search refuses to show any results from this book. Update: I restarted and now it works. I wish Logos would be more consistent in its behavior. Logos Bible Study 40.2 40.2.4
Proverbs explorer omission?
I was playing with the Proverbs explorer for the first time today and noticed that Acts 20:35 is not listed among them. Is this an omission that should be corrected? (It reminds me in a funny way of that line from "Arsenic and Old Lace" when the oblivious policeman does not recognize the bad guy, who looks like Boris…
Is it possible to add a verse in sermon builder and not get the verse text?
Often using Sermon Builder it is useful to have the text of the verse added and you can press [TAB] to get the text inline or press enter to get it added as a new section. But sometimes I just want the verse reference and be able to hit ENTER and not get the text. A bullet point list of verses is a good example of this. I…
King David born as an orphan or a bastard
In King David youth, was he a bastard child or an orphan from the tribe of Jesse. Or does the bible stay silent.
BUG: Switching device orientation messes up page margins on mobile app
This bug has been reported on previous versions of the mobile app, but I thought I'd mention it again. It's a daily annoyance. My page margins change (sometimes leaving only a few lines of text) when switching the orientation of the device. It could be related to my View Settings. I use two columns and have inline…
J. R. H. Moorman, A History of the Church in England, 3rd edition (Morehouse, 1973), ISBN 978- 08192
Still another text. This for a course I will likely take next Spring. Again one can dream...
Quick Links: Participated - missing
Anyone else lose their Participated link? Have we folded that functionality into another link while I was sleeping? Inquiring mind. Wants to know.
Proclaim and Sermon Builder
I don't care for the way slides are created in sermon builder and prefer to make them directly in Proclaim. Or perhaps I need to learn them better in Sermon Builder. Maybe someday. If I make my slides directly in Proclaim, is there a way to control them in Sermon Builder?
TIP OF THE DAY 156: Multi-part lexical unit part 1: fixed phrases
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out) POST ISSUE: Multi-part lexical units (MWLUs)/Multi-words expressions (MWE’s) In Logos/Verbum we generally deal with: morpheme — The smallest grammatical unit of a language that conveys meaning.[1] lexeme — A lexical unit apart…
Adding PDFs & Prioritizing Books
Hello, I'm new to the app and I am loving it. I'm trying to figure out how to prioritize books and add personal pdfs though. The training videos that explain how to do this must be for the old version (or the desktop app?). Because the UI looks different and the directions are not accurate to what I can see in the UI on my…
Is there a way in a course to change the language of the presenter?
I am bilingual person. I have some courses in English that I would like to liste to Spanish.
"Collections" Need A Ton Of Work
The ability to build and edit collections is really difficult, and it has been for years. When adding resources to a collection, you cannot select multiple resources from your library and drag and drop them into a collection. You have to select each resource one at a time. For instance, if you want every volume in a…
copy ipad layout to mac
I have a layout on my iPad can I copy it to my Mac book? I'm on the latest v10. The resources are the same library on both devices.
Moved: can you guys add a Bible I want to see digitized
This discussion has been moved.
{BUG} Spellings with special marks Rendering Improperly
In William Lane, Hebrews 1–8, I am noticing that French names are now gibberish. I first noticed this after the update that made all hyperlinks a new shade of blue. (Sorry I cannot remember what update number that was.)
[BUG] Bible Word Study Error
Does anyone else run into the issue of an error in the Textual Searches section of the BWS? For a long while now both Pseudepigrapha and Josephus link only to Pseudepigrapha results. I am not sure why this is, or how to overcome it, but it for some reason does not want to give me Josephus results. I would add a screen…
Logos keeps crashing during use and also when unattended.
It's been going on since late February; changed laptops (now have LG Gram, Windows 10), crashes unpredictably (not anything tangible to repeat.)
