Using Library
See Also
FAQ on Resources
Updated for Logos version 24+
This wiki article describes the features of your Library, how to organize it, how to find books and how to add books.
Page Contents
Your Library
Opening the Library window
There are several methods that you can use to open the Library window.
- Opening as a Drop Down
Click on the Library icon in the main toolbar. A large drop down showing your Library will appear.
This allows you to use the Library without opening a window.
When you have finished, just click outside the Library drop down and it will close. - Opening using Drag & Drop
In the main toolbar, click on the Library icon and drag it to the new location, which can be a new tile or a new panel (tab).
- Opening using the right click method
In the main toolbar, right click on the Library icon.- Open (default) will essentially open a first copy of the Library in a tab.
A mouse double-click will also use this mode. - Open in a new tab will essentially open a second (2nd) copy of Library in a new tab.
- After either operation, you might want to move the tab to a better location using Drag and Drop.
- Open in a floating window can open multiple copies of Library in a floating window.
- The keyboard Ctrl+L can also be used for this.
The Library’s toolbar
- Sidebar: This opens/closes a pane on the left side of your Library window.
- Find box: Use this to filter books in your Library.
- Library: select this to view your books.
- Add to Library: select this to purchase books or add to your print library
- Store in Logos 9 (to purchase books).
- View method:
- Details
- Tile
- Cover
- Sidebar/Information: This opens/closes a pane on the right side of your library window (previously used for Information only).
- Menu: From this you can select:
- Prioritize Books
- Information
- Print/Export.
How many books are in my Library?
- The number of books appears below the toolbar, when the Library is not being filtered.
- If you chose to install a smaller/recommended number of resources, the Devices facet
will tell you how many books are “Not on This Device” and how many are on “This Device”. - If you have books listed as “Not on This Device”, they can be downloaded as follows:
- click Not on This Device
- select the required books e.g. via Shift+click
- Right-click and select Download
- If you want to remove some books (as opposed to hiding them):
- click This Device
- select the required books
- Right-click and select Remove from this device
- They will be physically removed, and listed as “Not on This Device”.
- OUTSIDE Library and Search, Logos only works with books that are on This device.
Opening a book from the Library window
In Details view:
- Locate the book that you want to open.
- Click on its Title and it will open in a tab (you can click its image in other Views).
Or - Right click on its Title if you want to control how the book is opened:
- click on Open in a floating window if that is what you want.
- click on Open in a new tab to open a 2nd copy.
- If the book opens as a preview, then it is not on your device.
If required, it can be downloaded by clicking on the Download now button.- this can be avoided if you filter Library by clicking This Device (under Devices).
Organizing your Library window
Available Columns in the detailed view
This section will briefly describe each available Heading column.
Rank | When shown, this column indicates how closely any found books match a filter query.
It works best when filtering for Title or Author, so the rank from a Type filter will be somewhat arbitrary. |
Reading Status | Full green circle = Finished, else green/grey indicates percentage Read |
Image | the book’s cover image (shown at far left) |
Type | the type e.g. Bible, Monograph, Encyclopedia |
Title | the Title, which you can change in the Information pane |
Abbreviated Title | an Abbreviated or Short title, which you can set/change in the Information pane |
Alternate Title | an alternative title (not used consistently by Faithlife) |
My Tags | tag(s) that you create; see Tagging |
Community Tags | tags assigned by other users.
Requires Show Community Tags |
Rating | a user star rating (integer 1 to 5), or community rating (dark grey stars) if no user rating.
Hover to see the community value (decimal), which requires Show Community Ratings. |
Languages | usually the language in which a book is written
e.g. where a Greek Lexicon is written in English, “Greek” will be part of its Subjects. |
Author | the Author(s) |
Publication Date | the date the electronic version was Published |
Publication Date | publication date of the paper book from which this version was made |
Publisher | the Publisher |
Series | the series or collection of which the book is a part e.g. Tyndale Commentaries, Pulpit Commentary.
You can set/change this using the Information pane. |
License | shows whether the license is Permanent or Temporary |
Subjects | one or more Library catalog subjects e.g. Bible.N.T.John |
Last Updated | the date the book was last updated in your Library (defaults to when it was added/installed).
Sort this to see recently updated books. |
Devices | shows the mobile devices (if any) on which the book has been downloaded. |
Edition | shows who created the book: eBook, Logos Research, User Created (or Personal Book). |
Last Accessed | shows when the book was last accessed. |
Most Used | Ranks books by usage; where 1 = most used |
- To change which columns appear or do not appear on the Heading row:
- Right click in a column on the Heading row.
