Ready for beta testing: Try out smart Bible search (without a license)
We are excited to introduce users to smart Bible search very soon. We are also excited that alongside the release of this new search mode, we will have functionality in place that enables users without a license to try out smart Bible search! While trying out smart Bible search, it is clearly communicated how many free…
40.0 RC 1 (40.0.345)
To change Logos to the beta channel, enter the command Set update channel to beta in the Command Box. (Please see beta warnings and risks.) To immediately update Logos (if it is already set to beta channel), enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for…
40.0 Beta 3 (40.0.327)
To change Logos to the beta channel, enter the command Set update channel to beta in the Command Box. (Please see beta warnings and risks.) To immediately update Logos (if it is already set to beta channel), enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for…
Ref.ly links in Microsoft Office on Windows
Beginning in v39 Beta 2, we added support to Logos to open ref.ly links directly without opening a browser tab. To do that, we registered Logos in Windows' "Apps for websites" function, which is Microsoft's recommended approach for tools to directly open links that would otherwise go to your web browser. Unfortunately, a…
Feedback wanted: Accessibility and Screen Readers in v40 beta
The Logos desktop team has been working hard to make the application a better experience for keyboard navigability and screen reader compatibility, particularly in the new resource toolbar. We know there is still work left to do, so if you use assistive technologies, we need your real-world feedback on what areas are the…
Changes to logos4 links coming to v39 and v40
Heads up that we'll be removing the ability to create logos4 links in v39 and v40. But don't worry. Existing logos4 links will continue to work, and everything you could do with logos4 links, you can now do with ref.ly links. Here's why we're making the change: For years, ref.ly links have had the same functionality as…
NEW: Textual History in Insights, ready for beta testing on Desktop
To access this functionality, a license is required. If you’d like to participate in testing the recent improvements to Insights, please join this Faithlife group. We’re excited to introduce the new Textual History section in Insights. This improvement brings vital information about the original languages and the textual…
FEEDBACK WANTED: New Resource Toolbar on Desktop
The new resource toolbar has made it to the desktop app and is now available for beta testing in version 36 Beta 3! As we all know, the desktop app has a world of functionality inside it. That is, if you know the right places to click. We often hear that our app is confusing for new users, so we took that feedback, (along…
BUG: Bible references change the font
I'm running Logos 32.0.29 on Mac Sonoma 14.3.1. I fully accept the possibility that I've changed something in settings (it if is, please direct me to the right spot), but can the programmers please flip the switch so that Bible references are not changed to a different font than is used in the note? It's just ugly, folks.…
Possible sync file corruption causing crash (40.0 Beta 1, WIN)
My laptop went into hibernation with the Logos app open. Ever since coming out of that, Logos crashes shortly after launching when online. (Clicking on a different tab in the same panel is all it takes to lock-up then close, though if I wait, it will crash on its own.) It does not crash if I work offline. I don't have any…
Read aloud doesn't read aloud; it just jumps around with indictators but no audio
With the new toolbar (or cmd-R) on the beta in Mac (running MacOS public beta), read aloud does not read aloud (except with Bible that has a recorded voice). When it is supposed to use the system reader, it just begins to jump through the text quickly flipping pages showing indicators but no audio playing.
A problem with Bible smart search
I am using version 40 RC1 and this morning I started getting the following message: —— Did you enjoy your free preview of Smart search, which enabled you to use natural language to search for Bible passages? If you want to continue to use Smart search, you’ll need to subscribe. Alternatively, you can switch back to Precise…
Should changing the Top Bible affect what is shown at the top of a smart-mode Bible Search?
Spell check in Sermon Builder
Is it possible to disable spell check in Sermon Builder? It's incredibly annoying if I'm writing in my language. Each word is underlined with a red wavy line (see picture). I don't hope you would extend Spell check to the Czech language. Therefore, I think this would be a very useful feature for anyone whose native…
Bug Crash Opening Resource From a Link in Logos 40.0 40.0.345 (Update channel: beta)
Opening "Scofield Reference Bible" from hyperlink within "Progressive Dispensationalism" on page 21, causes Logos to crash on Win 11 Laptop.