Factbook Labels
How does Logos determine what labels to apply? For a Catholic, the term "Proto-Protestant" sounds much the same as "Heretic". Poor Saint Gertrude! I tried the Smart Search to see if she had been described this way in any of the Logos resources, but it appears not. Is "Proto-Protestant" a label handed out freely to those…
Dynamic Pricing on Logos.com is Getting Pretty Far Out of Line
Of course, as everyone knows, the Hebrew Encyclopedia ships … yes, this Monday! Of course, I'm nervously wondering if it'll be delayed … ergo checking. That brings up 'collections' and pricing. The hebrew encyclopedia sold alone, is the far-right amount below ($399.99). But being in a collection (below, to the left) grows…
error in product description?
I'm pretty sure this list of doctors of the Church is incorrect: https://verbum.com/products/168021/the-doctors-of-the-church The list of 36 doctors doesn't contain Sts. Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine or Gregory, so something is awry. And I'm not sure about all of those dates either.
How do I print just a handout from the Sermon Editor on a Mac?
When I click on the Handout tab after I've gotten everything sent over to the handout, and I then hit print, I can't actually print the handout—all I seem to be able to print or export is the whole thing from the draft page. Am I missing something?
Multiple errors in book "Missional Worship, Worshipful Mission"
I know that the book is ebook and is not fully connected to your the library, but the current vesion of the book has multiple footnotes pointing to wrong places. Many of the footnotes are linked to the current chapter title. Could you guys reprocess the book to fix the issues? Support info of the book: LLS:9781467443166…
My desktop app is not syncing.
Why is my desktop app not syncing? Any suggestions?
Bug: Factbook and Bookstore section - "no results"
I'm pretty sure I've seen the Bookstore section in my Factbook filled with content in the past, but I can't seem to pull up any topics that populate it any more. While I admit to buying too many books, I'm reasonably confident I haven't bought them all. Anyone else seeing the same thing?
Is there a keyboard command to toggle between tab menus?
I am looking for a keyboard shortcut/command that will toggle between these menus - Home/Search, Notes, etc. Haven't been able to find one in the help or wiki.
BUG?: Strange Behaviour in iOS app when switching away and back
In the last few versions of the iOS app, I've noticed strange behaviour when switching back to the Logos iOS app after switching away to another app and switching back to Logos (via Task Switcher or 4-finger swipe etc). The resource text is now shifted up the screen, by varying amounts If I two finger swipe in the Logos…
Any way to Create a URL Link to resource text in iOS App?
Hi I'm sure I remember a time in the iOS app when selecting some resource text, then selecting "Share" copied the selected text to the clipboard with a URL link appended - a link which would open up right to that selected text. "Share" now only seems to copy the selected text, but without the concluding URL link. I can't…
Ex. 35:3 and tagging in LSB
I have a 2024-11-20T20:58:25Z version of LSB, and Exodus 35:3 doesn't appear to be tagged as a separate verse. Is this a bug or because of some underlying Hebrew textual issue? Is anyone else seeing this? Thanks, John
Why Won't Drag and Drop Work Most of the Time?
