You're right, Abram. I had unintensionally left out, 'better than Logos'. My opinion, the full-color maps are not that different (the older Logos4 maps).
And maybe I'm being too picky and too used to modern map detail. That's possible.
Illustration of the detail maps (older McMillan sp?):
Illustration of Less-Ancient Maps in Full-Color (comparable to Logos).
Illustration of More Ancient Maps (far better than Logos, due to location detail):
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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+1 for The Sacred Bridge
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Any official news regarding Carta licensing? Can you tell us whether it's still being pursued, or not possible?
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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No, but don’t post to them, they’ll post to you 🤪
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PetahChristian said:
Any official news regarding Carta licensing? Can you tell us whether it's still being pursued, or not possible?
We're still exploring it. No promises, but it might be possible.
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Thank you, Phil, for the update!
Accordance has had it for over seven years. I really hope something can be worked out to also bring it to Logos.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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Bruce Dunning said:
I use three regularly... I am not saying that one needs to have a second but I always saw it as insurance... I have had times in the past when Faithlife software has failed to work... now these multiple times were occasionally due to my using beta versions but at least one of those times when I had no option (downgrading would have meant redownloading and reindexing (redownloading might have been avoided but I remember at the time I contacted customer service I was told that is what I would have to do). Now even recently I did have an incident where Verbum was not wanting to work offline (my internet is Satellite based and was down from a storm out east). Seeing I have found others reporting this I am guessing that there was a glitch in a stable release since I have not been on beta for years now. Again I used Accordance and Olivetree on that day. Now I did have a time that Accordance failed me too Verbum was there for me that day. Now these incidents are rare but can and do happen. And I am very glad I have options. I admit that a few core resources are duplicated in Accordance/Verbum by me for my own peace of mind. But Accordance has more than a few items you will not find in Logos that are very useful to me. I was an Accordance user before a Logos user since there was no Mac option in Logos. That said I have known many users like myself who use both and have told me how well they feel the two programs compliment each other in their study. For my peace of mind (being an anxious sort) I would never want to have all my study eggs in one basket. Everyone must make their own decisions but for me 2 work out well for me.
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Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Dan Francis said:
I would never want to have all my study eggs in one basket.
I don't see this as a major risk but like you said, each must make that decision.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
I don't see this as a major risk
Neither do I but having experienced software failure (occasionally OS based by an update causing issues). I just prefer a backup... that said If i had only FL I would not say I was exceptionally worried unless that day comes that active internet connection is required.
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Bruce Dunning said:
What’s so encouraging? You’re still at square one and haven’t moved any closer to what you and others want. 😂🤪🤡 I bought mine on sale at Accordance and I’m definitely enjoying them; Especially now that they have improved the way they show graphics on their version of the “sermon editor.”
Anyway, I admire your patience, but I really needed mine and since Logos doesn’t have Carta, I got it from the competition. Great quality stuff!
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DAL said:
What’s so encouraging?
I am encouraged that the door is not closed and that they are exploring it.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
I am encouraged that the door is not closed and that they are exploring it.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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PetahChristian said:
Still hoping that FL can negotiate for first-hand access to Carta within Logos.
Yes, that is my hope also.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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I hope a definite conclusion can be reached soon.
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Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
Thanks for the update Phil. I really hope that you can work something out! Many of us have been waiting years for some positive news about this.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
Lord God, please open the doors for a good outcome to both teams, that we might get access to Carta and Sacred Bridge in Logos!
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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Bruce Dunning said:
Thanks for the update Phil. I really hope that you can work something out! Many of us have been waiting years for some positive news about this.
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
This is such a crucial meeting, as I feel it will either make or break a lot of Logos relationships with their customers, I for one. I've waited for years for good quality maps and yet, Logos promised, but hasn't delivered. I so hope that this meeting will change that.
Thanks, Phil, for letting us know. I'll be praying!
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Logos maps suck period! Even if CARTA got on board, it would still be a quality issue. Accordance has by far the best maps and graphics viewer even in their version of Sermon Editor called Paper 📝
So is not just about selling CARTA is about making CARTA look great and unfortunately that’s something Logos can’t do at this time.
PS. My prediction: “Sorry guys, but an agreement couldn’t be reached with the publisher. We’ll try again in the future, but we won’t pursue this again any time soon.”
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DAL said:
PS. My prediction: “Sorry guys, but an agreement couldn’t be reached with the publisher. We’ll try again in the future, but we won’t pursue this again any time soon.”
