Logos 9 Wishlist



  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Please include the entire 5 volume set of Encyclopedia of Christianity in Silver or Gold Standard.  I’ve upgraded to Portfolio and I’m also considering another Portfolio Base Package upgrade and neither one has the complete set.  I’m only missing volumes 4 and 5, but I don’t really want to purchase them separately or in another base package that I don’t really need.  Here’s the link to the resource: https://www.logos.com/product/8809/the-encyclopedia-of-christianity-vols-1-5 



  • Steven Yu
    Steven Yu Member Posts: 212 ✭✭

    I think my highest wishlist item for Logos at the moment will be the availability of ISBN, this will allow us to integrate our collection with our physical books.

    If Logos can even integrate with LibraryThing or GoodRead, that will be the best!

    "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free", John 8:32.
    "你們必定認識真理,真理必定使你們自由", 約翰福音 8:3.

  • Mike Tourangeau
    Mike Tourangeau Member Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭

    If the regular cycle continues when would L9 be released?

  • Levi Durfey
    Levi Durfey Member Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭

    If the regular cycle continues when would L9 be released?

    This Fall sometime. Here are the release dates since Logos 4:

    Logos 4.0 SR-3 -- Tue, Nov 3 2009

    Logos 5.0 SR-2 -- Thursday, November 1, 2012

    Logos 6.0 -- Monday, October 27, 2014

    Logos 7.0 -- Monday, August 22, 2016

    Logos 8.0 -- Monday, October 29, 2018

    Note that Logos 7 was an early bird--the rest are in the late October-early November range. There are no guarantees, however.  

  • David P. Moore
    David P. Moore Member Posts: 610 ✭✭

    What new features should we add?

    I not sure if these ideas have been mentioned yet, but I would like to see:

    1. a simple web browser added, similar to what Logos did with WikiPedia, and like another Bible software has. I find myself needing to add pieces of blog posts, etc. to a Clippings Document, or would like to go to a favorite website routinely within the software as I prepare a Bible study. etc.

    2. Take Sermons out of Docs and give it its own home. I would like to see more management control of my sermon docs, such as organizing by when delivered, location, etc. I also would like to generate simple reports like frequent verse citations and topics used within the sermons, etc. All of this metadata is already there, as there are places for it...you just can't easily see this data represented in summary format--certainly not when Sermons are mixed up with Canvases, Word Find puzzles, etc.


  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    1. a simple web browser added, similar to what Logos did with WikiPedia, and like another Bible software has. I find myself needing to add pieces of blog posts, etc. to a Clippings Document, or would like to go to a favorite website routinely within the software as I prepare a Bible study. etc.

    2. Take Sermons out of Docs and give it its own home. I would like to see more management control of my sermon docs, such as organizing by when delivered, location, etc. I also would like to generate simple reports like frequent verse citations and topics used within the sermons, etc. All of this metadata is already there, as there are places for it...you just can't easily see this data represented in summary format--certainly not when Sermons are mixed up with Canvases, Word Find puzzles, etc.

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  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    certainly not when Sermons are mixed up with Canvases, Word Find puzzles, etc.

    That is why you filter or sort. I'm not keen on moving beyond search-documents-guides-tools-library ... remembering where to look for something become too much of an issue.  But you are certainly right to suggest it - others will not have my response.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Mathew Haferkamp
    Mathew Haferkamp Member Posts: 459 ✭✭

    Hello Phil and the whole logos family.  I did like the update you did where you can link a book to a search.  But may I request another update to that, it would be nice if you could link the information panel to a search.  That way you do not have to go thru the trouble of linking every book to the search.


  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    2. Take Sermons out of Docs and give it its own home. I would like to see more management control of my sermon docs, such as organizing by when delivered, location, etc. I also would like to generate simple reports like frequent verse citations and topics used within the sermons, etc. All of this metadata is already there, as there are places for it...you just can't easily see this data represented in summary format--certainly not when Sermons are mixed up with Canvases, Word Find puzzles, etc.

    Google's gmail allows labeling of emails to appear in their own "folder" (logical grouping that can be searched - essentially using label as part of search filtering).