Let's say I have a floating window with three tabs. I want to drag a book showing in my library window to my floating window to become another tab. It works—except most of the time when it doesn't. I have to get the new tab lined up just precisely perfect which seems to be an almost impossible thing to do. That little…
TIP OF THE DAY 155: Construct chains, vaw consecutive, cases
I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out) POST ISSUE: Use of construct chains, vaw, and case to denote time In actual practice, time and sequence are often shown in Hebrew by construct chains and vaw continuatives. In Greek, case is often used as an indicator. A…
Word Processor
Any thoughts to having a true word processor built in? Especially one that would link with the bibliography tool? Would help us students and researchers quite a bit
Notes tool - changing default color and highlight
Hi everyone, I use and color and highlight in my Notes, but currently it is tedious because the default color is Black and the default highlight is also Black. Please see the two icons I'm referring to below. Therefore I always have to hit the down arrow key and then select the color. Black is the most useless default…
I wish we could rename tabs
I don't think this is a question, as I don't think there is anything to learn to do differently, it is more just kind of frustrating and I am hoping people have thoughts or ideas or something. It is fundamentally regarding the inability to re-name tabs. I had been in the middle of a workspace, and then I wanted to quickly…
Logos on ;Surface Pro 7 vs Ipad Pro or Ipad Air 4
Please help. I can't decide on which hardware to buy to make use of Logos as a sometimes preacher and ongoing Bible student and recent Seminary graduate. What are the pros and cons of each hardware and Operating system? I am upgrading from an old Surface Pro 3. Apple os would be brand new to me. Someone said an IPad Air 4…
Small Caps not exported correctly to Powerpoint
Hi there I am using the Sermon manager and have a reference in the document of Exod 6:2-3. This correctly shows the word Lord in small caps: However when I export this to Powerpoint it appears as Lord without small caps. and Is there any way that I can get the Powerpoint to show what is in the text? thanks Paul
Moved: Column widths in Multiple Books View
This discussion has been moved.
Paged view setting not unique to windows
I use Paged view (with Auto columns) for reading more extensive passages in the Bible, and I typically have a second window open so that it is easier to read with context during my study. However, this also forces all other instances of this same Bible in my layout to be formatted as Paged view. I can't save a layout with…
"Insert Inline" cuts off passages?
In sermon builder, on the desktop app, when I type 1 John 4:7-21 and choose "insert inline," the program inserts verses 7 - 17, and then adds an ellipsis (…). But, if I choose "insert block" instead, it lists all verses 7-21. I experimented, and "insert inline" seems to cut long passages off regularly, but "insert block"…
Edit copy format in mobile app
Is there a way to modify the Copy format in the mobile app like you can do in the Desktop app?
ALL my personal books are...
….Not working. They all say file not found? … Why ?
Chavrusa study - how to practice Scripture study in a Talmudic manner using Logos/Verbum
Berakhot 63b: "The Torah is only acquired in a group." Ta’anit 7a: "Two scholars sharpen one another." With its shared documents feature, Logos/Verbum should be a platform that could be used for pairs of individuals to debate Scripture interpretation … and provide documentation via links supporting their positions. This…
Why doesn't search include "person:John" options in the dropdown?
This is with Logos 39.1 on Windows 11 When I entered John as a search term, I expected to see dropdown options including person:"John (son of Zebedee)" Any ideas why it doesn't appear?
AI translation for Chinese, please add DeepSeek on top of DeepL
Background: For the last 2 months I have been playing/exploring Logos AI translation from English to Chinese (I subscribed to Logos Max for 2 years) As an example to provide correct context, I used: Daily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology While I appreciate the translation feature, I hope to see some…
Book request
Hi. I dont know if this has been a request before, but I would be interested in books by David Pawson, particularly something like Unlocking the Bible (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unlocking-Bible-David-Pawson/dp/0007166664) Is there any possibility of this coming to Logos?
This translation of the Bible really needs to be in Logos, for functional use and better capability, I love this translation of the Names of God Bible by Ann Spangler.
Is the Safeopt discount code email I received legit?
It smells scamy. The activate link goes to ci3.googleusercontent.com which raises a whole united nations of red flags.
RETHINK the 100 book download limit!!!
My iPad Pro has my entire library (5000) downloaded and the app runs just fine. The reason I download my entire library is that my iPad is WiFi only and I want to be able to access my resources on the go even when I don’t have WiFi. Now Logos releases an “upgrade” that limits resource downloads to 100 purportedly to make…
simple old word search to logos search/copy/paste - no help from support - help!
trying to replicate the attached file samples - over 4 hours on the phone with support - they say it can't be done. can it? Thx! :)
Sermon Builder - removing spaces between verses
Since the last update citing verses in the sermon builder while having "one verse per slide" selected now creates a space between the verses. Can this be changed back to the old way or can the old way be selected as an option? This is not a better feature things just take up even more space. Thanks