Missing "Add to Favorites" on Mobile App (android)
As the title describes, there is no way to add a Favorite (bookmark) on the mobile app on Android.
Error in level on Table of Contents
Burke, Tony, and Brent Landau, eds. New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures. Vol. 1. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016. The TOC marked by arrow should be indented.
Fully Functional MobIle Application
can we please focus on a fully functional mobile application whether it be web app or the mobile app. It is very frustrating to switch between the two for the following examples. web app cant make clippings and share clippings so we need to use mobile app. The mobile app cant add anchors to specific words in Scripture or…
Pin Important Official Announcements to the Top
Important announcements and updates are candidates for preferential treatment and due to their vital nature should receive some distinction to their inclusion on the forums. Neither I nor anyone else should miss out on these announcements due to the usual traffic of daily posts. As a result, pinning them to the top or…
Logos, I would like to finish a project so please standardize referencing and dynamic text.
I've been slowly been working on a project for years. I want to build a parallel scripture resource that emphasizes the narrative: column 1: contains the bible text forming the backbone of the Biblical narrative (think Cavins, Jeff, Tim Gray, and Sarah Christmyer. The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation. The Great…
Parity: Reverse Interlinears on Mobile
Support reverse interlinears in the Logos mobile app.
Add Volume Key and Bluetooth Remote Support for Page Turning
I would like to suggest adding the ability to turn pages using volume keys and Bluetooth remote controls. Many e-book readers and apps already offer this convenient feature, which makes reading much more comfortable, especially during long reading sessions. This would be particularly helpful for users who: Read while…
Logos - please USE AI - sermon, lecture, journal, letter
I use AI but only where I think it works best which is NOT in search where I expect accurate answers. However, I would be very happy and very satisfied if you created the labels for ALL the sermon, lecture, journal, and letter resources in your catalogue. You could even go further and put a brief synopsis of each sermon,…
Paper Builder
Like Sermon Builder but for academic papers with better bibliography support, etc.
Reintroduce bumping as a feature here
The forums are a busy place where important ideas may get passed over by some regular users and even more so by occasional users. The ability to reintroduce ideas for extended consideration by commenting or bumping is something this forum in particular needs to consider.
Add Popular Quotes to the Bible Study Builder tool
If anyone thinks this is a good idea please vote at the URL below. Thank you!
Popular Quotes in Bible Study Builder
How about adding the Popular Quotes feature (currently only available in Sermon Builder) to the Bible Study Builder.
Make offline Word Study work while offline for downloaded resources
The Word Study feature doesn't work when a mobile device is offline. Steps to reproduce: Set your device to Airplane Mode Open the Logos mobile app Long-press on any word in a bible In the resulting pop-over window (notice the lower half of that window is blank), tap the Word Study icon (the lower half of that pop-over…
Web Training Hosting and Replay
I try to watch the trainings but they are often while I’m at work and when I got to pick up where I left off, or skip a part, the system does not let me fast forward which is a deal killer for me. Can you please improve this feature?
Apple Pencil integration
I have fallen in love with Logos! It has been fun to learn and use. One thing that I have been disappointed in is the use of an Apple Pencil within the app. It would be awesome to be able to highlight and take handwritten notes all in the app. Are there any future plans for this?
Using a styles to make notes
It would be really great if you could make the mobile version so you can write with a stylus pen instead of having to type on a keyboard. A lot of times with a phone or tablet I dont have a keyboard so it would be great to be able to write with a stylus pen.
support cross highlighting for notes between greek and hebrew or english documents
see this discussion for details: it seems that the note highlighting capability is currently rather limited and could be expanded to cover many more resources.
Avoid unintended duplicate resource tabs
You might figure other implementations, but here are 2 possibilities: when opening a resource, provide the option to switch to a tab for that resource already open (web-browsers, like Safari use this feature), Have a conveniently located, alphabetized list of open resources, hyper-linked to their tabs.
Test New Idea - ignore
Testing how an Idea in English Feedback forum can be moved
Logos needs to follow better when switching versions
This is an issue that happens in more than one scenario. In this case, I created a passage list from a Hebrew lexicon (BDB) So the verse numbers here are from the lexicon. But the verses are in English, and the English numbers don't always correspond to the Hebrew text. If you look at the text above, you will see several…
Storing, Searching, Accessing 'Personal Books' and audio-text conversion, etc.
I am aware that 'Personal Books' are presently stored on the LOGOS cloud. However ... [A] Why not have an ADDITIIONAL 'local drive storage folder' for 'Personal books' which is LOGOS searchable, 'summariseable', etc. for those that could be interested in creating one on their desktops / iPads / mobiles. (a) This folder…
keyboard shortcut to add anchor to open note
pretty much exactly what it says. I don't currently see a shortcut for adding an anchor to an open note. sometimes I have notes with many anchors and scrolling down to find the button can be tedious.
Synopsis of Gospels - Feature Parity
On my Desktop App, I can use a bunch of different resources to view the gospels and choose the bible version for displaying the text as I wish. I'd like to do so on the iPad, too (iOS 18.1.1, Verbum 39.0.1 (2)), but neither in the app nor in the Web App this seems to be possible: Only one Synopsis is showing text at all,…
Clippings from external resources
The notecard model for clippings is a really excellent and helpful paradigm, but there is a shortcoming in the implementation that makes the clippings tool less useful than it could be. Clippings can only be added to a document from resources within Logos. When I'm doing research, maybe 50% of the information I locate is…
Two Recommendations for Added Features
MEMORIZATION Make memorization tool available on mobile device. COMMUNITY Create tool for sharing books temporarily with other Logos users. This is great in terms of building community but would also encourage purchasing of additional resources. I do quite a bit of work with Bible College students and it often would be…
Heads Up Logos Techs
Your workflow Uber Bible Reference is NOT working correctly. Once you place the scripture in there is an error.