Logos Will Not Start When Offline
My logs are attached, but it seems like it is hanging up on the citation engine. If I connect to the internet when it is stuck, I have to manually close the program.
Reproducible Crash
Hello Open a PB Bible. Open the ESV in Parallel (the one with RI). Press Command-I for the Interlinear. Logos will crash.
ref.ly links in version 40
From Share > Copy Link in beta 3: https://ref.ly/Re3.15-16;nicnt87rev Whilst understood internally e.g. Command Box, it does not work externally e.g. MS Word From Share > Copy Link in Logos 39.1: https://ref.ly/logosres/nicnt87rev?ref=Bible.Re3.15-16 With the workaround, this now goes thru the web app. What has happened?
Error de navegación en la RVR60
En la RVR60 al querer ir a una cita diferente no dejadejadejadejadeja
Logos 40.0.345 Lock up
Logos locks up and I have to use Task manager to close it. Created a Concordance for the ESV. Sorted to show just English Bible words in Romans occurring 15 or more times. Clicked on Print/Export. The Print/export window opens partially and the program locks up. This is repeatable.
ATTN: Smart Bible Search License Removed from Beta Testing
As each new feature is released to the stable version, we remove it from beta testing. On a slightly different schedule, we have concluded the beta testing for smart Bible search today. This was done ahead of schedule in order to facilitate beta testing on trying out smart Bible search without a license. Thank you for your…
Dragging "Window Panes" books Stop Working - Do Not Symbol
Not sure if this bug has been reported.. I can no longer drag and drop a window within the layout onto the shortcut toolbar. Additionally, I cannot drag saved collections onto +/- these resources. See the attached video.
Bugs in Media in Logos
There are so many quirks to Media. Some of them are legit bugs, I think. I'm currently trying to use some SQUARE aspect ratio slides. 1024x1024. The only way I can do this is by importing a square .PNG file and then placing slide elements on top of them. Here's the bugs: 1. The Sermon Builder display still shows the aspect…
BUG: Panel History forgets it's history
Work for whatever passages, but here's how to reproduce. Start at Genesis 1:1 Go to John 1:1 Hit the back arrow next to the bible icon, going back to Gen 1:1. (John 1:1 is in the history still) Now got to Matthew 1:1 and John is now missing from the Panel History. Windows 11, latest beta.
Rearranging tabs in 40.0 Beta 3 40.0.327
On a Windows desktop, I have lost the capability to rearrange the tabs within a panel, or to position a tab precisely in another panel. My Windows laptop had not yet been updated to version 40. Everything seems normal on version 39.
BUG: Moving forward to latest smart books search from a prior search does not refresh results.
I did 3 Smart searches in Books, in a row. I went back-arrow to the second search, and the results where there. I went back again to the first search, results also there. I went forward one result, results were there. But when I went forward again one more time to the latest search, the search query itself re-populated the…