    Personal Book option for sermons includes when delivered, location => https://wiki.logos.com/Sermon_and_Illustration_Support (collection of Sermon personal books can be searched, bibliography, ...)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Donnie Vick
    Donnie Vick Member Posts: 118 ✭✭

    I think a web clipper like Evernote has would be better than having a browser in the software. The web clipper could send a blog article to a clipping or a note document.

  • Pastor Corey
    Pastor Corey Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I am enjoying Logos 8, and have enjoyed using Logos for almost 15 years.  Something that would be great is to have a way for Sermon Editor and Notes to integrated with Microsoft OneNote.  I do a lot of prep work for my sermons in OneNote over the built in Sermon Editor, but it would be nice to have some form of integration. 

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    The web clipper could send a blog article to a clipping or a note document.

    While I would also want a OneNote version this functionality would be huge. There are tons of great articles on the Internet I would like an easy way (such as a Logos browser Extension) that would allow me to easily add the article to my library in a way that would then become searchable. Currently I save them in OneNote but I would much rather have them in Logos where I could find them with relevant searches of my resources without needing to do a lot of manual copy/paste.

  • Dr Jason Harris
    Dr Jason Harris Member Posts: 76 ✭✭

    I would love to see NICOT/NT included in the Gold or Platinum package. That would be decisive for me in deciding to upgrade.

    Gold: Logos 8 | Bronze: Logos 9, Baptist, Reformed, Ordinariate | Starter: Messianic Jewish, Eastern Rite | Academic: Premium

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    I would love to see NICOT/NT included in the Gold or Platinum package. That would be decisive for me in deciding to upgrade.

    Yep. Something tells me that as long as people keep shelling out for EBC, NICOT, and WBC, they'll keep them as stand-alones. Also, some of these titles are offered for a fraction of the cost on another Bible program. NICOT is now going for $139.99, NICNT is going for $129.99 ($269.98 total), vs. $1899.99 on Logos. And the format they're offered on allows searching the content, and is synced with Scripture.

    Faithlife has started to offer books in two formats, with one that is less heavily tagged, at a lower price. I wonder if they could do something like that with the commentaries, so they could be more competitive with other programs. 

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    I would love to see NICOT/NT included in the Gold or Platinum package. That would be decisive for me in deciding to upgrade.

    NICOT/NT is included in Collector’s BP.  I bought it on sale almost 2 years ago as it was cheaper for me then.  It had never been included in a base package before, but too bad they put it in one of the higher ones.  Great series! 


  • MWW
    MWW Member Posts: 428 ✭✭

    I think a web clipper like Evernote has would be better than having a browser in the software. The web clipper could send a blog article to a clipping or a note document.

    That would be fantastic... presently I have to copy and paste manually.

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,510 ✭✭✭

    Make it possible to add tags to multiple resources within a Collection.

    For example:
    1. I create or already have a complex collection
    2. I want to select all or some resources in the collection to tag
    3. Let me open the information panel of some other way to add a tag to selected resources

  • J. Remington Bowling
    J. Remington Bowling Member Posts: 630 ✭✭

    Yep. Something tells me that as long as people keep shelling out for EBC, NICOT, and WBC, they'll keep them as stand-alones. Also, some of these titles are offered for a fraction of the cost on another Bible program. NICOT is now going for $139.99, NICNT is going for $129.99 ($269.98 total), vs. $1899.99 on Logos. And the format they're offered on allows searching the content, and is synced with Scripture.

    Faithlife has started to offer books in two formats, with one that is less heavily tagged, at a lower price. I wonder if they could do something like that with the commentaries, so they could be more competitive with other programs. 

    I would wager that there is almost no chance of this happening. For the Faithlife angle, commentaries are those types of resources which most logically fit within the Research Edition category. And those commentaries which are higher priced tend to be those commentaries which are more in demand and/or considered of higher quality. To place these sorts of resources as Reader Editions would cut against the logic of their having that category--assuming I've understood them correctly. From the consumer standpoint, these sorts of commentaries are those which the community most naturally will want as a research tool. So Faithlife would be receiving more complaints over them being Reader Editions than Research Editions. 