DAL, do you mind if I ask you why you seemingly choose to have such a pessimistic view of things? Why not choose to be optimistic and positive?
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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I just choose to be more realistic Bruce, so don’t take it personal. Besides what good will it do to have CARTA in Logos if the quality of the maps will be diminished big time. Just to give you a quick good example: look at the maps of the ESV study Bible in Accordance and then try to look at them in Logos — Accordance makes Logos look like a rookie; and I’m being generous and merciful here.
So, yeah — realistic not pessimistic. 👍😁👌
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DAL said:
Besides what good will it do to have CARTA in Logos if the quality of the maps will be diminished big time.
Maybe that's something Logos will be improving in Logos 8 (he said hopefully....)
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
Great. I'm looking forward to welcome news from both ends.
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DAL said:
I just choose to be more realistic Bruce, so don’t take it personal.
I'm not taking it personally in the least DAL. I have just found in life that it is best to be on the positive side of realism rather than the negative side.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
I'm not taking it personally in the least DAL. I have just found in life that it is best to be on the positive side of realism rather than the negative side.
While the one positive thing is FL must want this if after all these years they are doing another meeting I wouldn't say I am optimistic or pessimistic but after all these years unless something has drastically changed I don't know how hopeful one should get.
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Dan Francis said:
While the one positive thing is FL must want this if after all these years they are doing another meeting I wouldn't say I am optimistic or pessimistic but after all these years unless something has drastically changed I don't know how hopeful one should get.
I am cautiously optimistic but I must say that, if they can't work out a deal this time it would be very disappointing.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
I am cautiously optimistic but I must say that, if they can't work out a deal this time it would be very disappointing.
Oh come on Bruce, now you’re being negative and pessimistic 😜
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Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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I know what you mean Bruce. I’ll keep this meeting between FL and CARTA in my prayers. Hopefully y’all will get your wish 👍😁👌
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DAL said:
I’ll keep this meeting between FL and CARTA in my prayers. Hopefully y’all will get your wish
Thank you, DAL
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
One thing that came into my mind that they (Carta representatives) may require sufficient level of graphics quality and speed of operation in order to maintain their reputation. That may mean that the Logos graphics engine and graphics data/database format must be improved. So it may be a quite complex issue?
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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I doubt this is the issue, but let's wait and hope!
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It's pointless to speculate really we know FL is a tough negotiator to the point that Moody was willing to pull out there products a few years ago. Eventually one or the other side or both moved to restart a relationship with it. The same thing happened with WJKP a few years back (the unfortunate part of that is they never did bring back the Daily Study Bible OT, I use it often and wish i could recommend it to others as a purchasable digital resource). I wish FL well in their pursuit of Carta resources. I am not overly hopeful but for the sake of those wanting them in FL I hope it works out.
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Veli Voipio said:
One thing that came into my mind that they (Carta representatives) may require sufficient level of graphics quality and speed of operation in order to maintain their reputation. That may mean that the Logos graphics engine and graphics data/database format must be improved. So it may be a quite complex issue?
I think the negotiations might breakdown on the hugely fun image flipper that A-Company includes (plus resolution). When I settle down at the local fast-food for a quick lunch, the image flipper is my addiction. Especially the archaeology ones.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
Our team is meeting with their team next week, so we should have some clarity coming out of that meeting.
Any clarity you can share, Phil?
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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It would be nice to hear an update.
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A bunch are on sale at Accordance
Keith Pang, PhD Check out my blog @
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Keith Pang said:
A bunch are on sale at Accordance
It did make me smile that the promotion at the place we're not supposed to mention is called March Mapness [:D]
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They also capitalized on the Now frustration with language which indicates that they read Logos forums...
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Rick (EDIT: who according to his website is Technology Evangelist for Accordance) often posts on these forums as he like many people has both Accordance and Logos software. I have never seen him say a disparaging word about Logos here or even promote Accordance, indeed if memory serves at times when he has posted here and someone inquires about Accordance he directs them to their site not wanting to be seen as promoting Accordance here. I would halfway suspect there are other accordance employees here but none that I know of off hand.
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Bump. I'm very interested in getting this on Logos. I would rather not resort to buying another program just for this resource.
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Michael said:
I'm very interested in getting this on Logos. I would rather not resort to buying another program just for this resource.
Join the crowd! [:)]
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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I’m seeing several cards in his hands. Carta, 2 Tov criticals, and a NETS. Why not dream?
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.