40.0 Beta 3: New Bug in PBB Resource Linking?
I haven't used PBB in a little while, so I'm not sure if this is a new bug or not. Here's my post from the other forum that I posted before I realized I was on Beta: I am trying to update the Denver Annotated Bibliographies, and one of the things I'm doing this time around is updating all resource linkis to the new URL…
Bug Constant Syncing Logos Bible Study 40.0 Beta 2 40.0.315, Windows 11
Issue was noticed after 40 Beta 2 update, but can't confirm it is a Beta issue. Open Logos or Verbum to saved layout on my laptop, sync completes fine Within a minute or so of working in layout syncing starts and doesn't stop, don't know what caused it to start for sure, it may have been a search I did or opening another…
Checking conditions for a Bible Search to switch from smart to precise mode
The release notes for Logos 40.0 beta 1 have: Bible Search will use the Smart search engine by default, unless you enter Precise search syntax. Entire query parses as a Bible reference. Entire query is in Greek or Hebrew. From testing it looks as though it also switches if the query is in Aramaic. If this is intended…
Constant Sync Error (38.0 Beta 2 38.0.548, WIN 11)
For the past 3 weeks, when the Desktop app launches and when it tries to sync, it results with the the red exclamation mark in the sync icon and the tooltip message, "An error occurred during synchronization, click to try again". Since no one else has reported this problem, I figure it must be my system. To get the results…
Bug: Books Search not switching to precise mode for a search in quotation marks
The release notes for Logos 40.0 beta 1 has: Smart Book or All search with a query entirely wrapped in quotation marks will switch to precise search. The screenshot below shows three searches for a search string in quotation marks (this was done using Logos 40.0 beta 3 on Mac): An All Search A Books Search set to use smart…
Multiple Book View keyboard shortcut not working
As of yesterday, I can no longer use Command-Shift-M to toggle on and off the Multiple Book View. This is frustrating because the new tool bar makes one go through a number of clicks to toggle the view off and on. Please bring back the keyboard shortcut. I'm on a Mac but I believe its Ctrl-Shift-M on a PC.
BUGS in Smart Search
1) When I include a Greek word in a Smart Bible search, my search is automatically changed to a Precise search. Search does not alert me to the fact that it has switched to Precise search, but it does so nonetheless. The release notes say this will only happen when the "entire query is in Greek or Hebrew." Smart All search…
Sermon Builder "Improved Passage Blocks" Comments
Logos Bible Study 38.0 Beta 1 38.0.502 (Update channel: beta) I REALLY like this idea! I never liked how passage blocks changed to quotes before when I wanted to bold some words for emphasis. I also REALLY like the "Go to Passage" option, which was sorely lacking before. Looks like this works for copy/pasting quotes from…
I HATE the new click anywhere in the tab rather than on the toggle
I am constantly doing the following: Select view Select interlinear Turn on toggle Select manuscript/translation Click to be outside selection box i.e. click on empty place on tab turning toggle off Turn on toggle Sometimes I've turned the toggle on 3 times before I successfully get it on - I am not use to tablets/mobiles…
Suggestion: Adjustment for minimum number of highlights for "popular highlights"
In its current form, the Popular Highlights feature is far too sensitive to be useful. It appears to work with as few as 5 people marking a book. This can create clutter, such as the following paragraph, where nearly every sentence is underlined. I have 2 suggestions for how to make this display of popular highlights more…
BUG: Copy/Paste from Resource into Sermon Builder
Logos Bible Study 40.0 Beta 1 40.0.281 (Update channel: beta) With the update this morning, I can no longer copy a quote from a resource (e.g., commentary), and paste it into a sermon document. I've tried Ctrl+C, Right-click→ Selection→ Copy, and nothing works. The only workaround is to select and drag the text to the…
Printing "questions" in sermon builder - prints the whole document
If I type up a sermon document, sprinkle in some questions here and there appropriately tagged as such, include a few handout flags in other places and then go to …. Select the question "tab" Export>print The whole document prints, not just questions. This has been going on for awhile, I've been working around it by using…
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Desktop
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
Will Smart Bible Searching be included in Inline Search?
With Logos 40 introducing a smart mode for Bible Searches, will this be extended to an Inline Search of a Bible? More generally, will it be extended to Inline Search in other books? (I can see less of a need for it there)
BUG: On/Off Toggle for Multiple Book View Unchanged
I was remembering this morning that there was talk of adding a shortcut for Add parallel text. While none yet exists, I went to the imo vastly improved on/off functionality to remind myself that things are getting better… only to find that "Add parallel text" had been seemingly ignored. Please expand the clickable zone to…
Desktop beta 40.3 released but no release notes
Desktop beta 40.3 released but no release notes This post may get old pretty soon but I felt compelled to note this in the event the release notes were overlooked. (Edit: It got old already) If they are now posted please avert your gaze from this post. For your convenience:
Logos hangs by opening from the Store
Close Logos Click on Logos hangs. You can see not loading correctly.