    Granted, Faithlife is probably going to be receiving a lot of complaints along these lines anyway. There's always going to be someone who this book they like should be a Research Edition or upset that they can't buy this book they like as a lower-cost Reader Edition. Overall they've made the correct move, as it will allow them to have more resources in Logos that they wouldn't otherwise and much sooner than they would have otherwise (and thus making sales that they would have otherwise lost). But simply by creating the further category they've created more space for people to be dissatisfied with an immediate result, when the benefits are largely behind the scenes or long-term.

    Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    Also, some of these titles are offered for a fraction of the cost on another Bible program. NICOT is now going for $139.99, NICNT is going for $129.99 ($269.98 total), vs. $1899.99 on Logos.

    So (just thinking). 

    - Another company is giving away $1,500 dollars for each customer purchase (at least, a lot)

    - Logos is making a killing, even after royalties (along with the iffy tagging)

    - Logos has a really bad contract


    - Logos markup costs 6 times the cost of authoring/editing/profit-margins

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • J. Remington Bowling
    J. Remington Bowling Member Posts: 630 ✭✭

    Denise said:

    - Logos is making a killing, even after royalties (along with the iffy tagging)

    - Logos has a really bad contract

    Since resources like WBC and NICOT have been on Logos a long time, I'm guessing it's at least partly bad contract? Remember how reluctant publishers were to get into digital books? About as much as the music industry with digital music... and movie industry with digital purchases/rentals. I sometimes get the impression that publishers would still like to go back to a print only world if only they could. (Look at the ridiculous way the C. S. Lewis books are handled.) My guess is that Faithlife had to give a pretty nice carrot to get some rights. 

    At some point though, with some of these resources, someone is making a huge amount of profit off of these digital resources, since it seems like the cost of overhead (is that the right term?) approaches zero over time.

    Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    I know I am late to the party, but I would really like to see the following:

    1. Personal Book conversion from .pdf.

    2. Personal books in mobile.

    3. More interactive maps like Accordance and richer graphics.

    Those would be my top 3 requests. 

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    richer graphics

    Since Carta is coming to Logos, FL may be delivering "a high-quality image experience" for those resources.

    One could hope that might also generally benefit other new resources.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Nick Steffen
    Nick Steffen Member Posts: 673 ✭✭✭

    One more thing to add to the Logos 9 Wishlist:

    Let's get a relationship going with Norton! Norton anthologies, critical editions, even Robert Alter! Rosie rightly pointed out, there's a strong desire for Robert Alter's work, which is largely through Norton, and given Logos' emphasis on tagging and Norton Critical Editions' (and their anthologies') emphasis on annotation, they honestly seem ideally fitted to each other. My favorite study Bible just happens to be the Norton Critical edition English Bible, which I would love to see come to Logos. If the primary value that Logos adds is tagging, then wouldn't a library filled with with Norton volumes all interlinked with one another be an incredible example of what that could look like?

  • Tim Bray
    Tim Bray Member Posts: 77 ✭✭

    A feature request for the time-line tool.

    Link the Bible and tool so that the TL tool follows the verse / Era/ names in Bible.



  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    I am very happy with Logos 8, and I agree that further improvements and refinements (particularly to datasets and tools that are already available) is the most important focus. As for specifics, there are so many great suggestions on these pages that I like, I will try to distinguish those suggestions to which I wanted to add my agreement with the ones that I think are new(ish) to this list.


    1. I agree with Ruben Helmuth's post regarding additional notes facet searching. Low hanging fruit would be a facet for note-flag icons and one for note color. Many of us use note icons and colors in a systematic fashion, so being able to filter for them would be great. Another facet that I would find particularly useful is accessing dates of my notes. I may want to review all the notes I created last week. So being able to get at dates would be nice. I'd like to expand facet filtering so that I can make additive filters (all notes in Notebook X and Notebook Y; all notes tagged with X + all notes tagged with Y). I guess that would be a Boolean "or" search. I'd also like to have exclude filters e.g., "all notes on 1 Samuel in this notebook, but not in these." I'd like to be able to group these additive an exclusionary filters into complex filters. Finally, I'd like to be able to save those queries.

    2. I agree with James Hudson's idea of being able to insert a graphic, diagram, etc. into our notes would be helpful. Making a canvas and linking to a note with an L4 works fine, but there are sometimes it would be great to have a graphic embedded right in the note.