In the drop down list click to check or uncheck a column item.
You can hide the book’s cover image by unchecking Image in the drop down list. - You can drag the column to a new location.
- You can resize a column by grabbing the vertical bar on the column and dragging it.
Sorting and Grouping resources
- Column headers can be used to sort or group Library content in the Details view. By default, the Library opens sorted by Title.
- Clicking a column header will either sort or group the content.
A further click will reverse the sort order (groups included), as indicated by the small arrow in the column header.
If content is grouped, another click will collapse the group. - You can sort on multiple columns:
- click on a column header
- shift-click another header to create an additional level of sorted content
- shift-click again to change the sort order.
- a further shift-click will remove the sort level.
- Library columns for Title, Abbreviated Title, Alternate Title, Last Accessed, Last Updated, Publishing Date,
Electronic Publishing Date, Rating, and Most Used are sorted.
The column for cover Image is sorted by Title.
- These books are grouped by Series
- Click on a group header to show which books are in that Series e.g. Bible Study Magazine
Click on the group header to collapse it. - The double hyphen symbol (—) at the top represents books that are not part of a Series.
This is useful when you group My Tags, as it lets you see books which you have not tagged.
- click on Type column
- click on Bible group header
- shift-click on Reading Status (first unnamed column)
- click on Reading group header
- shift-click on Languages column
- click on English group header
- shift-click on Series column
- click on a Series group header e.g. “The King James Version with Apocrypha”
Filtering resources in your Library
Using the Sidebar to filter resources
The sidebar utilizes faceted browsing to filter the books in your Library.
Some of the columns available in Details view cannot be filtered here, but they can be filtered from the Find box.
Note: you will usually want to know about the books that are on your computer, so you should first filter by
Devices > This Device if you have anything listed for Not on This Device.
To refine the filter, select Divinity, or an attribute of Type (for example).
To remove a filter, click its x in the row above the Sidebar.
To remove all filters, click All in that row.
Using your Collections to filter resources
- Click on Collection in the Sidebar, and select a collection.
The results reflect books that are on your device, and a collection will not be listed unless this is true.
Using the Find box to filter resources
- The Find box can help you find books in your Library; whether on your device or not.
Entering text in the Find box
- First, it is advisable to be in Details view and sort your Library by Title.
- When not using Search Fields (below), Logos looks for your text in the Title, Subject and all other fields.
This method can be quicker than using Search Fields but you will have to manually scan the columns to understand the results. - Logos finds results even if the search text is just a part of an actual word.
- for an exact match put a single word into quotation marks e.g. “sin” versus sin; where the latter will match sinner, single ...
- You may search for strings (words in “quotation marks”) to get better results.
- The wildcard * stands for any number of characters (including zero)
- Just searching for * will list your whole library, which is helpful in constructing “All but...” exclusion searches.
- The wildcard ? stands for zero or one character
- Using parentheses ( ) gives you control over how Logos understands your search text.
- Examples:
- dictionary
In the Library window, you should see several books with “dictionary” in their Title.
But you will also see other books which you would not consider as dictionaries because they have data somewhere that is related to a dictionary. In the next section you will learn how to use Search fields to limit your text to a specific field (column).
Try clicking on different columns in the Heading row and notice how Logos rearranges your list.
- Eric?son
This is useful if you can’t recall whether Erickson was spelt with “c” or “ck”.
Search Fields that you can use in the Find box
Search fields are extremely useful when you want to filter Library for a specific set of books.
Most of them are associated with the columns in Details view and are listed in the table below:
- A Search Field in italics does not have an associated column, otherwise it is the sme as the Column name.
- Field Syntax shows what you must enter in the Find box (or the Rule box of a Collection).
- Extension Syntax is the syntax for an efficient exact match that is availbale on some fields.
Search Field | Field Syntax | Extension Syntax | Example / Comment |
| | | |
Reading Status | — | {ReadingStatus} | Has values Unread, New, Reading, or Finished e.g. {ReadingStatus New} |
Type | type: | | e.g. type:"bible commentary" or type:bible-commentary |
Title | title: | | e.g. title:Matthew-An-Introduction or title:"Matthew An Introduction"
Note that the colon after Matthew has been omitted. |
Abbreviated Title | abbrev: | | e.g. abbrev:TNTC-Mt |
Alternate Title | alttitle: | | Not used in the App; usually lengthy |
My Tags | mytag: | {MyTag} | User tags e.g. mytag:creation, {MyTag "Creation"} |
Community Tags | communitytag: | {CommunityTag} | requires Show Community Tags = YES. Shown in book’s Info page. |
Combined Tags | tag: | | same as mytag: unless Show Community Tags = YES |
Rating | myrating: | | a user rating (integer 1 to 5). Use 0 for unrated e.g. myrating:4, myrating:>0 |
Community Rating | communityrating: | | (decimal value) Requires Show Community Ratings = YES.