Parity: Add Sentence Diagrammer to iPad
We have many pastors in training at our seminary who are using Logos and would love to use our iPads for the diagramming as we work through our exegesis. This function is still not available as it seems on the iPad. With there being more and more guys switching to iPads and desiring to use them for sermon prep and usage,…
Clippings from print books
I get clippings was designed for logos books. However, having a large print book collection, it would be nice to add quotes from my print books to my clippings files to use later in the same way as the others. Also would love to hear other work arounds for this.
Allow users to disable pop-up resource previews - New option in program settings
Too often the pop-up resource previews are intrusive for some users who wish to be able to navigate the application using the mouse pointer without frequent visual interruptions. Occasionally, the pop-ups even block important information on smaller screens and some thought must be dedicated to determine how to remove the…
Expand Layouts
Increase the number of panels (more than 4) that can be included in a layout; e.g., 6 or 8.
Turabian 9th ed. Notes & bibliography format
Can you also add the option to select Turabian 9th ed. Notes & Bibliography format?
In forums, we need the ability to remove an answer tag
It provides bad information when a best answer tag is given an incorrect answer - especially when the correct answer is actually given in the thread. Please provide a way to remove an incorrect answer tag.
Mobile App Suggestion
Is it possible to add the clock/time to the top bar when reading? I noticed on my iOS app today it has the title and page (when minimized) which is great but I would love to see an option to add the clock to that bar. Thx
Metric system conversion
I often read books and find references to feets, yards, miles, pounds and I wonder, what are you talking about? It is distracting having to go to google to figure out what the text is saying. Can you build a conversion tool upon selecting a text with such metrics thar can be tagged so next time you just need to hover over…
provide more book information for old community pricing books now on prepub
Logos used to have community pricing for older books that they sold in large collections. Logos lost interest in the program and discontinued it. Now the collections are being sold as regular prepubs, but all the information on the individual books is missing, so the only information a potential buyer will see is the book…
Minimize cognitive dissonance in tagging
Example from deSilva, David A. The Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha: A New Translation. Edited by Douglas Mangum, Lynsey Stepan, and Kelsey Matthews. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Academic, 2023. It is my impression that the "average member of the target market" won't know instantly why chapter 6 becomes chapter 1. In some…
Add drop down info when hovering over item in parallel lists
It would be very helpful to have more than just a list of often cryptic titles in the drop down parallel lists for my commentaries and other resources. Yes I know my top 5 or 6 favorites cryptic titles but if I go much further down the list I can't always remember what the book is. Please add an info excerpt to the book…
Add author name to excerpts
When hovering over a book title (wherever this occurs) and a short excerpt pops up, add the author's name to the excerpt so I can tell if it is a book I really want to open. The titles are not always informative. For example under Commentaries in bible explorer, hovering over a title reveals part of the commentary text.…
Widgets for Reading Plans on iOS.
I use widgets on my iPhone for quick access to some apps. Widgets that allow quick access to my reading plans would be a great feature.
Improve precision of Biblical references
When a resource such as International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP). Codex Sinaiticus: Septuagint and New Testament. Cambridge, UK: The Codex Sinaiticus Project Board, 2012. has multiple versions of a text, the milestones lack any differentiation so that the user may search on or link to the correct text. Please add…
Expand text comparison to handle texts such as side-by-side publication
Note the milestones for the two manuscripts are identical so there may be a change required in the resource as well as the feature. There are a number of cases where variants are published side by side with identical tagging making it impossible to include both versions in the text comparison tool. Example from Charles,…
Exporting notes and highlights with citations
After searching a bit, I didn't see an easy place to just upvote on this suggestion after the recent changes (https://community.logos.com/forums/t/214075.aspx), but it is still a major requirement for me (and I suspect many others) as I build my knowledge base for academic purposes and need to be able to match citations to…
AI Sermon Title Suggestions
One of the things that I sometimes struggle with in writing sermons each week, is coming up with a good (both descriptive & intriguing) sermon title. Now with AI built into Logos, and the sermon builder tool, I would think this could be an extremely useful and beneficial application of AI for pastors who write their…
Formatting in Sermon Builder
My logos was just updated to the 39.0 release (Logos for Mac). Before this release, when I clicked the Scripture in the sermon builder, a box formed around it, which allowed me to either delete or move it… Now, when I click on the Scripture, the cursor forms like I'm trying to edit it. Can you bring back the previous way…
Example of a rejected post
@Jason Stone An example of a "random" rejection of a post
Version 39
some of my layouts are causing Verbum to crash while others fine. Is there a known issue about this?
Please add a library type of Parabiblical
There are three major subcategories in ancient texts: (1) Near eastern texts and latin/Greek classics (2) Jewish and early church fathers Judeo-Christian texts and (3) parabiblical texts, a term I first ran into at https://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rak/courses/735/Parabiblical/labels.htm a few years ago. It includes apocrypha,…
More Formatting Options
I'd love to see more formatting options for resources. As an example, the current "Tight, Normal, Loose" settings for line height seem ambiguous. I often find "loose" often to be too tight. And it can vary from resource to resource. Same with margins, I'd love to be able to add more whitespace in the margins to frame up…
Purchases that no longer exist in webpage
I was reading through one of the books I own with logos studying lessons on Inductive Bible Study: the lesson suggested that I buy an Inductive Study Bible to appreciate the lesson but you all don't have such a product. This is not the first time I saw this but if and only if perhaps it's labeled something else, can logos…
Add document visual filters
Please add a new group of document visual filters to the visual filters menu in resources, so I can see where I have a document such as a sermon on a particular passage of Scripture and quickly open it.