    3. I would like to be able to tag notes with Topic categories so that they could be surfaced in Topic Guides or even Factbook entries.

    4. I agree it would be helpful to have searches queries w/i notes highlight the search terms IN the notes.

    5. Having an accessible list (index) of all tags you use would be helpful, especially when you start to develop a lot of tags.

    Personal Books.

    1. I agree with James Hudson's idea about allowing PBs to be accessible on mobile. Maybe allowing self-hosted servers or webDAV servers could facilitate this.

    2. I love the power and potential of PBs and think the PBB tools should be greatly expanded. The parser should better handle MS Word styles. I have PBs where the formatting breaks the book after building, but I have no way of discovering how to troubleshoot the problem. I agree that it would be nice to be able to add PDFs as personal books. Maybe the PBB tool could be improved to allow tagging of topics, pages, Bible references, etc., directly in Logos. Maybe the idea of an external parser, like Chrisser, suggested would work better.

    3. In addition to PDF, allow building personal books from epub and mobi besides just .docx?


    Clippings are a neglected tool that can be a very flexible workhorse.

    1. Enabling us to create clippings for outside resources would be helpful.

    2. Enabling us to make a single clipping from several resources would be ideal. I appreciate that the standard academic workflow would be one resource per index card, but there are many times I've wanted to group several resources onto a single card. Maybe the solution would be more powerful organizational tools for clippings.

    3. Better citation capturing, as someone else mentioned, would be idea.

    4. Better design on the export. I'd like to just generate a PDF of my clippings, which we can do, but the presentation is unhelpful. Sure, you can dump clippings into a text editor and clean them up the way you want them, but it would be great if there were at least one way to have a no fuss/no muss pretty presentation that you could generate and share with someone (like a Bible study group).

    5. I'm indifferent as to whether clippings should be incorporated into the Notes tool or remain standalone. I'd like the best, most organized functionality. If that means incorporating with Notes, I'd welcome that. It certainly would be nice to be able to use a universal set of tags to tag clippings that we use for notes.

    Mobile Parity.

    Mobile needs to be vastly "improved." The more I use the powerful features of Logos, the less I'm able to get anything done on mobile. My focus is on iOS. The Android versions may act differently, so I don't speak for Android.  I recognize there may be some technical limitations at present that make implementing some Logos features untenable. But my gut tells mere that there is much more that can be done to add feature parity between mobile and desktop.

    1. If I'm working one something, I want to be able to start and complete a task on the platform I'm using. Right now on mobile, there are somethings that I can do, but then I hit a wall. So, I have to mark my notes with a special icon flag that tells me there is something I need to complete when I get back to desktop Logos.

    2. As Liam requested, visual filters would be ideal to have on mobile

    3. Having the guides be able to access our content would also be ideal.

    4. The text selection is terrible. I cannot tell you how many times I have to start over on selecting text from a resource that I want to take a note about. I have to pray if I want to capture a long block of text that extends beyond what's on the screen. Also, after you select text, sometimes you can't adjust the selection because the context menu gets in the way. The whole touch interface needs to be vastly improved in the sense of polish ease of use. It's very frustrating and hard to be productive. It almost seems to me that nobody at Logos actually takes notes on their iPhones because I'm not sure how this has been left this way. Logos 8's text navigation, selection, etc. has improved over previous versions but it needs attention. Plenty of other apps have solved this problem, so it strikes me that this is just something that needs attention.

    5. I'd like access to Passage lists on mobile.

    6. At least on iPad, being able to access canvases without going to the web would be nice.

    7. Improving the sermon editor on mobile would be welcome.

    8. Accessing notes tags should be improved. I have trouble with the current system that only keeps the top 30 tags in memory. There are plenty of notes that I need to access that have tags that are not heavily used. I have to use a work around, were I first filter for a more popular tag, filter to the less heavily used tag, and then remove the first filter. This is not a polished professional workflow.

    User Interface Elements.

    I use desktop Logos on my laptop connected to a 27" display. I have gotten used to some great layouts when I work this way, but I cannot re-create those working on my laptop (15" display) alone because there are a lot of UI elements (especially in notes) that make it impossible. I'd like Logos to have some more methods of minimizing the UI elements so that we can get more information on screen. They are useful elements, particularly on a big screen, and even on the small screen. But sometimes you need more room to see and interact with the content, not the interface. 