The value is shown on hover in the Book’s Information page e.g. 3.3 |
Overall Rating | rating: | | (integer) Same as myrating:, but it will reflect the Community Rating
if the book is unrated by the user e.g. rating:>=3 |
Languages | lang: | | e.g. lang:English, lang:German |
Author | author: | {Author} | e.g. author:"don harris", {Author "Harris, Don"} |
Electronic Publication Date | epubdate: | | e.g. epubdate:2017, epubdate:<2017 |
Publication Date | pubdate: | | e.g. pubdate:2017, pubdate:>2017 |
Publisher | publisher: | {Publisher} | e.g. publisher:crossway, {Publisher "Crossway", "Crossway Books"} |
Series | series: | {Series} | e.g. series:tyndale |
License | license: | | Has values Permanent, Temporary e.g. license:temp |
Subjects | subject: | {SubjectGroup} | subject: is more flexible whilst {SubjectGroup} is more precise —> see Examples below. |
Last Updated | updateddate: | {UpdatedDate} | See this forum post e.g. updateddate:<greater Sept 19, 2020>.
{UpdatedDate} uses year, month, or day values e.g. {UpdatedDate 2m} —> within the last 2 months |
Date Added | addeddate: | {AddedDate} | Same format as Last Updated e.g. addeddate:<less Sept 19, 2020>
{AddedDate 6d} —> within the last 6 days |
Devices | device: | {Devices} | e.g. device:"Galaxy A13", {Devices "Galaxy A13"}. |
Edition | edition: | | Has values “Logos Research”, “Logos Reader”, “User Created”, ebook
e.g. edition:user, edition:logos —> for either Logos edition |
Collection | — | {Collection} | {Collection "Greek Bibles – TR"} |
| | | |
- When using Search Field: syntax
- make sure there are no spaces between the field name and the colon.
- when you enter the text to search for, make sure that there is no space after the colon e.g. title:dictionary
- enclose multiple search words in quotes, or separate them with a hyphen (with no spaces):
title:"biblical languages" or title:biblical-languages - non-alphabetic characters can be omitted:
- title:"Matthew An Introduction" instead of title:"Matthew: An Introduction"
- Quotes imposes an exact match on words:
- title:"matthew henry" will not find “Matthew Henry’s” commentary.
Use title:"matthew henry's" or title:"matthew henrys".
- You can use partial words and/or wildcards as a convenience, or when your quoted words are not found:
- title:matthew-henry or title:"matthew henry*"
- You can use operators and parentheses for complex expressions.
- Examples:
- title:"holman bible"
This will find books with “Holman Bible” in the title.
But “Holman Concise Bible Commentary” will be not be included, because Concise splits the words in our search term. - title:holman title:bible
This will include “Holman Concise Bible Commentary”, because both words are in the title. - publisher:nelson title:king
Adding title:king restricts the books published by Thomas Nelson to those with king in the Title (full and partial words). - subject:Bible.O.T.Psalms or subj:Bible.O.T.Psalms
Note that subject can be abbreviated. - author:"Harris, Don" or author:"don harris"
They give the same result, whilst author:harris is not sufficiently unique. - addeddate:<Oct 2018>
This will find all books that were added to your machine in October, 2018.
This is distinct from updateddate:<Oct 2018>, as these books may have been added to your machine in October or earlier.
- When using the {Extension Field} syntax
- Note that this syntax is primarily intended for use in Collections, because it is much more efficient for repeated use.
- The field name should be followed by a space, and then a value that must be enclosed in double straight quotes e.g. {Publisher "Crossway"}
- The value entered must be an exact match (including punctuation) for the desired value.
For that reason, it is advisable to copy values where possible. - If a value contains double straight quotes, they must be escaped with extra double quotes e.g. Definite "Value" ==> "Definite ""Value"""
- Multiple values can be supplied by separating them with a comma (,) e.g. {Publisher "Crossway", "Lexham Press"}
- You can use None or Any with a field e.g. {MyTag None}, {Series Any}
- Wildcards are not supported.
- Examples:
- {Series "Barnes’ Notes on the Old and New Testaments", "Wiersbe’s “Be” Series"}
It is best to copy these Series values.
Barnes has a closing curly single quote
Be has curly quotes, so it doesn’t need to be escaped. - {SubjectGroup "Bible O.T.--Psalms"}
Note how this is derived from the value Bible.O.T.Psalms in Library.
