Updated for Logos 8+
Page Contents
- Use the Information tool to display extra information about any word you hover your mouse over.
- The Information window can be used with virtually any book in your library.
- You can direct which information will show up in the Information window (see Setting up your Information window).
- And you can control when the information appears (by Hovering or by Clicking). See Hover/Click option.
- Information which can appear includes:
- On the top menu click on Tools
- In the drop down menu click on Information
- In your resource right click on a word or footnote.
- A pop-up (Context) menu will appear. Click Show more Information at the bottom.
- You will need an open resource.
- In the resource, click/hover over a word or data type reference link:
- an entry from a dictionary, lexicon or encyclopedia may come up in Information, as well as the text of references.
- nearby footnotes may also appear.
- Moving to another word in the text will bring up information on the new word.
- If Hover (see Hover/Click option) is selected you can move the cursor without changing the content by holding the Ctrl key down.
- Click a link in the Information panel to open a resource or tool to the referenced location.
- The Information window allows you to control what information is visible in its window.
- This can be useful when your system may be slow. You can disable many of the items that you don’t normally use.
- This can be helpful when too much info is showing in the window, you can turn off what you don’t need.
Hover/Click option
- Click on the Information panel menu icon and a drop-down list will appear.
- Select an option for Update on:
- Hover means that Information is updated when your mouse hovers over a word.
- Click means that Information is updated only when a word is clicked and it could be more efficient than Hover if you are running on a slower computer.
- Adding
- Click Add in the toolbar as shown above.
- Click the required category (in bold type).
It will appear at the bottom of the Info window. - Click and drag the category header to a new location.
- Deleting
- Click (or hover over) a category header.
- Click the X on the right side to remove it.
Note: it can be restored from the Add menu.
Most Information categories have Settings. If you don’t understand an option check its box to see what information it provides.
For each type of word:
- Click the box if you want a definition to be included.
e.g. a word in the Old Testament of an English reverse interlinear bible can provide Surface Text (the word you see), a Hebrew/Aramaic Lemma and a Strong’s Number - Select Brief, Entire or Gloss
- Choose whether the definition comes from your Top prioritized lexicon/dictionary or choose from the drop-down list.
Word Info
For each word:
- Click the box if you want the information to be included (or if you want to know what it is!).
- Whether you want a Transliteration of the original language word.
- Whether you want its Morphology.
- Whether you want its Strong’s/Louw-Nida Number (not a definition).
- Whether you want a Sense or meaning for the word.
Other References
- Click the box for other References you want to see.
- Click the box if you want references in footnotes to be expanded.
Copy Information window contents
- You can copy the contents of the Information window and then paste it into a (Logos) document or another app.
- Definitions will be expanded if they were truncated (...) in the Info window.
- Category headings are not copied and hyperlinks do not appear if you paste to another app.
- (Optional) Hold the Ctrl key down as you move the mouse away from the word you hovered over.
This keeps the Info window from changing as you move your mouse. - In the Info window, expand the categories you want to be copied.
- Click on Copy in the toolbar.
- Paste into your document or other app.