    1. So much promise in the home page. I'd like to be able to use it more as a dashboard and information resource. It would be great if it could aggregate content from sites of our choosing in addition to Faithlife's content. Maybe RSS feed aggregation could do the trick?

    2. Improvements to the favorites tool, such as more organizational tools, would be welcome.

    3. I echo the request to flesh out and normalize the library metadata. I imported my entire bibliography into Zotero and discovered how much information is missing or inconsistently applied.

    4. I agree regarding more audio Bible options. I have the Scourby KJV audio Bible, and I'd love to be able to use it (or an equivalent, if there is such a thing) the same way the ESV audio works.

    5. I agree that a better offline mode would be useful.

    6. Improvements to the courses tool would be great, particularly tools that enable you to revise your schedule (e.g., if you fall behind).

    7. Ruben mentioned enabling easier access to specific translations of Bible references, and I agree. I have plenty of places where an author cited a specific translation of a Bible verse. I would be nice to have easier access to those translations.

    Thanks for reading through all this. I appreciate Logos' commitment to quality. I also want to contextualize this wishlist. Logos is a most powerful Bible/theology research tool. So much of this program is absolutely perfect; please do not let this get lost in a wishlist post like this. I love Logos and spend a lot of time in it. More importantly, I get a lot of delight out of using it. That in turn has fueled my eagerness to study the Word, which even standing alone makes it worth the price of admission.

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭

    Tom, great ideas.

    I also wished that the Prayer List got improved. The editing is painful as the window size is very small when editing. Maybe sub-items could be added. I often have several prayer items for a situation or a person. I cannot select those sub-items as "answered". And the prayer lists on mobile devices are even more challenging.

    The Courses Tool also needs some more work. "Continue" actually means "Done". And if I accidentally click "Continue", I cannot undo it.

  • Nick Steffen
    Nick Steffen Member Posts: 673 ✭✭✭

    This may be a rather boutique request, as it would only affect the handful of users who have purchased or who would purchase the CNTTS apparatus, but I believe a simpler user interface for CNTTS would vastly benefit its users and I would love to see this happen in Logos 9.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    simpler user interface for CNTTS would vastly benefit its users

    True, though my 'suspicion' is that it's a specially coded software section for one resource that they'd be reluctant to touch. In addition to improved display (and updated resource?), linking really drags the layout down. I have to keep mine unlinked.

    A partnership with New Orleans could provide a great tool for visually displaying mss sequences, that would be a first among the software platforms.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    I would really like to see the following:
    1. Personal Book conversion from .pdf.

    One main problem for PDF files is that some are just pictures of text. Yes, maybe they could be converted but only as page after page of pictures of text. And thus, not searchable

    2. Personal books in mobile.

    See https://community.logos.com/forums/p/126859/848584.aspx#848584    
    With the way Bob Pritchett feels about personal books we just might wake up some morning and find the best feature in Logos GONE!

  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    One main problem for PDF files is that some are just pictures of text. Yes, maybe they could be converted but only as page after page of pictures of text. And thus, not searchable

    There's not actually a problem here, though, is it? Tools that make PDFs text searchable are easy to get hold of and do a pretty good job. Moreover, many authoring tools (like printing to PDF from a word processor) create text searchable PDFs in the first instance. I can't speak to the experience of other users, but I have a script that automatically OCRs any new PDFs that I get. Logos could easily generate a warning if a user trie to build a book that didn't have a text layer. The PBB could also just not compile any non-text-searchable PDFs. So, there is a minimal technical challenge here. On the other hand, there could be a reason one wanted to build a PDF that was not text searchable. Maybe you have a PDF of diagrams and you only want access to them but don't need to search anything. That's probably a very narrow use case, of course. The real benefit of the PBB is to get the text processed, indexed, and accessible to your library. So, the best solution could be for PBB to error-out of any PDF that is not OCR'd.

    Also, there is the issue of figuring out how to enable metadata tagging over a PDF. That's a more complicated issue, I'm sure.

    David Ames said:See https://community.logos.com/forums/p/126859/848584.aspx#848584    

    With the way Bob Pritchett feels about personal books we just might wake up some morning and find the best feature in Logos GONE!

    I had never come across this. Thanks for sharing it. It was a fascinating read, and really does make a lot of sense. The PBB tool is useful (for the small segment of "NOBODY" who do use it), though, so I hope they decide some way to accommodate it on mobile. 2016 was a long time ago in the tech-years; maybe the whole mobile model needs to be rethought? I'm not a developer, but it iOS and Android have made great strides in hardware and at the OS level so maybe there is more that can be done (like indexing) native on device?

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,063

    One main problem for PDF files is that some are just pictures of text. Yes, maybe they could be converted but only as page after page of pictures of text. And thus, not searchable

    Even PDFs that have text (not just page scans) can be surprisingly difficult to extract text from. I highly recommend reading https://www.filingdb.com/pdf-text-extraction to give an overview of the problems that could be encountered.

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    One main problem for PDF files is that some are just pictures of text. Yes, maybe they could be converted but only as page after page of pictures of text. And thus, not searchable

    Even PDFs that have text (not just page scans) can be surprisingly difficult to extract text from. I highly recommend reading https://www.filingdb.com/pdf-text-extraction to give an overview of the problems that could be encountered.

    Accordance has PDF import and they say not everything imports the same due to the various formats “behind the scenes.”


  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    I think Logos 9 should also fix this. Not the tool, the hanging "e." 

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Tom Vidal said:

    I think Logos 9 should also fix this. Not the tool, the hanging "e." 


  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    Even PDFs that have text (not just page scans) can be surprisingly difficult to extract text from. I highly recommend reading https://www.filingdb.com/pdf-text-extraction to give an overview of the problems that could be encountered.

    Are we having fun yet? [interesting reading]  And OCR also has problems also.

  • Steven New
    Steven New Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    I dunno if it has been suggested but a more advanced Library prioritization system would be nice.  Right now the idea of listing your Bible preferences first, then lexicons, and then commentaries isn't really that intuitive.  It would be nice to have tabs or table organization where you click on the Bible tags and can list the priority Bibles you want, in any order how many you want.  Then One for Dictionaries, Commentaries, basically anyway you want to sort your books with library tags...authors or what not.  

    This could theoretically help organize and pull up resources faster and get better results for the users.  

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    I know I am late to the party, but I would really like to see the following:

    1. Personal Book conversion from .pdf.

    2. Personal books in mobile.

    3. More interactive maps like Accordance and richer graphics.

    Those would be my top 3 requests. 

    My understanding is they already gave a hard "no" to PDF's. Someone posted a link to this in the forums a while back, and I read the article about it, but since lost it. Here's someone noting it: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/187018/1083028.aspx#1083028 Does anyone have a link to that article again, where they basically said they're never going to do PDF's?

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    I know I am late to the party, but I would really like to see the following:

    1. Personal Book conversion from .pdf.

    2. Personal books in mobile.

    3. More interactive maps like Accordance and richer graphics.

    Those would be my top 3 requests. 

    My understanding is they already gave a hard "no" to PDF's. Someone posted a link to this in the forums a while back, and I read the article about it, but since lost it. Here's someone noting it: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/187018/1083028.aspx#1083028 Does anyone have a link to that article again, where they basically said they're never going to do PDF's?

  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    Yes, this problem only seems to occur when you pin the concordance to the top.

  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    Lots of good discussions on the Personal Book issue and PDFs. I think I could live without being able to import PDFs and even live without personal books if the clippings tool could be improved to allow you to clip outside resources. And, if you could tag clippings so they would appear in Topic guides, the Factbook, etc. that would address my needs.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,063

    Does anyone have a link to that article again, where they basically said they're never going to do PDF's?

    Here, maybe? https://logos.uservoice.com/forums/42823-logos-bible-software-7/suggestions/1096505-pdf-docx-files

    (I actually posted that response; Adam took over the UserVoice account and it now ascribes all my replies to him.)

  • Jerry Bush
    Jerry Bush Member Posts: 1,153 ✭✭✭

    Similar to the way we can hide books we don't need, I would like to hide tools and guides and possibly other things from the menus.

    I realize Logos cannot actually remove these features from the software, but as the program has grown over the years, the menus have grown and there are some features I will never use.

    If I were able to hide them, I would be able to find what I actually do want to use much more quickly.

    Macbook Air (2024), Apple M2, 16gb Ram, Mac Sequoia, 1TB storage

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Similar to the way we can hide books we don't need, I would like to hide tools and guides and possibly other things from the menus.

    I realize Logos cannot actually remove these features from the software, but as the program has grown over the years, the menus have grown and there are some features I will never use.

    If I were able to hide them, I would be able to find what I actually do want to use much more quickly.

    Both the Guides and Tools menus have a context (right-click) menu, and you can pin items you use frequently to the top. For me, that effectively keeps the others out of the way. 

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    @Sean Boisen, nice tip of saving the shortcuts to scaling! when I open logos on my 12" Surface Pro and when I open on my 4k 32" monitor I need a convenient way to change scaling.

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    (for those not reading between the lines quite as carefully as David ...)
    If you want a shortcut to change the scaling of Logos:

    • type in the Command Bar "Set program scaling to 150%" (or whatever value you prefer)
    • Don't hit return: instead, click and drag the entry on the drop-down menu over to the shortcuts area
    • By default it will probably have a gear icon: right click on the icon in the shortcuts area to choose a different icon if you like, and add a label (mine are labeled as 100% and 150%)
    • I did this twice so i had one to increase it, and one to reset it 

    See the red box below for the result. 

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    (for those not reading between the lines quite as carefully as David ...)
    If you want a shortcut to change the scaling of Logos:

    • type in the Command Bar "Set program scaling to 150%" (or whatever value you prefer)
    • Don't hit return: instead, click and drag the entry on the drop-down menu over to the shortcuts area
    • By default it will probably have a gear icon: right click on the icon in the shortcuts area to choose a different icon if you like, and add a label (mine are labeled as 100% and 150%)
    • I did this twice so i had one to increase it, and one to reset it 

    See the red box below for the result. 

    Cool. Thanks.

  • John Duffy
    John Duffy Member Posts: 591 ✭✭✭

    One feature that would be good in Logos 9 would be the ability to assign which pane or floating window in a saved layout that new resources would open to. I generally have several floating windows open, but every time a new resource opens (unless I drag it to a specific tab location to view it) it opens in the most obscure and unhelpful window/pane. Sometimes I can't even see where it has opened if it opens in a small pane without me noticing. I generally need to drag it (or open in a separate window and then drag it) to a useful location before using it. Also, often where there are multiple floating windows open and the relevant one is hidden behind other windows, the resource can't be dragged to the desired tab location because it isn't visible. 

    If panes or floating windows in a layout could be denoted according to preferred resource type (or multiple resource types) for that pane/window, that would be a great help. 

    For example, if commentaries defaulted to open in the floating window preferred for 'Commentaries', or if searches and Notes opened in the floating window preferred for 'Searches' and 'Notes' and 'Clippings', or lexicons in the 'Lexicons' floating window, journals in 'Journals' floating window, and so on, that would be very helpful. 

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Make a dedicated shortcut for selecting a Bible passage, that overrides every other window you have open. One thing I like about e-sword, is that no matter how many windows you have open, CTRL+L will always take you to the Bible reference box for verse input. On Logos, I have to keep manually selecting the Bible tab every time I want to use CTRL+G. Since all the other windows are generally synced to the Bible, it makes sense to have a dedicated shortcut that will always work only on the Bible. If there's already some way to do this, maybe someone could point that out to me.

    Also, please get rid of the slider bar verse selector on the mobile, and replace it with chapter up, chapter down arrows. There's no way to select a passage accurately with that slider, and it just takes up valuable space. When you read through a passage, then you want to flip to the commentary that's synced, it takes you to the end of the comments, and you have to scroll to get back to the beginning of the chapter. It's the same when you switch from one synced commentary to the next. It's such a frustrating and needless waste of time, to have to either keep scrolling all the time, or else go in and manually select the start of the chapter again.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    One feature that would be good in Logos 9 would be the ability to assign which pane or floating window in a saved layout that new resources would open to...

    Yes. The "Send hyperlinks here" option kind of does that if you're clicking to open a Bible verse, but it would be nice to be able to assign where resources of certain types open.