Being more precise, values like Psalms 1-72 are excluded. - {SubjectGroup "Bible O.T."}
This is the same as subj:"Bible.O.T." - {Author "Barnes, Albert"}
This has to use the value you see in the Author column as "Barnes Albert" will not work. - {AddedDate 1y}
This will find books added within 1 year of the current date.
Using Operators in the Find box
- You can use boolean operators like AND, OR, ANDNOT to retrieve books.
- Operators are written in CAPS while the search expressions and fields are not case-sensitive
- AND may be written as the space character, whilst OR may be shortened by using the comma
- Negation (exclusion of results) is effected by ANDNOT, or use of the minus sign directly in front of the search expression.
- Parentheses ( ) can enclose a list of values:
author:(barnes, roberts)- a list can be used inside a phrase; but
- do not confuse it with author:”barnes, roberts”
- Parentheses ( ) is often necessary if you have different operators in your search expression:
(type:glossary OR subject:glossaries) OR (type:manual AND myrating:>2)- do not use characters for operators in this case.
- Examples
- author:barnes, author:roberts
This will find books authored by Barnes or Roberts, but- author:barnes, author:”roberts” is more precise as it will eliminate “Robertson” as an author, whilst
- author:(barnes, “roberts”) is more concise.
- type:bible-commentary ANDNOT author:Barnes or type:bible-commentary -author:Barnes
Either expression will exclude bible commentaries authored by Barnes; whilst- * -author:Barnes will exclude all Barnes’ books in your Library.
- mytag:didache AND lang:greek or mytag:didache lang:greek
Either expression will find the Greek books that you tagged with “Didache”, as opposed to the English language ones
(this tag can be applied to many “Apostolic Fathers” books e.g. Lightfoot’s, Lake’s, ANF7). - title:("Commentary on the old testament", "Commentary on the new testament")
This can be simplified as title:"Commentary on the (old,new) testament".
Using the Information Pane
Titles, Rating, Tags
For single and multiple books, there are wiki articles descrbing how to change Titles, Ratings, and User Tags.
In the next section we will show how to change the Series.
A series identifies a set of books that contain information of the same type (datatype) e.g. bible commentaries, bible dictionaries. The set of volumes may, or may not, be complete but the individual volumes are unique with regard to content e.g. the bible book of John is only in one volume, whilst all volumes may not cover all books of the bible (either by design, or because volumes are published over time).
The Series link in Logos enables the content in all volumes to be accessed from a single tab or lookup i.e. Logos will look for the book of John in all volumes of the bible/commentary series, and present that volume as the result.
You can use this feature to:
- link books that were not intended as a set (a user series) e.g. a NT bible/commentary with an OT bible/commentary.
- associate some volumes of one Faithlife series with another e.g. to complete another Faithlife series.
- change the name of a Faithlife series for your own convenience.
But be aware that:
- a volume/book can only be part of a single series
- a volume of a Faithlife series can only be removed by associating it with another series (renaming).
- if you renamed a Faithlife series, it will revert to its original name when you erase the user series name
i.e. you cannot destroy the original series!
Single book
Open the Information pane after selecting your book:
- Click Set Series and enter your Series name
- To rename the Series, click the name and make your change.
- To remove it from a series, delete the name; then press Enter on the empty box.
- you can’t remove a book from a Faithlife series, but you can rename the series.
Multiple books
Open the Information pane after selecting the books you want to associate:
- Click Set series for all and enter your Series name.
- To rename the Series, click its name and make your change
- To remove a user series, click Clear user series
- a Faithlife series that you renamed will reverts to its original name.
Other info
Hiding books in your Library
- When you hide books, Logos removes them from your hard disk and they will not show in your Library or your Search results.
Even though they are no longer on your hard disk, you still own them and can restore them when you want. - See Hiding Books for details.
How to identify newly updated books
- You can use the column Last Updated to find out which books have been recently updated, which includes any that were installed.
- Make sure you are in Details view.
- If not visible, right click on the heading row and click on Last Updated in the drop down menu.
- [Optional] Drag the newly visible column to a more convenient location.
- Click on Last Updated to sort your library.
- The Last Updated sidebar filter will show which books were updated or installed over a given period of days.
- The Added sidebar filter will show which books were installed over a given period of days.
- But the Find box filters UpdatedDate and AddedDate are more precise (see Search Fields in the Find box) e.g.
- {UpdatedDate 4d}, updateddate:<greater Sept 19, 2020>
- {AddedDate 2m}, addeddate:<less Sept 19, 2020>