Searching results vs. Factbook results from books in my library problem
So I am not sure how "Books from your Library" section in Factbook works? I have done some Factbook searches that show no results in that section, yet there are lots of results in my library. I am thinking I don't understand what this Factbook section is meant to display? Example: Using "Macedonia" the place….. Imagine…
Custom Guide: Concordance Broken
Not sure if there is another post, my previous custom guides and my new guide which use the concordance feature only show "Prayer." There was 47 items in the concordance list and now they are all gone but prayer. Any insights? Here is the complete list of the 47 that was once available:
40.0 Beta 2 (40.0.315)
To change Logos to the beta channel, enter the command Set update channel to beta in the Command Box. (Please see beta warnings and risks.) To immediately update Logos (if it is already set to beta channel), enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for…
BUG: Text comparison became unusable
In testing this morning, I did have an issue with a crash that was not repeatable - a fact that may or may not be related. When I went to use the text comparison tool, it fails to paint the correct panel (notice missing list of sources to compare). This is endless repeatable even across a restart. Too bad I need to run a…
Crash when entering a "nearly valid!" Precise Bible search in Logos 40.0 beta 2
I know the release notes for beta 2 have: Smart Search will crash when search terms contain incorrect Precise Search Syntax. but I wasn't sure if this scenario was included so thought I'd mention it. With the Bible Search window set to Smart searching I entered the search string: speaker:jesus addressee:nicodemus and Logos…
Notes using multiple resources
When you read a passage and you get some insight from multiple resources. What do you notes making people do to indicate that you have worked through those resources, so that when you reach that passage again you don't work through the same resources. Please keep in mind I am a mobile web app user and not desktop.
BUG: End button moves to the wrong location in Sermon Manager
Hi there When editing text such as the following in the sermon editor: Pressing the delete key, followed by end positions the cursor between the and new, This is not the correct location. Beta 1 version 40. thanks Paul
Problem with Smart search
Testing the improvements in real life … without seeing much improvement. The question: which manuscripts including Dead Sea Scrolls include the subscription/colophon of Job I also asked for the long form of Job 42:17 with less success - it kept referring to the Testament of Job Removing the reference to the Dead Sea…
Why doesn't textual history know to switch to LXX
I tested with the NABRE to see if Logos recognized LXX in a book that is partially Hebrew and Aramaic based, then I tried NRSV to see if Logos recognized LXX in a pure case. It flunked both tests by failing to provide original language. Come on - you had to know I'd test this.
Why was Sacra Pagina replaced by the Lexham textual notes
Beta 2 added Lexham Textual Notes in the middle of my bibles, before my commentaries in the priority list. This caused my Sacra Pagina priority to be ignored. I removed LTN from the priority list, tried again and Logos still insisted on overriding me. This is not acceptable … or even close to it.
40.0 Beta 1 (40.0.281)
To change Logos to the beta channel, enter the command Set update channel to beta in the Command Box. (Please see beta warnings and risks.) To immediately update Logos (if it is already set to beta channel), enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for…
BUG: Words already added to dictionary not recognized when Sermon document opened (40.0 Beta 1, WIN)
When I open a sermon document, words I have already added to the dictionary have a red line under them, indicating a spelling error. If I click at the end of the sentence those words are in and press the space bar, the spellchecker seems to run, including user-added words, then they are then recognized and the red line…
Download link for Logos 40 Beta 1
Good afternoon! I was on Logos 40 Beta 1 on Mac M3 (ARM). I could not open the app—it would provide the splash screen but not open the app itself. I downloaded the Logos install file, but it was only Logos 39.1. Upon opening I receive the notification that some of my books and documents are not compatible with this version…
BUG Verbum 40.0 Beta 1: Dark mode whites out part of commentary
Looking at Gospel of Mark, Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture on Verbum/Mac - see images, in dark mode the Biblical Background block at the bottom of the screen is unreadable: