Graph Bible Search Results
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The Graph Bible Search Results tool is a window which can be accessed from Bible Word Study translation ring sections and from Search tool when using Bible or Morph methods. Within that window you can select from 4 methods to show your graph results: Results Map, Bar Chart, Column Chart and Pie Chart. These graphs can show you where your search word/phrase was found in the different books of the Bible, as well as give you specific number of times that it was found.
When selecting the Graph from the Bible Word Study (BWS) translation section, the graph tool will only show you the results for the specific Bible that you had selected in the BWS section. But when selecting Graph from the Search tool using Bible or Morph and selecting multiple Bibles in your search then the Graph tool allows you to select from multiple Bibles in the toolbar of the Graph window.
The Graphs can provide you a wealth of details about the frequency and locations of your search word(s) in books of the Bible. When starting the graph from the Search tool you can also compare how many times your word(s) were found in different translations. If you search for original language words you can also see how many times they are found in different books (e.g. greek word in New Testament and LXX). When using the Bar & Column graphs you will find a section of the toolbar enabled which allows you to select a statistical method to apply to your search results.
When the Graph window opens you will see a ribbon of graph icons at the bottom of the window. To select a graph method simply click on one of the graph icons at the bottom. Please be aware that if you have several books or if your word(s) is very plentiful that it may take several seconds for Logos to populate the graph, be patient.
Graph methods in the Graph window
(when multiple Bibles are mentioned below, it refers to when starting the graph from Search)
Method | Details |
 | Shows you at a glance all the hits for each book of the Bible for the selected Bibles |
 | Allows you to select from various statistic methods from the toolbar and displays them in horizontal bar chart. You can also select which Bible(s) to include. |
 | Allows you to select from various statistic methods from the toolbar and displays them in a vertical bar chart. You can also select which Bible(s) to include. |
 | Shows you the number of hits per book of the Bible. This shows only one Bible at a time, but you can choose which Bible that you want to use. |
Toolbar items
The toolbar items in the Graph window are enabled/disabled depending on which graph you are viewing. Details on toolbar items is covered below for each of the graph types.
Opening the Graph Bible Search Results window
You can open the Graph from two different Logos tools: Bible Word Study translation sections or the Search tool. How to do this from each tool is shown below:
Opening from Bible Word Study
You can open the Graph tool from inside the Translation sections of the BWS.
In one of the above sections of the BWS you will see a small bar graph in the upper right corner (as shown below). Simply click on the bar graph and Logos will open your Graph.

Notice that when you open a Graph from the BWS that only the book that you had selected in BWS is used in the graph.

When you use the Bible or Morph search methods in the Search tool you will see the Graph results button appear as shown below. Simply click on it and Logos will open a Graph window for your word(s). Logos will use the books that you selected in your search and make them available in the graph window. So try searching for an English word in a Bible and select Top Bibles (this is one of my Collections, you could choose All Bibles if you don’t have this collection) in your search, then select the graph button and you should notice multiple Bibles shown in various graphs. To better control which Bibles that are included I suggest using Collections or Tagged books.
In Search window click Graph results

Logos opens your graph window, notice the books are those you had in the search window.

The Results Map graph
The Results Map graph shows you at a glance where all of your hits are for your search word(s) in each of the Bible books. Its window has 3 main block in it: Old Testament, New Testament, and legend. You should also notice that when you move the cursor in a the graph (not over a hit marker) that you see a hand cursor. This graph is user interactive and allows you to zoom/pan to desired location on the graph. The zooming/panning work much like a few other tools in Logos. If you roll the mouse wheel over the graph it allows you to zoom in/out over the area where your mouse is located. If you left click and drag you can pan (reposition) the graph within the window. This graph also has an interesting feature, it shows you verses in which your word(s) occurs more than once with different gradients of color.

A. Click on this icon to select the Results Map chart.
B. This block shows the Old Testament books sectioned out in a literary alignment.
C. This block shows the New Testament books sectioned out in a literary alignment.
D. This is the legend for the hits found in each of the books in the other two blocks.

a. Bible translation are identified by different colors.
b. The density of hits for your search word(s) is shown by darker shades. The darker the shade the more times your word was found in that verse. The number indicates the number of times your word(s) was found in a specific verse for this shade.
c. You will see these hash marks identifying your hits in the sections of the Old & New Testament blocks in the graph.
E. When you hold your mouse over the hash marks in the graph Logos will show you the verse in which your word(s) hit are found. It also shows you the scripture reference for the verse associated with that hash mark.

a. You will quickly see that it is difficult to place your mouse over individual hash marks in the graph. So you will need to zoom in on the graph to more easily position your mouse over the hash mark. You do this by rolling your mouse wheel over an area of the graph.
b. You will also want to be able to reposition the screen after you have zoomed into an area. So press the left mouse button on an area of the graph that you want to move and keep the button down, then with the button down move the mouse. The graph image will relocate as you move your mouse with the left button down.
F. If you have opened the Graph window from Search and searched more than one Bible, then you can click on the Bible in the toolbar and in the drop down menu you can click to check/uncheck which Bibles that you want shown in the Results Map graph.

The Pie Chart graph
The Pie Chart graph shows you all the hits for your word(s) as they are found in a single Bible.

A. Click on this icon to show the Pie Chart.
B. If you have opened the graph window from the Search tool and have searched multiple Bibles, then you can click on the Bible in the toolbar to select which Bible that you want to be used in the pie chart.

C. You can choose to use Color or Gray scaling for the Pie Chart.
D. This is a legend to identify the color for each Bible book in the Pie Chart.
E. If you hover your mouse over a slice in the Pie Chart you will see a pop-up box identifying the Bible book and the number of hits for your search word that were found in that book.
Printing/Exporting the Graphs
You can print/export your graph by clicking the window’s icon in the upper left corner of the window (see image below). In the drop down menu click on Print/Export or from your keyboard press the key combination Ctrl P(Mac users press Cmd P).

Then Logos will open the familiar Print/Export window. The options are shown below:

Print as shown on the Screen
This option will print your graph like you have it shown in the Graph window. But this will vary from graph type to graph type. For instance if you are using Bar or Column then Logos will spread your graph across multiple printed pages.
Print as exported
This option basically prints your graph as a picture. This works fine for graphs which can show on a single page (Results Map or Pie Chart). But when you use the other graphs and there are numerous pages, then you will see a very small single image on the Print/Export window.
Using Excel to print your graph
When printing some of the graphs you may discover that the information that is printed or exported to Word is too small as shown below

Or you may at times want to print only a portion of a graph (e.g. certain books of the Bible from a Bar or Column graph). You can use the Export options in the Print/Export window to send the graph results to an Excel spreadsheet. Logos will populate the spreadsheet with values. Then you could use the graphing functions of Excel to create your custom graph.

Export image using Right Click
You can quickly send your graph’s image to the clipboard, file, Power Point, or printer by right-clicking on your graph.

a. Hover your mouse over the graph and right-click.
b. Then you will see a pop-up menu. Simply click on where you want your graph image sent.